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Subiect: Plantatie de nuci

  1. #61
    Data înscrierii
    [8:19:46 PM] alexjol77: Am gasit postat un material de si despre Ovidiu Lazar. Rog sa-l contactati la tel: 0744183252. Este un bun prieten al meu si a invata olectia nuciculturii de la mine.
    [8:20:11 PM] Pop Adrian : MULTUMESC !
    [8:21:26 PM] Pop Adrian : reprezentant de langa Touluze
    [8:21:48 PM] Pop Adrian : a unei firme de produs material saditor de nu ci
    [8:21:51 PM] Pop Adrian : altoiti
    [8:24:38 PM] alexjol77: Saitul lui Ovidiu Laxzara din Focsani
    [8:24:59 PM] alexjol77: Ovidiu Lazar
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #62
    Data înscrierii
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  3. #63
    Data înscrierii
    Ultima modificare făcută de zamfir_catalin; 23.12.2012 la 14:23.

  4. #64
    Data înscrierii
    Raport asupra productiei mondiale de nuci.

    Walnut Production World Wide
    United States:

    Walnut Shells Opening
    The 2001/02 U.S. walnut crop is forecast at 254,012 tons, 17 percent above last year’s crop, due to the alternate-bearing nature of the crop. U.S. exports in 2001/02 are expected to reach 108,611 tons, up 5 percent from the previous year, due to higher production and strong worldwide demand. In 2000/01, U.S. grower prices increased 37 percent from the previous year, reversing a three-year declining trend. The major increase in U.S. production of walnuts forecast for 2001/02 is expected to lower grower prices once again. However, this should spur world consumption and contribute to higher levels of U.S. exports in 2001/02. Shipments to Mexico, Australia, Egypt, and some Latin America countries were down in 2000/01 from 1999/00 but were up for Canada, Japan, Israel and the major European markets.

    The 2001/02 walnut crop is on the way to being the second largest on record and is expected to contain probably the best quality of any walnut crop harvested in California. This large quality crop, combined with support from the Market Access Program (MAP), as well as publicity following the publication of the several health studies showing the health benefits associated with walnut consumption, is expected to translate into a good export year for walnuts. Exports to MAP-targeted countries of Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea and Spain are all slated to grow from 5 to 20 percent over the next 3 years. Spain, Japan, and Germany are still the top three markets, reflecting the strong consumer base in these countries. Also, Germany is the traditional trade center for nuts.


    China’s walnut production has increased for the last several years because of increased planting and bearing acreage, improved walnut varieties, and better tree management. Walnut production in 2000/01 surpassed the initial forecast by 10,000 tons. This was primarily due to the bearing cycle of walnut trees in Southern China and to very favorable weather conditions. However, walnut production in 2001/02 is forecast at 310,000 tons, the same as last year, due mainly to unfavorable weather conditions and the downturn in the bearing cycle of walnut trees. While there is no official data on walnut consumption, it is believed that most walnut consumption takes place in areas of production. The exception is that as walnut demand increases in some urban areas or during holidays such as the Chinese mid-Autumn festival, provincial trade increases to meet growing domestic consumption. It is estimated that 75 to 80 percent of domestically produced walnuts are sold raw each year to individual consumers.

    There is another estimated 10 to 20 percent of walnuts sold to processors. It is expected, however, that as Chinese companies refine processing technology, processed walnuts will gain some ground in domestic sales. Growing production and stable exports indicate that walnut consumption is growing. This increase is attributable mainly to rising incomes of many Chinese, who not only are demanding greater diversification in snack food preferences and baked goods, but also are becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits of nuts. China’s walnut imports have decreased. However, one trend surfacing is an increase in the volume of imported walnuts of Chinese origin. This occurs when a company within a special economic trading zone may have purchased walnuts from a production base within China.

    Then, a Chinese importing company may purchase walnuts from this company. The company then sends walnuts from the production base to the procurer and the paperwork gets routed through these special trading zones. The volume of Chinese exports continues to grow. However, as a percentage of production, walnut exports have been stable. Traders have mixed sentiments regarding whether growing domestic consumption will have a negative impact on China’s ability to export walnuts in the future. Traders report that China’s market share of international walnut trade is shrinking. Chinese traders feel this is because of the increased production and exports from regional competitors, particularly India. Major export markets of shelled walnuts include the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and France.


    The 2001/02 Turkish walnut crop is forecast at 68,000 tons, a slight decrease from last year. This was due mainly to unusually hot and dry weather conditions. Walnuts grow naturally throughout most of Turkey and in the past, they were generally not cultivated but simply harvested from natural forests. However, during the last couple of decades, increasing demand and prices have made walnut cultivation more attractive, leading to increased investment in cultivation. The lack of a systematic crop survey and widely divergent estimates from government and non-official sources make it difficult to accurately estimate production. However, sources agree that walnut production is expected to gradually rise in the next 3-5 years, as new trees with improved varieties reach bearing age and acreage is increased. Per capita consumption is relatively stable in Turkey, with 50 percent of the crop production used for home consumption and the remainder marketed. Most of the marketed walnuts are consumed whole, with only a limited amount being processed. Walnut trade is very limited. Most imports are inexpensive, lower quality nuts from neighboring countries. Higher quality domestic nuts are usually exported.


    India’s 2001/02 walnut production is forecast at 28,000 tons, a decrease of 10 percent from last year’s record crop. This is due to lower yields caused by early-season drought and the trees’ alternating bearing cycle. Exports are expected to decline to 14,000 tons based on lower domestic supplies and forecast to re-surge to 16,000 tons in 2002/03 based on forecast record production. The current year (2000/01) export estimate has been raised 11 percent to 15,500 tons, based on strong demand from the EU and the United States (due to a smaller crop). Major export destinations during the Indian fiscal years 1999 and 2000 were Spain, Egypt, Germany, Netherlands, U.K., Greece, Italy, and the United States. There are no restrictions on walnut exports and no government export subsidies. Given the high tariffs and strong domestic production, there are few opportunities for imports.


    In 2001/02, France’s walnut production is forecast at 28,000 tons, close to its 2000/01 level. While the weather during the growing period has been favorable, storms in August 2001 have damaged the walnut crop in some regions, but it is still difficult to fully assess their impact. The crop is expected to be of average quality. According the various studies by the French Fruits and Vegetables Technical Institute (CTIFL), French walnut consumption has been relatively stable for several years, at around 17,000 tons. No significant change in consumption is expected for 2001/02.

    Walnut Plantation
    The 2001/02 import demand for walnuts in France is not forecast to increase significantly, as the crop would be similar to last year. French imports of U.S. in-shell walnuts fell sharply in 2000/01, as the hike in value of the U.S. dollar made U.S. in-shell walnuts uncompetitive compared to shelled eastern European or Chinese walnuts, despite the superior quality of U.S. walnuts. For the same reason, French walnut exports rose significantly in 2000/01, especially to Spain. The United States lost its rank as France’s leading supplier of in-shell walnuts in 2000/01, replaced by Moldova and Austria, whereas Moldova provided the bulk of shelled imports. Germany is traditionally France’s principal export market for walnuts, although sales declined in 2000/01. Spain is also becoming a large customer for French in-shell walnuts.


    The 2001/02 crop is forecast at 8,000 tons, down 50 percent from the previous year, due to the cyclical nature of the crop and weather developments. Weather conditions have been unfavorable, with cold temperatures reported in mid-April (following a period of unusually warm temperatures), which negatively affected the walnut trees. Production is not expected to expand in the near future, due to declining acreage and lower productivity of older trees. Italy’s walnut imports for 2001/02 are expected to increase 67 percent, due to decreased domestic supplies. Excluding minor quantities from France and eastern Europe, most of Italy’s imports are U.S. in-shell walnuts, which have accounted for over 80 percent of total in-shell shipments in the past 2 years.


    Chile’s 2001/02 walnut crop is forecast to increase 4 percent to 12,250 tons as a result of grafting of existing orchards to higher-yielding varieties, replacement of uprooted orchards with improved varieties, and overall increases in planted area. Exports are forecast to increase slightly in 2001/02, as a result of the higher output. Export volume is also expected to rise in the coming years, reflecting the forecasted expansion in production and better quality, once improved orchards come into bearing. Brazil is the largest Chilean export market both for inshell and shelled walnuts, far surpassing any other market. Argentina is the second largest market for both in-shell and shelled walnuts. Exports are highly dependent upon Brazilian demand and prices. Only minute volumes of the highest-quality nuts, which can meet the often demanding size and grade specifications of customers such as Germany, are exported to Europe.

  5. #65
    Data înscrierii

    Documente cu informatii despre industria mondiala in domeniu.
    Apare si Moldova ca exportator semnificativ... un studiu din 2012 despre industria nucilor Universitatea din California utilasje din China pentru cei ce se ocupa de cresterea nucilor
    Ultima modificare făcută de zamfir_catalin; 23.12.2012 la 14:26.

  6. #66
    Data înscrierii

    Am discutat azi la un ceai cu Madalina sa posteze din cartea Mosului - Medicina Sacra, ce este scris despre NUCI.
    Ea are 20 de ha de teren, 10 pe un deal si 10 pe teren plat. Mi-a spus ca lucreaza de la ora 4 dimineasta pana la ora 1 noaptea, deci 21 de ore zilnic, ca au facut unii greva de la firma de transport pe care a preluat-o de putin Timp si trebuie sa-si termine anul financiar la firma de distribuite mass-media pe care o coordoneaza.

    Domnul dr. Paul Purea mi-a spus ieri la Craiova ca pe langa cele 10 ha de teren, pe care poate sa-l puna la dispozitie pentru a infiinta o livada de nuci la Sopotul Vechi, poate sa mai faca rost pana la 100 de ha in zona.

    Eu caut sa cumpar 5-10 ha de teren pe langa Craiova, pentru a face o pepiniera de nuci si o mica livada.

    Trebuie sa aflam facilitatile pe care le da Statul Roman celor ce planteaza livezi de Nucifere ! Este priooritate asta....

    Trebuie sa discutam cu totii principiile de colaborare ale echipei, sa nu existe disfunctiuni ulterioare.

    Este util sa nu se ajunga la nivelul in care, dupa ce formam echipa PV, sa tragem de careva pentru ca nu vrea sa se implice intr-un mod normal de lucru. Inteleg ca fiecare are prioritatile lui, numai ca nu trebuie uitat ca suntem intr-un demaraj de activitate noua, in care avem doar doi specialisti, pe Domnul Alexandru care este initiatorul sistemului si acum pe Domnul Lazar. Va rog mult sa nu-i dezamagim, mai ales ca jumatate din echipa PV sunteti modelati de mine. Pentru voi am scris azi dimineata la ora 5, fiind suparat ca nu va implicati mai mult la acest sistem.

    Pentru ca vine noul an, va doresc sa aveti parte de tot ce este mai bun de-acum incolo.

    Sarbatori Fericite !

    La Multi Ani !


    On 12/23/2012 12:32 PM, Zamfir Catalin wrote:

    Aici sunt 3 postari cu ce am gasit despre nuci.
    Avem siteuri din SUA, Canada, China.
    Sunt si documente inengleza despre indutria nucilor la nivel mondial.

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  7. #67
    Super Moderator
    Data înscrierii
    1 acre (acru) = 0,4 ha

    California walnut harvest not super in 2011, but good

    “It was a good year, but not a totally super year for us,” says Glenn County, Calif., tree nut producer Gary Anderson as he looks over the figures of last year’s production from 435 acres of almond and 600 acres of walnut trees. However, with walnut prices at an all-time highs and memories of rain falling on his unpicked orchards last October still fresh, he wouldn’t mind a do-over of his walnut harvest.

    He and his partner, Charles Demmer, own and operate Ratliff and Demmer Farms near Willows, Calif. An unusually cool season delayed maturity of their almonds. However, despite starting and finishing their four-week almond harvest about five to 10 days later than usual, they got all the nuts in the bins — safe and dry — by the first of October.

    Immediately after that, Anderson started shaking the walnut trees. Like the almonds, the walnuts were slow to ripen. Normally, he can dry a row of bins (about 2.5 truckloads) filled with ripe, dry walnuts in about 12 to 18 hours. Last fall, the green nuts were taking two to three times as long to dry.

    Less than a week after Anderson began harvesting the walnuts, the first of two October rain storms moved in, knocking nuts onto the muddy ground and shutting down work in the orchards for a few days. That wasn’t all.

    “The wet, cool harvest weather hurt us quite a bit,” Anderson says. “After the two rains, the quality of the nuts went downhill. In good, dry weather we may have no more than 3 percent to 4 percent mold. But, last fall we were seeing anywhere from 10 percent to 20 percent mold in our nuts. Plus, all the mud sticking to the nuts meant processors had to jump through a lot of hoops to sanitize them.”

    As a result, meat yields, which determine the price growers receive for the nuts, declined. “Typically, we get about a 47 percent edible meat yield-to-shell in our Chandlers,” Anderson says. “This past year that fell to 43 percent or less. That’s a big drop.”

    Good tree yields, helped cushion that loss. Because they are still young, production of his early varieties is still on the upswing. His earliest variety is Gillet. In 2001, in their 6th year, these trees produced about 1,800 pounds of nuts per acre — an 1,100-pound increase over 2010.

    “They were really nice nuts,” Anderson says. “Most were jumbo and graded very well. All were in-shell.”

    He was pleased with the 5,500-pound yield of his Hartleys, too. However, because they were rained on, some failed to make in-shell, Anderson notes.

    Another of his early variety yields still climbing is Howard. One orchard, just finishing its 8th year, produced almost 5,000 pounds of walnuts per acre
    last year. That was 2,000 pounds more than in 2010, he reports. His other block of Howards, in its 5th year in 2011, yielded 2,500 pounds of nuts per acre. That compares to a 1,000-pound yield the previous year.

    Production of his Chandlers, his latest and most widely-planted variety, fell from the usual 3 tons per acre to 2.5 tons. In 2009 and 2010 his oldest block of Chandlers, now beginning its 20th year, achieved a yield of 7,500 pounds per acre each season. In 2011, production dropped by 2,000 pounds per acre.

    Anderson figures that the increased yields from his young, early-variety trees just about offset the decrease in his Chandlers. “Our total walnut production in 2011 was probably pretty close to what we had in 2010,” he says.

    However, prices for his 2010 crop were in the $1.30 to $1.40 range. Prices for his 2011 crop have climbed to the $1.30 to $1.60 range, “That’s the highest we’ve ever been paid for walnuts,” Anderson says.

    "A fost un an bun, dar nu un an cu totul super pentru noi", spune Glenn County, California, nuc producător Gary Anderson ca el se uită peste cifrele de producție de anul trecut de la 435 de acri de migdale și 600 de acri de arbori de nuc . Cu toate acestea, cu prețuri de nuc, la un all-time maxime și amintiri de ploaia care cade pe livezi sale unpicked octombrie anul trecut încă proaspăt, el nu ar deranja-o face-over din recolta lui nuc.

    El și partenerul său, Charles Demmer, proprii și să opereze Ferme Ratliff și Demmer in apropiere de Willows, California, o scadență sezon neobișnuit de rece întârziată de migdale lor. Cu toate acestea, în ciuda incepand si terminand lor de patru saptamani de recoltare de migdale de aproximativ cinci până la 10 zile mai târziu decât de obicei, au primit tuturor fructelor cu coajă în containere - în condiții de siguranță și uscate - de către prima din octombrie.

    Imediat după aceea, Anderson început să tremure de nuci. Ca și migdale, nucile au fost lente sa se coaca. În mod normal, el poate usca un rând de compartimente (circa 2,5 camioane) umplute cu nuci coapte, uscate în aproximativ 12 la 18 ore. În toamna anului trecut, de nuci verzi au fost luati doua-trei ori mai mult să se usuce.

    Mai puțin de o săptămână după ce Anderson a inceput recoltarea nucile, primul dintre cele două furtuni de ploaie octombrie sa mutat în, nuci bate pe teren noroios și închiderea munca in livezi pentru câteva zile. Asta nu a fost tot.

    "Vremea umedă, recolta rece ne doare destul de un pic", spune Anderson. "După cele două ploile, calitatea nuci mers în jos. În vreme bună, uscat am putea avea nu mai mult de 3 la sută la 4 la sută mucegai. Dar, în toamna anului trecut am fost văzut de oriunde de la 10 la suta la 20 la suta la mucegai nuci noastre. Plus, toate noroi lipirea nuci menite procesoare a trebuit să sari printr-o mulțime de cercuri pentru a le steriliza. "

    Ca urmare, randamentele din carne, care determină producătorii de preț primesc pentru fructe cu coajă lemnoasă, a scăzut. "De obicei, avem despre un comestibile 47 la sută randament-la-coajă în Chandlers noastre", spune Anderson. "Acest lucru anul trecut, care a scazut la 43 la suta sau mai putin. Asta e un strop mare. "

    Randamente bune copac, pernă ajutat și faptul că pierderea. Pentru că ei sunt încă mici, producția de soiuri timpurii sale este încă în ascensiune. Soiul sale timpurii este Gillet. În anul 2001, în anul lor saselea, acești copaci produs aproximativ 1800 de kilograme de fructe cu coajă lemnoasă pe hectar - o creștere de 1.100 lire față de 2010.

    "Ei au fost într-adevăr nebun frumos", spune Anderson. "Cele mai multe au fost jumbo și gradate foarte bine. Toți au fost în-coajă. "

    El a fost multumit de randamentul 5500 de kilograme de Hartleys sale, de asemenea. Cu toate acestea, deoarece acestea au fost plouat pe, unii nu au reușit să facă în coajă, note Anderson.

    Un alt randamentelor sale soi timpuriu încă alpinism este Howard. Un livada, tocmai terminam anul opta, a produs aproape 5.000 de kilograme de nuci pe acru
    de anul trecut. Asta a fost de 2.000 de lire sterline mai mult decât în 2010, el raportează. Sa bloc alte Howards, în anul cincilea în 2011, a dat 2500 de lire sterline de fructe cu coajă lemnoasă pe hectar. Aceasta se compara cu un randament de 1.000 de lire anul precedent.

    Producția de Chandlers sale, soiul său mai recente și cele mai larg-plantat, a căzut de la obișnuite 3 tone pe hectar la 2,5 tone. În 2009 și 2010, cea mai veche bloc său de Chandlers, începând cu intreprinderea ani al 20-lea, a realizat un randament de 7.500 de lire sterline per acru în fiecare sezon. În 2011, producția a scăzut cu 2.000 de lire sterline pe acru.

    Anderson date, faptul că randamentele au crescut de la începutul anului, tinerii săi-varietate copaci doar diferența despre scăderea Chandlers sale. "Productia noastra de nuc totală în 2011 a fost, probabil, destul de aproape de ceea ce am avut în 2010", spune el.

    Cu toate acestea, prețurile pentru 2010 sa culturilor au fost în intervalul 1.30 dolari la 1.40 dolari. Prețurile pentru culturi lui 2011 s-au urcat la gama de 1.30 dolari la 1.60 dolari, "Asta e cea mai mare l-am fost plătit pentru nuci", spune Anderson.

    Festivalul Nucilor California


    O firma care vinde 10 produse obtinute din nuc (de la frunze la coaja)
    Aici dau si retete de cum se fac nuci murate, ceai din frunze sau alte preparate.
    "Cand elevul este pregatit, invatatorul va aparea"

  8. #68
    Super Moderator
    Data înscrierii
    Utilized tree nut production for crop year 2011 is 2.56 million tons (in-shell basis), 8 percent above the previous year.
    Almond utilized crop production, at 1.68 million tons is up 19 percent from 2010. Walnut production in 2011, at
    461,000 tons, is down 9 percent from the previous year. Pistachio production, at 222,000 tons is 15 percent less than 2010.
    Pecan production in 2011 estimated at 135,700 tons, an 8 percent decrease from 2010. The hazelnut crop, at 39,000 tons,
    is 39 percent more than the previous year. Macadamia nut production is 22,500 tons, up 13 percent from 2010.
    Value of United States utilized nut production in 2011 is 6.09 billion dollars, up 4 percent from the 2010 value. The 2011
    utilized almond crop is valued at 3.46 billion dollars, 19 percent more than the previous year. Pistachio utilized crop value
    for 2011, at 879 million dollars, is 24 percent less than 2010. The value of the 2011 utilized pecan crop increased
    1 percent to 683 million dollars. Hazelnut utilized crop value, at 89.3 million dollars, is 32 percent above last year. The
    2011 utilized macadamia nut crop is valued at 34.2 million dollars, up 14 percent from 2010.

    Traducere cu google.translate:
    Utilizată de producție nuc pentru anul agricol 2011 este 2.56 milioane de tone (în coajă de bază), cu 8 procente mai sus de anul precedent.
    Migdale utilizată producția vegetală, la 1.68 milioane de tone este de pana 19 la suta din 2010. Producția de nuc în 2011, la
    461000 de tone, este in scadere cu 9 la sută față de anul precedent. Producția de fistic, de la 222000 tone, cu 15 la suta mai putin de 2010.
    Producția de pecan în 2011 estimat la 135700 de tone, o scădere cu 8 la sută față de anul 2010.Cultură alune, la 39000 de tone,
    este de 39 la suta mai mult decat anul precedent. Producția de nuci de macadamia este 22500 de tone, în creștere cu 13 la sută față de anul 2010.
    Valoarea producției nuci Unite Statele utilizate în 2011 este 6.09 miliarde de dolari, in crestere cu 4 la sută față de valoarea de 2010.2011
    utilizat de migdale cultură este evaluată la 3.46 miliarde de dolari, 19 la sută mai mult decât anul precedent. Valoarea fistic utilizate culturi
    pentru anul 2011, la 879 milioane de dolari, este de 24 la suta mai putin de 2010.Valoarea recoltei 2011 pecan utilizate a crescut
    1 la suta la 683 de milioane de dolari. Alune utilizate valoarea culturilor, la 89.3 milioane de dolari, este de 32 la suta mai anul trecut.
    2011 culturi utilizat piulița de macadamia este evaluată de 34,2 milioane de dolari, în creștere cu 14 la sută față de anul 2010.
    Productia Americii de fructe si nuci, de la pagina 70 incepe sa se vorbeasca despre nuci, avem grafice, pe ce suprafata se cultiva, cat valoareaza productia (pe ani), si multe alte informatii.
    "Cand elevul este pregatit, invatatorul va aparea"

  9. #69
    Super Moderator
    Data înscrierii
    Date despre china:

    Un material foarte interesant :

    La final arata date despre productia din china, un mic semn de intrebare:

    Spatiu plantat:

    2008-2009: 1.485.000 (Hectare banuiesc, nu am vazut unitatea de masura)
    2009-2010: 1.650.000
    2010-2011: 1.829.000

    Suprafata de pe care s-a recoltat:
    (nu mai trec anii, sunt cei de mai sus)

    Productie (tone)





    Doar atatea tone exportate ... deci ei nu exporta materia prima, o PRELUCREAZA!
    "Cand elevul este pregatit, invatatorul va aparea"

  10. #70
    Super Moderator
    Data înscrierii

    Revised August 2012 by Diane Huntrods, AgMRC, Iowa State University.

    U.S. tree nut production in 2011 totaled 2.6 million tons (unshelled), up 8 percent from the previous year. The nut crop was valued at $6.1 billion, up 4 percent from 2010. (NASS 2012)

    Almond, hazelnut and macadamia nut production all increased in 2011, while pistachio and walnut production declined. Almond production was up 19 percent, hazelnut production jumped 39 percent and macadamia production increased 13 percent. Pistachio production was down 15 percent and walnut production declined by 9 percent. Pecan production was down 8 percent as a result of drought in major pecan-producing states. (NASS 2012)

    Crop value increased for all tree nuts but pistachios. Almonds account for more than half of U.S. tree nut production value, and in 2011, almond production value rose 19 percent to $3.5 billion. Likewise, the value of the 2011 hazelnut and pecan crops also increased, while the value of the pistachio nut crop dropped 24 percent. (NASS 2012)

    Tree nut consumption rose to 3.97 pounds per person in 2010. Americans ate more almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias and pistachios, but fewer pecans and walnuts. In general, the top three nuts eaten in the United States are almonds, pecans and walnuts. (ERS)

    California is the country's leading producer of tree nuts. Nearly 90 percent of each year's tree nut production is harvested from the state's orchards, including almost all almonds, pistachios and walnuts. Together, Georgia, New Mexico and Texas produce more than 75 percent of the U.S. pecan crop. (NASS 2012)

    According to USDA, China bought $737 million in tree nuts from the United States in 2009, up from $89 million five years earlier. China emerged as the top foreign buyer of American almonds in 2010, more than doubling its purchases from two years ago. In 2009, China was the top foreign buyer of American walnuts, and in 2007 it became the leading export market for pecans. (FAS)

    SUA producția de nuc în anul 2011 au totalizat 2,6 milioane tone (fără coajă), in crestere cu 8 la sută față de anul precedent. Recolta de nuci a fost evaluat la 6.1 miliarde dolari, in crestere cu 4 la sută față de anul 2010. (NASS 2012)

    Migdale, alune și nuci de macadamia producția a crescut tot în 2011, în timp ce producția fistic și nuci scăzut. Almond de producție a crescut cu 19 la suta, producția de alune a sărit 39 la sută și a producției de macadamia au crescut cu 13 la suta. Producția de fistic a fost în scădere cu 15 la sută, iar producția a scăzut cu nuc 9 la sută. Producția a fost de pecan in scadere cu 8 la sută, ca urmare a secetei în principalele state producătoare de nuci pecan-. (NASS 2012)

    Valoarea culturilor crescut pentru toate nuci copac, dar fistic. Migdalele reprezintă mai mult de jumătate din valoarea copac nuci de producție din SUA, iar în 2011, valoarea de migdale de producție a crescut 19 procente, ajungand la 3,5 miliarde de dolari. De asemenea, valoarea de alune pecan 2011 și culturi, de asemenea, a crescut, în timp ce valoarea de culturi Fisticul scazut 24 la suta. (NASS 2012)

    Consumul de nuci copac a crescut la 3.97 lire sterline pe persoană în 2010. Americanii mâncat migdale, alune, mai multe macadamia și fistic, nuci pecan, dar mai putine si nuci. În general, primele trei nuci consumate în Statele Unite sunt migdale, nuci pecan și nuci. (ERS) California este producător țării lider de nuci copac. Aproape 90 la sută din producția fiecărui an nuc se recoltează din livezi de stat, inclusiv aproape toate migdale, fistic si nuci. Împreună, Georgia, New Mexico și Texas produce mai mult de 75 la suta din recolta pecan SUA. (NASS 2012)

    Potrivit USDA, China a cumparat 737 milioane dolari în nuci din Statele Unite în 2009, până la 89 milioane dolari cinci ani mai devreme. China a apărut ca cumpărător străin de sus a migdale americane în 2010, mai mult decat dublarea achizițiilor sale de la doi ani în urmă. În 2009, China a fost cumpărător străin de sus de nuci americane, iar în 2007 a devenit piață de export de conducere pentru nuci pecan. (FAS)
    Ultima modificare făcută de Dragos; 23.12.2012 la 19:51.
    "Cand elevul este pregatit, invatatorul va aparea"

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