Generations for peace
[11/11/2024 10:50] Lucian: Dear Lucian,
Thank you for reaching out. Would you pls share more about your profile, where you work and maybe your website or social media pages to check how can we work together.
Best regards,
[11/11/2024 10:50] Lucian: Dragă Lucian,
Îți mulțumim că ne-ai contactat. Ne-ai putea oferi mai multe informații despre profilul tău, locul în care lucrezi și, eventual, site-ul web sau paginile tale de social media pentru a vedea cum am putea colabora?
Cu respect,
We have visited your website and would like to congratulate you on the remarkable work you are doing.
Allow me to share some information about us:
We would like to inform you that we fund all our actions based on our principles of work, adhering to honest and ethical methods of obtaining funds. This is extremely important to us as we work with the purity of kindergarten children’s souls, thereby implementing the Angelic Cult of Peace.