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Subiect: Muzeul Păcii România - Peace Museum Romania

  1. #1
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    Muzeul Păcii România - Peace Museum Romania

    • Peace Museum Romania (Muzeul Păcii România)
      It is the first Peace Museum in South Eastern Europe and the First Mobile Peace Museum in the world.
      The idea of the establishment and mobility of this museum belongs to its founder Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, who wanted to spread the peace education in the world as widely as possible.
      Peace Museum Romania promotes peace and human rights by presenting outstanding personalities of the world who contributed to the defense of peace, freedom and human rights in the spirit of international and european conventions.
      Peace Museum Romania is an integral part of World Networks 4 Peace (, present in Romania (Rm.Valcea, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Bucharest – Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, and National Library of Romania), Europe (Vienna), USA (Colorado) and Nepal (Kathmandu).
      Este primul Muzeu al Păcii din Europa de Sud-Est și primul Muzeu al Păcii mobil din lume. Ideea înființării cât și a mobilității acestui muzeu aparține fondatoarei acestuia Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, care a dorit răspândirea cât mai largă a educației pentru pace în lume.
      Peace Museum Romania (Muzeul Păcii România) promovează pacea și drepturile omului prin
      prezentarea unor personalități marcante ale lumii care au contribuit și contribuie la apărarea păcii,
      libertății și drepturilor omului, în spiritul convențiilor internaționale și europene.
      Peace Museum Romania (Muzeul Păcii România) este parte integrantă World Networks 4 Peace
      (, fiind prezent atât în România (Rm.Vâlcea, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, București - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea București, și Biblioteca Națională a României) cât și în Europa (Viena), USA (Colorado) și Nepal (Kathmandu).

  2. #2
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    BUCHAREST, April 15, 2019 - Between April 15 and April 19, 2019, the National Library of Romania hosts the Peace Museum Romania, within the ALTFEL National School Program "Know more, be better!". The opening was attended by Chhaya Saint Ramon, Business-Implicities CEO, Paris, France, who spoke about peace and women's role in society, in peacekeeping. In the opening ceremony of the museum exhibition, she gave to the founder of Peace Museum Romania, Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, the Prize ”Peace Hero”, awarded by the Peace Museum Vienna (Austria) , as a recognition of the whole activity as an international activist for peace and human rights.
    PEACE MUSEUM ROMANIA is the first Peace Museum in South- Eastern Europe and the first Mobile Peace Museum in the world. The idea of ​​the establishment and mobility of this museum belongs to its founder, Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, who wanted to spread as much as possible the peace education in the world.
    The Peace Museum Romania promotes peace and human rights by presenting outstanding personalities of the world who have contributed to the defense of peace, freedom and human rights in the spirit of international and European conventions.
    Peace Museum Romania includes, besides the exhibition and presentation of personalities, workshops for pupils / students and the interested public, workshops supported by its founder, Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, which have main theme the explanation of the notion of peace, the explanation of the notion of war, types of war known in mankind's history; as well, the ways to achieve sustainable peace to local, national and international level. The workshops have an interactive character, the participating audience being able to take part in discussions and debates.
    Peace Museum Romania includes:
    1. Exhibition of the museum - the presentation of world personalities and their activity for peace and human rights;
    2. Workshops, respectively peace education courses, which take place with students, pupils, teachers, members of the local and national community.
    The Peace Museum Romania is an integral part of the WORLD NETWORKS 4 PEACE, an organization whose primary objective is to defend peace and human rights in Europe, USA, North Africa and Middle East.
    I. The purpose of setting up the Peace Museum Romania (Peace Museum Romania)
    The main purpose of setting up the Peace Museum Romania - the widest possible dissemination of information on the concept of peace and peace education.
    II. The Peace Education Objectives:
    1) Explaining the specific terms of peace education;
    2) Understanding the notion of peace and the opposite;
    3) Identification and study of peace strategies;
    4) Developing the pacification project as a civilization project;
    5) Practicing the capacity to act in a pacifist spirit;
    6) Explaining the notions of positive peace and negative peace;
    Peace education defines a positive and integrated educational approach that seeks to promote values ​​such as respect, freedom, justice, peace, equality, solidarity, self-respect, respect for others, interest in global issues, critical approach, social responsibility.
    Target group:
    - students;
    - professors;
    - local and national community.
     Promote commitment and cooperation in addressing local and global vital issues;
     Promoting and preserving peace, a prerequisite for sustainable development;
     Stimulate the participation of the young generation, families, teachers, the entire community in peace education activities.
    “ We need to teach the younger generation to become a peace-maker. Peace education is an effective way of eliminating aggression, violence and terrorism in the world.” said Magdalena C. Butucea, founder Peace Museum Romania.
    __________________________________________________ _________________
    Diplomatic Aspects / Bucharest

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Alina Bratu

    Administrator ˇ 21 aprilie la 09:47

    Muzeul Păcii România - Peace Museum Romania
    Este primul Muzeu al Păcii din Europa de Sud-Est și primul Muzeu al Păcii mobil din lume. Ideea înființării cât și a mobilității acestui muzeu aparține fondatoarei acestuia Magdalena Cristina BUTUCEA, care a dorit răspândirea cât mai largă a educației pentru pace în lume.
    Peace Museum Romania (Muzeul Păcii România) promovează pacea și drepturile omului prin
    prezentarea unor personalități marcante ale lumii care au contribuit și contribuie la apărarea păcii,
    libertății și drepturilor omului, în spiritul convențiilor internaționale și europene.
    Peace Museum Romania (Muzeul Păcii România) este parte integrantă World Networks 4 Peace
    (, fiind prezent atât în România (Rm.Vâlcea, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, București - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea București, și Biblioteca Națională a României) cât și în Europa (Viena), USA (Colorado) și Nepal (Kathmandu).…/25118-Muzeul-P%C4%83cii-Ro…

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    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Auzisem ceva, dar nu m-am documentat, nu stiam de World Networks 4 Peace. Chiar va multumesc pentu informatie

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