00:03:08 Rick Crammond’s intro
00:03:59 One Planet, One Nation, One Race Video
00:08:38 MK talks about agriculture and decontamination
00:11:50 Dubai conference April 21-24, 2016
00:19:36 Dubai conference promotional video
00:21:08 The solidity of the Kf, not relying on governments for funds, Kf in Holland is giving away Pain Pads and Pain Pens to the public, Certification of health products,
00:24:15 People making their own products to give away, for their protection, they cannotuse the Kf logo unless they are a licensed distributor
00:25:55 Earthquake news. Feb 21 to April 18, 2016 first window
  • 00:40:40 Executive order article shown on screen available here. Actual executive order available here
  • 00:41:01 USGS Earthquake map shown. Available here

00:44:xx Question about the second sun/twin star
00:53:00 MK shares a camera to demonstrate what will happen to the continent
00:57:51 Paying for the April conference
01:00:00 More earthquake news
01:05:52 Agriculture presentation from Ghana, Africa. Water pollution is a big problem
01:22:xx Using GANS to work with pollution
01:33:14 Water analysis document from Africa
02:05:13 Aquarium presentation from Africa from Benjamin: fish in tank with CO2 GANS are bigger and more active
  • 02:12:xx Tests on growing mushrooms

02:26:01 Power Point from Africa, agriculture experiment farming potatoes with GANS.
02:51:22 Mexico corn and wheat report
03:53:19 Douglas from USA presents two innovations he is using: NWET (nano-coated Water Energizing Tubes) and PWET (Plasma Water Energizing Tubes)
04:06:xx GANS and effects on cantaloupes
04:21:14 Video explaining the process of working with energizing tubes
04:30:46 Vernie from the Philippines shows experiments with cantaloupe and rice plants with GANS
04:48:37 A short video from Germany, shoing a bucket with nano-copper and zinc producing electricity
04:52:36 Sharing some of Victor Schauberger's knowledge. A recommendation to use copper or bronze tools for planting
04:58:43 Testimonial from Douglas regarding energy cup for feeding and healing
5:11:57 Double walled cup for energizing food and water demonstration, a drawing on the energy cup
5:17:xx MK provides more teaching of details of the Cup of Life and pain pens
5:33:xx: Question on use of magnets
05:39:29 Question on using Kf logos on health cups
05:41:53 Coil winding machine video from JF Dupont in Canada. Update on manufacturing in Italy, Germany and Japan
05:52:48 Teaching workshops and costs
05:57:07 Australian Kf factory video
6:00:29 Peace Video
6:04:55 First Universal Community Council, April 21-22, 2016 Dubai Video
06:07:02 End
Notes courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tU1A4k0ZPU
Topic: Agricultural Blueprints Day

00:03: Rick announces that this is Agricultural Blueprints Day with presentations from around the world, though actually the last couple of hours moved onto more teachings on the cup of life and other announcements. Like the previous health blueprints workshop this was just over 6 hours long, quite a marathon for anyone to watch, let alone take notes – and it was not really so much a delivery of blueprints as much as different reports of various agricultural and water decontamination experiments from Knowledge Seekers and experimenters around the world…

00:04: One Planet, One Nation, One Race Video

00:08: MK: Good morning, etc., as usual – we have delivered Energy and Health blueprints – today we try to open the blueprints for agriculture and Decontamination – in the coming time we will announce the blueprints for the SSI takeoff!

00:11: To counteract some rumors going around we have NOT escaped from Italy – we are still based in Italy – we are just opening another base in the Middle East.

00:12: I cannot take man into space if he will become a slave to the Universal community – my job is to take you as equal, and you are only equal when you have all the knowledge. Becoming One Planet, One Race, One Nation is a prerequisite to becoming part of the Universal Community.

00:15: We have contracted a travel agent to look after your visas and accommodation, etc., for the Dubai Conference – you can access this on the Kf.org website.

00:19: Promo video for the Dubai Universal Community Council that will be formed at the meeting on the 21st of April.

00:29: MK delivers even clearer and more urgent warnings to the people on the West Coast of the USA to move to higher ground away from the coast. From February 28 to April 18 is the switch time by his calculations and the natural movement of the plates is being exacerbated by the approach of the so-called 2nd sun. In the last few days we have seen the volcanic eruptions showing the imminent massive earthquake on the American side of the Pacific – we are warning people to move out of California, Chile, Canada now. We also see waves of up to 200 – 300 meters high crossing the Pacific – warning people on the other side of the Pacific to have their escape routes to higher ground ready.

00:43: The North American continent is held up like a skier is held up by a tow rope – and the rope is the Panama area of Central America. S America has already been released and this rope will snap causing the N American continent to sink by some centimeters – when this happens you will see all the volcanoes popping like pop corn.

00:44: Thomas asks a question about the 2nd sun: MK: It is approaching and putting pressure on the Continental plates. Our Sun did not just appear here – it happened like the Neutron split into the proton and electron and they rotate around each other to keep each other in balance – the same thing happened with our solar system. Finding single systems in the galaxy is very rare – most are twin systems. This rotation sometimes takes up to 20 Million years and every time they come close they put pressure on each other. We can tell from the movement of the S American continent the trajectory of approach.

01:01: Benjamin comes on from Ghana to present the results of experiments on water purification. He is presenting with Dr. Nana whom MK recognizes as one of the ambassadors at the meeting in Rome October 16, 2015.

01:06: A basic intro to Ghana small country in WA rich in gold, diamonds, minerals and recently crude oil. It has many rivers and most of them are polluted due to heavy mining especially gold mining. The water pollution is a huge problem – organic, inorganic, radioactive and acid-base pollutants.

01:19: Along with Dr. Nana they started using GANS to work with the pollution. They experimented with washing with CO2 CH3 and CuO GANS.

01:30: Data presented on the treatment of 2 rivers

01:53: Initially appears that the CO2 GANS made it all worse but turns out the data was written into the wrong columns and there was actually a huge improvement. (They will have another look at it and bring the data back next week.)

01:58: Conclusion is that the polluted water has been cleared of contaminants by the CO2 GANS and is now drinkable. MK suggests that the elements of gold and silver, etc., can be extracted from the sediment. (Also if the water is drunk then people are drinking CO2 GANS which up until now has been a no-no! Hence better to put the water through a CO2 GANS field rather than actually mixing it).

02:05: Benjamin presents another experiment with 2 fish tanks filled with the river water. Both tanks are aerated with an air pump and also oxygen weed. The fish in the CO2 GANS treated water (which is perceptibly much clearer) are bigger and more active and happier.

02:12: Tests on growing mushrooms – the ones watered with CO2 GANS are much bigger and grow quicker.

02:17: MK asks the question did they add CO2 directly to the fish tank? Benjamin: Yes 1 ml of CO2 GANS in the water daily! MK suggests that they put the CO2 GANS in a sealed tube and put that in the water to see if they have an equivalent effect – that way only the plasma of the GANS interacts with the water

02:20: B: asks if they could put the nano-coated Copper and Zinc plates directly in the fish tanks? MK: NO you will kill the fish with the copper – he tried that.

02:22: Dr. Nana comes on and thanks MK for the collaboration.

02:26: Dr. G from Kenya who has done many degrees in the USA – studied organic agriculture in Kenya, then in California – did 2 degrees at Santa Cruz – then Cornell where he did 2 Masters in International Agriculture, etc., etc. Shares an experiment he did in Kenya with potatoes – Agriculture with GANS – The experiment was to study the effect of GANS on potato growth. The potatoes were soaked with Water or CO2 GANS water for 5 hours prior to planting. At 3 weeks no difference noticed. But at flowering stage the GANS potatoes flowered 2 weeks before the regular ones. Both plots were harvested in February. Results: Water soaked 217 potatoes total weight 7 kg GANS soaked 147 potatoes total weight 4.75kg. His comment was that it showed less total yield with the GANS but 2 weeks earlier which might allow another growth season in Kenya.

02:39: MK observed that the average size of the GANS potatoes were larger and more uniform – more small ones on the other group. Also noted that this technique (note only soaking the potatoes before planting – no watering with GANS water) brings a big improvement to the crop in dry conditions. Also asks if the potatoes were local or GMO potatoes? Dr. G says they are local potatoes. MK: With GMO potatoes or seeds you will find if you dip them in GAS even for 1 hour they revert to their original DNA – asks people to try this with GMO seeds and potatoes.

02:41: MK adds that if you water the crop with water passed through a copper pipe nano-coated on the outside you should see an improvement also.

02:45: You can also use GANS water sprayed on the leaves and this works as a natural pesticide – can reduce the use of chemical pesticides. These plants are also more frost resistant. Also worth trialling CH3 GANS in this situation.

02:48: The GANS strengthens the Magrav field of the plant so the pests cannot handle it. The GANS allows the plants to grow to maturity faster and with more resistance to lack of water and cold temperature. (Does it also make the human grow and reach maturity faster??!!)

02:51: David Contreras from Mexico: (Quite difficult to understand due to his accent). He has been experimenting with growing Corn for 3 generations now. He sprayed seeds – 1 lot with CO2 GANS the other with CH3 CO2 and CuO GANS – all made from seawater – and he did not use the normal NPK fertilizers. He found the crops grew quicker and they did not dehydrate. Also they appeared to be a bit more frost resistant. An unusual feature is that the corn produced corn from the male flowers!

03:16: MK comments that this raises an interesting question; did the male come first or the female?

03:36: Seems to provide good control of pests parasites and fungal molds.

03:41: Finishes by remarking that some of the plants produced 4 or 5 ears of corn! – previously he had seen 2-3 max! On his 1st crop he says he almost double the harvest. (It was very difficult to make out how the different methods brought different results – but there did seem to be many different effects noted with overall a better crop from both of his GANS treatment methods.)

03:47: MK: Thank you very much – we have set up another website for testimonials and development of agricultural technology www.agriculture.keshefoundation.org

03:52: Renan in the Philippines introduces Douglas in the USA who will present his work. Douglas presents two innovations 1. NWET – nano-coated Water Energizing Tubes, which have Zinc, Copper and Iron tubes nano-coated on the inside. MK comments that the water cannot be in contact with the nano-coating – should be n contact with the field only.

03:59: 2. PWET – Plasma Water Energizing Tubes. These have a copper coil inside a plastic coil – copper is nano-coated on the outside and the plastic is caustic treated and CO2 GANS coated on the inside – the water goes through the inner copper tube so not in contact with the nano-coating. Another way of doing this is to have 2 plastic tubes one inside the other with a copper coil between them coated with CO2 GANS.

04:10: Douglas found that if he treated tap water with these tubes it went from a pH of 7.2 to 7.6 after 24 hours and undissolved solids went from 200+ ppm to around 10-15 ppm.

04:06: Cantaloupe seeds germinated much quicker with CO2 GANS in the soil – CO2 GANS allows moisture to be retained in soils. He started with 4 seeds in 2 pots one treated once with CO2 GANS and the other with RO (reverse osmosis ) treated tap water. The seeds with the reverse osmosis water had to be watered every 2nd day but the seeds in the CO2 treated soil only had to be watered once a week MK comments that RO water is not good – cleaned of minerals – no wonder they are stunted.

04:13: Douglas describes how he took the CO2 GANS plants and split them into different treatment – 1 aeroponics spray mist CO2 GANS in clay pellets, and 1 in soil drip fed with CO2 GANS.

04:14: On Day 30 the CO2 GANS plants much bigger than the RO water fed plants and flowering! This is the first time Douglas has seen Cantaloupes flowering at 30 days!

04:19: Graphs of the improved growth and leaf count of the drip fed vs soil cantaloupes. (Douglas started the experiment in late December and already had great results in February – but he had so many different methods and parameters of treatment it was a bit difficult to separate the different categories.)

04:20: Douglas plays a video showing his whole experimental setup with the PWET and the NWET working together – quite an impressive little plant laboratory – the CO2 GANS treated plants are 3x the size of the RO water fed plants. Also a number of other seeds he has treated with GANS including Ginseng have germinated much better.

04:31: Vernie from the Philippines shows his experiments with Cantaloupe plants. He is very well organized and split his plants into 6 categories. 1. Germinated with Rainwater 2. Rainwater treated with nano-wire 3. Tap water 4. Rain water with CO2 GANS water 5. Tap water exposed to the field of CO2 GANS 6. Rainwater treated with nano-coated copper and exposed to field of CO2 GANS. Note these were the treatment they received on Day 1 – from then on they were all watered with tap water.

04:37: By Day 13 the category 4 – rain water with CO2 GANS – plants are much bigger and darker green color than all the others, 2nd best is simple tap water.

04:40: Day 40 he saw flowers on the category 4 plants. (At Day 20 he started spraying ALL the categories with the tap water treated with the field of CO2 GANS as it was obvious by then which were doing better, and after that the others all started catching up and looking darker green but they never did catch up.

04:43: Vernie reports on a farmer who treated his rice with water treated with the field of CO2 GANS (via a pain patch) – the rice grew larger (1.1 meters compared to 1 meter by 2 weeks). Also he noticed the plants were not eaten by the black beetles that surrounding farms were still affected by – no chemical pesticide needed.

04:49: Mario shows a video from a friend showing a bucket with nano-copper and Zinc producing electricity. MK says yes we have done that but it runs out when it is coated with GANS – He had a light in his office in Belgium and it went for months and each morning he would call his best friend and say, “I am enlightened.” Of course, later on he found out his friend was actually the Red Circle!

04:53: Knowledge Seeker from Argentina shares some of Victor Schauberger’s knowledge – much appreciated by MK: e.g. the finding that use of steel tools e.g. plows and shovels, and pipes stunts the growth of crops and kills the water, whereas use of copper tools and pipes brings energy and life to the soil and the water.

In Part 2 of the 6-hour workshop it gets off the topic of Agricultural Blueprints into Douglas's story of how his own and his family’s lives have changed so much for the better since he made his cup of life from a cup he got from the $1 Shop. He then explains in detail how he made it and this prompts MK to release some more Knowledge about his Cups of Life and how you can focus them to cure diseases in different parts of the body...

05:00: Douglas, prompted by Rick, shares his experience with the Cup of Life. He was previously struck down with an injury to his spine so he had to have fusion of L5S1 – he has been sick for years up until October when he discovered MK. He made a Cup of Life out of a plastic 2 walled cup from the $1 Shop – put nano-copper and CO2 GANS in the cup. 1st 2 days he had a huge improvement in his energy and since then he has had a fairy tale progression – he only eats once a day and goes 18 hours a day – his hair is going darker – skin tone is improving – he feels like he is getting younger and emotionally better. This has brought peace to his family, etc., etc. This is the most amazing thing that has happened in his life. The same thing is now happening to his father, and now he is making 12 more cups for his Dad’s friends. Also he has automatically stopped smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee – and now his body is teaching him and telling him to quit meat. He puts different fruits on the cup overnight and the taste of the water from the cup is phenomenal!

05:10: MK says people are asking how he makes the cup? Douglas turns on the video and shows how he gets a cup from the $1 shop – separates the two cups then wraps a copper plate around the inner cup after annealing it – heat it to rainbow color which makes it more flexible – then he fire nano-coated the copper and caustic nano-coated it 5x. Then he puts the outer cup over and adds 20mls straight CO2 GANS then adding distilled water until it comes to the top – then he seals it with rubber cement and sits it upside down with a heavy weight on it (he uses his family Bible). He has done tests and with the fire coated copper the pH of the water comes up over 4 hours, but with the 5x caustic coated copper it takes only 1 hour.

05:17: MK (and lots of other people) thank Douglas. MK then expands into more teachings of details of the Cup of Life he has discovered. Starts by saying the Zinc Oxide GANS content brings a lot of emotional comfort – he has seen this work very quickly with cocaine addiction – and he has seen paralyzed people for 27 years walk off the wheelchair!
05:20: The other thing you can do is put a lid on the cup and suck out of it with a straw – then if you put the fat/amino acid (from the surface of your GANS container) in the tip of your container you hardly need to eat because now you receive the protein level – if you add CO2, ZnO2, CH3 and amino acid you never need to eat!

O5:22: You can do the same with a pain pen. Put CO2 CH3 and amino acid in a pain pen and then put your pen in the water – then you receive the energy from it. The pain pens that are being launched tomorrow can feed you and can take your pain away by drinking the water (even with no aspirin).

05:24: A small amount of sulphur GANS in the pen can treat thyroid problems – with blood problems put a steel nail close to where you get the amino acid you will see the red drops – pick them up and put them in the cup (or the pen) – you overcome blood cancer.

05:28: MK draws how to create a cup to focus healing on different parts of the body. Turn it upside down and divide it into 3 levels. The top (bottom of the cup) is the head and brain – middle is the heart and lungs, bottom (top) is the stomach and legs. Then you drink with your straw from the part of the body that has the problem or pain. With emotional problems you drink from the bottom (brain).

05:33: Keyvan asks about the use of magnets. MK: You can also use magnets at specific places on the cup (with GANS under them hot glued to the cup) When MK wants to target directly he uses a small magnet. To cover a large area, he uses a big magnet. When he wants to hammer something, he uses a solid disc magnet. For genetic defect you use a rectangular magnet to direct energy to the brain.

05:39: in Douglas’s CUP the GANS tends to sit at the bottom which feeds the brain …

05:40: Question from China: can we use the Kf logo on commercially produced cups or technology? MK: Yes if you give it free, but if you sell it commercially you have to ask permission and we give you certification – we have seen some very expensive equipment in Europe that does not have our approval – this cannot be – this is to prevent people doing deliberate damage to the Kf…

05:43: Video of the 1st coil winding and nano-coating computerized machine created by JF in Canada – and available for a few hundred Euros – can be shipped worldwide – wow – Now available for sale on Kf.org

05:50: MK congratulates Kf Italy manufacturing - now moving into a 6000 square meter factory in the North of Italy – Germans will follow very soon, and Japan – Special thanks to Giovanni…

05:53: People can now join the private Keshe teachings for a minimum donation of 100 Euros.

05:57: Kf Australia shows a video of their factory space in Melbourne – 7 people in Melbourne – Wachten introduces Liz who describes what applications they are going to develop.
0600: Concluding Video, One Planet, One Race, One Nation.
06:07:03: End.