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    Pentru Spike !

    Pentru Spike
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adipop
    To: Cristina Stroe ; ; Pop Adrian ; D.nul Adi Pop
    Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 12:01 PM
    Subject: Pt Spike

    A young man, 23 years old, goes to the doctor with a fluid throat tumoral mass, diagnosed as a malignant lymphoma. After some weeks from the operation, the throat becomes bigger and the patient cannot not eat. He lost weight, could not work and the doctors said him to definitively stop work, not knowing how much longer he had to live. I was introduced to this case after some days when he could not eat, the parents being afraid that he could die starving. After the first Bioenergetic procedure, the fluid tumoral mass was eliminated and the next days the patient started to eat. The evolution was good, initially with sinusoidal evolution. After some months he completely recovered. At this time, I advised the family that the young man could go back to work. After more than 7 years, he continues to live a life. Of course, at this diagnosis, as in the other situations, there are more cases.

    In a case of acute leukaemia, with retinal haemorrhages and superficial venous thromboses, after a massive intravenous treatment, I have had a confirmation from Switzerland that Bioenergetic treatment was effective. Everything was fine for the young patient untill she found out the diagnosis. At the time when I started to work, she was in treatment and her survival was a big problem. At the family’s question, how much time she had left to continue the medical treatment, the doctors’ reply was clear: 3 to 5 years, if she will live so long. I started my procedures. Very soon, the superficial venous thromboses started to heal, and after a while the process was complete. But this was only an aesthetic result. Then, I could obtain the remission of the retinal hemorrhages, confirmed by the ophthalmologist. Those improvements were due to the Bioenergetic treatment. The disappearance of the malignant cells was due also to the medication. After some years, the patient continued his life normally. She became a student and the parents believe now that their daughter is perfectly healthy.

    A female patient B.M., 22 years old, operated on 2 years before for a breast adenocarcinoma, was admitted with severe spastic paraparesys and hyperesthesia with level T6 – T7, and thoracic spine pain. The symptomathology installed progressively in one month. At admission, the motility of the left foot was abolished. The thoracic spine radiograph showed T5 fracture, with modified bone structure. Surgery was performed and a vertebral alloplasty T5 – T6 with autopolimerizable cement was performed. The operation was completely successful and the spinal cord was liberated. But, at 12 days postoperatory, the patient was still paraplegic. At this point, a Bioenergy procedure was performed and after some hours motility in the right and left foots appeared. Bioenergy can be used as rehabilitation, adjuvant in cancer disease, and to amplify the surgical results.
    At 6 months follow-up, she walked almost normally and returned to work. In cancer, as in other diseases

    With multiple sclerosis, the effects are very good. Cases of severe evolution were ameliorated, after approximately 1 month. Laboratory research should establish exactly mechanisms of action and eventually new and more effective drugs will be discovered.
    I would like to briefly describe a case of a young woman of 34 years old, who came to me with a difficulty in walking (with a stick, for short distances), gait disturbances, urinary and some stercoral disturbances. Her speech was affected. The evolution was progressively bad. I started the Bioenergetic procedures and after approximately 1 month, her walking was better, without the stick, for short distances. The gait disturbances considerably diminished. Her speech was almost normal and the urinary disturbances completely insignificant. The neurologist and family doctor could not believe that it was the same patient. After 2 months she could slightly run, climbing on the mountain (short and easy roads) and the other problems were solved.

    I also can stop the evolution of ALS in onset cases

    Septicaemia, with secondary determinations. I will describe an interesting case. But, attention, please! I advise those thinking only to find a fissure in what I am writing, or to fissure themselves something in the thinking, not to be in a hurry to affirm that someone should try to treat each septicaemia with Bioenergy. I was told by some very close persons, that a relative had been admitted 3 weeks earlier into a hospital of infectious diseases, with septicaemia. After the antibiotic treatment, the doctors considered that she had some chances to be alive, but there were many problems. A secondary determination, intrarahidian, extramedullary had appeared, causing pain to the patient. Much more, she developed liver and renal failure. They had discharged the patient (!), considering that already the admission was very long (!). At this time, under those very bad conditions, I started the Bioenergy treatment. The pain decreased, the patient first able to remain lying in bed, then moving around in bed and finally, walking. All laboratory tests for liver and renal failure proved those problems were solved.

    AIDS. I have recently demonstrated I can destroy HIV in laboratory.
    Experiment 2 - Craiova
    Dr.Lucia Godeanu

    But let us see another case, with spine trauma. A young man, paraplegic from approximately 1 month, asked me if I could help him. Being the first case after such a long sufferance, I said I would try. The procedures were difficult, because the patient had had contractures and could not stay unmoved. The first sign was that he started to sweat under the lesion level. Next, the contracture diminished, then he observed voluntary movements. After some months he could stay on his legs and walk with help. Attention! At surgery, the team mentioned that the medulla was intact. If the medulla is lacerated, no one can obtain something. Anyhow, the patient should arrive in due time. After even 1 month, the chances decrease.


    Abstract of the paper " Cerebral tumour cells damaged by emission of bioenergy" - published in USA-AIM Newsletter Vol1,No2,1998

    Bucharest Neurosurgical Clinic 1 –Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital


    In two experiences the destruction with bioenergy of cerebral malignant tumoral cells (oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma), every one on 24 probes in different dilutions, with witness lot, was successful in vitro. In the first experience, the destruction rate varied between 48.19-100%, depending on dilution, in comparison with 5.66 in the witness lot. In the second experience, was destroyed 77-100% of cancer cells, in comparison with 1.5% in the witness lot. The results were put in evidence with vital coloration, at approximately 10 minutes to the intraoperatory prelevation. In every experience were prepared (by cellular biology specialist M.D.*), plates with 24 wells.


    Experiment 1 - Craiova

    The first experiment performed in Craiova ( Romania) .

    In the beginning in 15 vials the malignant cells were destroyed in more than 40%, at which the destruction percent in vial No 16 should be added (10-15-20% - it can not be stated exactly because we did not have a sample to compare with it, anymore) which we used as blank- witness sample.

    The malignant cells from several vials were almost completely destroyed. The remaining cells left in these vials did not divide themselves in the following days.

    This experiment CLEARLY demonstrated that the action at a distance of 3,000 km from Craiova, performed Dr Liviu Nuteanu, was very strong on the 4 vials on which he performed a direct action. Practically, the experiment destroyed also the blank-witness sample, which was located in an incubator at about 10 cm distance from four vials, and in this action were destroyed more 11 vials found on the next shelf also.

    The cells which were not destroyed in this action that last 9 minutes and 30 seconds, did not proliferate further, and we considered this a great success.

    In this first experiment there were vials in which the tumor cells were almost completely destroyed, thing that gave us great hope.
    La acest experiment nu avem raport si grafice pentru a fi publicate, pentru ca nu am avut o proba martor corecta. Eu am luat hotararea sa consideram flaconul cel mai putin lovit, ca proba martor, sa stim cu aproximatie rezultatul.

    For this experiment we do not have recordings and charts to be published, because we did not have a proper blank-witness sample. I took the decision to consider the least hit vial as a blank, to have an approximate result.

    Experiment 2 - Craiova

    The second experiment, was conducted in another laboratory in Craiova , a few days after the performance of the first experiment.

    An action from Spain prformed for nearly eight minutes, on the 8 vials that contained AIDS infected cells, taken from the freezer.

    This time the two witness samples were brought at a distance of 100 meters away, in order to be sure that no action is performed upon them.

    After three days, the result showed that from all eight vials, the leucocytes infected with AIDS were destroyed in a percent of 7 - 8.5%. For this experiment we have taken measurements by means of the measuring equipment Elysa-Elisei.

    We can not publish this report yet.

    We hope that soon we will complete another three experiments with AIDS, VGB and VHC in the laboratory from Emil's private clinic, then we look for another place in the country or abroad to repeat these four experiments. We have in view to make experiments with other viruses and bacteria also.

    We are willing perform such similar experiences in space too.


    Experiment 3 - Craiova

    We have the results of the second experiment on tumor cell line MDA-MB-231. In attachment you have the "data sheet" of the Promega kit we used.
    - the Seeding of cells in Petri boxes of 6 cm diameter; the equipment used was a Sanyo incubator with carbon dioxide, and the incubation time was 72 hours till the performance of the experiment , period in which the cells reached a confluence of 75%.approximately

    - the number of the Petri boxes which were incubated was five (four for experiment, one for the witness sample).

    - the Culture medium used was DMEM + L-glutamine + non-essential amino acids + vitamins + antibiotics + pyruvate + 5% fetal calf serum
    - the Petri boxes were checked daily on the inverted microscope, in order to assess the pace of development

    - 5 minutes before performing the experiment, all five culture vials were removed from the incubator, and the witness sample was placed in another remote laboratory.

    - the duration of maintaining the vials outside the incubator was about 25 minutes (including the time in which Mr. Nuteanu performed his action from distance)

    - the evaluation of the results was done approximately after 20 hours from the experiment.

    - the culture medium was removed and culture carrier was washed with PBS 2 times

    - the cells were detached using the trypsin process (1 ml trypsin, about 3 minutes, accompanied by the shaking of the vial), the trypsin was then quickly neutralized by adding 9 ml of culture medium

    - In an Eppendorf tube were added 100 microliter Promega reagent (brought to room temperature) and 100 microliter cell suspension from each culture vial.
    - the mixture was vortexed vigorously for 2 minutes in order to obtain the cell lysis.

    - the result (expressed in RLU-units) was determined for each sample by means of Glomax (according to the attached report).
    - Finally,the results were expressed as a percentage, depending on the witness sample:

    I: 7,88%

    II: 17, 90%

    III: 14,32%

    IV: 29,88%

    What is the difference as regards to the first experiment:
    - the culture medium (although with the same final composition) was taken from a new batch prepared before the incubation for almost all the components (vitamins, etc..), and exception made only the pyruvate and calf serum which were taken from other batches.
    - this time the culture vials were Petri boxes and not filter flask sites
    - we did not measure the metabolic activity of the witness before the experiment, we simply considered it as standard, however, its’ appearance was not changed with respect to the morphology and degree of cells’ attachment
    - We did not measure the metabolic activity of the cells after an exposure of 25 to 30 minutes in the external environment of the incubator (theoretically, this does not change)

    After the experiment dated April 23, 2010 made according to the above presented protocol, it can be concluded that the metabolic activity of the cells was diminished to a rate between 7 and 29%. This decrease in metabolic activity is directly proportional to cell stability. Considering the equipment and technique we used, we can not comment about the cells' death (apoptosis or necrosis), the possible mechanisms that led to this, will be the subject of further studies.


    Thu Jul 01, 2010 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

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    OANA GARCEAG: Buna seara
    Pop Adrian: buna
    Pop Adrian: maine vine Nae la mine
    OANA GARCEAG: da..?
    Pop Adrian: vine cu vecinul lui Liviu
    OANA GARCEAG: aha..
    OANA GARCEAG: ati vazut mailurile?
    Pop Adrian: da
    Pop Adrian: le-am postat pe forum
    Pop Adrian: Tatal lui Spike a fost operat la Shanghai
    Pop Adrian: de unul dintre cei mai mari chirurgi chinezi
    OANA GARCEAG: asa, chiar , ce a mai spus dansul.. am inteles ca v-ati intalnit
    Pop Adrian: Spitalul este unul dintre cele mai bune din China
    Pop Adrian: incerc sa-l ajut pe acel Om.
    OANA GARCEAG: ce a spus de Liviu?
    Pop Adrian: a filmat tot ce-am discutat si-i va traduce tatalui sau, care este internat
    OANA GARCEAG: inteleg
    OANA GARCEAG: f bine
    OANA GARCEAG: o idee f buna
    Pop Adrian: si i-am trimis si realizarile lui Liviu
    OANA GARCEAG: perfect
    OANA GARCEAG: chiar ma bucur
    Pop Adrian: sper sa pot sa-l ajut pe acel Om. I s-au dat sperante de 2-3 luni....
    Pop Adrian: eu sper ca sa-l repunem pe picioare
    Pop Adrian: mi-a spus un lucru f important, dupa discutiile noastre.
    OANA GARCEAG: ce sa Liviu, stiti, acel caz cu metastaze la ficat si pancreas, plamani, etc... l-a scos din morti si a trait inca 6 luni dupa
    Pop Adrian: ca ceea ce facem noi trebuie finatat de guvern
    Pop Adrian: pt ca sunt lucruri f importante
    OANA GARCEAG: depunde la ce se referea
    OANA GARCEAG: la clinica , nu cred ca tb finantare de la Guvern
    OANA GARCEAG: neparat
    Pop Adrian: la experimente, la clinica si la institutul de cercetare in domeniul bioenergiei si-a fortelor PSI
    Pop Adrian: vedem....
    Pop Adrian: doresc sa discut si cu D-ul Gen. Chelaru
    OANA GARCEAG: da, stiu
    Pop Adrian: poate ca la lansarile de carte , alaturi de Gen. Streinu, o sa discut despre ceea ce vrem noi sa facem....
    OANA GARCEAG: ok..
    Pop Adrian: Copiii mei sunt cu familiile lor acum la Lumpur Indonesia
    Pop Adrian: sunt in drum spre tara
    OANA GARCEAG: frumos ..
    Pop Adrian: si mi-a spus Catalin ca este impresionat de orasul ala
    Pop Adrian: sunt cu 100 de ani inaintea noastra
    OANA GARCEAG: cred
    Pop Adrian: ca in Hong Kong s-au simtit
    Pop Adrian: problema este ca au reusit ca ijn 20 de ani sa sara de nu stiu cate ori peste nivelul pe care-l aveau
    OANA GARCEAG: si noi la fel...
    Pop Adrian: dar in jos
    OANA GARCEAG: normal
    Pop Adrian: unul din tinerii de care ma ocup, cu care avem 9 stupi, i s-au oferit bani pt 100 de stupi, de un tip....
    Pop Adrian: si ma tot gandesc de ieri ce sa-l indrum.
    OANA GARCEAG: au inceput sa inchida si magazinele de la noi , de la Mall -uri... si in cateva zile , cred ca o sa se inchida si firma cu totul ... e din ce in ce mai bine ...
    Pop Adrian: Madalina, fata de care m-am ocupat 6 ani, zi de zi....i s-au dat acum 5 ani o jumatate de milion de faca atunci am trimis-o acasa sa le faca, in domeniul imobiliar
    Pop Adrian: a avut profit de 1,1 mil. dolari in 3 n-a fost cel mai bine...
    Pop Adrian: interesant ce spui...
    Pop Adrian: vad ca americanii-s pe topogan
    OANA GARCEAG: da... e f bine ..
    Pop Adrian: dar cel mai interesant din ce-au vazut in Asia, copiii de sub 5 ani, facand ghirlande de flori strainilor si le vindeau pe o jumatate de Kg de orez
    Pop Adrian: si erau rugati sa nu dea pe gratis banii, sa nu fie invatati asa.
    Pop Adrian: decat pe munca lor...
    OANA GARCEAG: muncesc de mici..
    Pop Adrian: erau cu sutele, mi-a spus fie-mea....
    OANA GARCEAG: saracii
    Pop Adrian: muncesc de rup pamantul...
    Pop Adrian: si fara mana intinsa
    OANA GARCEAG: nu au nici o copilarie
    Pop Adrian: ma uitam pe unde am fost, erau decat romanii cu mana intinsa peste cand negrii, asiaticii sau altii vindeau cate ceva....orice...
    Pop Adrian: da, copiii fara coliparie
    Pop Adrian: dar uite unde sunt acum
    OANA GARCEAG: corect
    OANA GARCEAG: si eu i-am vazut pe ai nostrii peste tot
    Pop Adrian: la Paris..este groaznic
    Pop Adrian: toate intrarile de metrou si toate trenurile sunt full de romani cersetori si cantareti
    OANA GARCEAG: Viena, Barcelona, Madrid, etc
    OANA GARCEAG: corect
    Pop Adrian: si-n general
    OANA GARCEAG: italienii nici sa nu auda de noi
    Pop Adrian: suntem rusinea europei cu tiganii astia
    Pop Adrian: dar si romanii fura de rup pamantul
    OANA GARCEAG: a lumii intregi , in special a Europei
    Pop Adrian: nu gasesc de lucru si...fura
    Pop Adrian: aproape toti...
    OANA GARCEAG: e mai usor.. si noi suntem experti in asta
    Pop Adrian: nevoia-i invata....dar si lipsa demnitatii.
    Pop Adrian: invatate de-acasa
    Pop Adrian: incerca acum, mi-a venit ideea, cautand solutii pentru acel Om, sa intru in creierul oamenilor si sa blochez zonele neuronaole care-i determina sa se autodistruga
    Pop Adrian: ca pana la urma, suntem ceea ce un om bolnav, asta face...isi alimenteaza boala, prin propria gandire
    OANA GARCEAG: partial , da , este inevitabil
    OANA GARCEAG: totusi am vazut si oameni care nu fac asta
    OANA GARCEAG: subconstientul este mai puternic insa
    Pop Adrian: ti-am spus cele 3 metode pe care vreau sa le facem cu tatal lui Spike. Cu sora lui anul recut a fost mai usor, s-a stagnat ....mi-a spus acum...
    OANA GARCEAG: da, stiu
    OANA GARCEAG: ce mai face dna Nicoleta?
    Pop Adrian: caut sa luam din subconstient cele mai bune metode pentru acest Om
    Pop Adrian: interesant la ea
    Pop Adrian: are un camp f bun si ce a iesit la ultimul tomograf, la palpare nu apare doctorii au chemat-o din nou, ca spun ca s-ar putea sa nu fie nevoie de o a treia operatie
    Pop Adrian: ea are incredere imensa in ce-a facut Liviu si cu ce fac eu acum
    OANA GARCEAG: Liviu mai continua ?
    Pop Adrian: starea de spirit ma intereseaza la ea.
    Pop Adrian: nu stiu cand trec cele 6 luni
    OANA GARCEAG: cred ca va dati seama , chiar daca el nu spune ... se simte
    Pop Adrian: eu stiu cum gandeste
    Pop Adrian: Stie ca suntem pe metereze si ca permanenta cautam solutii de-a duce mai departe ce ne-am propus, ca si asta facem..pana la urma
    OANA GARCEAG: stiu
    Pop Adrian: discut mult cu Mike
    Pop Adrian: am inceput sa percep de ceva Timp ca la nivel Mondial nu se doreste ca sa se gaseasca solutii de insanatosire...
    Pop Adrian: gandesc extrem de nociv...cei de la putere.
    OANA GARCEAG: de acord aici..
    Pop Adrian: perpetueaza prostia unora ca sa fim mai putini....
    OANA GARCEAG: de fapt unii au si recunoscut..
    Pop Adrian: mike mi-a tos spus de anul trecut asta...dar acum prind gandurile unora de sus...
    Pop Adrian: cretini
    Pop Adrian: am vazut si eu cate ceva in acest sens...dar ma refer la cei care-i manipuleaza pe astia care ies in fata
    Pop Adrian: cu ei am ce am...
    Pop Adrian: noi mergem mai departe...
    Pop Adrian: si aia cu Pacea Mondiala, este fundamentala. cu banii de pe inarmare, am iesi in spatiul cosmic si inventica ne-ar da valente nebanuite
    OANA GARCEAG is typing...
    OANA GARCEAG: pauza tel ..
    Pop Adrian: Dar, pana atunci sa fim putem sa facem ceea ce ne propunem
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Pop Adrian: vreau sa caut ceva in creierul uman, care ajuta insanatosirea persoanei respective
    Pop Adrian: o retea neuronala secundara
    Pop Adrian: ii spuneam lui Spike ca doresc sa iau legatura cu inteleptii lor....
    Pop Adrian: Sunt convins ca atunci cand nu uiti SCOPUL NOBIL - apar solutiile...
    Pop Adrian: interesant este ce s-a intamplat cu Bill Clinton
    Pop Adrian: nu l-am uitat niciodata si de cele mai multe ori l-am pus in fata alor mei. Nu stiu de ce am facut asta si de ce mi-am dorit sa ma ocup la inceput de el
    Pop Adrian: Acum, a aparut problema acestui Om.
    Pop Adrian: ii am in minte pe toti pe care-i cunosc ca au probleme si aproape zilnic ma ocup de ei, putin,...dar o fac...
    Pop Adrian: dar cu americanul...a fost ceva aparte
    Pop Adrian: Nu stiu de ce
    Pop Adrian: poate ca era cel mai bolnav dintre toti
    Pop Adrian: trec la sah, cu sebi....

    Show Recent Messages (F3)

    OANA GARCEAG: am revenit
    Pop Adrian: ok
    OANA GARCEAG: sa ma mai tineti la curent cu Spike si ce mai apare nou
    OANA GARCEAG is typing...
    OANA GARCEAG: multumesc
    Pop Adrian: Da
    Pop Adrian: vedem
    Pop Adrian: caut solutii pentru tatal lui.

    Last edited by Adrian Pop on Tue Aug 16, 2011; edited 1 time in total
    Sun Jul 31, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

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    Trebuie tradus si trimis lui Spike.

    Buna Spike,

    Ma bucur mult ca tatal tau se simte mai bine.
    Se vede pe poza acest lucru.

    Continuam sa facem ce-am discutat la Craiova.
    Sa nu uiti sa discuti de cate ori poti cu el despre ce va face in urmatorii 10 ani.

    Multa Sanatate,




    Hi Spike,

    I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    It sees this picture.

    We continue to do what we discussed in Craiova.
    Do not forget to talk whenever he can with what you do in the next 10 years.

    Good health,


    Re: FW: materiale de pe Internet
    Tuesday, August 9, 2011 5:12 PM

    "adipop" <adipop>, "zalmoxa_adipop" <zalmoxa_adipop>


    Hi Adi,

    Yesterday my father (His Name is Pei Ming Yi ) came back to home from the big stomach operation in Shanghai hospital. For this moment, he is feeling better, I think your bioenergetic treatment is working on him. Please see today's photo of him.

    I will keep you knowing his status in the coming days.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    Best regards,



    I will keep you knowing his status in the coming days. = Va voi tine la ştiind statutului său în zilele următoare.


    Subject: Fw: materiale de pe Internet
    Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 23:08:16 +0300

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Oana Garceag
    To: adi pop
    Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:00 AM
    Subject: materiale de pe Internet

    I perform Bionergetic treatments by photo (could be sent by e-mail).
    Please send me a request for any disease and I will reply what I am expecting to obtain with my bioenergetic treatment. Examples of diseases with efficient bioenergetic treatment:

    Multiple sclerosis
    Respiratory diseases: asthma, brochitis, pleuritis, pneumonia, sinusitis.
    Diseases of heart - circulation organs: heart arrhytmia, varicose venous distensibility, vegetative - vascular dystonia, heart infarction, coronary disease, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, miocardia.
    Diseases of digestive system: dystrophia, obstiration, atony of the esophagus and stomach, gastritis, hepatitis, diarea, gall stones, constipation, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitios, liver steatosis, liver cirrhosis, ulcers, diobacteriosis of intestine, dyspepsia, hemorrhagic entherocolitis.
    Septicemia with renal and hepatic fai lure
    Kidney and genito-urinary diseases: glomerulonephritis, kidney colic, pyelitis, kydney insuffiency, pyelonephritis, cystitis, nephrolithiasis, uraemia.
    Nervous diseases: arachnoditis, hydrocephalus, headache, brain stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, vertebrobasilary arterial insufficiency, coma, migraine, neuritis and neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, narcolepsy, neuropatology of the facial nerve, facial paresis “a frigore”, fainting herpes, parkinsonism, sciatica, polyneuropatia, radiculitis, tremor, chorea, cranical - celebral trauma.
    Hematologic diseases: agranulocytosis, anaemia, hemophylia.
    Endocrine and metabolic diseases: complications of diabetes, coma, obesity, increased and reduced functions of the thyroid gland.
    Infectious diseases: after-effects of dysentary – ulcers, hepatitis, different infectious diseases.
    Obstetrics, Gynecology: the threat of miscarriage in case of uterine pregnancy, toxicosis of pregnancy, amenorea, sterility, inflammation of vagine and external genitals, ovary's cyst, climax, genital haemorages, myoma, inflammation of ovaries.
    Ear, throat, nose diseases: adenoids, chronical inflammations, nose bleeding, laringitis, laryngospasm, mastoiditis, nose polypi, sinusitis, pharingitis.
    Eye diseases: atrophy of the optic nerve, astigmatism, blefaritis, conjuctivis, glaucoma, haemorrage of the eye.
    Stomatology: jaw cysts, pulpitis, stomatitis, parodontosis.
    Dermatology: psoriasis.
    Trauma and ortopedic diseases: fractures, streches, scoliosis.
    Degenerative diseases: L.E.D., rheumathoid poliartritis, sclerodermia.
    Rheumatic diseases: joint diseases - artritis, osteoarthrosis, rheumatic diseases of particular soft tissues, tendons, chords, cervical spondilosis.


    Protocol of Bioenergy treatment by photo

    - Please send me by E-mail in a separate attachement a photo with the patient.
    - I will action with Bioenergy on the photo.
    - There are no secon dary effects with my treatment.
    - If before starting the treatment the patient wants more data about it, I will reply quickly.
    - I will announce you after every procedure the day and hour of the next procedure.
    - One procedure take about 10 min.
    - There are 1 to 7 procedures, then it could be necessary only 1 procedure after 1 or aproximately 3 or 6 months or 1 year, depending what I found out to the every procedure and the evolution;
    - There is no dependance from my treatment; even if you will decide to stop the treatment (I have nerver had such situation), the effect will continue.
    - Even if I decide after a period your wife is healthy and no treatment will be necessary, anytime you want I can check her health status.
    - Every patient remains my patient for ever; that mean if you need my treatment after years for other problems I will never refuse to help.
    - There are no interactions with any other treatments.
    - In the time of the procedure the pa tient can feel a little warm, or something unusual, or as a flow; anyhow there is rather pleasant; these aspects disappear after the procedure; the patient can have any activity in this period.
    - I will never present a case without the previous acceptance; nobody except myself will see the photos.

    Some data about bioenergy in cancer

    Description of a case. The female patient B.M., 22 years old was operated 2 years ago for a breast cancer (adenocarcinoma) and was now admitted for spastic paraparesis and hiperestezia, with the level T6-T7 and pain at the toracal spine. This symptomathology progressed in one month. The x-ray spine showed us T5 fracture with modyfied bone structure.
    She received surgery and an alloplasty T5-T6 with autompoliemrizable cement was performed. The operation, was completely succesful and the spinal cord was liberated. But, at 12 days postoperatory, the patient was still paraplegic.
    A bioenergetic procedure was performed and after some hours she start to move her left foot.
    At the 6 months follow-up, she walk almost normal and come back to work.

    Abstract of demonstration in laboratory.
    Cerebral tumour cells damaged by emission of bioenergy
    Author : Nuţeanu Liviu, M.D.
    Summary: In two experiences the destruction with bioenergy of cerebral malignant tumoral cells (oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma), every one on 24 probes in different dilutions, with witness lot, was successful in vitro. In the first experience, the destruction rate varied between 48.19-100%, depending on dilution, in comparison with 5.66 in the witness lot. In the second experience, was destroyed 77-100% by cancer cells, in comparison with 1.5% in the witness lot. The results were put in evidence with vital coloration, at approximately 10 minutes to the intraoperatory prelevation. In every experience were prepared (by cellular biology specialist M.D.), plates with 24 wells.


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    I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    Tuesday, August 9, 2011 9:40 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>

    Hi Spike,

    I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    It sees this picture.

    We continue to do what we discussed in Craiova.
    Do not forget to talk whenever he can with what you do in the next 10 years.

    Good health,


    Buna Spike,

    Ma bucur mult ca tatal tau se simte mai bine.
    Se vede pe poza acest lucru.

    Continuam sa facem ce-am discutat la Craiova.
    Sa nu uiti sa discuti de cate ori poti cu el despre ce va face in urmatorii 10 ani.

    Multa Sanatate,




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    Tue Aug 09, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website MSN Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    Cc: Pop Adrian
    Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:19 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.

    Hi Spike,

    This method of talking to your dad about the future is the most effective of all.In this way they make up the new network able to recover neuronal alone.

    Doctors at Shanghai which they operated were good professionals.Deserves respect.

    I think he day to recover.It is my moral duty to help him. Looks great in the pictures you sent to me today. Glad to see him sitting on the bed.I see that is very determined to recover. That helps enormously.

    Poste joint discussion forum for young people that I do and learn to read and it helps business and her good thoughts.

    Soon I would be happy to see and communicate on messenger.
    ID : zalmoxa_adipop

    Good health,

    ----- Original Message -----
    To: Pop Adrian ;
    Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:20 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.

    Hi Adrian,

    Thank you for your email.

    I am asking my father to think his life in the next 10 years. And I am talking to him you are thinking him everyday. He is very happy about that. So he is asking me to send his updating photo of him to you for your better thinking, please see today's my father.

    I am downloading the yahoo messanger and will contact your ID:, then we can see each other in internet.

    Best regards,



    Buna Spike,

    Metoda aceasta de-a discuta cu tatal tau despre viitor este cea mai eficienta din toate. In acest fel isi formeza noi retele neuronale capabile de-a se insanatosi singur.

    Doctorii de la Sanghai care l-au operat au fost profesionisti buni. Merita tot respectul.

    Eu ma gandesc ca el zilnic sa se insanatoseasca. Este de datoria mea morala sa-l ajut. Arata foarte bine in pozele pe care mi le-ai trimis azi. Ma bucur sa-l vad stand pe marginea patului. Observ ca este foarte hotarat sa se insanatoseasca. Asta il ajuta enorm.
    Postez discutiile comune pe forum, pentru ca tinerii de care ma ocup sa-i invat afaceri citesc si-l ajuta si ei cu gandurile lor bune.

    In scurt Timp mi-ar face placere sa ne vedem si sa comunicam pe messenger.
    ID : zalmoxa_adipop

    Multa sanatte,

    Last edited by Adrian Pop on Tue Aug 16, 2011; edited 2 times in total
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    Adrian Pop

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:34 PM
    Subject: Send some pictures for your father.

    Hi Spike,

    Send some pictures for your father.
    I made Sunday.

    Good health,

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    Adrian Pop

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    Re: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    Monday, August 15, 2011 5:58 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts

    Hi Spike,

    I do not know what your site does not open sent.
    When I opened your mail sent to the site.
    Try now:

    What my dad talking on the net and your pictures are posted on the forum that daily work. It helps a lot.

    Send me your messenger address so I add in my data bank, you can talk to your dad. Mine is :

    I'm glad your dad smile. It is important to always optimistic. That is how all medicines.

    It is good that we see in pictures and think about each other.
    You've sent some pictures last week. I do not know if you have received.

    I translate our messages on the net with two dictionaries:
    Roman - Englez
    Englez - Roman

    Good health,



    Buna Spike,

    Nu stiu de ce nu se deschide site-ul trimis. La mine se deschide site-ul trimis in mailul tau.
    Incearca acum:

    Ce discutam pe net si pozele tataului tau sunt postate pe forumul pe care lucrez zilnic. Il ajuta mult asta.

    Trimite-mi adresa ta de mess s-o adaug eu in banca mea de date, sa pot discuta cu tatal tau. A mea este :

    Ma bucur ca tatal tau zambeste. Este important sa fie in permanenta optimist. Asta face cat toate medicamentele.
    Este foarte bine ca ne vedem in poze si ne gandim unul la altul. Ti-am mai trimis cateva poze saptamana trecuta. Nu stiu daca le-ai primit.

    Eu traduc mesajele noastre cu doua dictionare de pe net:
    Roman - Englez
    Englez - Roman


    --- On Mon, 8/15/11, spike <spike> wrote:

    Date: Monday, August 15, 2011, 3:53 PM

    Hi Adi,

    I don't know why I can not open the website which you gave me:

    Also I can not go inside Yahoo messenger, now I am trying to connect it.

    Now I send the photo of my father which I took in Aug.13th,2011. Also My father is watching your photo everyday.

    Best regards,



    Nu ştiu de ce nu pot deschide site-ul pe care mi-ai dat:

    De asemenea, nu pot merge în interiorul Yahoo messenger, acum am încercat să-l conectaţi.

    Acum am trimis fotografia a tatălui meu pe care am luat în Aug.13th, 2011.

    Deasemenea tatal meu se uita la poza ta in fiecare zi.

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    Mon Aug 15, 2011 View user's profile Send private message
    Adrian Pop

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    Hi Spike,

    I do not know why you can not open web sites sent to me.
    Common with some dictionaries translate messages. Sorry I can not dezchizi our website,
    where messages and pictures of your father.

    Importantly, however, that we can communicate and see through pictures.
    I told you from Craiova energy is infinite.
    Your father has great faith ... and that helps a lot.

    I look at pictures of every day and I want to recover completely.
    They show many people who are close to me and talk to them about your father.
    And their good thoughts helps.

    When will recover 100%, you talk to him to do good business together with some of our
    profits to help other people to be healthy.

    Good health,

    Re: Re: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:23 PM

    Add sender to Contacts
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>, "

    Hi Adi,

    These two days I was in the trip and didn't go to see my father.

    Your pictures are very nice, I passed them to my father just now, I am sure he will
    be happy to see new of you, I think it will be more helpful for him to get more
    energy from you.

    I do not know why I still can not open the website:, and also can not open :
    Roman - Englez
    Englez - Roman

    Best regards,



    Aceste două zile am fost în excursie şi nu au mers să vadă pe tatăl meu.

    Pozele tale sunt foarte frumoase, le-am trecut la tatăl meu tocmai acum,
    eu sunt sigur că el va fi fericit pentru a vedea noi de tine, cred că va fi mai
    util pentru el pentru a obţine mai multă energie de la tine.

    Nu stiu de ce inca nu pot deschide site-ul...


    Buna Spike,

    Nu stiu de ce nu poti deschide site-urile trimise de mine.
    Traduc mesajele comune cu niste dictionare.
    Imi pare rau ca nu poti sa dezchizi site-ul nostru, unde sunt mesajele si pozele tatalui tau.

    Important este totusi ca reusim sa comunicam si sa ne vedem prin intermediul pozelor.
    Ti-am spus la Craiova ca energia este infinita. Tatal tau are credinta mare...
    si asta il ajuta mult.

    Ma uit zilnic la pozele lui si-mi doresc sa se insanatoseasca complet.
    Le arat multor oameni care-mi sunt apropiati si discut cu ei despre tatal tau.
    Si gandurile lor bune il ajuta.

    Cand se va insanatosi 100 %, o sa discut cu el sa facem afaceri bune impreuna si cu o parte
    din profitul nostru sa ajutam alti oameni sa fie sanatosi.


    Wed Aug 17, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    Hi Spike,

    I've added my bank messenger. I'm glad you'll communicate more quickly now. Let's do this because I do not know English and I need time to translate what you write and what I say.

    So I want your dad to recover completely and learn together to help other people who have health problems.

    Your father must have confidence that he will recover 100%.
    And the whole family had to believe it. For nothing in the world do not doubt that your father will recover completely.

    Good health,


    Buna Spike,

    Te-am adaugat in banca mea de messenger.
    Ma bucur ca o sa comunicam mai rapid acum. Sa vedem cum facem asta ca eu nu stiu engleza si am nevoie de Timp sa traduc ce scrii si ce vreau sa-ti spun.

    Asa imi doresc, ca tatal tau sa se insanatoseasca complet si-o sa invatam impreuna sa ajutam si alti oameni care au probleme de sanatate.

    Tatal tau trebuie sa aiba incredere ca se va insanatosi 100 %. Si toata familia trebuie sa creada asta. Pentru nimic in lume sa nu va indoiti de faptul ca tatal tau se va insanatosi complet.

    Multa sanatate,


    --- On Wed, 8/17/11, wrote:

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.
    To: "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>

    Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 5:32 PM

    Hi Adi,

    Just now I downloaded the messager system of Yahoo, my ID is ..., I already added your ID, please check it.

    Yes, when my father will recover 100%, for sure I talk to him to do good business together with some of our profits to help other people to be healthy.

    Best regards,



    Doar acum am descarcat sistemul mesager al Yahoo, ID-ul meu este ...., am adăugat deja ID-ul tău, vă rugăm verificaţi-l.

    Da, atunci când tatăl meu va recupera 100%, sigur am să vorbesc cu el să facă afaceri bune, împreună cu o parte din profiturile noastre pentru a ajuta alţi oameni să fie sănătoşi.

    Wed Aug 17, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.Friday, August 19, 2011 11:59 AM
    From: "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>Add sender to ContactsTo: "spike" <spike>Cc: , adipop@popservice.roHi Spike,

    Traditional Chinese Medicine carved thousands of years to help much in such cases.

    There's the concept:
    Medicinal = Food
    Food = Medical

    I understand that discussions are those of the Chinese Embassy in Bucharest in Romania to be established a University Culture "Zalmoxis - Confucius".

    I want more to study in terms of scientific medicine and traditional Chinese medicine Zalmoxiana. Philosophy and psychology of the two peoples Noble will help more humanity in the coming years.

    Yesterday morning, thinking about your dad, I got the idea to propose to begin to deal with both of Flora. I want him to start a new intellectual activity, to help him remember not to physical problems. I thought the flowers because they fill the soul with joy.

    Zalmoxiana medicine teaches that to treat the whole, that as eye care should not be taken into account without the head nor the head can not be cared for disregarding the body, so care must give him the body along with soul.

    Looking at the picture of your father I feel a little worried, but walking down the street .... that says a lot in that inatosirea's going for good.
    And because I believe that everything starts from the soul, you say your father-and my proposal with flowers. No money is needed to start this activity, but the pleasure of working with them. Subsequently the new system will teach us both what to do in the next 10 years.

    Good health,


    Hi Adi,

    These two days, my father looks a little not happy, because he is not feeling very good in his

    stomach, now he don't feel hungry after eating Traditional Chinese Medicine, also maybe because

    his body is already no stomach. See his picture of yesterday.

    Normally he need to go to hostpital for making very powerful medicine after operation, but I

    worry about his body is too weak and can not get the poweful medicine. Now he is eating

    Traditional Chinese Medicine from herbalist doctor. The herbalist doctor told me he just give the

    Traditional Chinese Medicine to my father to eat for one month, after one month, my father need

    to see the herbalist doctor for checking again, if the medicine is workalbe for him, the herblist

    doctor will continue to treat him by Traditional Chinese Medicine, if the medicine is not

    workable for him, the herblist doctor will say sorry to me.

    I really hope your bioenergy treatment+ Traditional Chinese Medicine will make my father to

    recover 100%.

    Best regards,



    Aceste două zile, tatăl meu nu pare un pic fericit, pentru că el nu se simte foarte bine in

    stomac lui, acum el nu se simt foame dupa ce mananca Medicina Traditionala Chineza, de asemenea,

    poate pentru că trupul său este deja nici un stomac. A se vedea imaginea lui de ieri. powered

    În mod normal, el trebuie să meargă la hostpital pentru efectuarea medicament foarte puternic

    după operaţie, dar eu vă faceţi griji despre trupul său este prea slab şi nu poate lua

    medicamentul poweful. Acum, el este mananca Medicina Traditionala Chineza de la medicul vânzător

    de plante medicinale.

    Medicul plante mi-a spus da doar Medicina Traditionala Chineza la tatăl meu, să mănânce timp de o

    lună, după o lună, tatăl meu nevoie pentru a vedea medic plante pentru a verifica din nou, în

    cazul în care medicamentul este workalbe pentru el, medicul va continua herblist să-l trateze de

    chineză tradiţională Med

    Eu chiar sper tratamentul dumneavoastră bioenergie + Medicina Traditionala Chineza
    va face tatăl meu pentru a recupera 100%.


    Buna Spike,

    Medicina traditionala chinezeasca cizelata in mii si mii de ani ajuta mult in astfel de cazuri.

    Exista conceptul:
    Hrana = Medicament
    Medicament = Hrana

    O sa incerc in Timp sa-ti traduc un material trimis mie de un preot batran - Dumitru Balasa.

    Am inteles ca sunt discutii cu cei de la Ambasada Chinei la Bucuresti sa fie infiintata in

    Romania o Universitate Culturala " Zalmoxis - Confucius ".

    Imi doresc mult sa studiem din punct de vedere stiintific Medicina Zalmoxiana cat si Medicina

    traditionala Chinezeasca. Filosofia si psihologia celor doua popoare Nobile, vor ajuta mult

    Omenirea in urmatorii ani.

    Ieri dimineata, gandindu-ma la tatal tau, mi-a venit ideea sa-i propun sa incepem amandoi sa ne

    ocupam de FLORI. Imi doresc ca el sa inceapa o activitate intelectuala noua, care sa-l ajute sa "

    uite " de problemele fizice. M-am gandit la FLORI pentru ca ele umplu Sufletul de bucurie.

    Medicina Zalmoxiana ne învată ca trebuie sa tratam intregul, că după cum nu trebuie să îngrijim

    ochii fără să ţinem seama de cap şi nici capul nu poate fi îngrijit neţinând seama de corp, tot

    astfel trebuie să-i dăm îngrijire trupului dimpreună cu Sufletul.

    Uitandu-ma la poza tatalui tau ii simt putin ingrijorarea, dar faptul ca merge pe strada....spune

    mult, in sensul ca insanatosirea lui merge spre bine.

    Si pentru ca eu cred ca totul pleaca de la Suflet, spuie-i tatalui tau de propunerea mea cu

    FLORILE. Nu de bani este nevoie la inceputul acestei activitati, ci de placerea de-a lucra cu

    ELE. Ulterior noul sistem ne va invata pe amandoi ce sa facem in urmatorii 10 ani.


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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Cc:; Pop Adrian ; adi pop
    Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 9:15 PM
    Subject: It will be increasingly better.

    Hi Spike,

    Afternoon I made a few pictures of flowers in the courtyard of Sebi.
    That's what I meant. Together with your father to think to deal with flowers in the next 10 years, among others.

    I'll send some pictures of these flowers.
    If you communicate the mess was easy to send more pictures.

    We must take care of your father's body but also his soul.

    While you will learn a metaphysical systems and to better understand how systems work.

    I'm glad your dad feels better.
    It will be increasingly better.

    Good health,


    Dupa-amiaza am facut poze la cateva flori din curtea lui Sebi.
    La asta m-am referit. Impreuna cu tatal tau sa ne gandim sa ne ocupam de flori in urmatorii 10 ani, printre altele.

    O sa-ti trimit cateva poze cu aceste flori.
    Daca comunicam pe mess, era usor sa trimit multe poze.

    Trebuie sa ne ocupam si de corpul tatalui tau dar si de Sufletul lui.

    In Timp o sa invatam metafizica sistemelor si-o sa intelegem mai bine cum functioneaza acestea.

    Ma bucur ca tatal tau se simte mai bine.
    O sa fie din ce in ce mai bine.

    Poti sa-mi explici mai clar despre "profoal ta cu flori"?

    Azi i-am spus tatălui meu: ". Adi este sentimentul ca nu sunt foarte fericit, comparativ cu o zi în urmă, când a văzut fotografia dvs. Adi spune-mi că nu sunt o problemă, va fi recupera 100% sigur pentru repede", această după-amiază tatăl meu se simte un pic mai bine.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: spike
    To: Pop Adrian
    Cc: ;
    Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 6:14 PM
    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm so glad your dad feels better.

    Hi Adi,

    Can you explain to me more clear about " your profoal with flowers "?

    Today I told my father: "Adi is feeling you are not very happy comparing to some day ago when he saw your picture. Adi is saying to me that you are no problem,you will be recover 100% for sure quickly", this afternoon my father is feeling a little better.

    Best regards,


    Fri Aug 19, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: ; Pop Adrian ; adi pop ; Oana Garceag
    Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 11:47 PM
    Subject: Spike, do everything humanly possible to help the dad to recover.

    Hi Spike,

    Dr. Alan Nuteanu and Oana friend of mine and she tries to help us in problem ... your father.
    Here's her message now sent me.


    Hello ! I am friend with Mr. Adi Pop and I also collaborated with Dr . Nuteanu, MD PhD , in treating some pacients having very hard diseases , as cancers , some of them with very good results .

    Also,my father was diagnosed a few years ago with brain cancer and Dr. Nuteanu helped him a lot .Therefore I know very well how hard is to fight for life and I also witnessed how bioenergy can improve or heal in this case .

    Together with Mr Adi we try , here in Romania to lay foundations of a modern clinic of Alternative Medicine in order to treat pacients with severe diseases.It's a project we decided to strongly take into consideration , after me and Mr Adi saw the results of the effects of "in vitro" and "in vivo" of bioenergy .

    I follow on the forum the case of your father and I wish him complete recovery .


    Oana Garceag

    Fri Aug 19, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
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    It will be increasingly better.
    Saturday, August 20, 2011 8:44 AM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "adi pop" <adipop>,

    Hi Spike,

    It is important that your father to give broad consent of the start
    me to take care of flowers in the next 10 years. If you have another idea
    gladly look into.

    Start now and I show him doing in the field of flowers. And if he likes later
    will we do together.

    As I said, I want to not think about health problems and begin
    free to take its time with something nice.

    Last night I sent a message from Mrs. Oana Garceag.
    Let me know if you received.

    Told in Craiova help that I gave Dr. Liviu Nuteanu,
    My view on the issue. He is highly trained in the field of bioenergy.
    I sent you some emails have gone to China with his achievements.

    Why we can not communicate on the Messenger?
    Communication is faster.

    Good health,


    Hi Adi,

    Thank you! I received the pictures of flowers you which sent to me.

    "Together with your father to think to deal with flowers in the next 10 years,
    among others." Do you mean I need to ask my father to see the flowers and think
    the flowers in his mind? or I need to ask my father to plant the flowers himself
    in the next 10years?

    Best regards,


    "Împreună cu tatăl tău de a gândi pentru a face faţă cu flori în următorii 10 ani,
    printre altele." Vrei să spui am nevoie pentru a cere tatălui meu pentru a vedea
    florile si cred ca florile în mintea lui? sau am nevoie de a cere tatălui meu de a
    planta flori însuşi
    în următoarele 10 ani?


    Important este ca tatal tau sa-si dea acordul favorabil de-a incepe
    cu mine sa ne ocupam de flori in urmatorii 10 ani. Daca are o alta idee,
    cu placere o analizam.

    Deocamdata incep eu si-i arat ce fac in domeniul florilor. Si daca-i place, mai tarziu,
    o sa ne ocupam impreuna.

    Asa cum ti-am spus, doresc sa nu se mai gandeasca la problema de sanatate si sa inceapa
    sa-si ocupe Timpul liber cu ceva FRUMOS.

    Aseara ti-am trimis un mesaj de la Doamna Oana Garceag.
    Sa-mi spui daca l-ai primit.

    Ti-am spus la Craiova de ajutorul pe care mi l-a dat Dr. Liviu Nuteanu,
    referitor la problema mea cu vederea. El este extrem de pregatit in domeniul bioenergiei.
    Ti-am trimis cand ai plecat spre China cateva emailuri cu realizarile lui.

    De ce nu putem sa comunicam pe Messenger ?
    Este comunicarea mai rapida.

    Sat Aug 20, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    Re: Spike, do everything humanly possible to help the dad to recover.
    Saturday, August 20, 2011 1:21 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "spike" >

    Hi Spike,

    It is normal for people to help each other when one of us have problems.
    I am convinced that all who read our message forum, help a good thought.
    How and Oana said, trying to do a clinic and research institute in the field of bioenergy, because Dr. Liviu Nuteanu is among the most gifted bioenergeticieni world. These new instututii will bear the name of Liviu Nuteanu.

    I had other pictures of the flowers in the yard cava our carcases.
    You send them your father.

    I've dealt with flowers so far, but I might I consult with her dad.

    I do not know if your father stand with you, or out with you .

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    Spike Pei appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to Spike Pei's mobile phone.
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    Spike Pei: Hi Adi
    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike

    Good health,

    Este normal ca oamenii sa se ajute intre ei cand unul dintre noi avem probleme.
    Sunt convins ca toti care citesc pe forum mesajele nostre, ajuta cu un gand bun.
    Cum a spus si Oana, incercam sa facem o clinica si un institut de cercetare in domeniul bioenergiei, datorita faptului ca Dr. Liviu Nuteanu este printre cei mai dotati bioenergeticieni din lume. Aceste noi instututii vor purta numele lui Liviu.

    Am facut alte cava poze la florile din curtea noastra de la Carcea.
    O sa le trimit tatalui tau.

    Nu m-am ocupat de flori pana acum, dar o sa invat si-o sa ma consult cu tatal tau.

    Nu stiu daca tatal tau sta impreuna cu tine, sau in oras cu tine.

    --- On Sat, 8/20/11, spike <spike> wrote:

    From: spike >
    Subject: Re: Spike, do everything humanly possible to help the dad to recover.
    To: "adi pop" <adipop>, "" <>, "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>, "adi pop" <adipop>, "Oana Garceag" <ogarceag>
    Date: Saturday, August 20, 2011, 10:14 AM

    Hi Adi,

    Thank you the message of Mrs. Oana Garceag.

    Thanks very much for Mrs.Oana tries to help my father also.

    I am very appreciated it !

    Best regards,


    Sat Aug 20, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Location: Craiova

    Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Cc: Oana Garceag ; ; Pop Adrian
    Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 6:06 PM
    Subject: Re: Re: Spike, do everything humanly possible to help the dad to recover.

    Hi Spike,

    Interesting idea of Spike. I've thought about this possibility. Human health is the most important reason why energy-informational medicine should be continuously studied scientifically.

    I'll do everything we can to recover your dad 100%.

    I have sent back pictures of flowers for your dad.

    Is able to use a computer, we can communicate both? Discuss with you on messenger, when we see you there.

    Success in business in Denmark.

    Good health,



    Buna Spike,

    Interesanta idee ai Spike. Nu m-am gandit la aceasta posibilitate. Sanatatea oamenilor este cea mai importanta, motiv pentru care medicina energo-informationala trebuie studiata continuu in mod stiintific.

    O sa facem tot ce putem ca tatal tau sa se insanatoseasca 100 %.

    Ti-am retrimis pozele cu flori pentru tatal tau.

    Are posibilitatea sa foloseaasca un calculator, sa putem comunica amandoi ?
    Discut cu tine si pe messenger, cand ne vedem acolo.

    Succes la afaceri in Danemarca.

    Multa sanatate,


    Salut Adi,

    În viitor, după ce tatăl meu a recupera 100%, putem face o clinica şi de a ajunge institut de Liviu Nuteanu în China pentru a ajuta mai mulţi oameni, acesta va fi un loc de muncă foarte mare.

    Nu am primit poza ta alte flori din curtea carcaselor dumneavoastră. Vă rugăm să resping-mi-le.

    Nr, astăzi tatăl meu este cu mine, eu sunt în călătorie de afaceri, săptămâna viitoare, voi fi aproape zbor unic săptămână în Danemarca. Când tatăl meu a fost de la Shanghai hostpital, l-am mutat la tara în scopul de a avea aer proaspăt şi curat condiţiilor de trai pentru trupul său recupera.

    Am descărcat un mesager Yahoo în iPad mea, sistemul de Messager în Ipad poate lucra bine, astfel încât să putem vorbi fiecare parte, există, de asemenea.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: spike
    To: Pop Adrian
    Cc: ; ;
    Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 3:36 PM
    Subject: Re: Re: Spike, do everything humanly possible to help the dad to recover.

    Hi Adi,

    In the future, after my father recover 100%, we can do a clinic and reach institute of Liviu Nuteanu in China to help more people, it will be a very great job.

    I didn't receive your other picture of the flowers in the yard of your carcases. Please resent them to me.

    No, today my father is out with me, I am in the business trip, next week, I will be almost one week trip in Danmark. When my father was out from Shanghai hostpital, I moved him to the countryside in order to have fresh air and clean living condition for his body recover.

    I have downloaded a Yahoo messager in my IPad, the Messager system in Ipad can work well, so we can talk each other there also.

    Best regards,


    Sat Aug 20, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Location: Craiova

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Adi Pop
    Cc: Pop Adrian ; D.nul Adi Pop
    Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 9:37 AM
    Subject: Clara

    Hi Spike,

    Nine years ago I know a girl of 10 years. Clara. Have the strongest field of bioenergy as I saw before. I learned not to lose energy when touched with hands the sick. Many days there was going to school because he was passed out and could not move. After learning what to do, many come from the country to help them recover.

    I've learned not to ask anything from anyone.

    After you grab the back of hand keeps sick or minutes, as I have shown in Craiova, I asked her to give them the seeds of flowers. Together with young people we work with the SC Zalmoxe collect seeds of flowers. I had dozens of boxes with seeds.

    I gave the girl a few boxes of seeds.

    The idea was that those people you get home put in the ground those seeds and flowers coming out of them, they remembered the girl. Thus among those treated the girl and this formed a carrier that can transmit continuously bioenergy.

    As I said energy is infinite. You need learn to use their own energy (bioenergy), especially when you want to help people. If you do not forget this and help in getting more people, bio-rises. This bio equivalent nebaniute get when you ask anything in return not when you arrive.

    This is why I want to talk to your dad about flowers.
    If every day would take care of it, their only transfer energy everywhere.

    In the field of bioenergy is important but not the method chosen Noble goal, namely to help people to recover.

    Many health,

    Buna Spike,

    Cu noua ani in urma am cunoascut o fetita de 10 ani. Clara. Avea cel mai puternic camp bioenergetic din cat am vazut eu pana acum. Am invatat-o sa nu mai piarda energie cand atingea cu palmele persoanele bolnave. Multe zile nu se ducea la scoala pentru ca era lesinata si nu se putea deplasa. Dupa ce a invatat ce sa faca, multi veneau din tara sa-i ajute sa se insanatoseasca.

    Am mai invatat-o sa nu cearea la nimeni nimic.

    Dupa ce punea mana pe spatele bolnavilor sau ii tinea de mana cateva minute, asa cum ti-am aratat la Craiova, am rugat-o sa le dea seminte de flori. Impreuna cu tinerii cu care lucram la SC Zalmoxa strangeam seminte de flori. Aveam zeci de cutii mari cu seminte.

    I-am dat si fetitei cateva cutii cu seminte.

    Ideea era ca acele persoane cand ajungeau acasa puneau in pamant acele seminte si florile care ieseau din ele, le aducea aminte de fetita. In felul acesta intre cei tratati de fetita si aceasta, s-a format o purtatoare pe care se putea transmite continuu bioenergie.

    Asa cum am spus energia este infinita. Nevoia te invata sa folosesti propria energie ( bioenergia ), mai ales cand vrei sa ajuti oameni. Daca nu uiti asta si ajuti din ce in ce mai multe persoane, bioenergia creste. Aceasta bioenergie capata valente nebaniute atunci cand nu ceri nimic in schimb, atunci cand ajungi.

    Acesta este motivul pentru care doresc sa discut cu tatal tau despre FLORI.
    Daca in fiecare zi s-ar ocupa de asta, isi transfera singur energie de peste tot.

    In domeniul bioenergiei nu metoda este importanta ci Scopul Nobiul ales, acela de-a ajuta oamenii sa se insanatoseasca.

    Sanatate multa,

    Tue Aug 23, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

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    Spike Pei is using a different version of Yahoo! Messenger. Certain features may be unavailable.

    Spike Pei: Hi Adi, I open that link, I saw our discussions and pictures of my father there
    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike
    Spike Pei: My mother is taking of my father
    Pop Adrian: OK
    Spike Pei: My mother is taking care of my father, but they don,t
    Pop Adrian: I'm glad we can communicate on messenger
    Spike Pei: They don't know how to play the computer
    Spike Pei: Me too
    Pop Adrian: I understand.

    But your sister is with them?
    Can it help you as you go?
    Pop Adrian: For me I need to translate this program
    No offense but harder to answer
    Spike Pei: My email box seems problem in Danmark, I can receive emails,but can not send emails out
    Pop Adrian: I understand.
    Pop Adrian: I sent an email now - CLARA
    you received?
    Spike Pei: Yes,
    Pop Adrian: Explain why they want to continue talking about flowers
    Pop Adrian: O|K
    Spike Pei: My sister don't know English
    Pop Adrian: When you arrive in China?
    Pop Adrian: I understand.
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Spike Pei: I will arrive China next Monday
    Pop Adrian: Messenger is the easiest send photos

    Accept to give
    Pop Adrian: ok
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: Talking on the phone with your dad?
    How is she?
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: Sebi, Cristina, Catalin
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Spike Pei: Very nice pictures
    Pop Adrian: YES
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: I'm glad we can communicate so easily
    Pop Adrian: engineer with whom you come in Craiova, still warm when they think of me?
    Pop Adrian:
    Spike Pei: John?
    Pop Adrian: You can open this site when you want?
    Pop Adrian: yes
    Pop Adrian: John
    Spike Pei: Now he don't feel warm
    Pop Adrian: I understand.

    He is with you in Denmark?
    Pop Adrian: Pop Adrian:
    Pop Adrian: You can open this site when you want?
    Spike Pei: No, he is in china, he is working the new tillers of Ruris
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Pop Adrian: When you meet him, asking him if he is warm feet when they think of me .... He is like a capacitor
    Spike Pei: Ok, I will open the site when I want, I will show it to my father when I am back to China
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Pop Adrian: I'm glad

    Pop Adrian: the mood of your father like?

    The mood of a man gives sanatatre level

    You have to work both
    Spike Pei: I am glad to talk with you in Messager
    Pop Adrian: always need to know that there is one that helps family and friends continued
    Pop Adrian: And I'm glad

    Pop Adrian: I started day care of flowers
    I like that and I know it helps a lot on your father.

    With all the people who will ask me to help them recover, you talk with them about flowers
    Pop Adrian: Years ago when my company was among the first in town, offers many books people ... and then flowers.

    It is my pleasure to give them flowers
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: I've always followed your work and I helped with good thoughts
    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: Michael and wife

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    You have sent 1 photo to Spike Pei.

    Pop Adrian: I have to go. A wonderful day
    Success in business.

    Spike Pei: Michael is brother of Cristina?
    Pop Adrian: yes
    Spike Pei: Ok, talk to you later
    Pop Adrian: OK
    Spike Pei: Have a nice day,Adi
    Pop Adrian:
    Pop Adrian: Michael deals with software. It's company for 7 years. Work with an American and a Canadian now
    Pop Adrian: Goodbye
    Spike Pei: Ok,goodbye, talk to you later
    Pop Adrian: Ok.
    Pop Adrian: I potat our discussion forum
    Pop Adrian:

    Tue Aug 23, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

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    Spike Pei is using a different version of Yahoo! Messenger. Certain features may be unavailable.

    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike,
    Pop Adrian: What is your father?

    Studied philosophy and life of Confucius, to understand the similarities between the two philosophers and psychologists applied, ours and yours.

    A year are attracted to your philosophy and try to bring equivalent new Zalmoxiana taken from philosophy.

    Yesterday I went to visit the place where the first university was established on earth - Zalmoxiana University. It's a few kilometer from Craiova to Breasta.

    To make a health clinic and a medical research institute energy-information, it takes Giant Thinking.

    I look them in our nation, in yours and all over the world.

    Good health!


    Pop Adrian: Ce face tatal tau ?

    Studiez filosofia si viata lui Confucius, sa inteleg asemanarile dintre cele doua filosofii si psihologii aplicate, a noastra si a voastra.

    De un an sunt atras de filosofia voastra si incerc sa-i aduc valente noi, luate din filosofia Zalmoxiana.

    Ieri am fost sa vizitez locul unde a fost infiintata prima Universitate de pe pamant - Universitatea Zalmoxiana. Este la cativa Kilometru de Craiova, la Breasta.

    Pentru a face o clinica de sanatate si un institut de cercetare in domeniul medicinii energo-informationale, este nevoie de Uriasi in Gandire.

    Eu ii caut in Neamul nostru, in al vostru si peste tot in lume.

    Multa sanatate !


    Thu Aug 25, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

    Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: ;
    Cc: Pop Adrian ; adi pop
    Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 5:35 PM
    Subject: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.

    Show Recent Messages (F3)

    You are using an old version of Yahoo! Messenger to chat. Upgrade to the latest version now.

    Pop Adrian:
    Pop Adrian:
    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike
    Pop Adrian: We must learn to help peers in such situations. This requires a lot of science.

    Pop Adrian: What is your father?

    Pop Adrian:
    Pop Adrian: To see this movie. It is a masterpiece
    Pop Adrian: I am impressed by the similarities between the two philosophies of Confucius and that of Salmocsis.
    Pop Adrian: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.

  2. #2
    Data înscrierii
    The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    Tuesday, August 30, 2011 9:28 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "adi pop" <adipop>,
    "adi pop" <adipop>
    Hi Spike,

    It's good that you are closer to your father. His mood will improve. You must help him to smile more than it does now.

    I'm glad to see him in the picture. Looks good.
    Can see on the forum site? I posted and flowers from our garden there and it was also posted.

    Every day should eat something light, do not lose power.

    I would be glad to convey through you my ideas-his. I and I propose to discuss Confucius, that it consider my young school Zalmoxe.

    Film - Confucius

    Good health.


    Buna Spike,

    E bine ca esti mai aproape de tatal tau. Starea de spirit a lui se va imbunatati. Trebuie sa-l ajuti sa zambeasca mai mult decat o face acum.

    Ma bucur ca-l vad in poza.
    Poate sa vada site-ul de pe forum ? Am postat si flori din gradina noastra acolo si-o sa mai postam.

    Zilnic trebuie sa manace ceva usor, sa nu-si piarda puterile.

    M-as bucura sa-mi transmita prin tine idei de-ale lui. Eu i-as propune sa discutam despre Confucius, pentru ca-l analizez cu tinerii mei din Scoala Zalmoxa.

    Film - CONFUCIUS

    Multa sanatate.


    Am venit înapoi în China, ieri noapte.

    Vă rugăm să consultaţi imaginea de tatăl meu. Aceste zile tatăl meu nu vrea sa manance, poate din cauza de a manca Medicina Traditionala Chineza, a raportat această situaţie la medic, acum medicul ia cerut să se oprească din mâncat medicament pentru câteva zile.

    Hope el va fi recupera mai bine.

    --- On Tue, 8/30/11, spike < wrote:

    Subject: Re: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    To: "adi pop" <adipop>,
    Cc: "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>, "adi pop" <adipop>
    Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 5:14 PM

    Hi Adi,

    How are you?

    I just came back to China yesterday night.

    Please see the picture of my father. These days my father don't want to eat,maybe because of eating Traditional Chinese Medicine, he reported this situation to the doctor, now the doctor asked him to stop eating the medicine for a couple of days.

    Hope he will be recover better.

    Best regards,



    Tue Aug 30, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

    Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
    The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    Tuesday, August 30, 2011 9:28 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "adi pop" <adipop>,
    "adi pop" <adipop>
    Hi Spike,

    It's good that you are closer to your father. His mood will improve. You must help him to smile more than it does now.

    I'm glad to see him in the picture. Looks good.
    Can see on the forum site? I posted and flowers from our garden there and it was also posted.

    Every day should eat something light, do not lose power.

    I would be glad to convey through you my ideas-his. I and I propose to discuss Confucius, that it consider my young school Zalmoxe.

    Film - Confucius

    Good health.


    Buna Spike,

    E bine ca esti mai aproape de tatal tau. Starea de spirit a lui se va imbunatati. Trebuie sa-l ajuti sa zambeasca mai mult decat o face acum.

    Ma bucur ca-l vad in poza.
    Poate sa vada site-ul de pe forum ? Am postat si flori din gradina noastra acolo si-o sa mai postam.

    Zilnic trebuie sa manace ceva usor, sa nu-si piarda puterile.

    M-as bucura sa-mi transmita prin tine idei de-ale lui. Eu i-as propune sa discutam despre Confucius, pentru ca-l analizez cu tinerii mei din Scoala Zalmoxa.

    Film - CONFUCIUS

    Multa sanatate.


    Am venit înapoi în China, ieri noapte.

    Vă rugăm să consultaţi imaginea de tatăl meu. Aceste zile tatăl meu nu vrea sa manance, poate din cauza de a manca Medicina Traditionala Chineza, a raportat această situaţie la medic, acum medicul ia cerut să se oprească din mâncat medicament pentru câteva zile.

    Hope el va fi recupera mai bine.

    --- On Tue, 8/30/11, spike < wrote:

    Subject: Re: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    To: "adi pop" <adipop>,
    Cc: "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>, "adi pop" <adipop>
    Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 5:14 PM

    Hi Adi,

    How are you?

    I just came back to China yesterday night.

    Please see the picture of my father. These days my father don't want to eat,maybe because of eating Traditional Chinese Medicine, he reported this situation to the doctor, now the doctor asked him to stop eating the medicine for a couple of days.

    Hope he will be recover better.

    Best regards,



    Tue Aug 30, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger

    Joined: 11 Dec 2009
    Posts: 1705

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    Wed Aug 31, 2011 View user's profile Send private message

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    Va fi bine! Facem pasi mici dar siguri!

    Wed Aug 31, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website MSN Messenger
    Adrian Pop

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    Nu stiu ce trebuie sa manace un om a carui stomac este scos.


    Wed Aug 31, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Re: Re: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    Wednesday, August 31, 2011 10:13 PM
    "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "adi pop" <adipop>,
    "adi pop" <adipop>

    Hi Spike,

    When you gave your father's last picture I gave a lot to see his eyes.
    I understood then what I write now. I told my wife that has lost much and he has to feed the body.

    I'll try to help him more.

    Sorry it is in this situation, but I hope to recover 100%.
    I wish every day was not it never hurt anything and this is proof that he will recover.
    You only talk to him about the future and try to make him have continued a good mood.

    Do not ever lose hope, especially your family. That it helps a lot.

    Good health,

    Buna Spike,

    Cand mi-ai dat poza ultima a tatalui tau am marit-o mult sa-i vad ochii.
    Am inteles atunci ce-mi scrii acum. I-am spus sotiei mele ca a slabit mult si ca trebuie sa-si hraneasca corpul.

    O sa incerc sa-l ajut si mai mult.

    Imi pare rau ca este in situatia asta, dar sper sa se insanatoseasca 100 %.
    Imi doresc zilnic sa nu-l doara niciodata nimic si asta este o dovada ca se va insanatosi.
    Tu discuta cu el numai despre viitor si incearca sa-l determini sa aiba continuu o stare de spirit buna.

    Sa nu ne pierdem niciodata speranta, mai ales familia voastra. Asta-l ajuta mult.

    Multa sanatate.


    O veste proasta! Azi am primit filmul CT a corpului tatălui meu care a fost formulată în spital acum două zile. Din filmul CT, medicul ne-a spus tatălui meu cancer se răspândeşte, acum o lună, dupa operatie, cancerul este încă în ficat, acum cancerul sa este, de asemenea, în cavitatea abdominală.Suggust medicul pentru a face chimioterapie pentru el. Miine va merge la spital din nou la prima perioadă de chimioterapie timp de 5 zile. Acesta va fi cu injecţie medicament foarte puternic, am griji despre corpul lui, deoarece el este prea slab, în luna august şi-a pierdut deja 2.5 kg in greutate din nou.

    Cum putem să-l ajute pentru a obţine mai multă energie de la tine?

    Sunt warrying despre el foarte mult acum!

    Vă mulţumim şi cele mai bune ceea ce priveşte,

    --- On Wed, 8/31/11, spike

    Subject: Re: Re: The new human society had to be based on humanity and common sense.
    To: "Pop Adrian" <zalmoxa_adipop>, "adi pop" <adipop>,
    Cc: "adi pop" <adipop>
    Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 4:39 PM

    Hi Adi,

    A bad news! Today we received the CT film of my father's body which he was made in the hospital two days ago. From CT film, the doctor told us my father's cancer is spreading, one month ago,after operation,his cancer is still in liver, now his cancer is also in abdominal cavity. The doctor suggust to make Chemotherapy for him. Tomorow he will go to the hospital again to the first period of Chemotherapy for 5 days. It will be with very powerful medicine injection, I am worrying about his body because he is too weak, in August he already lost 2.5kg weight again.

    How can we help him to get more energy from you?

    I am warrying about him very much now!

    Thanks and best regards,


    Wed Aug 31, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Location: Craiova

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: ; Pop Adrian
    Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:02 PM
    Subject: I really need to make him think in the future and forget the disease.

    Hi Spike,

    Please note ideas for your father said he wants to do in the next 10 years and they send me on the net.
    So how can I help you see more.

    I really need to make him think in the future and forget the disease.

    Good health,


    Buna Spike,

    Te rog sa notezi idei spuse de tatal tau pentru ce vrea sa faca in urmatorii 10 ani si sa mi le trimiti pe net. Asa vad cum pot sa va ajut mai mult.

    Trebuie neaparat sa-l determinam sa gandeasca in viitor si sa uite de boala.

    Multa sanatate

    Thu Sep 01, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Location: Craiova

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: Oana Garceag
    Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 3:45 AM
    Subject: Re: Flowers from my courtyard

    Trimite tu lui Spike, ca eu nu reusesc.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Oana Garceag
    To: adi pop
    Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 11:15 PM
    Subject: Flowers from my courtyard

    Dear Spike ,

    Here are some pictures with flowers from my courtyard for your father .

    I wish him good health,


    PS:Sunt cateva poze cu flori din gradina mea . Daca credeti ca il ajuta , puteti sa i le transmiteti ...
    Sincer imi pare rau ...

    Fri Sep 02, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
    Posts: 10558
    Location: Craiova

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    Spike Pei appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to Spike Pei's mobile phone.
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    Spike Pei: Hi Adi
    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike,
    Spike Pei: Sorry for my late reply, I am almost on the business trip more that two weeks
    Pop Adrian: Ne pare rău pentru întârzierea răspunsului meu, eu sunt aproape pe calatorii de afaceri mai mult de două săptămâni
    Spike Pei: I can not use Yahoo messenger during my trip
    Pop Adrian: I understand. He said Cristina
    Spike Pei: Today I just come back from trip,now I come to see my father
    Pop Adrian: I understand. There's the problem
    What is your father like that interests me the most
    Pop Adrian: Azi am venit doar din călătoria înapoi, acum am venit să văd pe tatăl meu
    Pop Adrian: I would be glad to know that more is better
    Spike Pei: He is not happy always because he still does not feel good in his body
    Pop Adrian: I wish more to be healthy. To transmit the most beautiful thoughts from me
    Pop Adrian: I understand. You have to be optimistic that it will be 100% better
    Spike Pei: He is difficult to forget his disease
    Pop Adrian: Which I see beautiful flowers, and they pose for him
    Spike Pei: Nobody can make him think in the future
    Pop Adrian: I know
    That's why I told you to talk to him about the next 10 years.
    to look for disease
    Pop Adrian: I hardly know it. But it should help. Told from Craiova that what you have to do is the hardest, you have to convince him to think in the future
    Spike Pei: We asked him what he wants to do in the next 10 years, but he said to us now he only hope his body does not pain and can eat something
    Pop Adrian: Just do not talk to him, than about the future. Eventually he does and will not discuss it.
    Pop Adrian: I'll do everything I can the pain go away completely. In this way he gains confidence that the disease can be defeated
    Spike Pei: Now his weight is 56kg
    Pop Adrian: And how have the disease before?
    Pop Adrian: I'll focus to the extra pounds. Determined not to hurt him and to gain
    Spike Pei: Yes, please try to make him not pain,otherwise he is no confidence to plan his future
    Spike Pei: About 80kg before the disease
    Pop Adrian: YES. I'll focus not hurt him ... and so gain confidence. And if a little fat, gain confidence in it
    Pop Adrian: Let's try that next week it not only more and not take an extra pounds in weight
    Pop Adrian: Let's say you try all three to reach these results.
    Spike Pei: Wait minutes, I am asking my father to come here
    Pop Adrian: ok. I would like to communicate with him
    Pop Adrian:
    Spike Pei: He is sitting with me
    Pop Adrian: If you created the that is useful for your father, show them the link where I put pictures and flowers
    Pop Adrian: Hello. I'm glad we can communicate
    Pop Adrian: I wish you all the best in the world and quickly recovered to
    Pop Adrian: I'm glad to see pictures and do all they can to help in every way
    Spike Pei: Thanks
    Pop Adrian: With pleasure
    Pop Adrian: I will pray, whenever you send me pictures, so you
    Spike Pei: I am happy that you are helping me
    Pop Adrian: I told Spike to watch all three in the next week
    Pop Adrian: It is humanly as oameniis to help each other
    Spike Pei: Which three
    Pop Adrian: 3 weeks studying the philosophy of Confucius, to better understand your thought system. It can help even more
    Pop Adrian: Spike, with you and I
    Pop Adrian: All three will fight this disease and a beat
    You please talk to Spike, only about 10 years. Must be to form another neural network, able to recover
    Pop Adrian: I want the pain to go away 100%. And in a week to get an extra pounds
    Pop Adrian: ok ?
    Pop Adrian: 5 years ago I stayed 5-6 months without seeing much, after the seven eye operations.
    When I returned I made ​​plans for the future.
    Pop Adrian: lute to a notebook and a pen, and write what you want to do every day with your family
    Pop Adrian: As you think more seriously and make plans with both text and disease
    Pop Adrian: Can a greenhouse and flower business together. I think that would help us, both. When you are 100% healthy, we start both flower
    Pop Adrian: I do not know what you are allowed to eat
    Pop Adrian: I know that I required a few months to eat, you do not feel the need that at all. We eat because I knew I needed to restore power.
    And all the time I thought you gonna do from now on.
    Spike Pei: Ok, I will try it
    Pop Adrian: please
    Spike Pei: Hi Adi, I am spike, my father need to eat because the doctor asked him to eat every two hours
    Pop Adrian: understand
    I'm glad you eat.
    Spike Pei: He is no stomach,he need to eat a little every two hours
    Spike Pei: I will told to you later
    Pop Adrian: Ok. I'm glad I heard the news from you. good health
    Spike Pei: See you later ,thank you very much
    Last message received on 9/17 at 1:30 PM
    Pop Adrian: I think now no longer your father hurt anything

    Sat Sep 17, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Location: Craiova

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    Spike Pei appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to Spike Pei's mobile phone.
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    Spike Pei: Hi Adi
    Spike Pei: After talking with you,my father feel a little relax, he trust you will make him better
    Spike Pei: I am helping my younger sister to download a Yahoo messenger, I ask her to help my father to communicate with you instead of me if I am not with my father because I am always on the business trip
    Pop Adrian: Dupa ce am vorbit cu tine, tatăl meu se simt un pic relaxare, el încredere în tine-l va face mai bine
    02:55 9 / 17 am ajuta sora mea mai mică pentru a descărca o Yahoo Messenger, i-am cere pentru a ajuta la tatăl meu pentru a comunica cu tine în loc de mine, dacă eu nu sunt cu tatăl meu, deoarece eu sunt mereu în călătorie de afaceri
    Pop Adrian: I would love your dad be able to get in touch with me more often. Expect lower your sister to contact me on messenger. There are people who talk on the phone or messenger, you have some health problems, whatever they are, and painful disappear.

    Sat Sep 17, 2011 View user's profile Send private message Send e-mail Visit poster's website Yahoo Messenger
    Adrian Pop

    Joined: 03 Sep 2009
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    Spike Pei appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to Spike Pei's mobile phone.
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    Spike Pei: Hi Adi
    Spike Pei: It has been a long time to not see you here
    Spike Pei: My sister is sending some information about my father to you
    Spike Pei: This week I worked very busy and did not stay beside my father, s
    Spike Pei: So my sister help to do it
    Last message received on 9/24 at 7:01 PM
    Pop Adrian: Expect data to your sister about your father.
    I no longer want to hurt something and start to gain weight than the least, until completely heals
    Pop Adrian: Your sister only to talk to your dad about the future. Success in business
    Pop Adrian: Your father's good health

  3. #3
    Data înscrierii
    Hi Spike,

    I look in your father's eyes and see them smile.
    I'm so glad that the mood is good.

    Indeed cancer drugs are very powerful. This is the medicine for now.

    A pass and over the third hop with these medications and be an increasingly better. I'll continue what I started with bioenergy until your father will insanatosii 100%, as we discussed.

    I wish your father to gain weight and so his confidence grow every day.

    I wish more, your father's good health.

    I tried several times to communicate with your sister Mingyi, I ask your father.

    Spike, talk to your dad about the future, what will the next 10 years, as we discussed in Craiova.
    And write me what I want to do next year as we take it in stages.

    Hear us well,


    Buna Spike,

    Ma uit in ochii tatalul tau si ii vad zambetul larg.
    Ma bucur mult ca starea de spirit este buna.

    Intradevar medicamentele de cancer sunt foarte puternice. Acesta este nivelul medicinii deocamdata.

    O sa treaca si peste acest al treilea hop cu aceste medicamente si-o sa fie din ce in ce mai bine. O sa continuam ce-am inceput cu bioenergia pana ce tataul tau se va insanatosii 100 %, asa cum am discutat.

    Imi doresc ca tatal tau sa ia in greutate si astfel increderea lui sa creasca pe zi ce trece.

    II doresc multa, multa sanatate tatalui tau.
    Am incercat de cateva ori sa comunic cu sora ta Mingyi, sa intreb de tatal tau.

    Spike, discuta cu tatal tau despre viitor, despre ce va face in urmatorii 10 ani, asa cum am discutat la Craiova.
    Si sa-mi scrii si mie ce vrea sa faca in urmatorul an, ca s-o luam pe etape.

    Sa ne auzim cu bine,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: spike
    To: adipop ; zalmoxa_adipop
    Cc: spike_pei
    Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 3:40 PM
    Subject: Re: Hello Adi

    Hi Adi,

    How are you? Hope you are well as always!

    It has been a long time not to talk with you. Because of the new season of garden business starting, I am very busy to work on all the relative issues. Today I came to see my father, my father is in hosptial for the third period of powerful medicine after the stomach operation. On Oct.17th, the doctor inspected his body inside after last two peroids of powerful medicine, the doctor said the powerful medicine seems workable for my father's body because his cancers keep the same size in the passed weeks, so the doctor is using the same medicine for the third period to my father.

    Please see today's pictures of my father. These days he can eat a little bit food than before.

    Best regards,




    Ce mai faci? Sperăm că sunteţi bine ca intotdeauna!

    Aceasta a fost o lungă perioadă de timp să nu vorbesc cu tine. Datorită noului sezon de afaceri începând cu grădină, eu sunt foarte ocupat pentru a lucra cu privire la toate aspectele relative. Astăzi am venit să văd pe tatăl meu, tatăl meu este în hosptial pentru a treia perioadă de medicament puternic dupa operatie stomac. Pe Oct.17th, medicul inspectate în interiorul corpului său, după ultimele două peroids de medicament puternic, medicul a spus medicament puternic pare a fi viabil pentru corpul tatalui meu, deoarece cazurile de cancer său păstrează aceeaşi dimensiune, în săptămânile a trecut, astfel încât medicul este folosind aceeaşi medicament pentru a treia perioadă la tatăl meu.

    Vă rugăm să consultaţi imaginile de astăzi de tatăl meu. Aceste zile, el poate mânca un produs alimentar puţin decât înainte.

  4. #4

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Data înscrierii
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Cc: Pop Adrian
    Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 3:16 PM
    Subject: I wish your father a lot, good health,

    Hi Spike,

    Do not worry I have not written. I know work very much.

    I looked at the pictures. I know your dad going through. Unfortunately drugs are very powerful and a say.
    But we will move forward until it heals 100% of your dad.

    I'll warm your body all the time and a father to do everything they can to gain weight. Thus his confidence will grow for sure.
    Yesterday I attended a symposium with large complementary medicine research in these areas.
    As you work your whole life and have-not health.

    Told in Craiova as a huge fight will be in you, so you must not ever abdicate and to discuss the future of your father the next 10 years. Whatever he says, you ... to bring it all to the future. About health is not discussed at all, as AST not help.

    So, only talks about the future of your family. So.

    I wish your father a lot, good health,


    Buna Spike,

    Nu-ti fa probleme ca nu mi-ai scris. Stiu ca muncesti enorm de mult.

    M-am uitat la poze. Stiu prin ce trece tatal tau. Din pacate medicamentele sunt foarte puternice si-si spun cuvantul.
    Dar noi o sa mergem mai departe pana ce tatal tau se insanatoseste 100 %.

    O sa-i incalzesc corpul tot Timpul tatalui tau si-o sa fac tot ce pot ca sa ia in greutate. Astfel increderea lui o sa creasca sigur.
    Ieri am participat la un Simpozion de medicina complementara alaturi de mari cercetatori in aceste domenii.
    Asa cum ti-am voi lucra toata viata si-n domeniul sanatatii.

    Ti-am spus la Craiova ca o lupta imensa o sa fie in tine, asa ca trebuie sa nu abdici niciodata si sa discuti de viitorul tatalui tau pe urmatoarea perioada de 10 ani. Indiferent de ce spune el, aduci vorba tot spre viitor. Despre sanatate sa nu discutati mai deloc, ca asat nu-l ajuta.

    Deci, numai discutii despre viitorul familiei voastre. Atat.

    Ii doresc tatalui tau multa, multa sanatate,



    Ne pare rău pentru întârziere răspuns mea ca eu sunt mereu foarte ocupat în această săptămână ca urmare a producţiei ocupat pentru sezonul de grădină.

    Tatăl meu a terminat a treia perioadă de medicament puternic în hosptial în această săptămână.

    Aceste doua zile starea lui nu pare a fi bine din nou, a se vedea fotografii de astăzi lui. Poate poate vremea este mai rece devine şi mai reci, corpul său nu se simte confortabil (Acum, corpul lui este foarte subţire, os doar cu pielea). Am cumpărat o maşină de masaj la picioare pentru el, si lasa-l la cald picioare. Speranţa se va simţi mai bine.

    Încerc mereu să le ia pentru tata despre viitor ce va fi următoarea 10 ani, dar el spune mereu la mine eu chiar nu ştiu cum să se gândească la viitorul meu şi vreau doar să mă întorc la sănătate. Te rugăm să-mi spuneţi cum pot să-l ajut pentru paşii următori.

    Vă mulţumesc foarte mult pentru dvs. bioengergy continuă faci pentru tatăl meu. Speranţa tatăl meu poate creşterea în greutate mai mult şi să obţină mai multă încredere despre corpul lui.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: spike
    To: adi pop ; zalmoxa_adipop
    Cc: Pop Adrian
    Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 12:50 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad that the mood is good.

    Hi Adi,

    Sorry for my late reply as I am always very busy this week due to the busy production for garden season.

    My father has finished the third period of powerful medicine in the hosptial in this week.

    These two days his mood seems not good again, see his today's photos. Maybe maybe the weather is becoming colder and colder, his body feels not comfortable ( Now his body is very thin,only bone with skin ). We bought a foot massage machine for him, and let him to warm his feet. Hope he will feel better.

    I always try to take to my dad about the future what will be the next 10years, but he always says to me I really don't know how to think my future and just want myself to come back to health. Please let me know how I can help him for the next steps.

    Thank you very much for your continuing doing bioengergy for my father. Hope my father can gain more weight and get more confidence about his body.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Best regards,




  7. #7
    Data înscrierii
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Cc: Pop Adrian
    Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 3:25 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad that the mood is good.

    Hi Spike,

    Helped me a lot to me when I see rerfac relics of this saint.

    I'll help him very much and your father. To remove the last picture of St. Printers and dad to keep his side.

    I wish your father a lot, good health,



    Ma ajuta mult sa-mi rerfac vederea cand vad moastele acestui Sfant.

    O sa-l ajute enorm de mult si pe tatal tau. Sa scoti ultima poza a Sfantului pe imprimanta si sa o tina tatal tau langa el.

  8. #8
    Data înscrierii
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: adi pop ; spike
    Cc: Pop Adrian ; Oana Garceag
    Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 5:17 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad that the mood is good -- It has a huge power energy recovery.

    To remove the photo printer Saint standing, dressed in black cassock.

    It has a huge power energy recovery.

  9. #9
    Data înscrierii
    Show Recent Messages (F3)

    Spike Pei appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to Spike Pei's mobile phone.
    Send an SMS Message (Ctrl+T)

    Spike Pei: Hi Adi
    Pop Adrian: Hi Spike
    Spike Pei: These days I didn't stay with my father because of my busy work. But my sister stays with my father every day. My sister told the situation of my father almost every day
    Spike Pei: My father just finished the third period of powerful medicine, after this powerful medicine,he feel very bad in his body
    Pop Adrian: OANA GARCEAG: I want to keep in touch more often with your sister in order to know you dad's health status better. I want your sister to write to me more often .
    Pop Adrian: Oana translate the mess that is her
    Spike Pei: Because feel not good,his mood looks very bad, and feel very sad, my sister saw he cry when he was alone
    Pop Adrian: I felt that Spike. Need to recover now, after this tour is drugs
    Spike Pei: Who is Oana
    Pop Adrian: She is a friend who is Dr Alan Nuteanu
    Spike Pei: Ok, I will ask my sister try to use the Messenger to contact you
    Pop Adrian: Continue what we started Spike
    Your father is beside you?
    Spike Pei: No, I will see him on this Saturday
    Pop Adrian: your sister to contact me
    Pop Adrian: understand
    Pop Adrian: do so now ...
    you can talk to him on the phone now?
    Pop Adrian: I try to upload it now very much, and I want to talk to him to see if it feels warm sea
    Pop Adrian: drugs are very harsh. But passes over it
    My sister has cancer Firm and upload it a day. made two uterine surgery.
    and feels very well
    Spike Pei: He is living in countryside for health recover, I am living in city for working, I normally see him after I am back from business trip
    Spike Pei: Now he is sleeping as now it is 23:57 in China
    Pop Adrian: give excuses
    Spike Pei: .
    Pop Adrian: understand
    I will often act
    Spike Pei: .?
    Pop Adrian: act as well when your sister to tell me how the charge and if his condition improves and the weight
    Pop Adrian: I often act
    Spike Pei: He is 53kg now
    Pop Adrian: your sister to talk to him about future
    only about the future
    Pop Adrian: understand
    see that the weak
    drugs are very hard, but you have to recover now, after interrupting medication
    Spike Pei: we tried, it seems he is no confidence to think his future
    Pop Adrian: How long does without drugs?
    Pop Adrian: I know Spike. Told in Craiova to be an immense struggle to implement a new program in mind, about the future
    Pop Adrian: but this is the way ....
    Every man his own drug factory if the mood is good
    if you fight him, beat disease
    Spike Pei: Around 3 weeks without drugs, then will continue drugs
    Pop Adrian: understand
    that in three weeks trying to help him and want to recover
    Pop Adrian: your sister and you do not give up the idea that it is good 100%
    Spike Pei: Thank you Adi
    Spike Pei: I am feeling my feet warm
    Pop Adrian: you are his children and have the greatest influence on his
    Pop Adrian: understand
    but I want your father to disappear completely from all the cancer cells and to make good 100%
    Pop Adrian: my sister says.
    and will heat the energy and she will help him that your father
    Pop Adrian: We will continue to help him with all your father, so will do well and then going to ask him to make me a visit to Craiova
    to tell it as I drink a glass of wine both in Craiova.
    Spike Pei: Yes, I and my family will not give up the idea that my father can recover 100%
    Pop Adrian: YES
    you say is the most important thing now
    ever, for the world, not give up the idea that
    Spike Pei: it is great
    Pop Adrian: YES
    Spike Pei: Tomorrow I will try to sent you the CT film of my father which he was made in hospital before the third period of drugs
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Pop Adrian: photos from the symposium of Medicine
    A problem occurred while transferring the file "DSC00211.JPG". The transfer has been stopped.

    Pop Adrian: Maybe it can load the mess
    Pop Adrian: not working
    not the problem
    Spike Pei: Please sent it again to me by email
    Pop Adrian: ok
    Spike Pei: I need to go now, talk to you tomorrow Adi
    Last message received on 11/3/2011 at 6:23 PM
    Pop Adrian: Ok
    Spike Pei: good night Adi, see you
    Pop Adrian: A quiet at night Spike
    Pop Adrian: I sent two pictures. Perhaps you've received.
    Your father's good health

  10. #10
    Data înscrierii
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Fwd: Re: the CT film of my father's body
    Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2011 10:23:43 +0200
    From: adi pop <>
    To: ,,,

    Thanks Spike,

    I'll focus directly on these pictures and hope to solve the health problem of your father. Since we noticed that a lot of people asked me to help them recover to fix the problem, I made ​​a mental to do so. Basically I took the whole body and mind problem I had in mind, then in talking with them.

    It would be extremely useful to be able to communicate with your father, to talk about the future.
    If I can not do, so do you two sons.

    Not talk about anything else, besides what you say, to form a new neural network in his brain, able to help him to recover 100%.

    Your father's good health,



    Multumesc Spike,

    O sa ma concentrez direct pe aceste poze si sper sa se rezolve problema de sanatate a tatalui tau. De cand am observat ca o mare parte din oamenii care mi-au cerut ajutor sa se insanatoseasca li s-a rezolvat problema, mi-am format un sistem mental in acest sens. Practic m-am ocupat de intregul corp si de problema Sufleteasca o aveam in vedere, atunci in discutam cu ei.

    Ar fi extrem de util sa pot comunica cu tatal tau, sa discutam despre viitor.
    Daca nu pot s-o fac, s-o faceti voi doi, copiii lui.

    Despre nimic altceva sa nu discutati, inafara de ce va spun, pentru a forma o retea neuronala noua in creierul lui, capabila sa-l ajute sa se insanatoseasca 100 %.

    Multa sanatate tatalui tau,



    Vă rugăm să consultaţi anexat cinci fotografii:

    1, 2 fotografii: filmul CT de corpul tatălui meu, care se poate vedea celulele canceroase, care să fie efectuate în spital, înainte de prima perioadă de medicament puternic după operaţia de tăiere a stomacului său.

    3, 3 fotografii: filmul CT de corpul tatălui meu, care se poate vedea celulele canceroase, care să fie efectuate în spital, înainte de a treia perioadă de medicament puternic.

    Sper ca aceste fotografii vor fi utile pentru tine să se concentreze asupra dvs. bio-energie asupra celulelor canceroase.

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: the CT film of my father's body
    Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 13:04:14 +0800
    From: spike
    To: adi pop <>, adi pop <>
    CC: Pop Adrian <>, Oana Garceag <>

    Dear Adi,

    Please see the attached five photos:

    1, 2 photos: the CT film of my father's body which can see the cancer cells, which be made in the hospital before the first period of powerful medicine after the operation to cutting of his stomach.

    3, 3 photos: the CT film of my father's body which can see the cancer cells, which be made in the hospital before the third period of powerful medicine.

    Hope these photos will be useful for you to focus on your bio-energy on the cancer cells.

    Thanks and best regards,

    发件人: adi pop
    发送时间: 2011-10-30 23:17:13
    收件人: adi pop; spike
    抄送: Pop Adrian; Oana Garceag
    主题: Re: I'm so glad that the mood is good -- It has a huge power energy recovery.

    To remove the photo printer Saint standing, dressed in black cassock.

    It has a huge power energy recovery.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: adi pop
    To: spike
    Cc: Pop Adrian
    Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 3:25 PM
    Subject: Re: I'm so glad that the mood is good.

    Hi Spike,

    Helped me a lot to me when I see rerfac relics of this saint.

    I'll help him very much and your father. To remove the last picture of St. Printers and dad to keep his side.

    I wish your father a lot, good health,



    Ma ajuta mult sa-mi rerfac vederea cand vad moastele acestui Sfant.

    O sa-l ajute enorm de mult si pe tatal tau. Sa scoti ultima poza a Sfantului pe imprimanta si sa o tina tatal tau langa el.

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