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    Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
    Video link:

    MK transmission13.
    Judgement Day.
    How the Kf defeats Wrongdoers.
    A Question from Ad
    Radioactivity Cleanup
    GANS in Human Form
    A Broken Ceramic Reactor
    Armen’s Flower Reactor
    Important Info re Safety!
    Ludmil’s cure for Diabetes

    Brett: Sometimes I have to go outside to see if it’s raining or not because there’s these little pieces of light that fly down from the atmosphere, and they go through earth, they go right through everything, and I …

    MK: Put it this way I have not seen them so I cannot explain them – if it’s something I’ve seen I can explain … Aaaaaaaaah… there are a lot of explanations for a lot of things, now we can explain more and more things in space, we can explain more conditions and so we don’t see any problems.

    We have about two minutes to go – is that correct? We don’t call this Thirteenth KS workshop – I don’t do anything with the number 13 in it – very superstitious! (joke)

    Rick: OOOHH! OK!
    MK: The reason why it’s called 13 we’ll find out later on – aaaahh…
    Rick: OK – What should we call it? What would be appropriate do you think?
    Brett: Just go to fourteenth!
    MK: How about 13 minus one – huh? You know a number of hotels don’t have a bottom number 13 – huh? But you still land in a 13 in a different name.

    Rick: I missed what we should call it there – can you…?

    Brett: Is that why the pyramid on the dollar bill and all the pyramids have 13 steps?

    Rick: Brett can you not interrupt for a minute (big MK laugh) so I can figure out what this should be called?

    MK: No-no-no is 13th Knowledge Seekers
    Vince: Dave can you just mute your mike for a minute – Rick! Just call it the 14th KS workshop – because we usually just skip – right? Usually just skip.

    MK: No-no you call it 13th there is no problem! It’s good news anyway what we gonna say. The 13th is an end, and today will be an end – No problem!

    A lot of people don’t go to the 13th floor but a lot of Jewish people ask for a 13th floor because it’s lucky! (MK is half-Jewish) So … 13th floor is never empty!

    KSs: (laughs out loud)

    Rick: OK – well (lol) we’re on Livestream now – so – we’ll call it the 13th Knowledge Seekers Workshop but secretly we’ll know there’s no real 13th and we’re actually skipping over it – I’m not sure how to go with that now!

    MK: Rick, do you have access to the link we spoke earlier this morning about …?

    R: Ah yes and my co-worker Ghee is ready to put that up – do you want that put up now or later? Not yet? OK good!

    MK: Can we see what’s written in there?

    Brett: I was just saying the pyramids and all the illuminati stuff, they have 13 steps in their pyramids.

    MK: They are Jewish! That’s why! It’s lucky!

    Rick: OK, so this is – I guess right now – (chuckle) would be the beginning of the Thirteenth KS workshop – we’re already up to 13th – amazing – and Mr. Keshe has mentioned earlier that this is a very very-very-very important workshop – so – he has something very very-very-very important to say, at least!

    MK: I think it’s the Time because we got to keep according to our road map, which we published, and today we bring one section of the road map to an end and we’ll see where we go from there on – (cough) – aahhm – can we start?

    Rick: Yes-Yes Let’s begin – This is the Beginning of the 13th KS workshop and we’re here once again with some of the KSs of the SSI – some of them are not there today I understand – and with MK as well of the SSI – just a second – no sound! Aaaahhm – I’m getting a no-sound in the Livestream for some reason so – Hang on a second – It should be coming through!
    MK: It’s not used to starting early!
    Rick: OK. I got it – It seems to be working now. The sound was not turned on or something there – OK – one more time – ha-ha!

    MK: I told you today is the 13th!

    Rick: Laugh out loud – yeah that’s right! The trouble with 13 maybe we should just skip it! Maybe we should have a 1 minute workshop for the 13th and …

    MK: Nonononononono – it’s OK – it’s OK! We already had it – no problem! The problem is in the future people will start looking for 13th and they never find it huh?

    R: In any case once again this is the 13th KS workshop – hoping everybody can hear me on Livestream this time round, and we’re here with the KSs from the SSI and

    KS: Down again! No sound!

    Rick: Who’s saying that?

    Ludmil: OK! So Thirteenth is finished! – Start Fourteenth!

    MK: Hey hey-hey-hey! Big LoL!

    Brett: Dave and the SSI – you guys need to update your Skype to a later version tonight when you’re done, tomorrow or whenever.
    R: Is that what shows up?
    B: Yeah it says Dave and the SSI need to update their Skype.
    MK: Oh – we don’t know how to do it – not today

    R: OK. Is there any other things going on – let me double check here – (long silence) – well things appear to be OK – I apologize if the sound is not coming through properly in the Livestream – I’m assuming it is going to come through OK from the Skype call and that it’s just a local microphone problem here, in any case we’ll try restarting the 13th KS workshop once again here! And …

    MK interrupts: For the 13th Time?

    Rick: For the Thirteenth Time! That’s right! (chuckle) We’re here with Mehran Keshe who knows better about trying to name workshop 13 and has been instructing me about that in a very practical way here it seems – and anyway we’re going to try and carry on with talking to the KSs from the SSI, and Mehran Keshe and I’m going to pass it over to him before something else goes wrong here!
    MK: When you pass it on, everything goes wrong hahahaha
    Rick: Hahahaha!
    KS: It comes in and out
    Mr. Cho: The sound’s not working right!
    MK: Hi Mr. Cho good morning!

    Rick: OK we’ll give it a couple of minutes to see if it evens out when Mr. Keshe talks – I get it good now – so OK, I’m gonna stop talking, maybe it’s just me!

    9:00 MK: OK, so, first of all, welcome all of you to this session of Knowledge Seekers workshop. Before we start there are a lot of things we need to clarify about the Space Ship Institute.

    As you know, we started in the SSI with 8 people – one who is from Africa has not turned up yet… he has a problem with a visa still – The other 7 who have been here from the beginning, they are all enrolled to be here so it’s a position of… whatyoucallit – they pay to be here and we initially accepted the 8 to be here for 2 years, and some have been here for one term and they had to go back, which is Marek and his wife giving birth to a new child – We hopefully will see him back in September if he decides to come back and you will see changes in the people, in the Knowledge Seekers because some people come here for one term, some people come for especially when we are opening the Institute as a university for one month, two months, so until people who are going to be around the panel of the Eight on the - what we call - the table panel, you will see changes –A lot of what we’d like to see permanency and consistency (but) then we get dogmas the same as the past, nothing new will come in, then the old stays.

    So do not expect to see board members for a lifetime. When they are here, they are board members, they are part of the panel. But when we leave this room, when we are not here, we are individuals and we try to serve in different ways. Some come here for different aims, different targets in their lives and some achieve it, and some whatyoucallit – do not see their lives to fit into what they came to be because the honesty around this table causes a lot of problems – There is a lot of transparency which a lot of people don’t like – but, on the other hand, this is an evolving live situation technology and science and ethical direction of life – so those who thought the panels would stay, this will never be. I will not be here in time, like everybody else, so we make as people we see as appropriate to be around the panel. They will be here and they participate – So we might get used to like Armen for a year or two, and then he goes because otherwise we don’t serve our purposes, we become like a church and the priests stay in their seats.

    This is not the House of God, this is the House of Humanity which follows the man into space. So it seems a lot of people are getting confused with like a coconut being here or Jorge was supposed to be here and his term is finished. We don’t know if he’s going to join back with us for the second term, so in time you will see members who will be all over the world – John is away with his family for a week, Yvan is away with his surgery because he’s a practicing dentist, and Marko is here. As usual, Armen hasn’t woken up yet and he’s going to be here … We don’t know what Yukako is doing because she was supposed to be here last month, but she hasn’t been here and she hasn’t informed us, so in the near future we add to the number of the new KSs – You can apply or and we’ll see what it is and what you can contribute – But the progress, the tests, the developments, the research, the work of the Foundation does not sit here, does not sit at SSI – The work sits with you lot across the world otherwise we’ll be building another Vatican, another church, another – wadayucallit – Jerusalem.

    This is the whole purpose of the Keshe foundation – the principle is that we take the principle of the knowledge and we take the ethos of the work into your homes, into your hearts, into your souls. This was the purpose of releasing the last paper two or three days ago – ‘Where does the humanity go from here on?’ This paper was released for people to read it and pass it on – there is a reason for it – we have seen, we appeal to the world leaders.

    14:49 they thought they got away with it – we appealed to humanity – men to sign the world peace treaty, some did and some did not and some have not even heard the message. Now we see that the cause – this is going back into the old tradition – we see the solution for most of these problems of the humanity, through the faith, through the religions or whatever you call them – the way you believe in the creator. So we published this paper, we published this letter; I would like if you can put the links up please Rick, because then people can go and find it.

    In this letter we have called for world religions and world leaders in any shape or form to come in the form of man not in the robe in the way of belief to talk as man to find peace and solution, and to this effect to bring everything out – it’s no use going to discuss and fight. The only purpose of the new cycle of life, the new generation of life is to allow the others to make the judgment with their own soul – (cough) – it’s well explained in this paper.

    So, as we said on our road map, we said we start the world peace treaty in a very effective way and as we are in Italy, as we are near the House of Christ or at least the Temple of his belief for the majority of his followers. I will personally deliver this message to Vatican – on Monday the 16th, which is not this Monday the following Monday. If anyone wants to join us – join us!

    We’ll meet outside on the border to the Vatican and Italy which is a line – you cross it, you cross a nation in Rome and you enter the City of the Vatican – and we deliver this paper to Vatican. If it’s accepted or not, I don’t need permission. I was explaining this in past couple of days – A Father does not need permission to go to the House of his Son, this is very clear.

    We deliver the message of peace and unification of the faith to the Vatican on June the 16th, in peaceful and loving way. And we will feed the outcome. So – we call on his Holiness the Pope, or his office, to accept the letter or if they would like to meet so we can at least have the courtesy of handing it over. We will not use our connections within the Vatican I do it personally myself. If you are in Italy and would like to be, you can join us. Then it’s the decision of the people of the Faith how they’re going to decide, there have been a lot of inter-faith meetings and connections it does not work, now is the unification of the faiths.

    You can still pray through Christ to the God, you can pray to Muhammad, bless his name, to God, or you can pray in the name of Moses, but we start the process of the peace as a race not through names, and this is the purpose of this letter – so we are going to give you a Facebook name – that you can all communicate and organize, you don’t need to be in Rome on the 16th, deliver a copy of these to every priest, every Imam, every Holy man and ask them, you ask as humanity that you want to unite the humanity through their souls not through the name of different religions – so this is what we told you is going to be the change, and this is up and according to our road map.

    There is no change, if I’m there on my own, I’ll be there on my own. If anyone in Italy would like to be – you’re welcome. Organise it, you don’t need to be enrolled, or if you’re Italian or you’re passing through you’re quite welcome, but wherever you are taking a copy to the Priests or the Imam, to the Holy man, to whatever you believe, even if you worship a statue under a different name, put it in front of the statue – then this way we as total soul of the humanity will change the course of humanity, not the men of physicality who do it for their own benefit – so, this is the change, this is the time, we change things according to our wish and our will, according to where we know we want to be.

    The word of trying to bring Peace Treaty starts from here, amongst us, with us, and with the whole lot. Give the same thing to your world leaders, to the mayors, whatever you can do. We have reached the point of change in so many different ways, but the change has to come and the change has to be in a very peaceful way. We are not asking to close the churches, we are not asking to lock up the mosques, you still pray through the channels where you find peace for yourself for your soul whom you have the contract with – what you call religions – but…

    Good morning, good morning, Armen is here – so this is the way we go forward and go for the change. We meet at 10 o’clock or if it’s too early for you we meet at 11 o’clock in front of Vatican, and we hand the message to the Holy See, his eminence the office of the Pope. We know they received the World Peace Treaty and the rest of it at the inauguration of the Pope, so we are adding the two papers and we ask if the Pope, the Vatican, if Christianity as the major world leader in the name of God in one of the names of Creator, would put the hand out to the rest of the religions to call them all in for peace.

    There is a problem with this. Muslims will not go to Vatican and nor do the Buddhists or the Jews because this is accepting, submission, and this is against them – so, as we said, we set the Space Ship Institute Office where we work now for the meeting of any kind of religious leaders who want to meet on neutral ground. The house, the building, is set, and it was chosen for these kinds of meetings. The people who are in the SSI, they know the way this structure is set – is set to welcome world leaders, is not set to be the centre for anything else. Is set for the World Knowledge and the Centre of Knowledge!

    So we ask you to follow this, doesn’t matter if you’re in China, if you are in India, if you are in S Africa or you’re in Australia – wherever you are starting to give this message to all the religions, that you demand as a man for unification of all the religions in action, not in talk. We accept there is a very major problem, we have come to blame others, to be not working and living in God. I was explaining this sometime ago.

    It has become the habit of past few decades that the wars and the worst things happen unfortunately with the people who believe in the beautiful name of Muhammad, bless his name. All the terrorists, all the killing, all the wrong things! But – as I said in one of my talks, the man who shoots the bullet to kill – his soul is responsible, plus the man who designed the bullet and thought to set up the war to do that killing. So – the punishment goes all the way down the line – I explained that last night. Now the same thing goes where do all these weapons to kill each other in the name of themselves and in the name of others – all comes, the majority of it comes through financial, through the factories which are handled by the Christians – which is handled in the name of God in different shapes or forms – so now it’s time to stop all this mess. The one who shoots, doesn’t matter what religion he carries, is as guilty as the man who designed it, who even pushed the button to design the first metal to be a bullet.

    So, this is the where the change comes. No one to blame, but all to understand. This will not happen overnight. There are so many bullets made, they want to use it. There are so many guns made, they want to use it. We ask the world leaders for peace, they thought this is just a talk. But if you are not listened to, then we show the power! In a very-very simple way. In a very-very simple way and effective way through the power of the technology.

    Then the world leaders have to follow, the religious leaders have to follow the people and that should not be – that’s where the chaos comes – that where we’ve seen the revolutions which end up nowhere. Direction has to come through the Vatican, through the world leaders. This week is the passing of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. All these world leaders, Ayatollah Khomeini, have to take the step to bring this peace. We have to put the name like we drive a car, we still put the destination where we want in a peaceful way.

    It doesn’t make any difference if you have a Rolls Royce or Mercedes, or a Fiat, or a bicycle – if you want to get to the beach it doesn’t matter what car we use, so the names have to go away and it is the pleasure of being on the beach to enjoy the sun with the others. This is the change.

    We do not know what the steps to begin there is a lot of pressure to bring the Kf website and everything down – you might see something different on the website in its shape or form from today – do not worry we have moved everything to the public face book we are trying to set up by the end of this program, it will be called (beeping noise) WALK WITH MESSIAH.

    This is what we do on 16th – every single one of you is a Messiah, if you can change the direction and course of humanity. So, if people in Vatican know we are coming, if you know or have access to them in your ways – inform them. The time of change has come, we hand things over, if you are in Italy, if you want to be with us on the 16th, not this Monday the next Monday, I’ll be in Rome, with the documents. I have prayed in the Vatican years ago, and I still pray that this House becomes the House of Peace, not the backing and the followers of the wars.

    As I said in my paper, they can keep the wealth they’ve created, God has the wealth of the Universe, this is nothing but the dust, and if begins, the dust can be finished.

    So – now you’ve said it’s the 13th. Now you know why it’s the 13th. It’s the end of the past and the beginning of the new time and we ask humanity – we plan it – not we follow it – and in that way when we can bring this unity then we can open the space to the man.

    We share the knowledge freely, now we share the peace freely. Post this! Ask anyone anywhere any Facebook, any connections you have in the media or whatever, to call the 16th the date of the unification of the faiths of God. And don’t be shy, if you give it to the priest and the priest puts it on the fire or the drawer, tell them the Vatican has a copy. If you see a mob, tell them already it’s in the hand of God and the followers of Muhammad. If you’re Jewish give it to the Rabbi.

    There is not time to think what they might do with it, the time is how you give it with your soul that day receiving it through their souls not through their physicality the letter. I showed this to the Knowledge Seekers last week and especially yesterday how their thoughts will affect the operation of the reactor. The reactor is another being, another entity, and they’ve seen it with their own eyes, but the strange thing is they limit their own intelligence and their own giving, so the system at the moment gives a very limited response. When they live, when they can give it freely, the way it should be, then they see they can control the whole spectrum, and this is the same way. Physical giving of the paper is not important, the way you give it, through your soul it will be received. So I will ask, and I have mentioned it again before the end, Monday the 16th at 11 o’clock we will be in Rome and we hand over to the Vatican.

    Vatican knows fully about us. Vatican knows about the movement of the Kf in a peaceful manner – so, they already know about it because they monitor everything from here. So, let’s see if we can change the mind of the souls who already know about it but it has to be ready for this change. We have seen a lot of changes in all the religious sectors in the past few months and couple of years. Try to be correct because they know the time is coming, at least they want to come with a bit of clean sheet of the shirt. So we meet on the 16th and we’ll see what we do.

    There are other things, which are important in respect of the Foundation. As you know, 2 weeks ago we sent a letter to the International Criminal Court in respect of the cases we are setting out. We have not heard anything from them up till now but you have to understand the Belgian Government has submitted documents to Google and all the websites to hand over all the communication which comes to the Keshe foundation. So they are monitoring and they are censoring whatever we might be in the way or we might be going to receive. We know and document there are a lot of questions in respect to Governments (that) have asked Google officially to hand over all the communications which go to the Keshe foundation. The Belgian Government and two other governments, because they request to Interpol to calling us a terrorist organization now.

    So that way they got it – so Google is not a safe place for anybody to have anything because they have a letter they have to comply with, and that’s why we bring everything to the Facebook.

    34:00 The other point is, there are a lot of questions in respect to the scientific side of the Foundation. I tried to explain things to you in the week to the KSs and whatever there is to be added we try to explain here. One of the things I was explaining to the KSs is that there is a lot of talk about the Table of Mendeleev – how many elements are in this Table? How many elements do we know? I explain in a different way, but in a short way, I try to explain that you might understand it easier!

    If you look at Hydrogen and Helium now that you start building reactors, now that you see this GANS, is how difference with the amount of GM field in one package of the plasma of that element. Helium has a little bit more than Hydrogen, but slightly in different formations so we call it Helium.

    Now that you’re building reactors, in creating gravity and magnetic fields, you have for the first time – humanity has access to create any amount of GM fields, so in time you will be able to do all the ones which are in Mendeleev table.

    But the question is – Does that limit the number of the elements? Expand your horizon. Look deeper beyond what you’ve been told to look at. Every star is a center, is a portal, is like a neutron is a center of its system. And you have electrons, which we call planets. We call it an atom. We call it a solar system in a bigger scale we call it an atom in a smaller scale. So now that you have the capability to produce different GM fields, to go from one solar system to another, you move from one atom to another. So, as many as there are different stars with different GM fields of their own fingerprint to the extent of their magravs. Every star is one element, one entity, one element. So the man with his limited knowledge has just found a few. The Mendeleev table, number of elements, is equal to the number of stars and galaxies and the universes, which are in the horizon of the man.

    So, what you have you have to open the way you think and the way you consider. There are not what they call fantasy and exotic elements anymore, because with the reactors you have, if you have a double core or a single core you can create it, you have created a specific GM field which is beyond the Mendeleev table, so you have created a new exotic plasma, which if your knowledge leads you to it you can create as matter. So the Mendeleev table is not even the first step in the number of elements in the universe. This is what man can understand and now we open the doors of the further knowledge.

    So, if you think of it, you can today add billions of new elements according to the number of stars and GM field packages they have into the Mendeleev table. So this is where you have to look to open this, not at narrowness of mind and thinking. This is the process of the new technology.

    38:36 This is the process of understanding the whole structure, not a little bit that you feel comfortable with. This is part of the packages of the new knowledge, part of the structure of the new knowledge. Yesterday and this week, the KSs, and part of the last week are calibrating one of the reactors. What is happening is that in this calibration, they will explain to you how they do it and how they did.

    They change gases, they change the speed, they change the current or whatever, but strange enough is that every condition or reduction in the gases in the reactor is the size of their 4 cm by 4 mm tube amount of gas at 1 bar, which is then expanded into a 5-metre tube, which then, a 4 cm out of this 5 metres is chosen and fed into the reactor. So it is very very-very few atoms, thousands of them that go in, not millions. And when we feed this few little we see the change in the fields of the reactor, but strangely enough we have another detector, which is fixed to one of the center cores, and more or less within seconds we see the change in the flux of the center core too.

    We have 2 detectors, one fixed on the one we are testing, which is about a meter or 2 meters away from the star formation core and when we add a very few, very few atoms into this core to become plasma, we see the change in the structure of the fields in that reactor, but more or less the thing is we see the change in the other reactor in the center.

    40:49 So one field influences the other and it’s the same if they could pull out, push each other they create their own solar system and whatyoucallit – element of the Mendeleev table – but the whole thing is that when you make the change, and you see the other change, compare it to the man. You release the fields. I sat the KSs in front of the reactors again yesterday and I told them give to the reactor what you feel and take what you like.

    When they were taking the fields went to 2.222 – to that region – and it stops in that region – Giving the field goes up 2.7 2.75 2.74 – and it stops in that region. Then you see that thoughts affect the behavior of the reactor, and the behavior of that reactor affects the behavior of the centre core. When you give the letter of Unification of the Faiths to the priest or to the Pope or to the Ayatollahs or anybody – it’s not the physicality. It’s the thought that you give, and the thought that is carried to them that will change their soul, and through their souls they will accept the deed.

    There is a connection and understanding between all levels of creation. It’s just the man that restricts himself because this is what he can handle this as well, he can manage. And if he goes beyond that point then you find out that you have to reject it, because there’s nothing wrong with the science, with the technology, with the faith – it’s that you are not capable, your brain is not capable of doing it!

    As you all know, we call this a Space Ship centre, a Knowledge centre, so when we look at something we try to look at all aspects and all connections of it. When I said to you that you can accept so much and you cannot do more, it’s the same with your brain. When your brain creates so much information and your body cannot accept there is a switch in your brain that stops – this is how much information I can send from the brain to the body. And if the information is too much, and it switches off, and – I was explaining this to the KSs and different ones – the brain switches off, cannot accept, so what you get are spasms. Every time you switch off to get rid of some of the information you’ve created you get one shock, and in so many ways we call it epileptic attacks. The epileptic attack is not a sickness – it is due to the amount of information it has collected in the brain that cannot be handled by the physical part, so like a switch like a capacitor, when it reaches a point it switches off. When the energy is used it switches back on, it charges again, and every time it charges – discharges, you get one shake. So, it’s the same way. We have to create the shake though the same process – in pieces – in one way - (receives a message) –

    Oh OK, we will announce the new Facebook for the meeting – I’ve just been told they don’t allow the Facebook – we need somebody in the Institute, somebody if you are listening, somebody of the listeners – Open WALK WITH MESSIAH, and share it with everybody else, because they don’t allow us to open it through Facebook here. There is some blockage somewhere in the system. So if anyone of you can open the WALK WITH MESSIAH Facebook, people can say where they going to meet and what they going to do. Sorry about this interruption I just received this new information.

    So, what it is you have to understand the connection and the interaction, and how you produce so much information – when you give so much information to the brain that the body can’t handle, the body stops what it can handle and then you get what you call epileptic attacks. It’s the same thing with the human race, when you give so much that the soul gives to the body but the body cannot handle, then you get the outages and the breaks and it stops because it’s too much for them to handle – don’t expect that everybody walks to you with the open arms for what you deliver, because they have to put a lot of dogmas and false beliefs aside.

    As I said in this paper – can I have that copy please – it says very simply – We have become blind, why the color matters, why a race matters. Very soon all of us become a final race to the Universal people. Very soon in time to come our children and grandchildren will become refugees in space. I was explaining this to the KSs yesterday or the day before.

    46.20 In the human race, in my life, where I could not live and my life was threatened I had to take refuge in another country. Now that we have the Space, and in the coming time, because if we say it will not happen we are hypocrites, in times to come when this planet will come under in one way or another self-destruction by whatever form – they call it the Greenhouse Effect, they call it the Meteorite, whatever. When we lose our home what do we become? We become refugees in Space.

    This is not the first time it happened, it has happened before, and it so many ways we have to find a home. We have to find somewhere, we cannot be people on the seas and traveling around – till we find home. If we find home that gives us welcome, at least a place where we are able to be, do we fight it? Or do we fight if there is a life there for us to survive? Or do we share it and allow them to share with us?

    And don’t forget that people in Space have the Knowledge of the Thoughts as I told you with the reactors. So, we, sooner or later, become refugees in Space, as I have become refugee on Earth from one nation to another.

    What do we carry from this planet with us? The love, the care, the fight, the riches – or we go as United because doesn’t matter where we are we will find out we’ve been fighting for nothing, because the motherland, the home, is gone. There will be no Vatican to turn to pray to because it is in the dust, or there is no Jerusalem, or no – wadayacallit – Macca. We carry the God, the name of God in our souls, not in our heart or in our body, and this is what the man has not understood.

    So we are refugees. Where are we going? We find a place we will call home, because we have no home. Then are we going to carry on the same ethos, the same problem as we created here? Or we will be subjected to destruction because of those who cannot accept this behavior?

    I explained yesterday and the day before to the KSs. As in time we will become refugees of the Space, in past times the refugees have found place on this planet. They are and they have been but they have taken a shape or form that leads the man to be what they are. These are not theories. Very soon, sooner than you can think, man has to shake hands and understand how generous the people of the Universe have been to man to allow them to do what they’ve done up till now to themselves. The policy and the Ethos is non-interference, otherwise we don’t see new evolutions.

    When you don’t have home, when you don’t have a place to call home, any place that you can feel home is welcome. This what I keep on telling you and have been telling you for weeks and months, we will not tell you how to build the reactor but show you the consequence of the reactor and the effect of the reactor (cough)

    What this Knowledge is therefore, and will be for (beep) Time of Change is from A to Z, not just the Z or not just the A. In trying to develop technology walk away from looking at the reactor. Look at the totality of what this reactor will offer, what it gives you, what it takes from you, what through it you can give to somebody else. Strangely enough is that, when you take and you watch the systems, you see the taking with all of the people is about the same. But when you look at the figures I’m giving it’s different. And the ones who pretend I’m a very big giver and generous, when I look at their data they are the worse ones because they’re actually the ones who want to take but they talk differently. But the digits, and the system and the machine don’t lie. I have put 4 of the KSs though this process here, and the data that I’ve seen is exactly what I’ve seen in their soul. Nothing is hidden. This is the way they will try to dictate their own destiny through their souls.

    We have put a reactor, we call it the brain, on the board upstairs. Its copper oxide, and in time now it’s becoming whiter and whiter with spots of white and soon hopefully it will be white in the next few weeks or whatever – because it receives the energy from the KSs brains who are here, it receives the Knowledge through what you give us.

    But this centre should not become a Mecca, should not become a Temple. This Centre should be the Temple of Peace and Knowledge that is open to every direction. You don’t need to be here to receive it because it’s given to you freely.

    The whole point of these workshops is not to teach you how to make copper oxide, and how to make nano-material – it’s to show how to use the Knowledge to make a new path of humanity and for yourselves. If you think you’ll be immortal by knowing how to make food or energy, nothing in the Universe has ever been immortal. So the whole process is how we can serve to give to others. Try to make sensors for your systems, dynamic systems, and watch it and sit in front of it. Watch what makes it go up or down or whatever and then you understand the meaning of your own soul that you cannot lie to.

    Philanthropist has become a word of nowadays, but if you watch Philanthropists, Philanthropists are the ones who are putting more money away than actually they giving away. There is a Bill Gate foundation in Holland. Apparently there were many millions of dollars in this trust. If you are a Philanthropist why do you hold onto so much?

    It’s in the Paper that I wrote about this Unification of the Religions and the World Leaders. There should be no bank, there should be no building, if the purpose of a Faith, if the purpose is there to serve. Why do you hold onto things that the others dying hungry with no shelter? As I have written in this paper if you read it – God does not need any home, no bank accounts and no banks! When you open a bank account and put things in it, it means that you are holding on to things and don’t want to share. And this habit has to stop because now more and more people are developing different ways of doing things the way it suits the humanity. The whole structure of the Kf and SSI, we don’t call it a Faith because then we run into the same problem, we don’t call it a University of whatever whatever, we call it the Institute which means it’s open to everyone (cough) It’s to take it so nobody becomes Keshe followers and it becomes a Keshe religion. The whole purpose is for all of us to get there as a soul. Doesn’t matter if you are male, female, black, white, yellow, dying in bed of a cancer or just been born. There will not be a sect and there will not be a religion, these things are finished with! Now we work as one.

    This unification does not need to be physically but through the soul. How many of you, being any believer or follower, of any path of worship have seen a body in the back of a car, and the hearse going to the mortuary or the cemetery – you bless the soul you bless him or whatever. This is their own way. You don’t know what that body or what the state of the soul of that body is. This is what I do and I explain this a lot of times to everybody around me. I give to the soul, I say take what you need that you find peace within the state of your soul – and I’m happier the more he takes!

    And sometimes I tell my wife I tell her about what this soul so much needs. Because the more it takes, the more I receive to be able to give. It’s the same – If you don’t believe it sit in front of your reactor and do the same thing with it. You find out the more you give the more you receive to give and the figures will go higher and higher. Now you have found the way to test your soul, the true meaning of your own intentions. Then you understand you cannot lie. Then you understand the only lie meter is your soul. You can tell lie whatever you like but it’s you who knows where it is even of you have come to believe you are very generous in fact everyone knows what a stingy man you are!

    So, by going to Vatican on the 16th you are not going to disturb anything. We are going to give our souls in a direction that 2.2 billion of the men on this planet send their souls to. This is the number of the followers of Christianity. Just go on Google, just put the faith and see the numbers. Then with the majority of the souls we can change the rest of the souls. This is the purpose. It’s not just handing over or meeting a body or a figure of whatever title they might carry when you see them, or we might give it to the Swiss guards because we are not good enough to see. But in transferring the soul we set the new scene.

    The Knowledge has to go with Science, the Science has to go with Understanding the Behavior of the Man with respect to himself and others. Not physically.

    1:00:00 Putting things and being charitable, and at the same time stealing it from someone else doesn’t make you Robin Hood! This is a strange way, which I always watch and the more I watch the more I hate the way that humanity has set itself. I have spoken about this before. You watch the factories in China or Japan and in 3rd world nations people are being paid a meager fee just to have enough to eat. And the same company goes on the stock exchange and shows 10 billion profit. Where do you think that profit goes?

    Why do you see so much crisis? Because the man who built it, the woman who worked in Bangladesh to make a shirt for you could not feed their child. The soul is not happy. You receive the money as a dividend – where does it go? You pay to the hospital, you pay to the heart surgeons you pay to the cancer treatment. If the man or the woman lives with a happy soul and he makes it and nobody steals from nobody the company shows 1% dividend, maybe 1 million, 10 million. The company is making this profit because somebody is taking from somebody. This is how it is! A lot of people, when I said this in a meeting, a lot of people cringed. I give you a live example.

    How you pay, and even if you are you are not aware of what you have done, and you see it in the news. Go and read about how iPhone and Apple cheated their workers. They jumped off, in Korea or wherever, they could not handle – they are doing the wrong things and building the wrong way and not really paying people. We saw the owner and what happened to the top man, he died the hardest life, I would say the most genius, the most blessed man. If he was kind, he would say my profit is wrong because I paid directly to the man, he doesn’t need to jump off the offices! Go back to the history of when they manufactured the phone and the apple systems, they put a net around the factory because people were jumping off. He knew his workers were not paid well, and we saw what a horrible life he died.

    Look why! Don’t just say the man is gone this way! It’s the consequence of what they’ve done. The man who is correct will die in a peaceful time in bed. The books are clean, it’s just the physicality which the soul takes on.

    Look at the word leaders, hiding and ducking and whatever they do. The books will be clear when they leave the physicality, but in their own way – you don’t need to be hung or be shot at to receive punishment. (cough) The demons you sleep with at night is your punishment. You punish yourselves.

    Please, now that you start a lot of you ask me where do you buy these sensors, how do you make 3D sensors. Now put these sensors on the reactors, which you build, and sit in front of it and put your videos on Facebook like you put up with the others. And show the true intentions the way you are and I wonder how many of you will put this on the Facebook! Because a lot of you will be ashamed of your own way which you thought it was hidden!

    So this technology is not just changing bringing you free energy or going into space, this technology brings you to your own judgment day. Then you know how you go and how you change. There is a principle and this is the way the Universe is run. You take none unless you are given, and you give everything that in one time somebody who needs it can use it. Then we come to the balance. Then we come to understanding a lot of things – why this technology has come, and it goes hand in hand with everything else.

    1:05 Closing of the book of the past. Opening a new technology and entering a new dimension in the future of the mankind with a new clean slate, but at least knowing that what the worst thing is and knowing that we not going to repeat the past.

    And this only comes when we as people understand that most of the wars, most of the aggressions have come in different ways from the people who believe that they are the men of God, have advised the world leaders to protect their assets. So the criminality of the world leaders who kill with the clearance of the men of the robe has been a mixture – two together. So now to stop the whole thing is the job of the man in the robe to instruct and clarify to the word leaders (cough) that what has gone wrong and that’s the end to stop it and that’s why we go to Rome!

    If you are a Muslim go to mosques, if you are a Hindu go to wherever you go and pray, if you are in India go to the Golden Temple and explain that. Let the world leaders religious leaders say that they came as is in my letter in paper, which I’ve released today. In the clothes of man, not in the robes of what they expressed to be in one name, and then when they sit as men then they understand the problem of the man, not the glory of the robe they carry.

    On the 26th of this month we have one of the well-known gurus who has invited himself to be here as part of this unification. He is coming with his entourage from India to be with us on the 26th because a lot of world leaders, a lot of religious leaders know what the technology is offering and what this new knowledge is going to bring but the fear of the backlash and what they might lose – they will lose nothing because they will receive more .

    When you’re a Pope, when you’re an Imam, when you’re a Rabbi or you’re a high priest in any religions, and you order your people your leaders to stop the wars – that – you have also reached a new level because the suffering which is not created is left for you to receive.

    This is the change and there is another thing – everybody talks about the Day of Judgment –

    The Day of Judgment is you sitting in front of these systems and judging yourself and as I said to you before you are the collection of your past generations, so you set not yourself but your past generations, because what you’ve been given to carry to be what you are is the collection of the past. So Judgment day is in front of you for yourself. There is no hell. There is no heaven. The hell comes when you have to understand what you have to let go which has been wrong, the heaven comes when you know you are giving freely and you are in the process to be equal and to be correct – any questions? (Long silence) … I’ve been talking to myself again!

    1:09:09 Rick (chuckle) Aaahh … thank you… thank you very much Mr. Keshe. Do we have any people on the Livestream Vince to have any questions, or let me have a look at the Livestream and see what’s happening as well, anything on the Goto meeting Vince?

    MK: (speaking to someone at the SSI) Make something else – make a name you’re happy with.
    Vince: Any questions on the Goto meeting?

    MK: I think a lot of people won’t be asking any questions because now they’re asking their own integrity and their own soul
    Rick: Laugh out loud – yeah!


    MK: Aaahhh there are a lot of questions. I was talking to – I don’t mention the name but he knows who he is – and he sent me an email last night – aaahhh – that he made a telephone call to Mr. Delanoir the Police of Belgium that, why are they doing this to me and my family, and from what I understand he received a call from National Security, whatever, the Police of his country.

    So they try to mess everything up to be able to stay alive because they know if they have to answer there is a lot of wrong doings that have to be answered. As long as you point the blame at someone else then you can walk away the way you lived. There won’t be many questions, but the question is how we question ourselves in the previous conducts and the present conducts.

    We’ll try to go through the Facebook, they’re trying to set up a name for the 16th and how you want to organize yourselves. Ask people, take a half a day off and spend and go, as I said before go to the church and go to the mosque, but face the door and pray for the one who comes in and the ones who pass outside. While you go to the house of God, you face it and you turn your back to the people who are behind you on the street.

    Those are the ones who need your soul, those are the ones who need your blessing. The structure is wrong but the structure cannot be put in right way either unless we don’t decide. I give you an example, if you understand how bad the human behavior is. People who know the Kf and they are trying to give their support in all sorts a couple of years ago, they were looking for a leadership, and I never had a leadership I always advise, and they got very angry that there is no leadership, there is nobody who can say what we do! What do we have to do! So – I set up a meeting, I said to all these people, there are about 25 30 of them in Holland, Germany wherever, to come to the foundation on a Saturday afternoon. And, if you’ve been to Nino, Nino was set in a half, a quarter circle with a hundred seats as a lecture room.

    What I did, I took all the chairs away and I made the seats as a circle, because I knew the intention, I knew what they were after. They wanted to stand in front of the other people and explain why they have to be the bosses and where it’s going wrong. When I made the circle, as they came in, they lost their way, because there was no head, it wasn’t the way they saw and they were planning to do their program to do what they call a coup d’etat. So they have to sit around and I moved from one seat to another, so that there was no focal point that someone sitting next to me, or who is going to head, and you found there was a total disturbance in the whole behavior.

    They were like lost sheep, and they made them sheep themselves, and the worst thing that came with them, and I could see them, in how the ones that came with the intention of what they had. I got up and went to get some water and I sent water to all of them. I took glasses, and I took a glass of water and I sent them water, and this was beyond their imagination, because a top man never does that, he sits there and he gets served. In serving them this shocked them and what you see as pictures, what you see as the Kf logo came from that meeting.

    Strangely enough one or two who came to be the boss because they thought it could not be done after the meeting I invited everybody for dinner to a restaurant. They refused to come, because it wasn’t there, they came for something else and they could not be the directors and the bosses in dictating how the Foundation goes, because this foundation will run by totality, not by individuals.

    This is how it is in the Universe, this is how you’re on board a ship into space you cannot buy top floor of the space ship, and the peasants don’t live beneath on the ground floor. You spend time, years and years together in the same environment and soon you find that animosity and money has no value.

    This is the future, but the only thing is we change the name of this spaceship to Earth and because of its size we become too greedy we can get on to. You see (cough) a good example of it is this spaceship at the moment the lab in space. Americans are fighting Russians and the Russians are fighting everyone else for a piece of land, but when it comes to space, they live in the same box and they take food for each other because it’s my turn to take food – and the world leaders of both countries haven’t understood.

    OK – Instead of taking guns into Ukraine, why don’t we put all the food and everything else in there, to see who serves better the nation, that the nation decides and takes the best of both, not with guns and fighting. This is the way we have changed, and this is the reason I go for the meeting with, not the world leaders, not the religious leaders, but the people as a whole. This thing will not happen overnight.

    The man will understand what I teach in time to come because the ones who think it’s rubbish, it means they haven’t understood the totality of it, or they have something to lose. So you’ll find the question will come very hard, you’ll find the minute I start talking about reactors there will be thousands of questions! – now any questions?

    Rick: Laugh – that’s a very good point – if you talk about reactors there’ll be thousands of questions. You talk about what you’ve been talking about, we all tend to get a little quiet…

    MK: No – but this is the way the reality is, I was explaining to you this morning in our telephone call, our Skype conversation, so many funds gone in the past few days in protecting the server against attacks by Governments!

    Why do governments spend so much time trying to bring the Kf servers down when we are teaching freely? We don’t incite war, we don’t incite conflict, we incite sharing of knowledge. Why are we a threat to different Governments and organizations? Because, it shows, people who said they have the knowledge, they use the knowledge to control and now there is no control.

    This is the reason we are attacked. This is the reason they attack us on a daily basis, if you’ve been on the website in the past week, you’ve seen how much time they’ve brought us down but we get back up again. All the time of backup, it costs money, it costs new programs. This is the money we could spend on a lot of other things that we do, and so what happens? No problem! We have to overcome the step for a few times, they’ve done it to us a few months ago, now the pressure has become huge through the Belgian government and we follow them. The whole process is why to waste so much time?

    As I said before, I blessed the soul of Mr. Delanoir, I blessed the soul of Hans Bracquene, and I’ve blessed the soul of the ex-king of Belgium. Because through their own soul they’ll walk into their own ways of correcting themselves. But, if we had not stood our ground the intimidation and attack on scientists would have carried on, and it still carries on.

    My wife was telling me this morning that the guy who made the engine running on water they killed him, they poisoned him within a week! Why do we have to kill scientists? Why do we have to kill people who think differently, who weighed and asked, doesn’t matter, scientifically, politically? When you do that it shows arrogance, it shows you are not capable you’re afraid of yourself. But the strange thing is, all these people, they do all these wrong things and at the last minute, before they take their last breath they say ‘O God!’ And they call for the priest to come and give them the last rites, or the Imam or whatever.

    1:20 And that! – even giving the last rite has become another way of stealing! – which we don’t go into. Doesn’t matter which religion you follow or what way you call yourself. If you go onto the detail of the last rite, or the vow of silence, or a lot of other things not picking one religion or another because each one has its own pitfalls, the man will be ashamed why!

    All these killings of young girls in different countries for whatever reason – It’s not because the girls were wrong. It’s just because when you don’t know, you don’t know the difference you don’t know how the man is incompetent. All these, that the girl has to be whatever before marriage is not for the girl to be good, it’s for the girl not to be because she has no knowledge of past. This is exactly what is frightening people and religions, when you frighten them they don’t know.

    But open all the books of God, they all speak about peace and love, how to be, and how many times, how much closer you are. When you frighten the other side, or threaten them, or fight them, or create war against them, then you have a ground to protect the buildings whatever you call it in the bank accounts.

    I wonder how much Vatican is going to open - all the Islamic religions, or the rabbis or different religions on the path of belief in the world – are going to open the bank account and say this is this much money – there should be no hunger?

    I’m sure if the religious bank accounts are opened up, all the men on this planet, all 7 billion of them, will be billionaires. Now you know how much is hidden in the bank of the religions. God needs no accounts. All the gold man fights for belongs to him, so what does he do? He banks it on the Earth and they go and take it and they steal it from him and they get the other suffering because of it. So the thieves work in their own ways for their own benefit. They already stolen from the God and now they steal from the man too. So in the name of different ways of going to God they steal from both and they think nobody sees!

    A question? … Or we go back to the reactor technology?

    1:23:13 Lucien: Can we go to some scientific questions?

    MK: Yes you can – with what it is we will do

    Lucien: This is Lucien, I want to report from my experiment.
    MK: Yes I know, you are my – wadayacallit…?
    Lucien: Aahh – spokesman! I will be the spokesman!
    MK: I have my likes for you but I like to see what is cooking in the pot…
    Rick: ‘Nemesis’ comes to mind!
    MK: Oh no-no-no-no, it’s good! Let’s see what is in the pot!

    Lucien: OK, so, as you know, from the last 3 workshops we have had to get together some number 1, covering some copper coil with copper oxide, and after that putting the SP3 inside it and being able to use it into the air, and they’re two cells, 2 unit cell – so basically I’m removing, since about 2 weeks, whatever is that on the top. I’m guessing…
    MK: Pardon, can you repeat that please?

    Lucien: For the last 2 weeks I remove from the tanks the upper layer, which is probably the zinc GANS and some sort of fat thing, protein, or whatever is that. So what is interesting is that in the other plastic container where I am storing the problem – the level of the top layer is not increasing. And secondly into the liquid I can see – I’ve sent some pictures to the guys and to you – some – how do you say – you throw a hand of diamonds into the water, there are some very skinny points that I don’t know maybe carbon 3 or hydrogen SP3, they are shining and it is like –yeah – little diamonds into the water and when you put light into it you can see it very clearly – so I am just wondering…

    MK: go back again on what you did. You took the fat from the top layer …

    L: Yes and the upper layer, which is probably zinc GANS – it’s a layer which is on top of the water
    MK: Yeah
    L: And for 2 weeks I just collect them every day – so my guess was that in the tank I am, how do you say, storing – the upper layer should increase in thickness.
    MK: Where? The one you separated?
    L: Yes, exactly

    MK: It shouldn’t because when you take the material out of the tank you stop the process of the information carrying. The rate of production of that fat on the top is correspondent to the nano-GANS materials, which you release and produce in the liquid according to the current flow in the plasmatic level. So, when you take your fat away there is no increase because there is no production – there is no current flow.

    L: Yeah yeah because in the tank I am storing the product

    MK Yeah yeah if you store it in the tank and there is no current flow in the tank, or in the liquid, or on the fat, you lead to new production of the environment – you have stopped the process in the condition which was being created and was getting held onto – you have changed the environment with no flow. The fat creation comes from the absorption of the CO2 or by the CO2 getting attracted to the water in the process releasing nitrogen and hydrogen and carbon – producing the amino acids (cough) and that is done because of the potential difference in the GM field you create between the direction of the flow of the current.

    This is something which, I don’t know, maybe it’s not understood fully, when you put these systems with one electrode which is copper and the other copper you connect them up, because this is the GM field system. The GANS are literally layers of plasma on top of each other in flat form, One of your electrodes is the south pole, and the other electrode is the north pole. There is a flow of plasmatic GM field between the poles, which some of it in reduction becomes weak enough to vibrate the electrons in the other electrode.

    You don’t have current flow of electrons, the way you do in plating. You have the current flow of plasma, and GM field release – so when you take the fat off the top there is no flow, there is no production, so we’ll never grow. I am running what is called – its 4 bottles in a box – I think its 3 bottles, and they’ve been going for 2 or 3 years now what you’re trying to do, but I did not leave it in the box on its own, I created the environment of the earth around the boxes, I’ve shown it to the KSs – they’ve seen it and you lead to new production of the environment – you cannot just leave it there and take it out and see what happens and it doesn’t grow – of course it doesn’t grow unless it’s a plasmatic environment which the fat becomes part of it and then what happens? You see crystals in the water where you took the fat off … hello…

    L: Yes I saw something like little spheres like diamonds, so when you put light they are shining like diamonds in the water …

    MK: Yeah, but look at the way they drop and how they start…

    L: They don’t drop they are like a suspension in the water – they float

    MK: In that instance they don’t drop but most of the time you see them getting created and literally flowing to where they found a balance somewhere near the bottom, and then you get a new one coming. Every single one is a CO2 the majority of the time in the condition of the earth atmospheric – so the crystals that you see, that’s why they are colored – it’s part of like the carbon part of the CO2 but it’s like a molecule GANS, not atomic GANS – Magrav strength.

    If you are producing copper oxide nanos, if you clearly look at it in detail you’ll find some CO2 in it. It’s not all green-green, it is partially some others in it – don’t forget you change the environment continuously. Marko came up with a very logical process a couple of days ago because we have seen reduction in the production of CO2 and Marko said the problem is we keep on adding salt water to these containers but its getting saturated. Plus when we get evaporation it’s becoming a salt lake so as we take out the material the concentration of the salt is becoming more and maybe that’s why we are losing and not producing so much – so he decided from now on he started adding water without any salt in it to change the dilutions, maybe now we see a different way in the production, but these are all the conditions –

    I’ve seen this what you’re talking about. Actually if you take it out try to take a syringe and take these floating things out and put them in a plastic see through container – collect as much as you can, then you find out after a few hours or so they will go down and they settle and they’re white and they’re like CO2 if I’m correct. We are running a test with some organizations at the moment. You will find out that most of these materials what you call GANS do not settle – they float in the liquid because we are trying to test – they charge about 500 Euros for one test – but we could not get the material in the liquid to settle that the machines could read.

    If you create the right environmental GM field these things will float, they are just like stars. Change the salt condition and you will find a different proposition. Take a syringe, that’s what we do, just take a syringe and don’t go to the bottom to collect what’s in the bottom – take some from the middle and then collect enough to see what you see, they are usually to do with the material that is floating and getting converted coming from the top.

    The process you have started in your cups is the same process as the earth. Nitrogen gets built on the top, gets absorbed as a field from the environment of the solar system and then it floats and comes down but in a different form of atomic structure – so now you do the same thing but you create the environment that it stays plasma.

    The threshold is just the surface that you see the fat – the threshold of conversion from matter to GANS is that layer, that surface (big cough). If you are very-very-very precise you will see that GANS production does not come into operation till that separation layer is created. It is so fine that you don’t see it but if you start looking around your boxes you see shadows of it.

    The CO2 does not just jump into the water it’s like it goes through the main brain of that fat which lets itself become the carbon, the protein. It’s a very-very fine (process) – even in the containers when you see nothing there is still a fine thin layer …

    Lucien: OK – So the second part of the experiment was to take the copper coils that were coated with copper oxide, and so to speak, excited them with the output from the 2 salt water cells and it is exactly what you said …

    MK: You start releasing a lot of GANSes?
    L: No no, I connected the coil, the copper coil, which was covered with copper oxide, as a load to the cells, and I was putting an oscilloscope on it and its happening exactly what you said we go through one volt DC and between 20 and 100 millivolts AC if you are familiar with the device, it’s exactly the same spikes like pointing energy – so there is as you said no current – there is no electron flow current – its taking the energy from somewhere, either the cups or from the environment, so I will post something to the group and to you, ahh… in this respect there is energy but no electron movement!

    MK: No. The energy comes through the plasma conversion – whatever reaches the matter level of the electron will show itself as an electronic wadayucallit – electrical current.

    But the plasma current is much more powerful if you can do it and you can control it. I will teach you how to do it, it’s a beautiful thing. This is why I’m still waiting for our Italian manufacturers of the energy system to deliver us the prototypes. They were supposed to do it this week – I doubt it!

    But that’s the process we use, that we walk away from the wire connection. Wifi is electromagnetic way of carrying the information, or your – wadayacallit… wireless system. In the energy system we use the plasmatic, which is GM fields. And the system they’re supposed to deliver to us when – God knows when it is due – is two systems.

    Very much as, this week Marko and Armen have been doing. They change energy one of them added small amount of gas in one, and the other reactor picks it up. If we change or build a system which changes for the present time, for the time being - aaahh the plasmatic GM field energy or current into the matter – you’ll find a very small reactor can supply the whole of your house.

    The problem is I know how to sort it out to convert once your system receives the energy from your generator to amount of power you need for your laptops or whatever, and no more, and you see this behavior of the plasmatic energy is what we talked about before – how many ED lights you could put next to each other and light up. As the system needs it, it supplies it.

    We did a test a few years ago with a copper-cooling system of the laptops – you know how the copper cooling system is just one drop of whatever it is and it floats between one end to the other and the fan blows the heat away from the chips – ahh… what we did we put this cooling system in the nano-material, and I cut the pipe, the feeder between the chip and the cooling system, the fans, and nano-coated.

    You will find there is more energy in the tube of the cooling system than actually what is coming out of the electronic gadget, so in a way you can feed it. You don’t need the power supply the cooling system if you convert into plasma can become the power supply to the chip! Its taking energy from it but that way because there’s no surplus energy you don’t get heating of the chips either – we did some tests on this before and I’ll try if I find it to show it to the KSs to put the picture up.

    The cooling system you have in your laptops where you hear your fan going is totally copper – which is connected to the main chip, I don’t understand the computer structure, but we had to open it to understand it, and I went and I bought a few to test. You’ll find out you can do with much much cheaper way to supply and work with these cooling systems if now you understand the process of knowledge … any other questions?

    Vince: Is that due to being in contact with the chip itself – the cooling system?

    MK: You can’t put it on contact, you can’t contact nano-materials – you bring them to the proximity. Don’t forget, as much as you transfer energy these nano-coated materials are superconductors, they don’t just take information, they take heat too. But because of the atmospheric environment of wadayacallit – what we call magnetical – you can never collect the… you can put them as close as you can but if you look close enough they create a layer, only absorb magnetic field of what is according to their strength, they are one of the best heat transfers.

    V: Yeah – I noticed that
    MK They are not just electronic superconductors they are heat transfer super conductors too.

    V: So we did have a question from Ad on the Go-to meeting, I don’t think he can speak, but I sent a picture on the Google drive so that it can be explained when I ask the question. Are you able to see that picture Mr. Keshe?

    1:43:07 MK: Yes, it’s on Armen’s laptop, go ahead and explain

    V: I’ll ask a question for Ad here and…

    MK: Just one second, one second before you ask a question… (pause for consultation) – Rick, can you set up the Facebook which Armen has sent you if possible please.

    Rick: I’m having trouble with that because the name WALK WITH MESSIAH and WALK WITH THE MESSIAH are both used now, they both refer back to a Facebook site that exists – it’s a religious site.

    MK: OK pick up what you think and let it out because we need it.

    R: Something with Messiah but similar?
    MK: Whatever, we need it to go out that people can correspond to organize.
    R: Hmmm-Hmmm
    MK: OK, sorry about that, carry on!

    V: So Ad is asking about the ring magnets and the coated copper wire, if it is possible to use it, to make magnetic pressure in the core, with the help of the SV2 and the transitional matter of the Gas.

    MK: I don’t understand – repeat – what is on the left? – It’s like rings on top of each other.

    V: Yeah I think those are ring magnets – he’s wondering if, let’s say you have a ring magnet and you have a coated copper wire through it would the ring magnet in that kind of formation of being a bigger or stronger magnet or a weaker magnet which causes a difference in pressure, I guess you would call it, and so he’s wondering if that would propagate and allow the matters to be able to be propagated around or across or through the coated copper wire though the ring magnets

    MK I’ve done this – it was years ago – the reason I did it I wanted to know if I can suspend a nano-coated wire in the ring magnet, and I can’t remember … What we’ve done here in the lab is I make what we call plasmatic guns. Plasmatic guns are very effective things to test if you know what you’re doing but they give you the nearest thing to the behavior of the plasma. So I’m making one with 4 of them, it’s been there for 2 or 3 weeks and I haven’t managed to fix it. It’s that you take a big ring, exactly the way it is in this picture but extended to the other end as well.

    V: Right so the same size throughout?
    MK: The same size rings, yes, because here we have a large bank of magnets – I have here thousands of magnets so it gives me possibility to test things, and I did this test I thought I wanted to know – I can’t remember – to put a coated wire through this plasma, and I think it was suspended but we could not see it somehow – but in a way you should create a current in the wire, because the wire has nano-coated material it only transfers the plasma, and when you put these ring magnets – don’t forget there is a big difference between a solid magnet and a ring magnet. With a ring magnet you create a condition where, what you call like a principle field sits in the hollow section.

    V: Right because it would be pulling that matter or creating something in between right?

    MK: Yeah, in the center but there is a way to build nobody has managed to build it, because I think you get a totally different kind of magnetic field flow, very much more plasmatic, is that these rings magnets always have a cut edge – they have a north and a south, yeah? What about if these ring magnets they were like a wire tube – you understand?

    V: You’re talking about like a tube of copper?

    MK: No. A tube of magnets and you can make in different diameters because then you don’t have a north and a south you have a tube – it’s a different way – because the minute you cut these magnets you give them a north pole and a south pole, one side becomes entry and the other the exit …

    KS: You mean in an infinity loop? Is that what you’re talking about?

    MK: Yeah but closed infinity loop – not infinity loop, it’s just like a ring instead of being like you know when you cut one of these ring magnets – if you cut a cross section it’s a square or rectangular. If the cross section was a circle then you get closest to it - I looked at this thing a few times but you always get it’s like a spherical magnetic ball but in fact inside it there is a magnetic polarity.

    Lucien: So Mr. Keshe I had some magnets from a microwave oven and they are cylindrical in sections – they are not square they are circular.

    MK: But is there a hole in it? Is there a hole inside it? The magnetic with a hole inside behaves totally different than a magnet which is solid and the rectangular magnet.

    V: Right but there’s also a difference there too Mr. Keshe, when you can have the south pole inside and the north pole outside, or the north pole on the top and the south pole on the bottom, even though there is a centre area. Which type are you talking about? Are you talking about the north pole in the centre and the south pole in the centre or …?
    MK: No

    Rick: Would you be talking about a hollow donut shape?

    MK: A hollow donut exactly! A hollow donut, but in a solid form. Not a plasma form or electronically induced condition. I would love to get hold of a hollow donut magnet, and then you’ll see if you can glue them together the way you’ve done. Where is the south pole, where is the north pole and the current flow of the plasma?

    R: There was a structure that was made several years ago for a fusion type reactor where they used hollow donuts, stainless steel donuts arranged like 6 of them I think to try to confine the plasma.

    MK: Yeah but they induced the field magnetically electronically with the electrical current.

    R: Yes that’s right

    MK: I haven’t seen it but it would be very interesting to see what happens when you stick donuts together – what does the magnetic polarity do?

    R: Well here’s an idea that I’d run across that I think is what you’re talking about, if you think about what you’re talking about and that picture that we’re showing on the Livestream of the cylinders and so on, but you reduce that to the nano-scale and they find out for example at the tip of a gold nano-rod there is a vortex magnetic swirling called a solatron – or it’s got a special name, the magnet vortex that’s formed at the tip of a gold, or some other types of metals, nano-rods, and that’s what, for example with gold nano-rods when you have a trillion of them per square cm they have this effect of being di-magnetic – it repels a magnetic field hundreds of times more powerful than gold does naturally, because that nano-rod structure that they can make with it.

    MK: No, if you think of it, now that you understand the difference between the nano and the matter, the nano-materials are magnetic field traps, so when you put matter, matter is not magnetic but when you put nano-material so many of them you create a field interaction between each one. So that’s very obvious because literally you put a lot of magnets but in a plasma form in front of it, because they can’t see the plasma, they never understood the structure of the nano-material to be plasmatic gaps. That’s why the thing is strange and it gets much more.

    When you have – I think John put the picture – when you have nano-layers the separation, the gap between the atoms is due to GM strength of the material, the atoms, so that gap, that separation is more powerful magnetic fields because it’s from both of them, than actually in the edges of the nano-material. That’s why you cannot weld nano-materials, we cannot solder it because that magnetic field does not allow the two to come together to bridge that gap, it’s just you’re trying to get to earth when you’re on the wrong angle or the strength of the GM field of the Earth is too strong and bounces you back, it’s exactly the same condition.

    Lucien: Mr. Keshe sorry to interrupt, just a second here, how will this interact with water molecules? Because we know water has very weak Hydrogen bonds between the two water clusters, and this nano-material, CO2 or zinc or copper is going to be even more spaced so what is your opinion of this?

    MK: Space what? The water?

    L: Yes water has nano-clusters – that means they have a weak Hydrogen bond between them, at least at the surface so in the moment you, let’s say introduce the CO2 GANS, as you said which is created into the solution, and probably copper GANS and probably Zinc GANS, these let’s say molecules are interfering with the Hydrogen bond, and spacing it even more – if I am right?

    MK: In a way you are right – in a way that’s how you change and produce the fat on the top. You create a weak bond, which immediately links up with the Nitrogen and the Carbon. I looked at this because – it was very funny – Armen came two or three days ago last week and he was happily forever after sitting in front of his generator power supply and two nano-materials and he was showing that he can – wadayacallit… he can make the copper wire thinner and in the process he was so happy – he was flashing a lighter on top of the cup and it was catching fire, just like a little burst of fire explosion, and if you increase the process of that you will find out you get methane.

    The combination of the water, the carbon, and the Hydrogen from the water, the process of absorbing the CO2 instantaneously can lead to release of the CH4, which can touch this wire, or sometimes it’s so fast that you only release the Hydrogen, and if that Hydrogen is at the atomic level and you release it the right way you lead to the production of it becomes atomic so it links up with the Carbon and Oxygen, and the Nitrogen and it leads to production of the fat on the top.

    The only reason you get fat on top is because that’s where Nitrogen manages to come close enough to the surface. You don’t get a fat inside and that’s why sometimes with the current flow between your electrodes you find that some of your boxes produce totally different what I call this fat layer that the one next door will be a couple of blocks away than the unit - it’s the condition you create and how you create it then can allow the production of the materials like atomic Hydrogen – and Armen was happily ever after sitting on top of it.

    And I explained to him yesterday or the day before, actually if you do not understand the control of the system and you release it, and you happen to release it the wrong way because you can create the right environment for it – you release the energy of one Hydrogen atom instantly and it’s horrendous! And I always say one electron, one proton, is visible for billions of years so you can imagine how much energy is hidden inside it.

    L: So you are right. In the cups with one electrode being iron coated with zinc, it’s producing very little fat, and in the other cell where one electrode is full zinc by itself, it’s creating a lot of fat.

    2:00:00: MK: Yes, but you have to see what the current flow and in what environment you’re in. We were going to run a test – we were a bit too late by the time the set was made by Armen. In the next week or so he’s hopefully setting up another set – we create an environment with only Hydrogen to be in the environment of the box so there is not possibility of Nitrogen or anything else. There are two ways to do it – you buy yourself a huge vacuum pump and big thick glass ball and you vacuum the air out of it then you feed in the Hydrogen, or – you put in enough Hydrogen that it pushes everything else so it’s only Hydrogen and then you start your system off.

    We did this test in Belgium in the University there, they have a 1 metre by 1 metre cubic tank which you can vacuum it, you put the material there and you add whatever gases you like, and as I said this before that’s how we knew that the nano-layers absorb carbon, by afterward burning it because there was no chance of any process starting except the carbon which was in the environment of the tank and the coca cola bottle, and the carbon was trapped between the layers. We’re going to release this very interesting data that has sat with me for a week or 10 days but I’m waiting for the lab to finish the final tests – I was told by Friday it’ll be ready. It’s a very interesting position in the pollution industry - how you can convert pollution into useful materials… Any other question?

    2:02:07: Vince: That would be interesting. You’re talking about converting the actual pollutants – I mean of course, we’ve always heard about the CO2, which they consider as a pollutant, but you’re talking about the rest of the pollutants as well?

    MK: Yeah, nitrites, zinc, more or less like CO2 but you have to create the right condition to absorb it. We are doing some tests with live bacteria and that kind of thing, and oxygen level in relation to the bacteria – so the test should be out in the next 48 hours – it’s paid for by one of the Kf supporters for the whole trial, cost I think 3 or 4 thousand Euro, but we are looking at 14 or 16 different parameters within the conversion of the pollutant in the water. I received I think about 11 of them last week.


    MK: This started with Fukushima tests, there was a lot of rubbish (criticism) about (the amount of) becquerels per kilogram, we know the things are there with Marek… It’s their lack of knowledge in a way because when you have such a small amount of material you look at the counts, the radiation levels, by the time we diluted it went through the wall, the important thing was to see if cesium was converted. I have explained why in Fukushima you see the reduction in gamma rays – the only reason you saw reductions – gamma rays are the electromagnetic field and you have the plasma of the GANS and the fields get attracted to the source – that’s why you saw the reduction and nobody understood, I explained this to the nuclear physicists in several countries.

    V: Right so that reduction is also reduction of the gold from the mercury that’s in there as well, isn’t that right?

    MK: Yes, it’s the same process, the reduction you’ll find out that the tests have been going for 2 or 3 weeks now in detailed analysis of the GANSes, you’ll find out that the GANS material is very effective with the gamma rays but not so effective with alpha and beta. The reason you see huge drops in the Fukushima experiment, it’s not magic, for the first time we release plasmatic entities or atoms or molecules in the water due to the GM field of the GANS the radiation which is released by the radioactive material in a gamma level strength is attracted and absorbed by the GANS material.

    V: But the GANS materials are transitional materials anyway?

    MK: No no – matter is transitional, not GANS. Matter is transitional. When you come to the start of the matter is that you reach the state, and then when the strength of the GM field changes you go to soft matter – that’s transition – but the GANS state is a plasma.

    V: They’re at a higher…??


    MK: No-no-no let me clarify something please. If you keep the GANS material long enough in a position that they can release their energy – even the GANS material will change color because it takes a new GM field strength, which in relation to its environment that interaction creates different colors to observe. Don’t forget, it doesn’t matter what you use as electrodes, copper, or nickel or gold, whatever, when you nano-coat it, it is all black when its in nano-state, because it is not the matter which is black it’s the GM field which is underneath the top layer amongst the multi-thousand million layers which absorbs all the electromagnetic fields.

    When you release the atomic in the nano then it takes its own shape because now its independent, and when this thing changes color, changes its field strength, it will change color in respect to the point of view. This is what I said earlier on we see the same process in the lab – copper oxide which is green in the see-through glass is becoming creamish white which is correct – it’s taking on the color of the brain. And I explain to you why. I explained this to the KSs I think last week or whatever.

    When the fetus is developed in the womb of the mother there is no brain, there is a lump of meat or flesh or amino acids blood, whatever you want to call it. When the confinement of the structure of the brain, that spherical condition or hemispherical condition, creates the return of the fields from all over back to the centre which all the fields in the material give, converts the matter of the blood and flesh which is in that fetus to the level which has become the nerve. This is very fundamental, it is very important to understand.

    It’s the confinement condition which allows the matter to change from one state to another in the GANS state – so then as it changes in that condition then you get the creamish whatever nano-coating of the brain cells, and that’s why even the brain cells are made of amino acids because they originated with their field strength slightly different so you get different color, we saw that conversion from copper oxide to the cream-ish color, which is more or less the color of the brain, in the lab on the table upstairs.

    The reason being that if you have done enough tests the way I have done – it was a mystery for me for quite a long time in the health section – is that you don’t have nerves in the tissues everywhere, but how do they communicate? Actually, communication lines in the muscle tissue is copper. If you have neuro damage which you cannot reach in the muscle tissue, that’s where copper has a copper GANS, which does most of the communication when there are no nerves.

    Different pressures on it – that’s why the moment you touch yourself you feel it because where the flashes are, even the nerve gets a small change in the copper content of the tissue. Copper is a neuro connection, so when you have a fetus with all the muscle tissue with copper in it, when it’s confined in the brain cavity you start seeing the production of the brain, even though you don’t see the physical structure. The calcium structure of the skull – but because atomically in nano-layers these are already built up, they confine, they create a condition for conversion of the copper as the oxide to convert into the brain.

    2:13 The same thing goes for why I explain in the future that the intestines have their own brain cells – it’s the same structure, it’s the same neurons. Because the confinement of the gas in your stomach doesn’t matter if it’s your bones or your ribs and the layer of the stomach outside the skin, in that environment you create a reactor which that reactor allows the creation of neurons – that’s why they say the stomach has its own brain. The other places they produce it, but if you look at it, if you chop the head off you have a reactor on the top which is called the brain, which has gone through the same process and then you have another reactor which is holding the systems you call your intestine.

    Understand, I keep explaining to the KSs. Understand the structure and then you see why. You are used to seeing your belly and you say ‘oh it’s just a skin’ but in fact the cavity that the skin has created allows soft tissues to be developed.

    Your kidney is not made of iron, and your liver is not, because this environment of GM fields which the skin allows, allows creation of sub-tissues. That’s why you don’t see bones in the middle of the brain even though there is one piece but that’s created a totally different way and we know why.

    Understand. Now you understand the plasma, you understand the activity of the reactors, understand the structure of the life. You don’t literally need the whole intestine and the digestive system if you know how to get energy to the brain for the function of the emotional existence and then the soul exists with it.

    This separation where things happen, where the GM field of the skin itself in its 3 layers, creates a confined field inside it which according to what fields the energy comes in it converts at the specific position in that area, because it’s the skin. Look at where your liver is, and look at the bones around the liver. Look at the heart and look at the bone structure around it. If you take the bones away totally, you will not get the same shaped lungs.

    Because the skin is there, everything has an interconnection; you have to understand the interconnection and how they are done. The body of a man in his middle part, why don’t you have your liver and your God knows other systems like kidneys in your legs?

    You create environment so now in this reactor you put gases. You put Helium; you put this, but the control though the glands that are there control the system – your glands are exactly like the control system in your reactors. But you have to understand how they interconnect and how being connected to each other sometimes they’re getting the information from somewhere else. There is no difference in the levels of creation or any level, it’s just understanding how creation comes … sigh … another question?

    Lucien: Yes Mr. Keshe I would like to go a little back to when you explained the change of colors in confinement and I was thinking that for the purpose of learning that probably a good experiment – I mean if you think that this could be – to connect the electrodes of each plastic bank in some sort of ring and try to spin in some way the container, so you can create movement and you could see some changes in magnetic fields on the container – this make sense for you?

    MK: This was done by a woman in South of France, in one of the health systems she did that and the results were very strange! For her. You can do that. You know what you’re actually doing, you’re creating the same thing as the generator with a copper coil around it.

    L: OK we’ll work on it and we’ll report you the results. OK

    MK: You show us! There is no problem! Because last week Armen made something like a flower with a centre and I think it’s like 9 petals around it. And he connected all the things to one centre and the other electrode was connected to the ring all together, and after two or three days he said it’s not working so he demolished it – chuckle – and aaahhh… if you could rotate the center core parameter you will see how there is no difference between that and the dynamic system you have in your reactors.

    There is something interesting – I think John is not here but I can explain this to you. As you know, John is doing a closed ceramic ball where we introduce GANS into it, copper oxide, and Armen has done the same kind of thing with small transparent one, he’s put the pictures up.

    What we have seen in Armen’s last week; Armen has two different materials in his core. One material sticks to the wall and one material goes up and down between, which the rotation allows it, and the water stays on the bottom, which is a different understanding. And what happens is that usually when you centrifuge it that way you should get the whole material going equally across the ball internally, but what we saw with the test with Armen was the band is created of one material inside the ring inside the ball, and then the other GANS comes and flies inside it, and when you switch it off it goes back and mixes with the water. But the water will never come up.


    Yesterday we had some problem for the past couple of weeks with the unit which John has made – the ceramic one – so I took it to the people who do the development for us and tried to centralize it to stop this thing shaking. It was shaking violently, it wasn’t doing the right thing and it was cutting the ceramic, and when we were cutting one hole, one end of the reactor just snapped off, so we lost the core.

    There was a lot of discussions and talks about if these ceramics are always full, there are no holes in them and John says ‘No, they’re absolutely hole-less’ – we discussed that a few weeks ago. And when we start actually smoothing the thing off to centralize it we start seeing holes in the structure, so it means that ceramics are holding cavities. But then when it broke and we looked we saw that the ceramic was not glazed completely so most of the moisture is gone, and then Armen being Armen. He says let’s break it, have a look at what’s inside.


    So we broke the sphere, and what we saw was exactly the same pattern and structure as in Armen’s that the material sticks only to one band and the other top and bottom is totally clean, or not that much material on it you see the band. I think they’ve taken pictures of it you will see it- so the GANS material sticks to the wall partially because of the centrifuge and pressing, and partially with GM fields sticking to each other but you see the interaction of GANSes in respect to the GM field strength so now we going to cut the material which Armen has brought himself from America – a transparent core to study this behaviour.

    It’ll take us a few weeks to get it cut the way we want it but this will give us ability with the cores to see what we don’t see at the moment, you can use anything but this is an experimental reactor we going to build. So you see the interaction of the fields – different GANSes in respect to each other. We always considered matter and gases in respect to the GANS now that we open the plasma we open the reactor now we know our nano-coated materials in the center are useless because they actually got coated more or less with the GANS so what do they do? Do they hold partially to the plasma in the center? But we got to see and understand more what it is. It’s all part of learning I think the KSs will post the pictures up.

    Lucien: I understand that Armen’s reactor was not vacuumed – was close to atmospheric pressure, is that right?

    MK: No-no. It just goes at atmospheric. He is a doctor at the moment. He is using syringes, injecting in and injecting out - he’ll become a very good nurse. We cannot vacuum GANS at this stage because it will suck the material into the vacuum pump and reserve tanks. We are planning 3 or 4 reactors with ceramic, they already start building the structure in the factory yesterday – then we see the interaction – it’s a different ceramic and the metallic and plastic reactors because that’s one of the things we don’t have a knowledge of – any other questions? – or I pass it on to Marko? Marko has been busy calibrating.

    Brett: I have one question. Last workshop you spoke about John’s reactor and controlling the strength of the plasma, of the gravitational system and I talked with him for about an hour and he couldn’t really explain it to me – how do you actually change the gravity strength and then the size of the field? How is that done as far as controlling the plasma strength of that reactor?

    MK: That reactor has a centre electrode, he has a centre electrode coated with nano – actually glued on with nano-materials – he glues his material on it – so you already have a GM field centre point in the centre of the reactor and depending on the flow of the field in the nano-material and the interaction on just a very-very small area the GM field of the plasma charges up and goes upwards – that’s a very special way we put this thing in – we know the ionization, once you establish your plasma, the ionization region is microns if one gas rotates around the centre core or wadayucallit - central column.

    We had to do it because just putting gases on their own without radioactive material you cannot ionize but the interesting breakthrough with these experiments has been that you can create a cold plasma condition from the interaction of hydrogen and the nano-layers, which is logical – but then we create a layer of Gases with layers to create a release of wadayucallit - centralization process and then the Hydrogen adds to it. The results are interesting coming up; Marek and Marko will explain to you what it has been doing and what the outcome has been for the past week. I hand over to Marko…

    2:28:53. Marko: What can I say? MK has told almost everything what we are doing – ha-ha – can I talk about epilepsy or so?
    V: You didn’t tell us what you guys had for breakfast!
    L: Now you can give some secrets about where you find the espresso coffee at $20 a can - haha
    MK: Its Italy – it’s easy!

    Marko: Yes well this week we were doing measurements of one of the reactors in our setup, that’s reactor E - a spherical stainless steel reactor, we talked last week about that, and actually we put magnetic field detectors on this reactor and we have another detector which is positioned in the central sphere reactor actually, at the centre of the star formation, and we are adding different Gases to our stainless steel reactor and when we add some Gas we measure magnetic fields each time – we actually put inside quite a lot of gases, we went up to 50 measures of argon on the outer layer.

    We also went up to 40 measures of Nitrogen as an intermediate layer, and 11 Helium measures, and then another layer and it was about 50 measure of H also, so step by step we added the gases and each time we measured fields and observed how they were changing, so we put down our record so we can study the behavior of our reactors, and well we observed some differences, not big differences but observable differences. Then also we put our reactors to different positions in the star formation and measured the GM fields in these positions. We observed a lot of changes.

    When our reactor went near to ceramic reactors, there was an increase in the field, when it went next to Armen’s reactor, there was a decrease in the field, and we can find out these patterns of changing – so it was very obvious that when we change something fields are changing, not only at the measuring point in Reactor E but also in the central reactor. There is some correlation – whenever we change something, there is a change in the middle reactor.

    That was what MK was talking about connections and connections of the soul – this is the most important thing we can learn out of this measuring that everything is connected and whatever we do there is an influence on other things. So in a way everything is connected, not only reactors but also reactors with people. We have opportunity to work with them and see these changes but you can do this yourself – you can observe yourself in interaction with other people.

    We can say that each person is a reactor on its own – it’s like a dynamic reactor, conditions are changing all the time and you can do testing on yourself and with people you are interacting with and we talked about giving and receiving – we did these tests also here, we tried to give to the reactors and observed the magnetic fields, and we received- we wanted to receive and there was some observable change. MK talked about this. Armen was near the reactor and I observed the change of the fields so there is obvious interaction.

    But in a way if you’re not used to this we are a little bit not openly share everything, most probably that’s why the interaction is limited and that’s what we want to learn here to interact with these fields and including how souls interact. We started to understand this and at the moment my understanding is that everything interacts with everything.

    What is also important is unconditional giving, where you don’t expect anything back when you give something, because the rule of the universe is that when you give you get back, not only one way, and you can trust you will get back whatever you need, you will get some other thing back so people are often talking about giving and using different words to define this giving, but is it really unconditional giving?

    It’s interesting also I was thinking about unconditional giving and comparing this to the relationship between man and woman, and maybe in sexual relations who is giving and who is receiving in this relation? And sometimes, there is misunderstanding about who is giving and who is receiving energy in sexual relations. Well, its 2 way all the time but sometimes I observed that women misunderstand this giving and they want more and more and they expect something more…

    Ludmil: Why don’t you get married?!
    M: Huh?! Ha-ha-ha!
    V: This is dangerous territory Marko!
    M: Yeah I will not go to this anymore because there are different understanding about this and maybe my English…
    L: And later channel 5 and Christian Dior will kill you at the banquet!

    M: Well I don’t know guys – I cannot comment on this! Anyway about the blue brain we have here, we observe changes on the outer layers, blue changing into white creamish color and we observe the process of life how it’s changing, a slow process, not fast – with a child you need nine months to the birth so here we have an opportunity to observe how the brain is changing. MK talked before how this is going with interaction of fields from the central to the outer changing the GANS of copper, etc., a very nice time to observe this.

    Maybe people are now doing experiments at home, and sometimes there is not clear understanding of GANS. Actually GANS is plasma but you see the matter of the interaction. It is balanced field of GANS with environment there is a difference between GANS and matter. GANS is GM field dependent with respect to environment. But you see material matter because of the GM field of the environment, and that’s the difference.

    Actually GANS is entity on its own. There is no more electrons protons and neutrons it is one entity and when it finds a balance it creates an atmosphere and it is an entity on its own, independent of heat and pressure, dependent on GM fields, so when you put this GANS to another environment it will create other interactions, other colors, well that’s one point I want to share about GANS.

    When we talk about CO2 GANS, it’s all the magnetic fields of all these elements. Also the source of radiation is actually neutrons, usually radioactive material they have too many neutrons – to release GM field energy, and too low number of protons to receive, then you have radioactive material. If you look at tritium – it has 2 neutrons 1 proton and it’s not balanced. When it’s in pairs its balanced, but when you have too many neutrons to give and too few protons to receive radiation occurs.

    And if you look at material with bigger numbers e.g. Uranium, Plutonium, Cesium – you always observe a big number of neutrons and the relation is like 50 to 30 - also depends on how many neutrons are the odd number or even number, when they are in pairs they create some kind of unity and they don’t release, but when they cannot find their twin they have to release GM fields which we observe like radiation. So that’s the way I see radiation at the moment – so – what can I say?

    Isa: I have a question Marko. I have a quantity of CH3 GANS. What kinds of applications are available like what could I use it for, that you know of?

    M: Well that’s a big question. For usable applications it’s very difficult to say, tests should be done with GANS and I cannot say anything until tests are done, and for these tests we need co-operation with top scientific organizations, and I am sure there are lots of applications. There are applications in health technology, you can also use it most probably in agriculture but I cannot give you a recipe.

    Actually we are just starting to stand up, then we have to learn how to walk and then how to run ha. So I’m sure that people from university who are listening to this program have different backgrounds and they see how to use nano-materials, we are more or less quite ordinary people and we are not top scientists here, so yeah but we understand the message of this technology.

    Lucien: I want to intervene for a second, probably to Mr. Keshe. One of the problems that these scientists you are talking about are raising is, we need to obtain something controllable and verifiable e.g. C2H3 C2H4 whatever, because these are the building blocks of everything, so at this point probably the only one who can do this is MK. Therefore if we can get a protocol to describe this all the people from the university will step in, but they cannot influence their organizations till verifiable results come in so I am asking MK and you guys we can put down a protocol to demonstrate and at this point we can have aboard a lot of people with us…

    M: Well MK is doing his own research and he is cooperating with different scientific organizations around the world and this is going on in the background. For safety sometimes it’s not good to come out with all the information, but you can see the 4 documents published last week about Fukushima and you can clearly see how you can use this tech and materials, at least you can use it for neutralization of radiation. We showed how it came to be used, but scientific work now has to be done, another step forward.

    KS: I must say much gratitude for the work you are doing there.

    M: Well it’s nice to hear this and in a soul we are all connected and if we work together with your support we will progress and we can share with each other. When you support us we feel this support, with no support we feel this. Much more difficult to work with no support, so that’s the message if you want progress you have to do something yourself, don’t only expect that someone else does it we have to do it for humanity we have to do steps we have to try to give, not only to receive and to give unconditionally, and that’s more important than working with reactors, its learning of life, of creation, yes of love of creation, that’s what we’re learning here at the SSI and I hope you understand this as KSs because you can be KSs at your home also. OK, I will pass the microphone to Armen.

    2:55:44 Armen. Hello guys! Any other question maybe my way?

    V: This infamous material that you’ve brought over – Is it the material you were going to build up into a reactor? About a year ago you were showing a thick polycarbonate to our plasma group. And you were going to get it machined in 3D.

    A: Yeah we are looking right now in Italy for these machines, it is very hard to find a person who will work with it and cut it, but yes we are building a transparent reactor so we can see interaction between different GANS. You can see with John’s reactor how it is behaving – we gonna try and do it transparent so we can see how the GANS reacts to each other. My guess is the lighter material stays in the centre and the heavier to the wall. This is the interaction of GM fields and we will try and achieve that and post it. So with different materials we try to get a new set up for GANS and we see right away the production is in there, every step we post on Facebook we see GANS and then you do it yourself, to understand, we are all here to learn.


    V: Is that flower reactor yours?

    A: Yes I built it myself and I destroyed it myself (chuckle) but I am building it now again, because I do not have patience ahahahahah!
    Everybody: Laugh out loud.

    MK: Sorry to interrupt, I want to tell you why we are laughing here, you know it is not all work here – aaahhhm – Armen worked on what I call a flower with a centre and 9 petals, and he put his electrodes inside and he connected his electrodes outside with a ring and this whatyoucallit - system was on the table for 2-3 days, and you know 2 and half, he’s got a count of it – so after I was in a meeting I came back yesterday and looked for this system the flower inside and the petals, and it wasn’t there. Because I bought two of these to learn how flowers and plants work with the sunlight – and I looked and it wasn’t there – so what he did because he didn’t see anything GANSes to be made and things like that so he thought it’s not working, so he dismantled it and he changed it in a way he knew he’d get something and at least he was happy doing something.

    And I just said, “Armen come with me I’m going to show you something”. I took Armen and Marko to the place where we keep 3 or 4 chickens, we call them our daily bread, they lay egg for us, and by accident or coincidentally one of these chickens is sitting on eggs at this time of the year to hatch. And I took Armen and Marko into the back and I opened the box and I said, “Look at this chicken – sits for 21 days and this egg waiting for a life – and you expect things to work in 1 day and if it doesn’t work you change it?”

    3:01:42 “Learn from the chicken. Have patience. This is the process that a lot of people take things and they expect to see things and in this technology, things happen but you are blind to it because you always look for a material dimension to confirm you did something right – if you do something right, it’s happening! You are not wise enough to see.” (cough)

    So I took Armen and Marko into the garden outside and I picked a flower and said to them, “look at this flower. It’s got a centre like the reactor you had and the petals but you have to understand why it’s got so many petals, why it’s connected to the outside, not in the centre the way it was done with the setup.” Why and what’s the purpose of this just to create enough information that the life can be repeated somewhere else with the dust that’s on top of this flower. We don’t see it but they do it billions of times every day, so that’s the same thing.”

    He said, “I was born in 7 months, that’s why I have no patience!”

    So this is the process with this technology if you don’t see something physically, understand at least to see the effect of it around you and then you understand you’ve done something – it’s you that will not understand it. And that’s why we start laughing we went to see the chicken that sits on the egg 21 days (chuckle) and now he feels guilty and he says he will build another one – I will pass it on…

    A: Any more questions?
    V: Yeah did you nano-coat the material or did you just use it as a box kind of thing?
    A: Yes. One electrode is nano-coated, one is not.
    V: OK but you’re just using the tin tray as a bucket?
    A: Yes, I post the pictures up I never posted that you know the one original I built, so I will post that, you will see guys, in the Facebook – I don’t have my computer here with me.

    V: I was thinking of doing the same thing but nano-coating the tin inside and seeing what happens, but like you said we have to have patience

    A: Yes I agree on that! Haha! You know I did some other tests you know. I nano-coated a copper and zinc wire and I just put the current through it and the production of GANS started right away like you’re forcing the metal to open up. And if it’s higher current the chunks of GANS are bigger actually and if you put the current a little bit down it’s very fine, the zinc is opening up itself – if you change the polarity it’s a different material you’re producing – if its south on zinc and north on copper it creates zinc CO2 but if I change the polarity it changes the material, but if it’s nano-coated it has to be one of the wires has to be nano-coated to see the effects.

    KS: So Armen the zinc you’re using is that solid zinc? Or iron coated with zinc.
    A: Its solid zinc that John brought.

    Lucien: So Armen I’m making the guess that you applied a voltage of less than 1.5 Volts for obtaining hydrogen.
    Armen: I went up to 8 or 9 volts to see what would happen.


    3:07:50 MK Interrupts: Please do not do this and open this. What you do you said you saw electron GANSes under the surface. When you’re creating these Gases bubbling up you’re throwing these GANSes into the air and inhaling. Please be careful what you are doing it’s just if you repeat something someone else has done you can inhale literally directly – it’s the gases bubbling up because he was literally on top of it while he was doing it … what happens when it’s in a vapor and you don’t see it? In reality it ends up in your lungs in your liver and everywhere on your skin and it gets absorbed in.

    If you want me to be very-very blunt about it I give you an example – this is scientific research, some years ago they didn’t say anything to anybody about when they go to the toilet, and then after a few days they went around the bathroom and they collected everything to see what has gone from the toilet to outside, and they found traces of human excrement which was in the toilet and flushed away, in the toothbrushes! And this is scientific research fully. If you go to the toilet and flush it, then find traces on your toothbrush, now imagine what you do when you sit on top of these things and the gas bubbles up. I think sometimes to be blunt brings the fact to the face.

    Don’t do these experiments, even if you put it in a container – tests like this have to be done in very proper way, because as you post these things all the young guys testing with the lemon juice or whatever – you are putting the life of youngsters who are trying to follow us at risk. Careless behavior can cause damage to the Foundation and a lot of people like you lot who are at the front have to be careful especially now that the science is breaking through.

    Please understand what you are doing. Don’t touch your GANSes – these are plasmas they go through your body. Don’t inhale. We had Marek here saying, “Oh I ate things and nothing happened to me, I didn’t feel anymore energetic.” Wait till we know what the side effects are when you are tested. It’s not, wadayucallit – heroes will be zeros, you’ll die because your body absorbing so much.

    Please let us open this technology in conjunction with all of us. There are scientists who are analyzing this material around the world, we are doing a lot of work ourselves in the background in understanding the chemical effects and the side effects. When we’re 100% sure we release it to you, but please don’t do these tests, it’s harmful to you and it’s a wrong way for the young scientists who are following the technology. We have a huge number of followers in the teenage bracket, huge number around the world and we cannot teach them reckless work, and these kinds of things to me are reckless because we don’t know the parameters. These are the things that we made…

    Lucien: So Mr. Keshe, more safety questions. If after using the syringes and needles, they are washed in water?

    MK: It doesn’t go away, our syringes are stained. I never touch the centre, I always watch where I extract things from the bars. If you noticed when you put your syringes to take the nano-material from bottom of the pot, there is some grease stuck to your syringe from the top where you passing the water – then you are absorbing it again. Let us do it this time for the sake of humanity the correct way, otherwise …

    L: Right – so my 2nd question is, if people are trying to experiment with the GANS as you do in your lab they just cover it with a piece of plastic or paper into the room, it’s my understanding that should be quite safe, in other words, you’re not raising it to the atmosphere to be inhaled.

    MK: You see what happens – It’s how you do it and the way you do it – yeah? The simple way is if you just put a glove on, a surgical glove, and you touch the nano-layers you see it goes black. When you are not wearing a glove where does this go? It goes into your body, into your skin.

    L: Yes, but my question is, if the container stays on the table – this was not the question, the question was if the recipient stays on the table and is just covered with plastic or paper, this GANS will not rise into the atmosphere to be inhaled?

    MK: No, usually it shouldn’t because you create a condition to do – don’t forget for decades man has put copper in caustic – everybody does – but they never understood the process what it does to them – now we understand we have to stop. Now we know if you create one condition, you create atomic structure so if you don’t give it the right environment it won’t be released.

    L: My question was because if there is any danger all the people who can experiment can have some sort of fan in the room in which they have the containers with the salted water and the GANS it will happen with pressure so that things will go out of the garage, out of the home, out of the room.

    MK: Yeah-yeah that is what we are doing ourselves. But we don’t go to the extent of sitting on top of it and breathing it (chuckle). This is a natural process. Don’t forget GANS is a part of the natural structure of our life… As Marko said you can’t isolate yourself from it but you can stop it from going in when it’s not needed.

    L: Right but I was just speaking about safety. You can have a little hood with a fan, which will continuously absorb the air from the top of the plastic containers and throw it out of the room.

    MK: You can do that but then you want to join with another piece, you want a system, it becomes like clean rooms, nobody can afford that but deliberate acts have to stop. You can protect yourself from GAS in the house for example, you know it’s there but you don’t fill the house with it. It’s the same thing, you got to be careful till we find out how much we absorb, how much we receive – aaahhh – as I always say I was the first to be contaminated with these things, I live with it on a daily basis, but I don’t want to see children or adults…

    Even old people have started making these reactors, pensioners have found a hobby now making coca cola bottles! You’ll be amazed at how many older people are buying the books! Because they see it as a hobby or the grandson or the granddaughter have seen it, and they think through the coca cola bottle they receive free energy. The lure of free energy has brought a lot of people to coca cola bottles!

    But at the same time we got to teach them to be safe. We are not all perfect I always make mistakes like everybody else, but at least we try and minimize it. All the nano-materials we produce are all kept in plastic containers, none of them hanging in the open – I keep it all in plastic containers, even stuff I made 7 – 8 years ago, because we don’t know the effect of them. Put it this way. You have been producing nano-layers every time you had a blockage in your sink in your bathroom and you put caustic in it to open. If you look at the picture of the caustic material we use, it’s in the shape of a pipe. Its part of our life but we don’t need to go over the top once we have a GANS.

    As long as there is nano-layer it is matter state. When you release in the atomic GANS, then the problem starts, because now it is a lion free, it can bite anywhere and it attracts anywhere. This is the problem we don’t know you see as I said before in one of the workshops, we close a reactor and a year or 2 years later I open it and I see the dust of caustic on the rings. So even though I washed it, it’s there, the process never stopped. These things exist. GANS is part of our structure.

    3:19:51. Ludmil: In this connection I would like to add my experience. I put some green GANS into a plastic container and in a week or so there was a hole in the plastic so even though the plastic container always holds the GANS it’s not safe!

    MK: Yeah but the thing is, if you had some level of caustic in your mixture! One of the first things we do here when we take the GANS out of the containers, because don’t forget the nano-wire you coated was in the GANS, you never washed it, now you put it in salt water, the residue of caustic in that salt water, and if that residual is too high.
    We put it in the plastic with the salt, and when the salt settled we take it out and we wash it again. We never use the GANSes directly. The GANSes you see in the bottles we wash it with the tap water 2 or 3 times and then the last stage once or twice before we use it, we use it with distilled water.

    We wash it and we leave it and we take it from the bottom so there is much as possible GANS from the water, and even then when we leave the GANS in the bottle the water comes up we still drain the water as much as we can. So don’t just extract and put it in the bottle, if you do it you have to wash it because you still have caustic in it, especially the first time you take GANS from the material there is a good dosage of caustic in your package.

    L: So if I may draw a conclusion the lab needles probably should be burned with a torch to at least 1200 degrees to destroy everything, or maybe higher to sustain it to destroy any possible substances that may be …

    MK: Aaaahhh… Direct fire is the only way to do it, you can’t put it in the oven because you don’t change it …

    Lucien: Right, no, I was speaking about a propane torch.

    MK: Yeah-yeah it can be done, it’s most probably one of the ways to do it, but don’t underestimate, you have to understand the property of the GANS you have and what it’s there for – you can connect the GANSes for a specific reason for materials – when you lot get comfortable with producing these things then I show you things that are made out of GANS, and their properties. Now I show you things that are made out of nano-material which is on top of the wires, you see it as a superconductor but when you understand how to operate with the matters that are from GANS then you don’t even believe in the nano anymore.

    But you have to understand this step before you go to the other – we saw this structure yesterday when we broke the reactor of John. Because you van create structures with the GANS that is absolutely unbelievable properties. Very much I explain to you in a simple way as I explained to the KSs –

    Levitation, the people that levitate above the earth 1cm or 2 cm or 1 metre or whatever – they can never fly because in the material they produce, they create GM fields which is the maximum that field can create between that material and the GM field of the Earth. Now translate the same knowledge in 2 GANSes. Why do the 2 GANSes stay like a ball? If you know how to interact and make a plasmatic field condition, you can make matters materials from wadayucallit from the GANS, that man exists.

    Imagine you put Earth, Mars, Saturn all next to each other – they’re all plasmatic, they’re all like a GANS, and then imagine what you can do in between them, how you can use one to get to the other one without actually going through any other ones.

    In a very simple way you refer to the nano-coated gold. If you understand the potential of making materials with that as a GANS and not a nano-layer, then you open zero time transportation, zero time communication. You don’t need to go to New York to go to Hawaii, you go directly to Hawaii.

    These are the things – let us teach you a step at a time. When you make reactors that are layered with GANS, not with nano-layers and then you see the game. There is a process to do it, you have to allow it time that partially the matter can attach itself to matter as a GANS very much like your skin. Outside the skin you accept atmospheric condition matter. Inside your skin after 3 layers you accept condition, which is GANS only. You do the same thing with your reactors. This is what you have to learn, let s go slowly – slowly I teach you how to do it – sigh – next question…

    V: So if you dry the GANS with a torch, of course, we’ve gone through all this before, you are turning it back into a matter. If you let it dry naturally, let it evaporate, it stays in the GANS condition. Is that correct?

    MK: Yes because I’ve done it. It took me a year to reach that stage. If you look at the pages in the book, you see it first becomes like a paste. If you don’t wash it, it becomes like a paste. If you wash it, you cannot dry it so easy. The paste comes from the binding of the salt sodium, but when you wash it, it’s much harder to dry, and then when it dries it dries like balls, you see it, it’s like having a bottle of marbles – it doesn’t behave like matter, because I looked at this and Dirk tried to make a lot of close up pictures, and a couple of pictures in the book – we show that they don’t mix, GANS materials don’t mix – now with the small transparent ball reactor which Armen made in the last 2 or 3 weeks we see its 100% correct.

    V: I do have some 580x pictures that I made – (static and lost contact) – MK: we are losing you – static – hello! Rick: Really bad static - but now it’s better. V: Yeah not sure what happened there I just metered myself and came off and came back and saw I didn’t have a mike MK: (big laugh) – carry on R: there’s a strong echo in the audio so there’s something going on there and we’re having trouble with the Livestream - Is coming in and out in the last 5 minutes or so. MK: Can someone switch off their microphone when they’re not speaking? Carry on --- Hello? Everyone: Yeah we’re here, loud and clear. MK: Now, it’s better. Can you carry on please?

    Vince: Sorry. I have pictures 580x and the structure of 2 different GANS and the structure – they didn’t connect to each other but you can see the different spherical shapes that were connected to each other’s GANS, so I dried it out a little bit and it still maintained the same structure, so this is on a slide, a little smear of it, dried out over time of course.

    MK: Yeah. They keep separate because they become matter in the GANS state, they become structure in a GANS state but not in a matter state aaahh – there are other ways of doing these things and then you will see further what goes on and how it is. Any other question? We are getting to 11 and a half.

    Ludmil: So what is the …?


    MK interrupts: Aaahhh Ludmil! I have good news for you, extremely good news, I think this is something you’ve been looking for or waiting for maybe. It seems from our health trials that we might have found the root to diabetic2.

    L: Yeah that was what I was going to ask! Lol!

    MK: it seems the results are good – we did this about 6 or 7 years ago and about 8 years ago and we repeated it now in a different form and with more advanced knowledge and within 6 weeks we have seen over 50% reduction in insulin use, and even more, but 50% is a minimum. It’s a very simple technology so we are going to launch a system for the people around the world with T2DM. Its very simple, a lady after 25 years last week did not use any insulin.

    L: I don’t mind working with a system like that!
    MK: you don’t need to work – the system does the work! So we’re going to offer this, we going to open 2 aspects of the health that we know we can release in being able to finance the running of the Institute for all these applications. So not only you get benefit but the SSI also gets support to be able to run its affairs so in a way we don’t commercialize it, but one is Fibromyalgia – we have enough data to see that we can stop people’s suffering in the majority, and the 2nd one is Diabetic 2 – (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus). And soon we will go onto Type 1 because we have a person in the UK with Type 1 who has a very good record. So Diabetic 2 we can say the use of insulin can drop quite drastically according to what has come back from 6 or 7 years of research,

    Now we target it especially a specific part of the body and it seems to be correct. The first one we did in the first week we start seeing the changes. So maybe that’s some good news for you and the diabetics. We are gonna put a voluntary donation for these people to support the Kf in its wadayucallit – expansion of knowledge.

    So that’s what’s going to happen in the next few days. We have things happening in the background and most probably we announce a health centre supported by one of the Governments in one of the countries. This hopefully has been done by close of business on Monday.

    Ludmil: I don’t mind if I can help in any way with the development of the physical device or something else I got pretty good lab here
    MK: Aaahhhh yes, no problem! But let us put things especially with what is happening with the Belgian government – we are getting confirmation of protection through other governments.

    L: In about a month I am going to be very close to Italy too.

    MK: Listen! If you’re a 100 km away, you’re not close enough! You gotta be here –ha-ha-ha chuckle.
    L: Nah-nah I’m going to be there in Palma de Majorca for a month. Armen is going to come to me – he promised.

    MK: I just saw – thank you very much Rick, that you set up Humanity Walk with Messiah – you’re all Messiahs yourself, you walk with it yourself, and I’ve just seen that people already say they are coming to Rome! They want more explanation, so we explain more.

    The whole thing is that as the Human race we set the change the way that WE think the life should be and we carry other people with us. We have to be the example, not trying to force our ideas, but we have to tell people how we think and how we achieve. As I said in my letters, I say it again, it’s in one of the paragraphs – I’ll read it again, if you haven’t managed to get a paper, that we ask that let the religious leaders attend in the clothes of the man, not in the robe of the path of the faith and then we’ll see there is no difference and I think this has to come from the people who call themselves or live in the path of God in the House of God. It reads…

    ‘It is the job of every man who reads this message to send a copy of this letter to the world’s religious leaders, be it Imams, Pope, Rabbi, Priest, and all holy men of this planet, to call them for a meeting of all the clothes of the man as equal, and not in the robes of the Names of God. They have impressed the weak and needy over the past times, so I think when Man meets man, man understands man. When you see somebody you can’t say what religion he carries, but you can see how good or how bad he is by the way he approaches you according to yours. So this is the purpose of this position and as I see there are already people coming from outside Italy to be there at 11 o’clock on the 16th.

    Rick: OK excuse me, just to clarify for people – would you be actually there at that time when this is happening – will you be physically walking with people?

    MK: Yeah it’s only 4 or 5 hours drive for us. We could have put it on a Sunday or Saturday but if you’ve been to Rome, Vatican, especially at this time of the year, summer time, there are many people who come to pay a visit to the Holy See. So Monday is the best time it can be done. We’ll be there most of the day not just a few minutes. We will ask and people will post where they want to meet. If you’ve been to Rome and Vatican, there is no border, it’s just a line so we can meet we announce where we meet and we’ll be there.

    Don’t forget on the 21st 22nd we’ll be giving a lecture partially by me and partially KSs. This is the first time they present in a lecture with me as KSs, and as KSs we will deliver part of the technology and what the technology is going to bring. There is a recording done for the Italian TV of about 4 hours about the technology in the next day or two – that will be released too.

    So there are some other moves – we will release a couple of reports in the coming days from outside the Kf and when we have it we will have more results on the contamination related to Fukushima. Some of the research from leading world institutes or governments show the correctness of the paper we released in March. And this will be released in co-operation with officials, because these tests are done by individuals and companies, for change of the course in pollution.

    A lot of land pollution can be sorted, we have more details to be released in the next day or two. We teach everybody else, each human has his own expertise, that’s the beauty of being a human being. We see what happens with the power unit if the prototype in the hand of the Italian manufacturers is ready and perfected they want to finish their job. And we are still waiting to see if any response from people who want to support the SSI – because we need a lot of support financially and physically. In Italy hardly anyone speaks English so everything has to be done internationally. We need people who take over charges of accepting students on the administration side, we put enough time – John and Marko and KSs, they come at about 10am and they’re here till 11 or 12 o’clock most of the time.

    So as much as you like to see the flight system, the energy system, we share the knowledge, we need the support backwards for people setting up the structure around the Kf. And don’t come in to gain something, because the whole structure is that we give what we can and it needs a lot of people. There are a lot of youngsters who want to learn and come into the technology. We need translators so the knowledge can be translated – one of the fundamental points we have to transfer the knowledge in its fundamental way like I know a couple of governments are doing to translate the knowledge into a child’s language, the way a teacher teaches a child about the atom. Now we have to teach the correct way – there is not only three states (of matter) there is a fourth state. What that 4th state is we can understand unless you put the seed of the atom and the electron then by the age of 18-20 it’s too difficult. The process is fundamental the way we talk at this level, we have to find a way to translate the knowledge into the knowledge of the child.
    Any other questions? Or we wind it up for today?

    Rick: We’re going to wind it up because the audio is really crapping out here now to be honest, so we’re going to have to call it quits, but that was a great session.

    V: It’s been 3 hours and 40 minutes.

    MK: We’ll be here next Thursday. We meet on Monday in Rome, whoever turns up. I’m sure the Italian Kf supporters will be there, at least ten of us, but the thing is, if you’re not in Rome, if you’re not in Italy, on Sunday or Monday whatever before that day, take the message to the Holy men of your district or whatever. It’s for them to judge, not for you to influence, even if it means leaving it on the floor of the mosque when the man prays to it, or leave it with the high Rabbi, because they understand what it means. And I thank you for all your support and all your hard work, thank you very much.

    R: Thank you Mr. Keshe thank you for your hard work and everybody there at the SSI thanks to everyone.

    MK: Thank you very much indeed.

    Rick: OK – so ends the ahhh, the ahhh – the – it just happened! – The 13th Knowledge Seeker Workshop! – Boy we had some audio problems I’ll tell you! But we’ll end up with a good recording out of it!

  5. #15
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    Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
    Video link:

    The Star Formation
    Marko’s Explanation
    James and John
    MK transmission14
    The Extension of Knowledge
    A Total New Science
    A Message for Religious Leaders
    The Temple of the God
    The Penalty for the Spring Uprising
    Spirit and Soul
    There is No Punishment

    Ludmil: Unintelligible comment
    James: …and is that good or bad?
    Everybody: …laugh out loud.
    Ludmil: Aaahhh… I guess its good because they use proxy anyway.

    MK talking in background.
    R: Ive got Mr. Keshe coming through here – (long silence with typing) – woops
    V: Test – Goto meeting test
    Ludmil: Its good!
    V: OK I’m going to get a coffee!
    R: OK you deserve it after that heroic act of courage

    Further chat with Vince Rick James and other KSs setting up the audio links etc – long silence with typing and mouse clicking noises

    10:34 Rick: OK for the Live stream we’re still getting set up and waiting to hear from the KSs of the SSI including MK they havnt checked in – don’t see them on at this point yet…

    1415: R: Alright ah ch-ch-ch-ch its 1113 and we still havnt heard from the KSs – pretty soon were going to have to resort telling jokes and things like that – Ghee can tell the story of his life and we can go on for hours and hours with that haha – we don’t wann a go there believe me, haha just kidding OK so Goto meeting, how many people do you have there Vince? Just a couple? V: Ah I think we got six, let me just start this sharing – yeah there's 6 including my self. R: OK good and how many on the livestream Ghee? – G: About 50

    R: OK, well we’re still waiting as I said and we need to start the 14th KS workshop, and the picture you see on the screen right now is on the facebook of Armen Guloyan and he’s one of the KSs and he’s posted picture of some of the reactor setups that are currently happening at the laboratory and some data fro the magnetic detection application, I believe its from that back up on the middle pic of the reactor – I’m assuming that at least, but we should be able to ask him some questions during he workshop – and he also has posted some great pictures, I guess on the other one, the SSI page – have to get that up here ch-ch-ch-ch – and we have some really great shots of this Gans reactor that was discussed last week – aahh… we have word from the SSI that they’re trying to connect so we might be having some difficulties

    17:44 R: So this is the picture they posted in the SSI just recently, 13hrs ago.
    KS: Rick where are you putting the pic?

    R: OK - you wont be able to see it on the skype but you can see it on the Livestream, I think if we try to share it on skype we might interfere with the bandwidth but you can see the pics on the SSI facebook site, so should be able to find that by searching pretty easily – so in your groups – if anyone really wants to know – this is what is said to be blue copper oxide and the outer layers cream – that is how our brain is manufactured – interesting concept … Well – Is there any questions from the Go-to meeting? – maybe we can start the conversation while we wait for the SSI …

    KS: In the middle I would like to ask about cleaning the copper wires…

    SSI: Hello!
    R: All right! here they come! How are you doing?
    MK: Can you hear us?
    V: Barely
    R: Yeah it’s a little bit in the distance. How is your microphone situation??

    21:14 MK: Is this better?
    R: Oh way way way better
    MK: Ok we’re back!
    V: I thought you were supposed to be asleep
    MK: No! – Did you get my email?
    R: You have a good solid connection there now with the Internet now? All good?
    MK: Yeah I think so – we’ve got Armens’ laptop as a backup

    R: OK we’re on the Livestream already so I guess we might as well just start this and make this the official beginning of the 14th KS workshop, and we made it through the 13th KS workshop – that was a challenge, though we haven’t edited it yet I’ve never had so much trouble with a broadcast in all the workshops – all 24 of them! So I don’t know what it was with the 13th but it certainly brought to fruition MK’s warning that maybe it was going to be a rough one and maybe we should skip floor 13 as they do on elevators etc - anyway we made it through so…
    MK: Don’t forget tomorrow is Friday the 13th too huh? Ahahahaha!
    R: Wow! So that’s something else to look forward to!

    MK: I think we’re ready now
    R: Anyways I guess I’ll hand things over to you guys at the SSI there, MK and who’s left there now at the SSI, there’s not too many people there right now are there?

    MK: No, we are all here, Marko, for a change Armen is here at the start (chuckle) we’ve got Yvan and John and these are the permanent members, and the others who will be with us have gone back home or they gone their own ways – we are busy with doing a lot of things and setting up the new institute, there are a lot of legal matters regarding taking over the premises and getting the licenses for proper use as an educational centre – you gonna clip your finger very soon – hospital is very near! Ahahaha… Armen is playing with magnets.

    24:40 So we’ll probably send invitations in the next week or so for the new set of KSs – I’ve seen a lot of requests in the background but we’re trying to bring to the Kf a number of Italian scientists – because we’re in Italy and we have none, so most probably we’ll have a permanent Italian KS on the Kf very soon. I give the microphone to Armen to tell us, because he and Marko have been the only ones here full time since last time. His eyes have jumped up, he’s laughing. Now he’s going to tell you what he’s done in the last week, all the mischiefs he’s been up to. He’s the mischievous guy on this place so whatever you want to know gone wrong or goes wrong Armen has some say in it, or he has his finger in it Ha-ha-ha! lol I’ll pass it on …

    25: 55: Armen: Hello Good morning. There are so many things going on in here that literally I have to recollect my mind because I just woke up and no coffee yet!

    Ludmil: Do you want me to look in my backyard for it?

    A: Ahahaha – No Ludmil, thank you! I’m going to post some pictures, one minute, that I reported, on skype.

    V: In that case can we just ask that everyone doesn’t just download it right off the bat – could most of you guys just wait till Rick and I have it so we can show it in Livestream and Go-to meeting – so we don’t limit our bandwidth so much when its downloading.

    A: OK, I’m not going to post any video, just some pictures, I actually posted it on facebook and shared it with everybody, I am talking about the combination of reactors we have on the floor, on my facebook –

    R: OK I’ve got it up in the Livestream now, if you can tell me which pic you are referring to I can bring them up individually
    A: I just posted them not so long ago
    R: So you dont get much sleep obviously (chuckle) So wait, I see there are pictures with data on them, actually 4 different pictures correct?
    A: That’s correct that’s the combination we have on the floor right now.
    R: OK so what we can do is show them on the Livestream – can you discuss or talk about each one.
    A: Yes definitely that’s what I want to do.

    R: OK let’s get it setup. Holy Cow! More pictures, these are more pictures coming through!
    A: Yes
    R: Well they’re good clear pictures at least
    A: Yes, these are pictures for showing, you know, the setup, you know – an explanation is that there are two places where we monitor the GMfields. If you can see there are two sensors

    R: 2116 shows the actual units that do the power supply and the hookup.

    A: Yes but if you go on the facebook you can see – Rick can you go to my facebook please, that’s where you can see all the pictures.


    Rick: And I’m looking at the… woops … it’s a confusing world! There we are I think. OK so I think I’ve got your timeline on facebook, lets see if we can get that zeroed in on the screen, and OK … which picture of your album?
    A: Yeah I got it – I got it
    R: I can show whichever pic you like.

    A: Finally we are sorted. Last 2 pictures of the monitors – two separate reactors. One is the middle reactor and the other is Marko’s steel ball one core reactor. So a month and half two months we’re continuously running these reactors non-stop. And feeding proper gas portions actually to create a plasma which we did, and we can see that for the first time we reached 3.014 and actually Marko was very happy – chuckle – with the result, because we can have it – only me and him was over here and you know every day it’s the same thing – just slowly feeding hydrogen and seeing how we can create magnetic fields and gravitational fields.

    R: So that is three gauss on the gauge – is that what you mean? 3.014 gauss?
    A: Yes.
    R: The middle reactor, that’s the 3 core reactor is that correct?
    A: Its 3 core reactor.

    V: Are the measurements taken outside it?
    A: Yes
    R: Is that by the litte black rod like device that’s being held close to the sphere?
    A: Correct
    R: That’s your magnetic sensor, right? The actual sensor?
    A: Yes
    R: OK I’ll zero in on that so we can see it a little better

    R: For the Livestream folks lets see if we can get a good look at this little black sensor thing in the middle of the screen there – that would be the magnetic sensor for the apparatus that senses the magnetic field.

    A: That’s correct – well what we see right now is that every day its gradually going up, when we reach, as MK said around 5 6 then we’ll see balance between all the reactors. When we reach that we can reach lift or any other position we wanna take with the reactors because then all the reactors gonna be in balance – might be one of them is going to fly away but - hahaha – we gonna catch it if we can haha – so this is whats going on

    V: Does that include the reactor of You? Is someone going to catch you when you fly away aaahahahah!

    A: Yes, Marko gonna catch me and then if Marko flies away John gonna catch him aahahah – we’re a whole team! Sometime you can feel yourself giving all your fields to the reactor and you can take fields from reactor, so it’s detectable and understandable, slowly we can understand – kinda new for us – if you have any Questions I can answer them.

    R: Armen can you help the folks at home – I would like to clarify which reactor is which in terms of – there was a thing of identifying reactors with letter names like A B C D E – do you still do that? Is that the best way to identify them?
    A: Yes definitely
    A: A is John’s reactor the ceramic reactor in the left hand side of the picture?
    A: Correct
    R: Does it have a letter? Not J – but A!
    A: A! There is no J!
    V: A as in Armen
    R: Yeah – Armen should be A! Anyway well call that Reacotr A which is …
    A: No names you know

    R: Right. Reactor A is the ceramic one that John tends to work on – OK then we can go onto the one in the centre
    A: B would be mine and Marek’s reactor – that’s the white one in the centre.
    R: Oh that centre!

    V: It seems that John’s is the same level as the centre reactor and your guys is a little bit lower is that right or are they all on the same level?
    A: No we are all on the same level, but John’s reactor its upside down now – aahahaha
    R: Upside down?
    A: Yeah it’s a little bit higher because we put support and we put upside down because John’s reactor is absorbing all the fields like taking all the fields. You know we feeding John’s reactor all these three reactors because he’s hungry!

    V: You put it down so you could have the infinity loop kind of thing where north would go to south and south to north?
    A: Can you repeat your question?

    V: So – something about the bottom of the central reactor to John’s bottom and the top of it goes to the centre of the central reactor? Did it change the polarity?
    A: Yes we changed the polarity when it was upside down rotating, you know, clockwise.
    V: Oh right! So it’s rotating the other way now isn’t it?

    A: One minute…
    V: I hear MK in the background going No-no-no-no-no-no!
    R: Laugh out loud.
    A: You ask a nice question!
    V: I’m asking a nice question! I didn’t think it was that hard!


    Marko: OK I will try to explain. Last week I think it was on Friday we did some testing on these reactors, we did measurements in different positions of the reactors – first we laid them down on the floor and they were just laying and pointing, so if you look at each reactor and say there is south pole or entry in the bottom and the exit of the fields is in the top of the reactor, we position reactors in a way that they wod foloow entry exit entry exit and the last one pointed exit toward the middle, to the centre reactor, and we measured fields with our magnetic field detector and observed changes of the field, and with this observation we noticed that the fields are a changing so we tried to position in different ways and one of the positions was that we turned John’s reactor upside down –

    So the bottom is now pointing upwards, and when we changed this position, we observed the fields increased, so our conclusions was that the exit of Johns reactor was not other side than the others and it is now on the top.

    V: Is the motor in reverse or is it spinning the opposite?

    M: First we had the motor spinning clockwise, but then we rcversed the motor so it is now spinning anti clockwise. We changed the direction of rotation and we observed the increasing of the fields. I have to look at our data because there is so much I forgot everything
    V: Or your eyes go buggy
    M: Yeah about 200 300 measurements this week so difficult to remember everything, but we have it written and recorded, so we could see the reading with special feeding of gases actually whenever we put different amount of gases, we measured the field at each change, so every change we put down the measurement result so we know how different loadings impact the fields of the plasma in the reactors. So what you are seeing in the pictures you are seeing physicality of chambers of reactors but what is more important you are trying to create plasma inside and we are trying to understand the interaction of plasma between each other. We are trying to move from physicality of reactors and trying to understand interaction of plasmas, and with loading of Hydrogen we tried to convert Hydrogen to plasma in the reactors and with this conversion we are changing field strength and trying to increase our plasma. This is a very slow procedure. It is time consuming, but we have to be patient and put drop by drop, very small amount of Hydrogen and try to convert this to plasma. We also put some layers of other Ganses and trying to observe how this layering influences the converting process, lets say how layers influence the organization of hydrogen, and whenever we change loading we put down our measurement results so we know each combination of gases gives us as a result. So that’s…

    V: How long are you waiting. I understand it requires patience, but how long are you guys allowing for the transmutation to occur?

    M: Well there were different times. The beginning of the week every ˝ hr or 1 hr, but now we are feeding twice a day or three times a day max, so…

    V: But you already have a plasma inside, so you’re now building your plasma slowly – you tried to go fast at first, but now you are more patient.

    M: Yes we are trying to build up our plasma. In the last workshop it was explained we can create different elements in our reactor, limited to the element of Mendeleev, but we are trying to create a star, and each star is a different entity on its own, and it depends on the mass of the plasma inside, he said a quantity and entity. You have always the same strength of principal matter or principal fields inside the reactor but when you put more of these fields together you increase that plasma, and when you put a lot of them together, lets say you’ve got a sun.

    V: Right so you’ve got a sun in relationshiop to our sun and then to the central sun of the galaxy…

    M The strength of the plasma dictates its position in relation to the other plasma around it.

    V: But it could be a forced interaction or it could be a natural interaction right? A natural interaction in terms of the solar system, and a forced interaction in terms of our reactors – producing the same results right?

    M: Yes we are trying to build the plasma inside our reactors – lets say in our sun it takes millions of years to create the conditions to build the plasma, and with understanding of what we are doing we are tying to speed up the process with our condition we are building inside our reactors we are trying to build the plasma, now we are using nano layers and layers of gases to create the condition, but there is other possibility to use nuclear material, or other procedure and it is slow way.

    V: Yes but the turtle can beat the hare sometimes…
    M: Sorry?
    V: The story of the tortoise and the hare!

    56:50 M: Yeah yeah yeah, well we are learning here actually and ahh… we are trying to understand this and once we achieve this, because now the plasma is limited and it shows limited influnce on the environment that we are used to observe. We need something physical to observe – our senses are not developed enough – we are not aware of this force that is ruling everything in the background, and we are only observing physicality around us but in the background there are other forces, and at the moment we are not aware of this. There are interactions for sure, but at the moment we are trying to make something physical out of this like moving of the reactors, but we can observe the changing of the fields in our field detector, and whatever we do putting small amount of gases in, it influenced field detector wth small amouts of gases.

    KS: What about the radio – is it still playing?

    M: Well the radio – It was very strange this week it was singing but at the moment on Monday it went down so it was off at some moment then it came up and then it went down also – so this could be influence of the fields of the plasma, but it might be something else, because also Armen shifted the position of the radio – I think one day you moved it! Yes. One of the problems here is we really have to be patient, and if there is no result we try to change things too quickly. We are not patient enough, and sometimes we did changes too quickly and after a while MK came into the lab and said; ‘Why did you change things?’

    KS: You have to wait till MK is not there!

    M: Yes. He is doing some research and he isn’t always in the lab with us, and when we are alone we try to do things to change things and sometimes we are not patient enough and press buttons when we should not press them!

    KS: Have you been monitoring the clouds?

    M: Last week we had good weather, blue sky, no clouds, not many clouds in the last week, we didn’t observe any changes in the clouds, no.

    V: Sounds like a nice place to be!

    M: Any question?

    KS: I have a question – I’m Nicholas – how about the interaction of the reactors with you guys? Have you guys, lets say, had several people on each reactor and attempting to do what you’re trying to achieve with each other so all of you three together try and influence the fields of the reactor?

    M: We did some tests last week, sitting in front of the reactor and trying to keep or take energy. MK was observing the field detector and there were changes in the field detector; when we were taking it was the same for me and Armen, but when we were giving there was a change. I don’t know what it did for me, with Armen there was good increase, so that’s how we tried to mentally control our reactors, but as I said this is first step and maybe it’s too soon, we are here 3 months, and I think the program for the first year we are learning and at the end of the 2nd year we are able to do more.

    KS. In the test you were tryng to give or take – how do you do that? – How do you give?
    M: Just try to do mentally…
    KS: But do you say I give you my love? I give you my soul? How do you project that energy or that love toward the reactor itself?
    M: Well everybody has his own way and I cannot say for others, I can say for myself. I was trying to give whatever I have and try to give to reactors what the reactor needs, and that’s all.
    KS: And so when you give the reactor what it needs, what will that be?
    M: Well, part of me, I’m trying not to be too attached to myself, and I’m not talking about physicality, in a way its fields and I’m talking about soul that I don’t understand completely – when I am giving my fields of the souls to the reactor.
    KS: and did you observe anything on a mental or physical level on yourself when you are doing that?
    M: I feel in the forehead – this part of the head, frontal lobes – 3rd eye – I feel like tickling, but when I was receieving, not when I was giving.
    KS: Thank you for sharing, thank you very much!
    M: You’re welcome!


    1:09:37 John: Hello everyone I wanted to share my way more in the measurements trying to see and understand what we are trying to see. In fact we have lots of measurements, one on the stainless steel reactor, and one on the central reactor. The stainless steel reactor we had made a mounting to allow measurements in different positions in respect to the centre of the reactor, so if you look at the pictures you can see the plastic plate with the arc on the lead which allows us to go up and down but always the same distance from the reactor.

    This was part of the measurements we made and we have seen that part of - it could be seen that we have fields of different intensity at different position, but they were rather constant. There was slight difference so we finally decided to put the sensor at the highest field positions and then didn’t move it any more, that was by the stainless steel reactor

    We didn’t see lots of difference but we decided to stay on that position, because it has a sense of doing it that way, so what I want to also explain is that not the position is fixed we have measured – for me the measuring whatever angle it takes from Left to Right is a question of seeing fields produced by a rotating sphere, so if you can go straight on the line from L to R we in fact increased the distance from the centre and we have verified the measurements correspond to these fields, when we go in a straight line it is maximun in centre and decreased to left and right, so fixing the sensor we had one position and we can observe the environment – so we always measure the Z axis – which is the direction from the centre out, we have Y axis which is in fact from the sensor topwise – that’s a positive Y direction and then from the sensor Left that’s the X positive direction, and the measurements give us the magnitude of the B field, the whole of the B field and also the X Y Z component of the field.

    So we have been working on that while Marek was still here and I have used the data in a file that I made 2 days ago, and that’s the file you should be receiving – in fact using all the data recorded during one revolution, and that’s a recording made at a rate of 1 kiloherz so that is 1 millisecond each new measurement, and you can see that looking at the values on the B field, the global field, we have variation of value which is quite strong. These measurements are still made on the SS reactor, and they were made at the moment when we were changing the gas in the white reactor, so we could see some influence. By changing the gas in the white reactor we could see change in the fields of the stainless steel reactor. For me this was a way to better understand what was happening. If you look at the fields you see spikes, maximums occurring, but there is slight variation in the intensity of the spikes, so we have been keping the value of the highest spike the maximum and each time there is some increase in the fields inducing the higher spike that value would be kept for what’s coming next.

    By keeping the big spikes it gives us an intuitive understanding of the trend we see, but doesn’t give any info on the main value we are receiving. But the recording of that has some interest for me. If you received my file you can see the variation in time, which can be seen when you have an ECG you see variation of the fields, on the horizontal axis time and the vertical the intensity of the measurements. And you have after that the circular diagram that is by recording the fields at each moment and reporting that on the polar drawing. So we have reported that in a way that we can see for every position of the reactor in one revolution we see the fields we received as it would be interesting to see these fields in the position of the sensor in respect to all the other reactors, and we could also think to observe the field in the opposite fields in respect to what happens in the other reactors.

    That is an aspect that is interesting for me to see, how the fields behave and how the shape obtained at that level. But the problem is that it is very tine consuming as we don’t have software – having instant results of this kind, receiving the stream of data into a polar vector drawing would help us to underatnd this.

    1:13:01 on livestream.
    KS: The revolution is in the X Z plate?

    John: The revolution is of the B field I can have the same for the X Y Z so I would have 3 different polar vector drawings – it is in a spreadsheet so it needs time to calculate and modify. Another factor is that we have a small computer for the other sensor. We have the incoming data into a computer with no memory capacity, windows based with very low capacity, so for the other sensor I cannot do the same drawings. I have to say that the scale of the drawing is something different, needs to be calibrated. The black sensor is always higher than the white sensor, the white sensor can measure maximum 8 – 9 Gause or 800 microtesla, and the other sensor starts with these low values. So the significance of the error should be corrected unless we just look at the trend, they have no significance when we compare the measurements of each sensor.

    We are trying to see the variations, we are looking for trends, and influences, look at having the fields increasing because we are going towards higher plasma in the system, explained by Marko, very time consuming its like making mayonnaise, you just put a little bit of oil and when the fields get stronger you can put a bit more.

    V: I was going to ask about your measurements. To me they look like an x-ray flux of the sun - different for everybody else, but this doesn’t measure any reversal of the fields in this situation have you see a reversal of fields in these systems?

    J: If you look at the data you have constant variation – look at the first graph you see that the fields go high and low and you can have – you see that in fact you have some variation between about 0.3 up to 0.75 – that’s the amplitude of the variation occring at any moment. If you look at the 2 lines of figures, about the B. The 1st figure Line 1 is the title of the column. Line 2. B is .7466. BX you see -0.204, BY -O.448, BZ +0.561. Those values – because we have each second one thousand values – those are the values we have been using to see in fact the period. On the graph you see just underneath these values. You see values that occur lke a spike and high values which occur like an oscillation.

    We have been using the spikes to define the period and by usng those spikes for the period from there we have the 2nd graph which shows the variation and range. So these clauses are linked but you see the value we see is more or less periodic. That periodicity is due to the shape and what is in the reactor because for the balancing of the reactor we have put some big washers, so the spike is due to the washer passing in front of the sensor. This steel washer concentrates the fields more at the moment – but the trend is what matters in respect to the other reactors. So the shape will stay the same but the mean level will go up or down.

    So we have to understand the data we receive and the data we keep, because those data vary so much so what we try to keep is the highest value occurring at one moment, so that’s a way to feel the trend of what is happening. So you see there are different ways of looking at what is happening. These data are interesting and give more info, but the info in itself at one moment is not significant, it’s the whole trend that is more important. We never have 1 value at one moment, its varying all the time and the variation is also due to the rotation of the other reactors, We are measuring the field which is the sum of all the values of all the fields produced in that environment.

    James: How do you interpret the bottom graph?

    1:32:13: John: OK the bottom graph, I’ll get back to you. The bottom graph is in fact between, if you look at the first graph you see there are sharp peaks, the first one at zero and the 2nd at 65 or 67 – you see that?

    Vince: James – I think he’s talking to you!

    John: That’s one period of the rotation of the sphere and during that rotation the system will measure values, you see we start at .475 about. Next you see it goes down to 0.5 later and goes down to .35 then .25 you see all those variations. If you put the time of one revolution as proportional to the movement of the reactor that gives the graph, which is in fact a graph of the field intensity in respect to the position of the reactor. And that’s what allows us to see in fact that in each position of the reactor we measure a different value. This graph can be repeated and we can have superimposed on this one other cycles. We could add on all the next cycles and we would have a shape that would be a thick line giving another aspect because at any moment the measurement is effected by the reactors and the variation of the environment which has less amplitude. But the variation of the other reactors because they are in a field produce by the plasma and the plasma interlocks we have more variation in the measurement.

    So we have to see that what we are looking at in this way is the totality of what is happening. So you have the SS reactor rotating, and all the other 3 reactors rotating, each of them has some plasma, and …

    James. Yes I understand that. Are you looking at the reactor from the top down and measuring the field surrounding the reactor looking down?

    John: We are looking towards the centre of the SS reactor with the sensor not moving at all – we are just looking at the incoming data from that one position of the sensor.

    James: So what is the X and Y-axis? – What does that represent?

    John: On the first graph X-axis is the measuring, as the time, and the X-axis is the amplitude, and the graph I have there is the amplitude of the B.
    James: Right!
    John: The Global value of B.

    KS: Im not with the data that shows behind this graph. It has the B and the X and Y and the Z measurements I think – is that correct?

    John: So the data which are behind – you have a first column which is a number which is a block, each bock represents 1 second. The second column is the total B, the next column is BX, then BY, BZ in the E column aaahh… F column gives you the units and you have the temperatre, the date, and the serial, what is called serial is in fact something proportional to the time, the time stamp that each data is marked.

    KS: So you have all 3 dimensions in this table?
    John: Yes
    KS: So this is for each axis?
    J: Exactly, but you see that Im working there you see one period is in fact 15 rotations per second. I’m looking at the data for one revolution – 1 fifteenth of a second – these are all the data collected for one rotation, and that is the 67 values – can be repeated for X Y Z and have a graph – although not the same it gives you a trend. If you look at BY; Y is always negative and BX or BZ you have positive or negative values, and if you see that value is positive or negative you have inversion of thr field produced by the plasma itself so the version of the field seen in the direction of the field measurements.

    KS: So each line of this table is 2 seconds – right?
    John: No no – each line represents 1000th of a second, 1 millisecond.
    Vince: Each rotation is a fifteenth of a second

    John: So you have about 65 or 66 eerrrrr… because we don’t have a precise counting of the rotation, it depends on the speed of rotation so its about 65 or 67 data per revolution – so if you multiply 65 by 15 should bring you to One Second. Is it clear? (No)

    James: I still don’t understand your second graph – How did you create the second graph? – What does it represent?

    John: We been using the time stamp or the serial value as a way to calculate the angle. By using the value whch is there and making the difference you have something proportional to the angle, then you take the first vaue that you define at the start – you take the 67 value at the end, if you make a diferrence between those two that will give you in the serials, that will give you a total value that will equal to one revolution, which is 2 Pi and then you calculate the angle each time, so each point is in respect to your angle youre working with… Do you understand now?

    James: Not really – how do you interpret this graph? I understand the first graph as the magnetic field strength of B versus time with the change of B versus time and it goes in a cycle because your reactor is spinning, but in the 2nd graph how do you interpret the circular thing? I could not imagine what this represents!

    John: Well for example, you see at about the angle of 45 degrees, you have a kind of maximum in the kind of circle there. That corresponds to a peak value in the first graph.
    James: I see…
    (MK muttering in the background)
    John: OK if you want to understand in another way we have a reactor and it is circular. You take the value in one position. You will measure the BX BY BZ – Im using only the total B value – and then in that position for that angle of the sphere I put the distance from the centre to the end point of my vector. Then I rotate slightly the reactor, and I have a new measurement. Then I put on that angle the distance form the centre of my graph, I put the new value in the second angle, and I repeat the same all around the reactor and that is my second graph.

    Vince: So what you are saying is that if there were no change, lets say it was steady at point 7, then the bottom graph wold be a circle.

    John: it would be a complete circle if the field was the same in every angle with no influence from the outside etc..

    James: Yes! So that’s just as I said earlier! – It’s as if you’re looking at the reactor from the top! Looking down and you can see the fields around it.

    John: Yes and No! Because in fact we are looking at the reactor as a sphere, but we have influences from all the reactors at the same time.

    James: Yes – I understand that! Is that why it peaks out at the 45-degree angle? – Is that because there’s another reactor in that direction?

    John: No-no the peak at 45 degrees is because we have steel washers (Rick talking in background – Vince telling him to mute his mike)

    Rick: We’ll just try to reconnect here
    Vince: Sorry something happening Rick
    Rick: Get my head phones on … need to reconnect …
    V: Rick! Rick! Just hold on a second! - I don’t think Rick can hear us
    John: What is happening?
    Rick: Something happened really weird where all the voices went really low… on the Livestream .
    (Laugh out loud from a KS)

    Rick: OK let me check my skype preferences,
    Ludmil: By the time Rick is taking to fix this, Vince could you send me the pdf please?
    Rick: I can hear you Ludmil
    Ludmil: Well I’m on skype.
    Vince: Rick can you hear me?
    Rick: Yeah I can hear you now Vince …
    Vince: Oh Ok!
    Rick: So we seem good now all of a sudden.
    John: It all seems to be back!
    Rick: Yes hahahaha – strange little… – it sounds pretty good there Vince, are you good to go
    Rick: Where were we ?
    John: OK - the second graph, the peak at 45 degrees corresponds to double washers – steel washers that go past the sensor – that’s why we have a peak, and in some ways it’s a way to see and check where we are in the rotation.
    V: Is that the really sharp peak or the double peak?
    John: That’s the sharp peak – on the second graph if you look at the 45 degree angle at the point 06 06 – that’s the peak corresponding to the washers going in front of the sensor.
    V: Aahh… OK
    John. So that’s why it’s sharp because it’s during one of the angles that you have the washers going in front of the sensor – anyway it is interesting data.

    Rick: I’ve got a question about that John. Is the influence of the electric motors shown up on this graph?
    John: Well it certainly shows up but don’t forget that the influence of a magnet decreases in respect of the square of its distance – we are not near the motor underneath the system at a certain distance, we do have some influence but the motor has mainly fixed magnets in it – well every DC motor has fixed magnets, aiming to the rotor so the external shielding of the motor will in fact lower quite a lot the influence of the magnets inside the motor. There is some influence but that is constant for the magnets, its is not content with the rotor - the rotor creates a spike but the fields are always in the same direction – more about ruptures in the field with some spikes.

    Rick: Ghee and I did do some tests with iphone sensor on our electric motor and we could get a reading from about a foot away – it started to k a significant reading but faded out rapidly after that, but very prevalent up at about a cm or so

    John: we have to be aware that the motor is150 watts or so, I dont know exactly if that’s the same – ours is a 200watt, this one I think it’s around 150watt, so these DC motors are quite strong already.

    Rick: Have you guys considered building systems that don’t have electric motors, and using another system like wind up systems, springs, or waterwheel?

    John: Aaaahh… windmill type of motor to rotate … hahaha (amused)

    Rick: Well – compressed air is another one – the idea of keeping magnetic or electric fields away as much as possible to be able to measure the actual magnetic fields given off by the reactor itself as accurately and easily without extraneous noise from the motors…

    1:56:58 MK transmission14:

    One of the things we spoke about this week is that how in a way you speak casually about how we have a plasma, or create a plasma which we have. Creating plasma from a nano-coated material is an unknown phenomenon!

    In this forum, and in the Keshe Foundation links you speak very casually how you created a plasma. If you go to the plasma physicist and tell them I produce plasma from nano material they laugh at you and give you a good kick in the backside!

    This has what in such a short term and time, so radically accepted in this forum and where you work though the development oft this technology. Plasmas are not created as you see, with the little whatyoucallit - balls in the physics lab with the rotation of energy. Producing plasma in a way by the use of gases in attraction, or at the same time building it through magnetic pressure, which the nano layers crerate. This is a huge development in the field of nuclear and plasma physics. And you lot in the forum are talking about how you created this and that.

    But if you realized what is happening, in a program like a jet project, which they are spending 30 billion dollars in the next few years, they try to create a magnetic envelop to hold the plasma, by introducing huge amount of energy to hold the plasma in it! In a very simple way through this development of new tech and what we have shown, you create the same containment with the layers of the nano material! This science is unknown! This is the first time these concepts have been discussed. The people in the plasma worlds are rubbing their hands how these people don’t know what they have achieved – We fully know what we’ve achieved! Its how we said.

    We bring this technology so smoothly to the world public that they don’t even think about the way they’re spending billions to hold the plasma. This is a breakthrough on such a major scale, that sooner or later someone will come and say “these people don’t now what they’re doing!”

    I know exactly where I’m taking the technology – to make it reachable that we don’t think about the wrong way of the past – you don’t need these old reactors to hold the plasmas – but what is the new achievement?

    The new achievement is now as I explained it to you before but I say again for the people who are new – the nano filed layers are gaps or holes in the layers, and they create magnetic field layers – so what in reality you’ve done is you've created a spectrum of magnetic field strength which covers from the principal matter strength to below the GM field strength – so whatever you create in these reactors, and we shown it again and again here, we can withdraw all the matter but the plasma is held, and even the KSs here don’t understand this fully whets happening.

    The holding of the plasma in the core is due principally and totally to the nano coating which is put around the reactor, or with a pin inside which is hooding to all the field strength of the magnet. In a way you can contain a ball by putting it in a cage, or you can contain a ball by putting a string on it and holding it. In the reactor which are not coated, we have placed a pin in the middle so we have put a string to the plasma. But the layer itself is creating through this interaction the conversion of gases to plasma. In the other cases like the one which was fully coated outside we have made a containment of the plasma by caging it. These creations of the plasma and holding the plasma, is a radical breakthrough in the plasma technology.

    In a way by producing no energy all our motors, all our reactors have no electrical connection whatever – they are rotated by motor externally even by belt whch means that there is no conductive material connected to the reactor. So when you do this you have created a condition in the position that – I explained this to John yesterday – and the other KSs.

    Now that we have managed to create a plasma in this condition, out of fresh air – this is how plasma is created in the universe – now we, through the motion and interaction of the different reactors, we can create motion for these plasmas. It’s a matter for the KSs and you lot to understand more and more what’s happening.

    So – what I even said yesterday to John – Once the plasma is established in his reactor and it can sustain in conjunction with the other three reactors, that we make one plasma out of all 4 reactors in the lab, we can just hammer the reactor of John away. So we have to go there and forcibly dismantle it – and by literally hammering and destroying or breaking the porcelain ceramic reactor which John has made, we should be able to contain the plasma at the same position, at the same speed of rotation on its own.

    This is not a fairy tale, look at the sun. The sun doesn’t have a container and there is no motor. The plasma of the environment dictates its position and rotation, and what happens in that structure somewhere there is an interface where the conversion of the magnetic fields to matter – so the reactor will make itself an interface physical show, be it like the Gans, or be it like a solid material like the surface of the planet, or on the surface of the stars where at the end when the material converts, the interface of the system is far enough from the central GMfield that allows in that bandwidth for what we call liquid surface to appear.

    So in reality the surface liquid we see of the Hydrogen or magnetic fields or Helium on the surface of the sun, is because of the furtherness of the position of the central core or central point, which leads to its material manifestation.

    When you say can we rotate it without any energy – in a very soon coming time when the KSs understand the whole process we will break one of these cores to show that plasma does not need containment of physicality and rotation, but at the moment it’s here, it’s a position, I’ve seen it in past few weeks, in so many ways as I explained to the KSs due to their own open-ness we have opened the knowledge too fast to the KSs – they are lost, they are totally lost – they see things they try and make head and tail of these graphs that they can attach their knowledge to, but in time suddenly in a few weeks, or a couple of months, or a few months, when they grasp the whole thing they realize what a gift has been given to them. It’s the same with you lot – you seeing these pictures of these reactors that they are running by motors.

    You have one reactor, if you can achieve a one reactor condition, which is a solar system, which is a star without any planet there is full life structure within the structure of this star – there is a dictating condition in respect to another point of reference, which is another twinity, another twin which dictates its conditon, even though you cannot see the twin star. It’s electron and a proton.

    So – this as the world of science opens up, you will understand the next step in the cosmo-physics, which most cosmo-physicists never understood and never understand. Even the solar systems behave and work as atomic structure within the number of electrons and protons. What this means! And the star itself even having a solar system is electron in respect to a proton. So it’s not only being twin but being part of a set. And when cosmo-physicists understand this proof then you understand the fingerprint for the development of space travel in the future.

    So you cannot not only go to one planet or another, but you can go to one star and find out which set of stars and electron central core position is, then you can travel within that structure of the plasma of whatyoucall super solar system – which means there is another star which is bigger than the rest and the electrons and protons are rotating.

    So this is the process of learning and the learning here is too fast but I understand sometimes it has to be done this way because there is not enough time to allow for what is about to happen. But at the same time, you’ve got to look at the totality of the structure. What does this mean? You look at one reading of one rotation. That one point of what you see is not the central core. All the data, all the graphs that John has shown, this is the subsidiary reactor , which is sitting in one of the 120 degree positions, and you change a gas in another reactor, which is another 120 degree across more or less the plate, and we change the amount of gases in that third reactor, and we see the changes in the reactor that the sensor has been attached to. What you might have forgot to remember, or you forgotten is that Marko spent a lot of time last week calibrating this reactor that you now see all the data from.

    We more or less know as much as possible, its about 15 pages of data here, is how the plasma behaves when you add one unit of Hydrogen, and how the plasma behaves when you add one unit if Nitrogen. Then he held the reactor and he started loading again with Argon, so we have a good understanding, or rough underatanding of this reactor you see the data. But the data you see which John has shown this is the subsidiary reactor – it’s a boundary reactor. Its not the main reactor, so what you see changes in these side reactors is not due to the changes in this reactor, its due to changes in another boundary reactor which the gases in it changed and we see the effect of it both in the main detector in the centre of the set and on the subsidiary.

    The two detectors are set in the way that they both look in the same direction near enough, but the main detector which is on the central core, looks across the equator of the core and the detector which you seen John’s data sits in the equator down by about 40 degrees, 45 degrees to the south pole. But both detectors look on their X axis to what comes from Johns side where John’s reactor is. We see the influences of the fields which is received all recievd from Johns side.

    The Z axis looks more or less across to where Reactor number 2, or B sits, and then the Y detector on both sensors look into the vertical condition of GM field of the environment in respect to the centre of the Earth. So with 2 reactors and 2 detectors the way they are set up, we look as much as possible in all directions of the flow of the fields in the system.

    Today I explained to the KSs, the gap between the central core detector and the subsidiary core detector is about half a metre, 60cms, no more, but even in this gap we see that the centre detector shows receiving fields on the X axis, and the subsidiary reactor shows rejecting fields – or they switch and sometimes when you watch very closely when one switches after a while the other one switches and it goes back again – so we have not managed to establish a balanced internal plasma environment between all 4 reactors.

    Yesterday I put 4 ring magnets on the table, of different sizes, and I tried to explain to the KSs – at the moment your reactors are like this – one is big, one is small, one is tiny in respect of the magnetic fields strength. Then I put 4 magnets the same on the table, and I said when you can achieve and balance all your 4 cores this position is the time that you lift. This is how if you change the whole position is that KSs here and most of you have to move away from the position of looking at the physicality of the reactors. You have to look into how the fields of these reactors interact with each other and how they influence each other.

    I look at the peaks. I look – this is something I explained yesterday – Im trained as a nuclear reactor system controller for nuclear reactors. I don’t look at numbers the majority of the time. I look for interaction. In a nuclar reactor control room you have hundreds of gadgets, everything running around. You look for indications – data is irrelevant most of the time. This is where the nuclear controllers usually lose control because they look for one data and they loose the whole picture. So I go onto the lab, I look at all the meters, I look at all the data that has been collected I look at the field detectors I look at the power supply and it gives me an indication of how long I need to be back before something happens, and I said to Marko yesterday, every time I come back something happens because I know these reactors are built as reactors except Johns. These are the babies I gave life to so I expect their behaviour. Today when we feed gases I said tomorrow I expect they will be at 3+ something and from 2.67 or 8 we went to 3.3! And yesterday when I looked at the structure and the data I said ‘Oh we should go to .44 or 5 it will be good!’ – but I don’t think it will happen because we have a peak at 3.7.

    The Knowledge Seekers look at numbers I look because I explained to John, Reactor Number 3 or what we call the central reactor, core number 3 showed a reduction from 1.3amps to .09amps, and then at that point we had a peak. So I was looking to see if that peak happens again because it is connected. When you have a reduction in the current it means there is a reduction in the pressure, you don’t need that much pressure – so that means its when the pressure goes the GMfield internally is trying to match with the Earth’s GMfield.

    But when you look at the data, and at the motor, that motor, I watched that motor every time I went in, that’s motor number 3 for the Core C – the Centre core – it variates it vibrates between +0.11 to 0.38 sometimes 0.4. And this morning when I went back in I asked the KSs to take the data again. This mornig the gap is very narrowed down – this morning it was rotating between 0.25 and 0.32 and in the morning it goes back to 0.2 and 0.3.

    This has a very clear indication. The lab sits in an open environment with windows where the GM field of the sun has a direct interaction on the fields in the room. And this I have seen in the past few weeks it depends on the time some reactors drop. But at the same time this drop and sudden surge of release comes because the internal reactor, due to its construction, creates 3 different plasmas in 3 different locations, and 2 of these reactors keep on taking change but due to the situation with reactor A which is a floating core inside, that reactor releases a surge in reactor B.

    So we see the surge but you have to look at all the parameters. Most of you have one reactor, you don’t see this character that we see here, because now we are dealing with a real situation if you go back and stand back and look at the whole picture you see the side pictures all the time from the lab. If we gave you a bird’s eye view of the floor – what do you see?

    You see exactly the same structure as a plasma of a molecule of amino acid. Oxygen sits in the centre. One reactor, which is very much weaker like John’s and is the one which is absorbing energy, is the Hydrogen. You have the reactor of Armen which is on the left is like Nitrogen because it can reduce or increase fields according to what the other one needs, and you have the steel reactor in the back with the detector which behaves as a carbon, as a communicator, as an interconnecter between the three.

    The centre reactor holds all the fields together but when you see the flow of the current in different directions of Core E, which is Marko’s reactor, that behaves like a graphite, a graphine, a carbon. We see between 2 reactors at 60cms from each other different direction of the flow of the plasma. I explained this yesterday.

    The plasma goes out and it comes back from the top between the two reactors so within the 60cms we have created a plasma environment, which has a boundary, which is not balanced yet. So the whole structure of what we are doing here, and what happens in the next few months is to build up a homogenous plasma confirmation and interaction, and this is what will happen.

    We won’t get fantastic results, though it might happen if we reach it. But at the moment the way Armen explained we had to turn John’s reactor upside down, because I was with Marko last week and with Armen after the reactors were put on the floor on their side to see how they react with each other in the centre, then the reactors were put, all three of them, on an angle facing towards the central reactor. It’s like a cannon. We just used them gradually in 3 or 4 steps or 2 or 3 steps, to look at the bottom of the reactor, all 3 north poles, and one was feeding all the fields to the equator line, and one to the top to the north pole of the centre reactor.

    To understand their behaviour and this is how we tried reactors back to front, all of them, this is what is a part of the space formation of these 4 reactors in space, because slowly we do things and when we come back to them again we see we’ve done it before.

    2:22:22: The reason for this test was to see the effect of the reactors when they’re on their side or in an angle, because in time when you build your reactors for deep space travel you have a centre core star formation, and you have a number of reactors on the boundary at the periphery and outside of the craft – these are needed. So these reactors are not facing in the same way as the 4 reactors in the centre, but they are facing into the line of interaction.

    These are partly for protection system, partly for material production, and partially as part of when you want to reach up to the speed of certain conditions and certain position. When you travel in deep magnetic field you create additional shield in the reverse condition in the reactors which are sitting on your boundary, sitting at 90 degrees or you can change them to the angle of the central core from which they get their supply of GMfield or plasma from the centre core, which means you strengthen your magnetic field in the direction of the flow. Or you can line up so in some of you when you see whatyoucallit – crafts in flight, you see flashing lights around the 3 central core and the mother core.

    These lights are not for showing we are here! These lights are reactors, which create a specific condition for protection of the reactor and creation of the environment of the shielding.

    This is why we did these tests and I explained to the KSs – so putting the reactors on the side is not only to see the fields but to start understanding the process of the next step – of realigning cores for protection and material production. As we put fields in we see the changes.

    But now we spend the first few months building all sorts of reactors and you’ve seen it as a world population as we did – aahh… successes and failures. But if you look at it now after breaking reactors and setting it up, changing motors, now we can do anything we like with out reactors. As you’ve seen we’ve turned them upside down while running, we turned them on angles still running, we can roll them on the ground they’re still running, because all that hard work as got its results now.

    We have a very solid core base, we do like as you’ve seen – John explained to you – there are two steel rings on the side of the core – that’s why his graph has got a peak in it. This core, this balancing was done by idea of Yvan 2 weeks ago because his was rattling too much, so he put a tape on it and we taped these rings to the wall of the core, and running it for am number, for 2 or 3 weeks whatever, the tapes are coming off. We litrrally stopped the core reactor, we put the tapes on it last week and once or twice in the 1st week we taped it again and Marko put a couple more tapes to secure because these washers were dropping off, and we start back ahain, we don’t need to go and sit and wait for plasma to be created, because the nano coating inside holds the plasma. And then we start back ahian as if nothing happened.

    The hard work of the past 3 or 4 weeks has paid off in being able to have such a robust sytem. Now, I explained to the KSs we are in a privileged position to have 4 half core reactors and very soon in next coming weeks, we will set one full spherical reactor set to our half-a-sphere set. We have all the facilities for it, we just have to put a couple of power supplies in and so you will see two star formation sets. And I can guess which one of them is gong to fly first! Because I know them!

    Literrally all the reactors except the Porcelain all belong to the Kf and been built over the past 10 years. So every character about them I know. So you start seeing interaction and new plasma conditions, and then you will see the interaction between the two sets – how they interact, which set will pull, which set will feed. We have put Yvan’s reactor on the side but its still interacting with all the reactoers Its still mastering because it’s the holder of more of the man. Even the centre core in the star formation is running but the Master still sets with Yvans even though we have this connector and its put to the side, you shoud see it in the pictures – we put a magnetic plastic in front of it to block it but its still dictating becaue it holds a huge amount of plasma.

    So you got to understand, even in your works in your labs and what you research with, you have to understand the totality and interaction of the totality, not just following sets of numbers. Yesterday I came in the lab, I put a big note ‘Don’t touch anything’ I go out, I come back, and some tinkling fingers has done it! – and they could not understand why – and they thought it was just a peak – its not just a peak, and then we had to waitt for another peak more than before. Its to see how figures operate and interact and why, how long it takes, what strength comes up, why there was a surge.

    These peaks are irrelevant in the operation of the whole plasma but these peaks show dangerous positions in your structure and in your plasma setting because these peaks are created when a massive amount of plasma is released in the wrong direction. The direction of the peak, how its been achieved it means something is holding. I’m not interested if you to .12 or .13 or 100, if its once to them its achieved a peak, to me it’s a danger point, to me it’s a loss of set, it’s the loss of a craft when it goes into a roll.

    But as KSs don’t understand these things for me its important to find these problems before we achieve it. And in this you look at the motor running you look at the peak of the motor, you look at the other motors, this peak was the energy absorbed by other motors or just absorbed by the environment? And how it shows itself on the second meter or second detector, and how the other core’s done. Every time you see a huge fluctuation, unless you have a bearing problem, unless you have a problem in the rotation, and you see repetition of the same numbers in the same sequence, this shows you there could be and there is a plasma blockage.

    Plasma blockage is a dangerous thing – you try to avoid you try to stop it because plasmas – we’ve seen it with Marko and the steel reactor which has got the side detector on it – in the steel core we have 2 plasmas inside the same core, due to the construction of it, because Marko spent time marking it he went all the way from north pole to south pole and measured it very (accurately) I think about 20 or 30 readings from one point to another and through that we see 2 peaks and the separation of the two. Now if one of these plasmas in one of these environments releases itself to the other one – God help you – you lose everything in space.

    2:31 We see the same thing now in the mother reactor in the centre reactor. Yesterday we had a peak. I’m not interested in that peak – I’m very interested in that peak from a failure point of view, and why that became in matter of seconds, when the outer core of Core Number 3 suddenly dropped to literally 0.1amp. You got to look at this – you got 3 motors running next to each other, the total weight of the construction of the reactors is 22kgs, the total construction of the inner cores is about 9.5kg and we are running literally 3 reactors, 3 cores at a speed of just under 1000rpm, with the variation about 6 to 10 watts.

    It’s a huge amount. Most of this weight is now carrried by the plasma not by the bearings, and that’s why the slightest variation we see in the field of the plasma in Armen’s core, which is sitting on the side, effects the internal operation of the other cores. Start looking at the totality.

    Start looking at – every time we walk into the lab it changes the figures but nobody has noticed it. Even the motors change because you effect the environment of the system, the sun effects the environment of the plasma where it sits.

    The whole structure – you got to start looking you will find out I advise you, if you’re building reactors make a reactor that can be opened up and thrown away in a few weeks, or few months time, when you can contain the plasma. You can create plasma anywhere in the Universe, anywhere on this planet, without use of any motors any containers.

    This is where the extension of the Knowledge will come but you got to see it otherwise everyone becomes magician because if you can create a dynamic plasma in the environment, and then when you establish you can hold on to it and you put it into interaction with other ones, the speed of rotation and positioning will come by the other reactors.

    Always remember the surface of the sun is not the container of the sun. But the surface of the sun where the matters in the GM field of the sun can materialize – can reduce in strength enough to become liquid state or we call liquid plasma – this is where we are going with the new Gans state materials.

    The new Gans reactors which John has brought as a ceramic – he made them when he was in Belgium last week – are going to the manufacturers of the reactors today. So from next week we have twin reactors, all Gans filled only, but again with these reactors we are putting centre point nano material to be able to hold onto the plasma that it stops it from wobbling.


    So this is the extension of Knowledge, the next step for us to create a balanced environment in the 4 reactors. At the moment John’s reactor is literally sponging all the fields and where it’s holding it is a mystery for me I don’t understand how this reactor absorbing and holding so much plasma and taking all the fields, because what it does it converts part of these fields which he is receiving the plasma externally, because we see that through the X axis on the both detectors.

    The X-axis performance which actually goes into fresh air and the only thing in this path is John’s reactor is indication that this reactor is playng a behaviour which is not normal with the whole reactor. If you keep on getting these rotational cycles that John posted and you’ve seen it here, look for the X-axis on the both of them. Then without having a detector on John’s system you should be able to understand partially the behavior of this reactor. Because you pick it up near the core and you pick it up 60 cms away from the core, and it shows you if its receiving and how its doing, one can be using in conjunction with the GMfield away from it when it’s a magnetical field detector.

    So I have realized in the past week, or 2 or 3 weeks, I have pushed the Knowledge Seekers in the environment and they are not comfortable and they are still in their schizophrenic material condition and the change will take time and you see a lot of resistance because there is no understanding of the totality. And this will go on till gradually the realization comes what is happening but till that time I will follow and try to bring things in to show.

    At the moment the only interest here is when we gonna fly! – any gimmick has been done in this lab to see something fly. It will not fly till you understand the control and balancing of the fields. Because if it flys one of them will be in your body and in your face or into the building. You wont see a total flight. I can create flight in a single reactor very easy but when you have a star formation the totality counts but at the same time in this process the Knowledge Seekers are learning what happened when one reactor is playing so they are learning to control the formation to one reactor.

    It happens – in space you will lose plasma, you lose reactor – doesn’t mean the end. It’s just how you bring the control in to subsidise it. Use the boundary reactors to pressurize to create a false condition till you can re-create the plasma or use the 3 reactors to create a false environment or imaginary environment for a master reactor space in the centre. What does this mean?

    In the position to come hopefully in a year or two when the KSs are more advamced in the knowledge we remove the centre core from the setting and the 3 reactors together will create themselves a mother reactor which they are comfortable to work with. They will create their own environmental GMfield. So this happens all the time – this is part of the condition of the safety of the flight system what happens if you lose a mother reactor – its not the end, its understanding how you create the environment, and how between the 360 degrees you can create a new plasma environment without the material condition that you can hold onto till you can replace the core, or you can develop a new core, and you can carry on for thousands of years without the physicality of the central core.

    This is again condition of tangibility, which the KSs don’t understand – they are looking for figures – ‘we just switched the thing off!’ No! Because the peak is irrelevant. The peak shows exactly where the problem is; it’s not a solution. The more you increase the peak the more you go up to a higher figure, the more dangerous condition you create.

    I’m interested to see 12, 20, whatever .. gauss on the detector, but that peak explains to me 2 things. The plasma is building up – I explained yesterday but it wasn’t understood in the lab that I know the peak is there because it shows to me a danger point but as the peak goes off so does the average flux between the reactors is going up, so the plasma is building up very gradually but you have to look where the peak comes, which reactor is creating the release. Aaahh… strangely enough when you have the data the peak still comes from the centre core of the inner core in conjunction with Armen’s. It’s the way the direction of flow of the plasma indicates, when it came and what its cause is and where it came from, but the KSs don’t see it – to them its just numbers that are going and nothing happens.

    This is what you got to learn. Look at the overall data in respect of how it came about. We had again a reactor a few times going back to 9 but we saw one surge which just meant something in the centre core released a huge amount and we seen this one again a few weeks ago when Yvan’s reactor was knocked out. And again you see a third reactor behind a copper reactor exactly the formation it is now. So there is a position where these reactors are charging up and then they release their fields.

    And then the direction of flow on the Y-axis what and how when the lift will come. They are far away from lift, but they achieved something, even this week they were near to lift but the lift was disturbed. I see it but they have to learn. We are not going to do a magic show, it has to be learned, it has to be tested – we have to be able in the coming time, like a reactor in Canada, a reactor in China, we have to be able to connect to each other to communicate, and it will be instantaneous, but it will come. I will share you the knowledge of this. Part of this process has already started with Japan.

    The position of the Kf regarding Fukushima is, we have started collaboration at a very high level to find a solution with Fukushima. It’s done by the request and approach of the government and of the Kf. We did a test thanks to Yukako and the Knowledge Seekers and now we have moved into a very straight forward direct development and evaluation, and as we hear that one of the Japanese major corporations has developed the technology that we gave in the USB key and they use the technology to absorb the radiation.

    This is part of the Gans technology, which we released as a gift to the Japanese government at least to start using a different way but the Japanese governent wants to look at the overall structure of the technology.

    2:42:24 We collaborate very closely and we respect their approach and it’s done at the highest level. We keep it all our emails are read as I explained to you, the Belgium government has submitted letters to Google that we are a terrorist organization they have to have access to all our emails, so if the Americans and the rest of the world know what we are communicating, so should the rest of the Keshe foundations around the world.

    This is the situation we’re in, we’ve been approached by very high level through our own channels by the Japanese government and the materials have been moved in position for testing and evaluation and collaboration. This is how advanced the technology is and how governments respect our way.

    There is a further development for the environmental cleanup. I think Mr. Chow is aware of it; we have received independent laboratory data that shows we can clean up literally all environmental conditions and how fast we can do it! In condition of change of phosphor contamination in the ground materials, this success is up to 60 to 90 percent reduction, and it brings everything below the environmental levels that the waters can be used, this has been done and now the Kf has entered the commercial development of it by the company that proposed it and they achieved it. They’ve done all the data. They’ve been open with us, all the lab tests they’ve done on the reduction has been supplied to us on an open level, I’ve been to their lab in the last couple of weeks, independent laboratory is doing it, so we have shown all the land contamination, water contamination can be reduced drastically with a new system using our materials and the plasma reactor technology.

    So now we are entering the commercial phase the Italian wadayacallit – generator – we’ve been told has finally been agreed and done and the materials put together, so in the coming… hopefully they say in a week or so, we should be able to show this reactor for the first time on public. But it all depends – it took 5 months for them to do it they way they like it or with new materials. I was informed in the past 48 hours that finally their reactor is ready for assembly and the’yre happy with it – its supposed to last 30, 50 years they’re looking for the materials that will live or be strong enough to survive such a time.

    As you’ve seen with the reactors in the lab we've got 4 reactors running now for 3 4 or 5 weeks – we take one out and another in and it goes on – these reactors should last for hundreds of years unless there’s a mechanical failure and even if you have a mechanical failure and you contain the plasma though the nano layering, you just change the motor or change the frame, this what we done here before a couple of weeks ago, we don’t open the core, we don’t disturb the plasma, we hold the plasma in the container like you hold water in a container and then when we build the system we just put it back in and it runs – unless the reactor breaks. We have a reactor that broke – you seen the pictures of it last week in production.

    So technology is, and it goes because there is something very important that I’ve never shared, but you as KSs, as the Kfs around the world have to understand what is going on in reality. All the tests, all the reactors, all the data you are putting in the internet, and all the knowledge that is shared is immediately deciphered and analysed by the world’s space agencies and nuclear industry. We are teaching and I know and they know in the communications we receive on behalf, that space agencies are looking into every aspect – nobody has shared this knowledge before as I told you. So all these reactors, all the teachings we do, all the KSs – I watch your facebook or skype connections what you give each other connection, is fully watched and analysed by scientists – because in a way we are teaching the top guys in NASA but they are too ashamed to say they are learning!

    It’s the same with the space agencies around the world. So what we put out here is not just for you lot. The scientists in the background are watching every move, every development every knowledge we share.

    So this is part of the process we brought out. This is how the openness of the Fukushima testing plus releasing the paper of Fukushima within 48 hours from releasing the paper we received an approach from the Japanese government. So this is how it works. They know we are clear we are open about our process and it does not need to be in time – if Matsui announce they have produced such a system, we achieved our goal! At least part of the radiation has been solved.

    One of the things you had to realize I mentioned in passing by in the last few weeks about the reduction you saw in Fukushima, is that we managed to reduce gamma rays. I have now developed the technology in material structure, which has been sent to the people who are responsible to test it that these materials will change the position and condition of even alpha and beta, to a condition of normality. This data you watched in Fukushima and the radiation reduced and became low, and some people wrote to me – ‘you don’t understand between this and kilogram and you are stupid bla bla bla’ – we know exactly why we released and how we released that information, and the scientists who work on that level understood.


    From that data it became very clear that Gans materials only effect the radiation in the magnetic field spectrum, which is the gamma rays, on that side but when it comes to Helium nuclei, and whatever you call it beta alpha name to it – they have to be changed in a level from way what the materials can do. And that material it took me a couple of months – it eas made and its gone to 2 nuclear centres for testing and surely it will change the position. And well see the data, So the while thing is working in thewaty we expect and the teaching is going the same way. But the materials we created going from the Gans to the nano layers, to everything else, now you have to start understanding a total new science – and this total new science is very simple.

    For the first time man has manged to change matter into a plasma and at the same time managed to take from the plasma and hold it the way he wants. If you don’t understand the process it’s very simple. You put copper into caustic, you change it from molecular attachment to atomic nano layer attachment instead of being matter connected boundary at the same level of temp and pressure by making it into a nano you made it magnetic field connection instead of physical boundary and connection. Now through salt you made it to a Gans.

    Now what you do you put a material which is a nano layering with the magnetic field spectrum inside it, holding the Gans which is a magnetic field plasma. And then, these magnetic field plasma which is in a Gans state in the new reactors, themselves create a magnetic field to keep separate themselves, themselves create a black hole, what you call a principal matter in the centre of your reactor, and now you come back a full cycle to the point of the creation.

    So your centre residual, which is by Stephen Hawking stupidity – he says black holes absorb all the energy all the whatever, and they leak nothing – now, through this nano layering, putting a Gans and then these Gans all create their own strong GMfield, you create a centre point in your reactor which is very much what you call a principal matter area, principal plasma area, and in that point you share the fields between all the environments within that core.

    So now you don’t need physicality of the plasma to hold onto the matter and move it anywhere in the universe. This is what the KSs never understood and you who follow the Kf – you are looking for matter – now for the first time you understand.

    The same as you created, magnetic field gap in the atoms in the nano layer, now you create the same magnetic field gap between the layer of the Gans because now it’s a plasma, and then the centre part which is just a sphere inside the ring, in the centre, carries the same field strength more or less as the principal energy, principal matter magnetic field. So you created the confinement, then now you try to squeeze and open this plasma in the centre of your reactor, then you understand the travel in space becomes irrelevant of time and space. But you got to understand the process. You got to understand where the technology takes you in other directions.

    For the first time as a system, we have put a system out this week about 2 days ago, where we have created possibly maybe 6 million combination of amino acids to be produced in one system to cover any need of the man for amino acid reproduction for the neuro system or for reproduction of cells. What this means is that the knowledge for humanity can be released, that we can produce through our organization neurons in the body or fibers in the body as needed.

    So the development of what we call the Health programs and the production programs has moved from the Gans condition into another level in another direction. So now you can produce a different type of amino acid using the technology according to what the body needs. If the results are correct which it looks to be I hope, then we release it, doesn’t matter who tells us what we are doing. We don’t enter health we are there to support. There has been a meeting in the end of May in the EU Commissions that they have put onto questions why alternative technologies cannot be used because the present pharmaceutical is not answering the problem and there are more diseases in Europe and in the western world than ever been before.

    So new technologies have a room to show what they are doing and through our connections and showing it to some people, they know who they are, a new structure of health program of the Kf has been set up. And hopefully if this thing goes through we already reach some agreements, then we will open the centre to where people can go officially to be connected into the world wide organization set up. The final stages everything has been agreed I received a document which has been done and I thank you, you know who you are, you’ve been working so hard to achieve this and I congratulate you. The process is we are staying silent not out of fear but so people can understand more and more of the technology.


    There is a position in respect of I’ve been asked to clarify about the 16th in Rome. We try to make a line for the delivery of the message to his Holiness the Pope. We have not been given the access up till now. They know why we are going. We meet at 10am – I’ll be there and a number of people will be there. We’ll deliver the paper to the Office of the Pope. We can do it with our own connections in the Vatican, but this time it has to be done because there is a specific purpose for this. With this goes this letter that we shared with you last time – goes an invitation to world religious leaders, as you’ve seen on the front page of the Kf in past few days, that all the worlds religious leaders are invited to attend a meeting on the 30th of this month in Italy, irrespective of the position for discussion of one thing – unification of the religions in achieving world peace.

    It’s a very strange thing, if you ever know or you understand what the G20 and G8s are, in the past few years, in parallel with every meeting of the G8 or G20, the religious leader of these countries who have met in the G8 or G20 talks, have met just before. It’s known as a religious G20 G8 meeting. And they are supposed to meet. I’ve never heard of some of them ever attending but then they issue a protocol to the G8 leaders what they expect as religious (leaders) and funny enough if you go into their 2009 2012 communications in one of their paragraphs they wrote, its very interesting – it’s the 3rd paragraph in 2012 – Religious leaders G8 and G20 summit – it says ‘We have come together in Washington DC on the eve of the 38th G8 summit set to meet in Camp David, Maryland, USA.

    ‘Members of the Bahá'í, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, China, Sikh and Zoroastrian community have joined here to continue the work that has been done by religious leaders of the previous G8 summits. Religious leaders have over the past 7 years met to reflect on global agenda before leaders of the world’s most powerful nations and to offer the insight and hope for the encounters. Our religious traditions are informed by deeply held and widely held values of justice and human rights’

    And it says ‘ As religious leaders of various traditions across the word we affirm a need for G8 and G20 to radically transform their economical systems and assumptions that have brought us alarming levels of economic instabilities and inequalities. 2. Essential need to shift the priorities of the G8 nations to comprehensively advance the human security health, and common good.’

    Third one says ‘The role of G8 and G20 have to play into evaluating the order of the structure that has brought us to vast inequalities between the rich and the poor, as focus of economic injustices and in consequence of political instability that arises from the gap between the two, in many places of the world.’ And then it goes on about economic injustice and then it goes on the food, health, and human security. They want the balance and justice for all, and it goes on, its 6 or 7 pages of it.

    The only thing that all these religious leaders, in all of their meetings, have ever discussed is how they want equality in wealth near enough, but now its time to bring equality between all the religions. And this is the purpose of this meeting on the 16th – to call upon the worlds religious leaders to become one. Not just to look and advise everything except their unification. When we unite all the of the world’s religions 99% of all the humanity problems the way we see it will be solved. And this is the purpose of this meeting, for the world religious leaders, be it the pope, His Holiness Pope Francis, or be it his Holiness Khameini, or the others which have seen their pictures on the front of our website. Now its not good to be telling others what to do to be equal, now its time for you to make time to make it equal, and its in your hand, and that’s the purpose of delivering this letter on the 16th.

    They advise they want justice and equality and reducing the borders to become one – now why don’t we do that with the religions and then we’ll have no more problem. As you know before I became a scientist I was a full time International businessman. I went through he borders of the east and west being broken down in the late 80s and 90s and one thing that surprised me and about which I spoke to world leaders and politicians, and that is in the European EU you can travel tfrom Portugal to Russia with no cross border check, wth no armies, with no military. How through the concerted effort from the previous popes in Vatican, such unifcation of the Christian community in Europe was achieved. Now we going to Vatican that we ask the support of the Pope for the unification of the whole world in the same way. And that will come.

    We’ve been advising the word leaders in past years in economical and social structure, but they don’t see that the whole of the social structure is literally read thrugh the religion, so if you make all the religions one to work in one target we don’t need any national borders, we don’t need any armies. The money which is spent – it became a theme in the mid 1990s as the European closed their military bases because there was no more phantom nation of Eastern block to fight for, they called it a peace dividend.

    Peace dividend was that armies of tens of thousands in each contry became a few thousand, and now most of the countries have part time soldiers just in case, and that just in case will never come – most of the time these armies are used in Africa and other war zones under the banner of the United Nations. Why don’t we send these though the unification of the religions, throughout the world. And this is the purpose of this letter on the 16th.

    And I make one thing very very clear. I know a lot of these talks get transcribed and listened by a lot of world leaders. If the world leaders do not come to agree on this very soon the way we released the key to the governments to start the release of the knowledge, we will release such a knowledge that religions become irrelevant. And this will be in the matter of very short time. The position is very very clear. The handing over of the letter to the Pope, if they accept it or not, is just again the habit of man and physicality. We have moved the soul and we’ll achieve what we planned. We have to show we been there and we go there, but in fact we have put everything in motion that if need be we put a stop to the name of God in different religions on this planet that all become one.

    As Ive said the invitation letter has gone out this morning, it’s beiong done by our webmasters in Tehran in a beautiful form, and it reads as part of this invitation letter.

    ‘On behalf of the humanity, please accept this formal letter of invitation to request the honor of your presence at the meeting of all men’s religious leaders as men of God to attend this meeting in the clothe of the man, and not in their path of belief robes, for unification of the religions of the world.’

    We deliver this – it will be hand delivered in different forms to all the world religious leaders for the meeting on the 30th. They attend or they don’t attend, we do our job.

    As I explained to the KSs – when you run a reactor on the floor you don’t look at the physicality of the outside. Inside it there is a plasma, and as you’ve seen the plasma within the structure affects on one side the other two detectors. So if those who sit in the holy places and they think they become untouchable because of their physicality – we have already reached your souls! We created the soul so we have reached it. The same that we can change the behaviour that you’ve been discussing this morning with the other KSs in respect to how you change a small gas and you see the change in the other reactor, the same thing has happened to your souls. The choice is yours, not ours. The choice is in the change in what it’s been set up to do.

    So this answers what’s going to happen on Monday. We’ll be there. I’l be there and handing over, accepted or not, even if we have to put it on the floor of the Vatican and walk away, it means its been received. That’s the purpose because the people at this level have to be reached through the appropriate ways. I explained this to a couple of the KSs recently.

    3:07:28: This is very simple. The people who stay and lead the houses of worship in the houses of God, whatever name you put on them, people do not go to the houses of worship, be it the church, be it the mosque, be it the temple, for the priest – they go there to share their souls with the one who accepted the responsibility for their soul, be it Christ, be it Muhammad, be it Zoroaster. So when we deliver the message on the 16th to the Vatican, and the invitation which is going to all the worlds religious leaders, which is now getting done by the Kf team in Tehran very rapidly – I hope they’ll have it together, I’ve been told its been very nicely set to fit the position of such a man – aahhh... it’s just symbolic.

    This is the reason I was explaining to my wife, she said have you heard about this priest in England who says he didn’t know raping a child was a crime?! If you go to facebook you can read abut it apparently! So if the man still sticks to his own, using the house of God for his own end, so we have to change the end which means everything becomes one which means everybody knows that raping a child is a criminal offence. The same as now what is discussed in the Church of England – apparently he’s an archbishop or a very high-ranking priest giving evidence in a court. It explains if the highest priest in the country does not know that raping a child is an offence, then God help the King of Belgium – no wonder he is up to all these no goods. Because he has been advised by the wrong people.

    So the Monday’s meeting in Rome you can attend, but what you bring is your soul, not your physicality.

    3:09:36 Rick: Aaahh… Mr. Keshe, can you talk about what people can do who can’t attend at Rome and what they might be able to do from their own home country and their own city as a way of supporting this event

    MK: Its not supporting – you’re supporting yourselves and humanity. You’re supporting your ways. Make a copy and give a copy to the priest, to the Mullahs, to anybody who you pray and you go and you worship to. Send a copy to all the world religious leaders and to the old world governments. We will post this invitation within the next few hours – most probably when our webmasters in Tehran confirm its been put in order. So it means by the time we get to Vatican, most probably Vatican, as we’ve seen to what the Belgium police, how our Chinese colleagues bombarded the whole thing, that they sent a police letter to other police forces trying to find out howcome they’re receiving so much email from China – what’s happening in China? This is the word they said to the guy when they asked him a question.

    So all you do is send these emails, faxes or emails, yes Mr. Chow knows what is happening the Chinese Kf community are very strong supporters, and what they did they literally rocked the whole foundation of Police organization in Belgium.

    Rick: (has been chuckling though previous) I think that’s kind of funny and ironic!

    MK: Yes but I can tell you something very interesting. I have to say this because he is a very hard working gentleman for the Kf. A man in Malta was questioned about this. They wanted to know what was happening in China. In Malta! Police wanted to know what is happening in China. This is how the power of the Kf has found its ways.

    So this is what you got to do – you do it for yourselves not for us – we are just tangibility for a few hours on this planet.

    The whole change has come, the biggest problem for the Kf is as I always say till people click on them, is that we are not Greenpeace to fight, or another peace organization or under any other religious names. We have brought a technology which forces peace, and the beauty of it is, I’ve said this to the KSs before and they have not even understood it – to them it’s just wind going though their ears – what has happened here in the past 2-3 months has shown that the knowledge can be shared and given to man irrespective of color, religion, race, anywhere the world without any money being paid across the table.

    There is no need for patent, but if you produce a system that some can share you can benefit by it but because everyone else can do it you cannot charge, you know, thousands of euros for a few dollars. And this is the whole change which is coming, so Monday we meet in the centre of the Vatican by the needle, what I call the needle’s in the centre.

    Rick: The Obelisk, it’s called …

    MK: Obelisk … its been moved to the centre. There was a resson it was moved to the centre and there is a light on the top of it, and that is to show the new light for humanity. So we meet there, whoever is there, at last I know there are two people there – there is me and my wife, and whoever is going to be there. The numbers will enforce the belief in world peace, in the peace through religions. And then we’ll see what the next will be.

    So if you are in your country in a way though prayers or send your soul to the world leaders that they receive it that they become rich enough that they don’t need to be enriched and through that they'll see the channels and the ways of peace. Give the letter because most of these priests are physical, they have something to read, to report back to their Popes or to their Archbishops, or to their Imams and their leader Imams, that they understand the change which is to come. If they don’t do it then we do it because, you know it’s a very fine line in this situation. This situation is you put a Jew a Muslim a Christian a Buddhist all in one room, which are very religious people, and you’ll find out each one will pray in different time to the same thing – but they still call themselves different religions, None of them are set to kill the other ones and none of them are going to poison the other one. The poisoning comes when you build a structure you call it whatever Temple – because that structure needs money to be held, to be kept, so it brings in the crookedness.


    The Temple of the God is in the soul of the man, not in his heart or in his brain, and this is what the man has to understand, then in time – there are no religions in space. Money, religion, and attachment to physicality is one of the bad habits of physicality on Earth.

    Vince: So Mr. Keshe, so we can be completely clear, you would value the supporters of the Kf to take the paper of ‘IN MY NAME” and to take the latest paper to their religious people in their communities – can I say that?

    MK: This is what we’ll be doing in Vatican.

    V: So we can do it locally then too!

    MK: Of course, this is the whole thing that it has to go up, but the meeting is set up for the 30th at the Kf headquartrs here, and the meeting on the 26th we receive a guru, what we call a high ranking religious priest from India yeah? And on the 30th whoever will turn up – we know for a fact nobody will be here but we are ready for it, the same as when we gave the keys - they came and asked for the keys.

    But this is the whole setup, we are ready to receive, we have set the field for the motion, because why we chose the Kf centre? First of all the environment of the Kf centre is set for receiving prestigious high officials, secondly this is a position as I said before, we sit around this table as Christians, Muslims, Catholic, whatever name we choose to call ourselves on the same path. So we have the facility and as in the invitation they have to inform us when they come, we can take in the centre up to about 5000 people. They can come with all their followers, the buiding and the set we can accommodate easily 4 or 5 hundred people, so we are not short of space and time, but we don’t have to go and look for somewhere, the whole process can be done here.

    We won’t change anything because these people have to learn they are equal to others when it comes to share their souls, because souls don’t wear a turban or a hat or whatever you want to call it and the robe. When the world religious leaders realize its their soul that makes the difference, that’s why a lot of them go astray, its because they misjudge the way people come to pray in their places of worship as worshipping to bless his soul for example Christ or bless his name Muhammad, they misplace that name to themselves, because they realize that in reality there is no connection between them and the Christ or Muhammad or any other prophet, and this misplacement becomes, they see themselves when people come to the houses of worship they are important becase they stand there.They are nothing, people don’t look at the priest, they look at the man they made the contract in their souls with. This is where the whole religious leaders have misplaced the names and the people. They lost it.

    So you don’t go to the church to pray for the priest, you go to church to share your soul with the Christ. This is the one you made contract with, the same as the reactor in the centre of the system. The sharing of the field is with the centre core and not with a reactor that is running in another galaxy in another spaceship.

    So this is where the misjudgement and misunderstanding of the priest has come and the religious leaders have come. They don’t understand people go to the House of God and to any Temple to pray and share their soul with their whatever they want to call. And then when they realize that all the souls of the prophets are the same then what’s the difference?

    Christians can go to the Muslim, and the Muslims to the Jews and the rest. I learnt this in very early stage of my life, as you know I’m half Jewish and half Muslim. I come from that kind of background, and funny enough is, when our family, the Jewish family, come to England to stay with us and we couldn’t find Jewish kosher meat to serve, we only eat Halal, we have to go to the Muslim shops to buy Halal meat because it’s the same. How come the food of the man can be the same but not the same God? They know it but this difference has been made to make money … who is wearing the gold line on the turbans and how many accounts are kept.

    So on Monday we meet in Rome at 11 o’clock by the needle, I hope this will be a needle of peace and anything else, but in respect of whether they receive our letter or not the letter will be left on the floor, somebody will pick it up because this soul will do its job.

    As you know, I repeat it again, 21st of April 2 years ago after the meeting in the Kf in the centre within 24 hours his Excellency President Obama started the procedure for people giving information to Iran and the rest of it and it was mainly targeted towards the Kf because of the transfer of technology to Iran which they refused to accept. I did not fight with him, I did not go out attacking, I just wrote a letter, how come the President of a Nation has become judging that one technology can go to where or whatever and we saw it less than 8 months later on the Day of the Inauguration of the president we received a communication that they would like to receive the technology on the USB stick. So we prayed for the soul of the president.

    The priests who are really close to the soul of the Prophets, they are a much easier game to play wth because they understand the consequences of it. They don’t need to go into G8 meetings with world religious leaders to advise everything else except their own boundary. Now the boundary of the religions has opened up. As it says in this letter, if they want equality – ‘has brought us to vast inequlalites between the rich and the poor’ so this has become the same. If you understand inequalities between the rich and the poor it should be much easier to understand the difference between how you develop these inequalities by the name of someone you like to attach yourself to.

    So on the 16th we will be in Rome, there is a huge concern about my security, its been mentioned, that’s with the Italian government what they do, but their physical location is irrelevant, wherever you are, leave it front of the mosque or give it to the man of God in any shape which is crossing or give it to a monk it will be the same, but at the same time don’t just give them the letter – the letter is just physical. Give your soul with the letter and it will reach even before the guy reaches to accept it!

    Rick: Mr. Keshe, Eliya wants you to know that there is a Bulgarian event that is supporting the Kf Vatican situation. They’re organising an event in Sofia at the National Theatre Fountains apparently, to hold a procession in support of the coming desired peace and so on – she just wanted to let you know.


    MK: Thank you very much on all levels, there is something I go a step further. When we hand over the invitation to the world’s religious leaders, as there is a hierarchy the souls of the priests and they follow them, receive the same, so it’s not exclusive. This is the channel we’ll use we’ll take the humanity to a new level of understanding of the operation of how things are done. This is the same as a said before, this brought a lot of pain to a lot of people, but the truth sits as it is – if you read these letters it speaks about the spring uprising in the Middle East. I’m ashamed to read this even if the religious leaders wrote it.

    This spring uprising brought a lot of death to a lot of fathers, sons and daughters. A lot of bullets were used, supposedly by Muslims against themselves against their regimes or whatever excuses, bur strangely enough as I said before the payment of the penalty for this will be paid on the houses on the homes of the directors and the manufacturers of these guns and bullets in the western nations that produce them, and even the guy the scientist who designed it, whoever designed the latest gun or the latest gas mask to kill as much as he could or whatever, or whatever they coud do. The scientist who designed it – his soul has to pay for the death of the man on the street of the spring uprising.

    This is so much that the religious leaders have not even understood. As I said the man is killed by Muslims on the streets of Cairo in the spring uprising, but the payment goes through the people who done it to the manufacturers in Eastern Europe and Western Europe and the profits which sit with the Rothschild family.
    Who instigates wars has to pay for it and if they thought they got away with it the payment day is now. Whoever finances wars, doesn’t matter on what name, gets the same share of the punishmnent or loss of his own soul according to the people.

    So the guy who financed all the guns and all the bullets, I would like to see how his son and daughter live in about 2 to 10 years time. This is what I wrote a letter if you remember it – used to be on the forum. This is called the blood money of the education, and the blood money of the food. This is what has to change. If western Europe could have a peace dividend, no guns, no armies, how come the guns and bullets are sold to the rest of the nations that defend themselves?

    Why cant the religious leaders put an end to it and its done? Why does one nation have to be used as a scapegoat and as a stick for the others to buy as many arms. As I said I made a direct objection to the travel of a couple of prime minsters on a specific trip to somewhere just to sell arms and come back. What does this mean? The arms have to be used, the wars have to be created. Who financed these arms to be made? They don’t buy the guns – its not cash payment, its paid by installment, somebody financed it. And the one who profits sits in any name of any family – you call them Rothschilds, you call them illuminatis you call them a Church or whatever.

    The man who makes a bullet for a wage to feed his child, and the man who uses the bullet can only pay in 20 years time, who finances it between the man eats on the house who made the bullet. This is where the ethics of the soul comes in and this is what we are going to emphasise, and we can deliver it. Slowly, slowly the technology is delivered.

    As I said we are not Greenpeace talking about it, we are delivering technology and letting the man on the street understand.

    Aaahhh… Mr. Keshe – on behalf of Greenpeace, in my role as ship’s doctor on a few expeditions in the Pacific and Antarctic oceans back in the 1980s, I agree that the spirit of Greenpeace was indeed captured by talking puppets for a while, in fact the 2nd mate on the midnight watch on the MV Gondwana freely admitted to me he was working for the CIA – and he later became director of the Greenpeace Marine Division for years. However, the Spirit of Greenpeace remains vibrant and alive in its original vision peaceful direct action, in the hearts and souls of many Spiritual Rainbow Warriors, of all colors, races, creeds, and nations to bring the Earth back to a balanced condition. Mind you I would have loved to have a plasma reactor backing up the sails of the SV Rainbow Warrior II J

    This is what I explained to KSs once or twice this week – we havn’t brought the elite scientists here to run a reactor. No more people, no more scientists, no more men of intelligence. The rest of you around the world are doing the same thing. So it does not need to have a title, but we show the normal man on the street can make enough food and set the system for himself to create energy and the rest. A lot of people are waiting for as I said the mobile phone for it to feed them, but they understand the battery in the mobile phome gives them the Gans and the Gans gives them the abilty to produce a dynamic reactor, which can produce whatever they need.

    A lot of people touch the fat but they don’t understand the next step so we have to speak the language of a child as it is – we can’t tell about space technology to a 2-month-old child in a cot, so we have to speak the language, as you understand. Now you understand further as I explained today. Now you understand the next step, the Gans itself if it is used the right way in the right direction, now you understand what you can make with it, you can change the plasma into fields, and the fields are packages you can make whatever you like from it. So this is the process of the creation.

    So – now we go to Rome and we put that letter on the floor of the Vatican if need be but that is the problem netween the people there and the others. And whoever attends, come with your soul. We carry the paper for physicality. Or bring one or two copies to give to the others that by seeing it you transfer your hopes to their soul … any questions?

    3:30:47: KS: Mr. Keshe

    MK: Yes, I would like to finish the process today with no questions about the reactors because we have done enough of it, as we go in to the 16th is their any questions about Rome, or what we do for the World Peace Treaty? I’ll be prepared to answer those.


    KS: Yes I do have a question sir. What is the spirit and what is the difference between the spirit and the soul – so when we say spirit what are we referring to?

    MK: It depends on how you define what you want to understand. One is the path and one is the entity.

    KS: So the path is the spirit and the entity is the soul? Is the soul of man a material as well?

    MK: The soul is very much the same as what I said regarding John’s reactor. You break the body of the man but the plasma inside it stays and performs – you see if you transfer to it in a very simple way. When we put the reactor we put a motor to it we dictate its rotation and everything else, we decide how much gas to feed it and how much rotation and speed we put to it.

    That’s the matter. But once the soul the plasma is created inside it as I said you can smash the reactor. Then when it runs itself it will only take for itself what it needs to sustain in respect to its environment. It will not take any more or it will not take any less – this I explained in a very simple way to the KSs. I explained that to Marko a couple of days ago and yesterday with Armen. These two sat in front of he reactor and I said to them take what you need from the reactor. And both readings were established at 0.4222. And I said now give whatever you like to the reactor even if its up or down, and it stayed up and it came down. I wasn’t interested to see how far up they go, I was interested to see how much the reactor was prepared to give without damaging itself. And that was .04222. A system a soul takes what it likes in respect of the physicality and it gives whatever it can give to sustain its own existence, but it will not steal. You can take huge numbers but it only takes what it’s given, and this is the process of the soul, the physicality is irrelevant.

    These reactors – why do I tell you from day 1 when you build a reactor, when you feed a reactor, that every time you feed a reactor you create a new condition of existence? Pray for them, give part of your soul to them. Then you understand the reason because very soon you will see it, even this elaborate system we create because for man to understand it has no meaning.

    KS: how does man align his soul with his physicality?

    3:34:50 MK: Aaahhh… a few people have reached that position. Few physical beings have ever reached that position and even some who did achieve they lost their track because they saw themselves as being the creator and that’s when the line disconnected. The same position as Ive said with the man who goes to the house of God to pray doesn’t go to pay for the priest but the priest thinks he’s God now because they come to the house – and this is a misconception.

    We have the same thing in Kf two years ago, I called it a coup d’etat – there was talk and I wrote a paper about it. Few people came close to the Kf, they saw, they said ‘oh this guy can make millions and he’s not giving it away!’ What did they do? They went, they made a page on the Kf, which we realized later on were enemies of the Kf, and in a way they helped us, that the Kf would return all the deposits for the medical systems if you want to ask. And then they sent their agenda in this hidden email which was going across each other, which we had access through Dirk Loressens by accident – he just called me and said ‘what’s going on here? They want to share all the benefits they earned”. They thought being close to the Kf and the way we work, now they became owners of the Kf and they were going to kick me out and run everything themselves! They know who they are!

    So – it’s normal. The people when they come close to something they want to be in charge and control it. And it’s the same misconception with the priests and whatever name you call to them. Priest to me is the man who guides the man in the name of any religion.

    So – this is misconception. These people they don’t see that the worship is to the creator, not to the man with the elaborate colours of clothing. This is what you understand when you close – this physical body has no connection, and if its hard to understand… you’ve got one reactor – make a second one and see how it behaves to the other one… Any other questions?

    KS: Yes when the KS try to give or take something from the reactor, aahh .. what are they giving and what are they taking? And if its Love……?

    MK: Just their fields! If I need to absorb to stay I absorb. If I receive too much I reject, but I have found a balance. It’s the process of … you see when youre in a soul … aahhh … look at the reactors, one is a steel, one is plastic, one is ceramic, one is a copper, one is a steel, but at the end of the day we have created a plasma. We don’t call it a plasma of the steel or a plasma of the plastic, because that plasma is plasma, it’s the soul … and this is what the man don’t understand.

    The physical appearance has no relationship to what is created as the soul of the man in any creation, and it takes what he needs and he gives what he needs. You cant distinguish it, it doesn’t go with the plasma of the reactor the white one, Armen runs it, is different from the reactor of the other one, because internally its all plasma, its unit, its one, and that’s the Beauty of God! …
    Next question…

    I think we had enough, its about half past eleven, I wish you all the best and all the luck, whatever you do, pray for the world religious leaders this time, that their soul reaches their own physicality, as we did with His Excellency President Obama..

    We need that … No religious leader will attend the 30th, but the soul will move and we’ll achieve what we achieve the same as we gave the Key to the world governments. They hid it, and now we give it to the man. Everybody is producing a reactor somewhere somehow and we show you more and more and all of you produce reactors.

    Rick: I think that’s a great way – to have people pray for the souls of the top religious leaders of the world, that’s a great twist on things.

    MK: Even if you pray for the priest in the corner of the street, his soul is connected to the Christ, and through him you reach to the top priest, don’t worry. Let me explain something – when you pray you give part of your souls to the man you channel yourself to the creator. In a way you open a deposit bank, for your soul. And then when you’re in time of trouble you go to the House of worship of whatever name, every once a week or whatever, and you pray to whatever whoever you believe in. This is a little bank you open and you put some of the fields there. And then in time of trouble you go back to the same House and say God my child is sick, I have no money, you come out of the Church, the child is better, or you find a lump of money under the table, or some business comes out, you get better.

    In a way it’s not the God who is in ourself that has come back to you, and through it to the soul of the man who has no need. It’s exactly the same as the reactor – you sit in front of it, it only takes 0.4222. This is the beauty of it – once the man understands it then walks away from all these paths – carry on – what’s your question please?


    KS: In the letter you mention that if men don’t stop fighting and killing each other then the one who does that, God or the soul of … the soul will be distanced from Him … or the soul will stay away from that Person – what does that mean?

    MK: The payment … there is no punishment. When you don’t receive, its punishment enough … aahh if I can give you an example – you tell your child if you are naughty you have no ice cream. Even the ice cream is in the fridge or in the freezer. Its not that you gonna destroy or punish or beat the child it’s just that that ice cream is there when you’re ready to enjoy the pleasure of it – that’s all you do – you do not receive what is there for you to receive till ye are ready to receive it in that level.

    There is no punishment, there is no hell, or there is no heaven as man has been made to be frightened of – you make that receiving or not being elevated to that position. This is a problem we have in the cause in the reactors now – we cannot elevate them all to be the same that they can move together. Until they don’t unify, they will have a problem in loading it, till they find a way to unify, because the soul of the people in the lab is not the same – is not become One – because when it becomes One the sytem will go.

    This is what I explained – I put a ball on the table and on the top but nobody has understood it. It’s not the unification of the fields, its what you put in there to be united. The operators of the reactors, the operators of these systems don’t understand one thing – its not just a plasma in the reactor, your soul is part of it. When you’re pulling it the other way because you want to be better than the other one, that your reactor goes up first, nothing happens. How can you fly when you tie the plane to the ground and put copper chains to it?

    The chain is not physicality; the chain is the soul, which is holding you back. A lot of you run reactors in the hope of seeing it but you don’t rely on your reactors in the hope of being able to serve with this reactor that I can help this and that.

    As I say you’re still in the phase of, not only physical schizophrenic, you’re in a soul schizophrenic condition too. But once you start to sort the both out, then you see the development.

    We say goodbye, thank you for today and we wish you all the best for Monday, whoever you go and whoever you meet.

    Rick: Thank you Mr. Keshe best wishes to you too on that big day.

    MK: Thank you very much – bye bye

    Rick: And – So ends the Fourteenth Knowledge Seekers workshop, thanks to everybody on Livestream, and to everyone else on the Skype call, and thanks to Vince and others on the Go-to meeting (MK laughing in background) and may all your souls come together – thank you everybody.

    MK: Thank you very much – thank you.

  6. #16
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    Data înscrierii

    Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
    Video link:

    Messiah on the Street.
    In My Name
    Unification through Science
    The Nobel Peace Prize
    Worship in Space
    Why Such a Slow Process?
    Monkey Business
    The Twelve Disciples
    Travel in Space
    Growth of a Foetus
    Unconditional Connection
    Opening the Health Section
    Back to the Lab
    Building the Plasma
    More Tricks for Nano Coating
    Dr. Yvan’s Story
    The Oasis Unit
    A Witness to the Vatican Event
    A Master of Nano Coating
    Room Temperature Superconductors
    The Soul of the Material

    Rick: Is it under SSI? Or …?

    John: Apparently not … Marko sent you a message --- Yvan’s address – do you have it?

    Rick: Sent me a message where? Aaah … Skype, facebook, email or some other way?

    John: I don’t know he was just next to me, one moment – aahh… where did you send the message? In skype?

    Rick: OK, yeah I got the name here – so Ill add them to the conversation here also with Marko!

    2:44 Rick: OK so I sent out the contact request to Yvan. I understand that there will be 2 locations from Italy?

    John: We are all in different places

    Rick: All in different places! Woohoo, Ok! So ch-ch-ch-ch lets get set up here again – Im going to be starting the Livestream so we don’t have this … camera off … Ok … and we’ve started … Ok that’s got us into live now.

    J: So we are only 4 on the skype
    R: Aaah … we’ve got Ludmil, Vince, Nicholas, John, myself, and we’re trying to get Yvan hooked up, I’ve sent out the invitation, and we’re also trying to get Marko, I sent the invite to Marko as well I can try him again…

    J: Marko can be with me
    R: Ok great that’ll be better, OK hopefully the people on LS can hear me, so this is the 15th KS workshp already! And I’ve been told were going to have 2 connections from Italy tonight, so we’re just getting those connections set up so we can have then coming in clearly from Italy. Is MK therein the background?

    J: NO you have to invite him
    R: On his skype?
    J: Most probably
    R: OK well give that a try … OK he seemed to come in briefly then popped out. Shall I get the SSI back in again?

    J That computer is in the lab and there is nobody at the Institute – it wont be useful
    R: OK so John and Marko are together – where are you guys now?
    J: Well we are home …
    R: Chuckle – well that leaves it kinda wide open – we are home on planet Earth – lets put it that way!
    J: Yes OK, lol
    R: OK and you think we’ll have to connect with Mr. Keshe though his skype number? And is there another connection with Armen and Yvan?

    J: Armen won’t be there he has to go for his son coming to Milan, so he wont be there, so you should be adding Yvan – did he answer?
    R: Hang on a minute I got a mail so maybe that’ll be the answer there. Lets just find it, hang on … I don’t have him yet … I can’t get Yvan till he gets back with me on my invite..
    J: Yes, Marko has contacted him

    R: OK I got a message from Mehran ‘We are there’ – I don’t know where there is, so we’ll try and connect there! Aaahh let me see here … skype … aahhmm … ahh … OK I see his skype has lit up now!

    11:11 MK: Hello Good Morning!

    Rick: Hey! Mr. Keshe! How are you today?

    MK: Can you hear me?

    R: Yes, I can hear you clearly; there is some background noise happening or something..
    MK: Yeah, I’m on the street because I cant get the connection in the hotel..
    R: LOL
    MK: So I’ve become a street …

    R: So … it’s become the Messiah on the Street conversation, you might say, aye?
    MK: Yeah, the thing is they make the hotels too secure now, not to receive anything but their line, so we had to come out, at least its sunny and warm … what’s our position, are we online? Are we talking?

    R: Yes we’re online now on the Livestream and we’re basically ready to begin other than we haven’t connected to Yvan yet, he has to OK my invitation on skype and so on, and the new connect him up. I’m not sure Marko tried to connect but lost the connection so..

    MK” Oh it’s ok, he will come online because I spoke with him yesterday afternoon. I think it’s the first time KSs have been spread over 3 or 4 different parts.

    R: Yeah it’s been interesting getting everyone into the conversation here, its good. We’ll have to remember to keep our microphones off when we’re not speaking – to try to keep the background noise down, and otherwise we’re pretty much ready to go here, with the 15th KS workshop, so we can officially begin now I think and we are connecting with KSs from several different locations, and with MK as well, and so we will find out about the trip to the Vatican.

    There’s a movie that has presented in the facebook pages about that and some other celebrations that were happening, such as in Bulgaria.

    A youtube video introducing Mr. Keshe and his wife at the Vatican along with beloved KSs like Armen and Yvan and Dr. Eliya.

    There’s a movie with some people dancing in Bulgaria gathered in the court of Mr. Keshe’s work with the Peace Invitation at the Vatican – so maybe we can hear a little more about that and we’ll also hear about June 30th – an invitation ha gone out to the worlds religious leaders to have a peace Conference at that time, so if we could get more details about that it would be great as well, and any more news from Italy that we can glean, so I’ll hand it over to you Mr. Keshe if you please…

    15:38: Good morning, wherever you are, at the moment I’m still staying back in Rome even though the rest of the KSs have gone back up to the Kf in North Italy, or where they live. We are still waiting for a couple of informations from the Vatican in response to the invitation. At this moment, its nearly 3 days we handed the document in, hopefully we’ll receive a response today or tomorrow yes or no, it has to be understood that we did not just give the initiation of the letter and the invitation cards to his Holiness the Pope, but the whole package of the Peace Process, and where Humanity goes, was handed over, and this is the second time the package has been handed to the Vatican, and we hope that we receive a positive move and not necessarily attending the Kf Peace Process. The webmasters are in the process or they have already sent the invitations to the rest of the world’s religious leaders. We’ve been assured that the one that is to be handed to his Eminence the Ayatollah Khameini will be done, or has already been done, hand delivered, as we have access directly to this structure. As you know Iran is a peaceful nation and we hope we receive the support from his eminence the Ayatollah Khameini, the rest of the invitation goes to the Jewish Rabbi leader in Tel Aviv, ahhh… to the other Catholic and Christian leaders around the world, and we have to wait and see.

    We have put a benchmark on the 30th. We don’t expect religious leaders to change program but it gives us a benchmark. We have to see what the response is and how the response will come from different countries and different nationalities. Hopefully before I leave Rome today I will have an answer either way. The whole concept behind this invitation is not to force the religions coming together but it’s to encourage the structure of the unification of the religions in the way that they can change the course of humanity. A lot of people have a misconception about religious ceremonies and religious beliefs of people. It has become more and more apparent how influential the religious organizations are in respect to all applications of life. Even Politicians in Parliament cannot pass a Law if its not passed or accepted by religious leaders in he country. This is something that people think they can pass over, when the politicians pass laws n most of the governments at the end of it it goes to the ethical committees, or how religious people respect the law to the religion.

    So – the religious beliefs in every section of the world, it doesn’t matter where you are, they have the final say in affairs of a nation. And this is something a lot of people don’t realize. Without a doubt, 99% of the world s rules regulations laws are final signing is passed by the ethic committee, what we call religions, or how does it fit into something the people can accept, and as I showed to you last week, and I read to you the 2012 communication of the religious leaders even before G8 and G12 meet they are consulted and advised by religious leaders

    So – t means at highest levels all the worlds’ presidents, all the world leaders get guidance or confirmation of what they need from the religious leaders. So we have gone to the root of the problem and the root of the solution.

    The root of the problem is by dividing man in different faith a lot of people have made a lot of money. Now by unifying it they still make a lot of money for humanity. In the coming lectures in 21st and 22nd on Saturday and Sunday in Italy, we will open new chapter in some sections of the sites which a lot of it will go back to the ethics of the religious leaders, how they perceive it and how they support it or they divide it because without the religious leaders in this world at this moment there’s no solution for humanity. And they know it and they use if for their own benefit, what suits them. Now we have to bring to the Light that your interest or your section of interest does not count but Humanity as a whole counts.

    As I said – we don’t expect anybody on the 30th. That was known but it’s a benchmark. We did the World Peace Treaty for the 1st Time – nothing happened. We invited all the ambassadors. We saw the pressures that came on them. When we did for the second time the pressure were less but the success was there. So this is the first round of the invitation, and with science technology we will in one way or another bring the world religious leaders together.

    The explanation is very simple. The day before we go to Rome and the Knowledge Seekers came down, and I’d like to thank them all for being there, and the people who came from different countries. There were about 16 of us round the table at the lunch, because we went for lunch after we handed over the documents – It was very beautiful to see how humanity can come together in a simple way.

    I explained, as I said the day before to the KSs, I called them on Sunday and I said to Yvan, Yvan’s reactor number E which is the metal core you are all familiar with in the star formation, has achieved 12Gauss…

    Yvan: Good morning – it’s Yvan!
    MK: Good morning Yvan. Yvan, we are on line.
    Y: OK Great!

    MK: So we have achieved 12 Gauss and that’s the first time that reactor achieved this condition in 3D which means X Y and Z-axis without interfering with other reactors. So what does this mean? This means that for the first time we have achieved plasma without putting anything in but creating the condition. We forced, we created a condition on Friday before we leave.

    John and Marko and Armen, they all loaded their reactors the way it was supposed to be set and one of the reactors responded and we seen the pattern, I think the Foundation in the research lab soon will achieve the full lift in the star formation now that one reactor has responded.

    25:00 so now you have to realize why we made this step to go to Rome. We are achieving huge gains in science and knowledge in past few weeks, Its especially and deliberately been kept away from the front information. As the KSs know how I work, I always explain. Its not the matter of releasing the information, it’s a matter of when you release the information, and how you release the information. We have become good at this, we take advice from diplomatic advisors, which support and advise us, and in so many ways by achieving lift and taking man to space, man will be forced to have one religion one path of God. Because in space we will see the creation we will see the process of creation, and we will understand the truth about the creation.

    So – very soon this form of worship by man will become dilapidated by man himself, due to science and technology, due to the knowledge that the technology brings about. In coming contact with world universal creations we will find out why, how long, how much we have wasted time and lives and energy in what is literally a façade on the structure of the buildings. not in the heart and the soul of the man. Our souls know what is correct, its just the physicality has kept us apart. In a very short time as I always say the religious leaders will follow the science, the new science, what it brings, not for them to be left out to keep their face.

    We have given a way out of it with this invitation that they can bring things together, they can bring the beliefs together that we enter a new cycle of life for man in a peaceful way. And if its not done – we know the 30th nobody will turn up, we already have a date for a 2nd one we know they will turn up, but when they turn up for the ones they gonna be there they will not be there as leaders in world peace and unification of the religions, they’ll be there as subordinates because they have to fit into the structure, which the new cycle has brought in and this is for them, we understand the structure, we understand the way it is going to happen.

    But as I always say, when you put something out for the first time they say oh this is nothing, but even part of the things which we will announce this Saturday Sunday will force a lot of new ways in humanity. We show some things in structure, we show you some things on how things are going to be. The major point now is not following trying to bring world leaders and religious leaders on the table, this is finished. We put a light onto it on Monday when we delivered the papers. We gave the invitation to world religious leaders and now if we do not get any response, in a way we try to give these people a way out, a graceful way out, but now with the development of the technology and delivery of the technology there is no choice but to follow the unification of man in all structures. In bringing fairness into wealth, fairness into handling of the people, correct behaviour in respect to the creator, and in the same way correct and equal benefit for the whole humanity.

    As I always said, the difference between the Kf and other movements and organizations we’ve seen over decades and years, is not that we talk, its that we have the technology, the knowledge, the know how to deliver, and enforce, and create the condition for the change. We’ve seen Greenpeace. All the activities they’ve done over the years. They were supported by the East; they were supported by the West now when the Berlin wall came down. We’ve seen how things can change overnight in the Middle East, we’ve seen how things have changed – Iran being the axis of evil up to a few months ago when I put the hand of peace across the table to the American officials when they requested for the key, now in the past week or 2 weeks we see Iran and America organizing in cooperation to stop the war they started in Iraq. So you see how Political has no Father and no Mother, it swings in the wind. Whichever the wind goes in the benefit of a pocket of food they change. With this technology everything will change because everybody has no need.

    O the movement of the Kf, and the science and technology we brought, and on the eve of the visit to his holiness the Pope, is the lining of the old structure is finished. Its no use fighting, we don’t fight, we just inform. Its for them to join in, If they don’t join in we ask our webmasters to give us a rough guide how many times this USB key and the patents have been downloaded. Its run to numbers I cannot even imagine any more, how many people are downloading this thing. Tens and tens of millions of times. People don’t just download, they keep it for the future when they understand the technology, or its not there then they can read it maybe they can help themselves.

    Scientist told me recently this has become the guiding line for humanity. Before you had to go to church to get a Bible you had to go to a mosque or wherever to get a Holy Book. Now the book, which is the ethics of the man, because we gave the man every physicality he needs through these patents. All his needs are fulfilled; the only thing it leaves him with is his servitude. How he can serve. Because he can do whatever he likes.

    Today by lunchtime I will receive a wadayucallit… a report from the new analysis a new development in the technology which we will announce it on Saturday Sunday. I received an email with a picture yesterday from the people who work with the Foundation in the situation with Fukushima. The gentleman has as I’ve told you been collaborating very closely with respect to the Japanese and they’ve taken the picture with the material from the Kf outside Fukushima plant and the picture says I’m outside the plant. So we are opening doors, we know what is happening but at the same time we cannot loose the sight that we don’t become like the past. 33:37

    Hypocrisy cannot take over but it has to be logical, correct, and fair for everyone. This is the problem. This is the change. I was staying in Rome, for certain reasons we explained, when the KSs went back to finalise certain things which is to do with the structure of the Foundation. Why we had to do it is because it is putting an end to the old structure, the whole structure. Italian government officials understand it so we are receiving collaboration to bring an end to an old way, but these things take time, Its not a magic its not we go into the circus and seeing two rings which come back together and they unify.

    This needs time, needs understanding, not by us but by the world leaders, religious leaders and mainly by public. Public has to understand what is in position or what is in hand what is to come and what is to change and how we need to adjust. You cannot say everything is fair so everybody can have a car to go on; everybody can have as much food and drink as you like. We have to put a structure into it to bring the balance in – but it takes time – few months – few years. A lot of people want the change today I speak with Eliya who came from Bulgaria to be with us in Vatican and she says we want the change now. If we give the change now, 99.9% of the people don’t understand it, and then they want it and they get it and the mayhem will be more.

    It needs time to educate and the education system for it is getting set up it will be – it wont be years and years, it will be a matter of months and time for people to join to understand and to do it. The whole structure has to be correct. I don’t rush; I don’t run around to please people. I do things to the structure that has to be done so man can understand it. If people thought that when we went to Vatican the Pope would jump up and down – yes we will come – this is a fairy tale. You got to understand what this means, what this means giving this invitation, and this is already on the internet – we will release the original copy very soon – a copy of the original once I get back to Desanzano.

    The change is huge even in Vatican – you read IN MY NAME, you read ‘Where Does Humanity Go from Now On’, you read the ‘Peace Process,’ the letters that have been released after the last 2 -3 years, this means the end for the guidance of the religious leaders. This is exactly what it means. When a man, when a pope, when a priest accepts that all the religions are one and in the same direction not by name but by reality the way it is in the invitation it means the time if the guidance for the last 2000 years for the past 4000 years, as religious leaders, has come to an end. This means that they have to accept now they are here in the transition time to bring the followers of their path of belief into unifying with others. They cannot put their robes and things down tomorrow and say ‘Yes that’s it! Messiah is Here its time for a change’. They are needed for the transition; they are needed to educate people, what this transition time is. It’s no use to starting a new religion a new sect and a new path. We use the path that is already there to do the job. Its not a time when a new religion comes everybody else is wrong and we found a new way – no!

    The path is we are all correct but we have to find a way the way its got to be done, the way it suits humanity, not names. And this is where the change is; it’s what we are taking about. If people think that the Ayatollah Khameini will say, “Oh the Messiah has come, it’s the End! – Or the Pope will say, “This is the End!” – No! We need these people through the channel that has been established over hundreds of years, thousands of years, to guide people the correct way in a smooth peaceful way. We know what we are doing. Its been done before. This is not a test run, but it has to be done the way that men get together they love because they care and not because they have to. Because ‘they have to’ – brings the problems of the past, it’s temporarily. They do it because they want to and they care it will become permanent. This is the purpose of this email, this letter.


    A lot of people ask me can you explain what it means in the letter of IN MY NAME. Can you talk more about this virtuality. This virtuality comes from equalness and the fairmess between the physicality and your soul – there is no difference. When you understand the levels that your soul exists and you live that life in physicality then you understand the purpose of creation. Now it’s time to give for these what they call religious leaders to understand this process. The problem is not the religions and the names. The problem is the people who saw they can influence and use their power to abuse others. Now we will see in time what the outcome will be.

    As I said before, the Knowledge which has been delivered will force the change, not the swords, not the guns, not the battleships. And the religious leader, for them to understand is – it needs a lot of change. I was walking in Rome for 2 or 3 days we have a process which is going on in respect to the Foundation. Wherever we are, wherever we sit, wherever we are in Rome we see nothing but priests and nuns. What is the purpose of these people? They walk, and the only way you know they are different is the clothes they wear. I have seen the same behaviour from them as the rest. So they are no different, but the only difference is – they are supposed to guide to the physicality to reach the level of the soul. But these people have already lost their own way, how can they guide the others, this is the problem. They come to a restaurant, they come to a place a shop – they expect to be treated different, so the cause of the problem already sits in their own behaviour. And this is what we see with all the religious leaders be it any name or path of God you put there. Why by putting clothing on you expect separation and being higher?

    And this is what is going to be changed; this is what I explained to some of the Knowledge Seekers and some people recently. When you’re in space the craft is limited, with 200metre or 500metre in diameter. You can’t have a palace in one corner and a ghetto in the other corner. Ghettos are finished, so we are all equal on board this new cycle of the ship. People don’t understand the change but the change has already been set. When you sit on a plane to go from one country to another the guy who’s just scraped some money to go to a another country to save his life for cancer or operation, sits in the same plane, the same gap, in the same box, as the richest man in the world because even sometimes now there is the presidents and the prime ministers fly in commercial flights. So there is no difference, and this is what man hasn’t understood. And in space there is no money, you cant buy someone, you give me 100 million you give me your room and I give you 10million, and you give me your shoes, because everybody is on the same level. This is the world we try to bring with this Peace Process and actions by bringing letters to the world leaders, and then the religious leaders. World leaders are the body, and the religious leaders are the path to the soul, and if you don’t bring them together we don’t succeed, because one influences the other and no nation, as I said all the time from the beginning for years, No Nation, and No Path, will be better than the other, as the whole world becomes One Nation and One Path. This is the problem, this is where the change will come and I hope we achieve it – I don’t hope, I know we achieve it, but it will be in my lifetime, it wont be beyond my life time. We take man to space in the correct way and we take man into space as one. Men of different shapes and colors and beliefs because if we don’t go we already put the seed of division and problem for the future.

    I was watching the World Cup – as a lot of people know I’m a football fanatic and the way we support the nations or language support group we comes from in these groups in these things and we start with so many teams and then we support those teams originally because of where we come from or the team we like. As these teams in the second league disappeared some of them we start choosing a new one, because we think if we’re part of this new one we’ll be one of the top guys. And then we go into the second round, third round, and then the number reduces now we support only 6 or 8 because now we have less and less, and then we choose the top 4 to see who’s going to be the best, and every football supporting nation watches all the games as they reduce. And then we watch the final to see who comes… and then we say Brazil or that country – OK they are the champions! This is the way the religions, this is the way the belief, this is the way our work will come as more and more we’ll see the development of the technology the most blues of the past will go away, and then they’ll go away, but this takes time. It doesn’t come by healing one person – as we see how they amalgamate become one we disappear in numbers we become totality, and that’s where the success and the unification will come. We are more or less in the last section; we are in the top 4 fighting for their place as I call it, in the religious world. And once these Four come to put their cards on the table and we become on the same path, then we achieve it.


    The point is where we are now and this Peace Invitation by the religious leaders is to finalise and tighten the last screw in the table. This is the last move because after this move there is nothing but Unification through Science, and when you come into Space there are no different religions in space. There’s only one and that’s the worship to the Creator, and when man comes t understand this in a very short time through being able to take into space, and at the same time recognize the people who been amongst us, because they had to take refuge on this planet, then we understand where the problem has been. The problem has been the greed of those who by meager tangibility of properties and money and title have lost the way of the man for themselves for their own benefit.

    Sorry to talk a little too much, but I get a lot of emails asking can you explain more where we are going, what’s the reason for this move? And I hope I made it very clear! If I receive a communication from any of the religious leaders we’ll announce it, because if they do it they’ll do it with pride! If they don’t respond that means they are shying away they want to keep the same path, or they don’t know what to respond. It’s not easy for a Pope to put a line on the 2000 years of methods of worship. Meeting with the Kf, Meeting with the KSs, brings a recognition that they cannot accept, where are they gonna go? What they gonna do with Vatican? What are they going to do with all the Churches they built, there’s so many injustices has been done.

    Accepting this means undermining the work of 2000 years 1000 years 3000years 6000 years of injustices. And they don’t want to be responsible for. This is where the problem is so, as we say in English, it’s just passing the bucket to the next one. As I said - I had a nearly 5 and a half, 6 hour interview, to Italian television, which will be broadcasted in the near future – by accepting the peace process it means an end to the path of belief and separation by name by these religious leaders. It means an end to their own job – how can somebody sign his own job out? Then he is a brave man and he is a correct man. How can somebody say I resign from this position which I supported all my life?

    There are two things, we gonna dog fight it, or we gonna resist it or ignore it. There is no fight in the Kf! We will not fight! We give it free we encourage peace and peaceful actions, because there is no need for hypocrisy of the past.

    A lot of people say to me why don’t you release your Book Number 9, The Structure of the Soul? Because if I release The Structure of the Soul, which part of it has been written, a lot of religious leaders today will commit suicide – will disappear, because every man will understand where he stands with respect to himself to his creator and to the rest of the universe. And the beauty of it is; now every man can teach himself. You don’t need a guidance, you don’t need a priest you don’t need a rabbi you don’t need anything else but in this transition point we need the support and the help of these people who the weak listen to till the weak become strong and realize they are equal to the rest.

    Weak is not physicality, is in the soul, is in the essence of the connection between the physicality and the soul. And this is where the new teaching for the new cycle of life comes. There will be no Bibles, there will be no Qurans, there will be no books written with new guideline. The new guideline is within the Soul of the man, and its connection with the physicality of the man, and in so many ways I’ve written so many things to put that structure.

    There is no punishment, if you don’t bend 10 times you get punished – you go to Hell! There is nothing! – if you don’t eat this food this day it’ll be something wrong! – These are all made by people to bring control. When you change condition you got control, when you got control it means somebody lost. Then there is inequality. This is how the new order is. The judge and the jury sits within the heart of the man and connection with his physicality and his soul. Now you tell me why the Pope would not respond. In responding and attending a meeting in the clothe of the man, then he underlines his position and he resigns from his position as a man who’s been the cause of separation n the name of God by a group of men on this planet. And this is where the changing comes.

    We have time! It’s them who have a cycle and time of life, physicality. The process is very simple, but it has to be understood. If it’s not understood it becomes hypocrisy. If it’s understood and it’s explained through the structure that already exists to the other people, then people they know where they are going. You can’t take the head of a religion away and say he says he will resign because the Messiah has come! What’s going to happen to 2 billion followers of Christianity?

    Through Vatican. Through Catholic Church, through Orthodox religion, though all passages of different beliefs the public has to be informed in how and where the humanity goes. We don’t abuse humanity, we need that structure. The structure is there, why destroy it? This is why we approach the religious leaders for them to start the process of teaching of the unification and bringing everything in that man is ready to go into space in a correct way.

    This is what the object of this invitation is, and don’t expect the world leaders religious leaders to be jumping in, it will be their queue to be there and sign the world peace treaty. First thing is that they have to resign their own position. Then they have to work in the same office in the clothe of a man not in the clothe of structured cloth cut. And this brings a lot of change. When a pope can walk amongst the man in the clothe of a man and inform man the correct way, that’s the time when there is no separation and the man will listen.


    We’ve seen so many times the religious leaders, the political leaders, come temporarily together for their own financial benefit and at the end of it they’re given a peace prize – Nobel Peace Prize – that they started something, and then after the prize has gone, we’ve seen it with BenYahu, we’ve seen it with Bush, we’ve seen it with all the people that have won a world peace prize.

    But the funniest thing is, the Noble Peace Prize this money comes from killing people! How can people accept a Nobel Prize? When the prize if based on the company which built and still is involved in essence in building dynamite bombs to kill man!

    It’s a story – a lot of people don’t know how Nobel Prize came about. Nobel family were the developers and manufacturers of mines, dynamites, and by coincidence the gentleman reads o the opportunity of his brother but the report made a mistake, he wrote the opportunity of the brother who is still alive in the name of the one who is dead. And he said what a horrible man he was how he caused so much death and everything, and he said ‘Oh! Is this how people are going to think bout me, I’m going to make something that people think I’m a good guy!’ So he made the Nobel Prize. So people who receive the Nobel Prize receive blood money and we become so ignorant of this fact! That we are praising murderers by the money, which has caused killing, and we carry that name! What’s Noble about this?

    That’s why it has no meaning. If you get a prize from Mandela, or United Nations for your contribution to humanity – that counts! People who are around me they know – I’ve been told and I always say ‘No more Nobel prize, it’s the most shameful prize to be given to a man and a man to accept!’ That’s how far the humanity has gone, so what’s the use? The man who caused and made dynamite, he wanted to help the miners, but he got used to killing men, and they found out he made more money out of it, organizes a prize and gives it to the people. Actually if you look at all the people who got a peace prize, most of them are connected to a lot of killings. No they put a science to it, they put economy to it, but in reality its still blood money. Doesn’t matter who heads it and how its been given. It’s a shame on those people who accept these prizes because they try to ignore the reality how it came.

    It’s the same situation now. We work for peace; we work for peace through peaceful application of technology. We will not allow it to happen, it’s a joy to see how some nations are using it in different way – how it can be used in different way, how since we moved out of Belgium the technology, the Kf has taken a different dimension, because by suppressing it, allowed us to build a structure, the base structure. You bring the website down, you bring the Forum down, you bring this down, there are plans to assassinate, these things will not change, because the essence, the knowledge, and the spirit and the soul of the Science, has been passed on to millions of people.

    So we hope we see a good news in the coming months, not for the 30th. But we made the first move, we opened the door. It’s for them to walk through it. On one side of the door they wear the robe of the priest the Imam the Rabbis, and once they cross the door they wear the clothe of the man with intention to serve the man, not the clothes and the robe to frighten the man from the position. This is the difference between now and what has been. Transition through understanding, not transition through force and fear.

    All the religions of the past have forced us- ‘If you don’t do this is this is the punishment!’ ‘If you don’t pray so much you go to Hell!’ – and we made the definition for Hell. The Hell now has a clear definition. Where you want to be, or your soul wants to be, in respect to the other souls. You are a servant to the service of a soul and that soul accepts nothing but equality and justice. So now you plan your life the same way. The whole structure has to be understood what we are doing and how we are doing it. We delivered the physicality now we deliver the essence of connection with soul. But there is a huge, a big big question mark. ?? Who? and How? – these so called making themselves elite and the religious leaders, will be correct enough with their soul to be able to cross that door?

    1:00:43. And once one does the rest will follow, but the problem is, they are watching who is going to do it first, we are back in a dog race. If I come down then the Muslims will come up, and if Muslims come down the Jews will go up, but the thing is they don’t understand that they all become equal. I explained this to some workshops, I cant remember which workshop it was in my talks, about how the Islamic leaders suddenly ran into problem with the Kf. When I explained in one of the workshops, that when we take you into space and the earth rotates, and you are in God knows which galaxy you are – where is your Macca to bend to and to pray to? Unless your Mecca is in your soul and it connects through to the Prophet and through him to the God. You don’t need the point of worship because you cannot find it. Where are you going to be and how are you going to pray in finding your Mecca? Or your Vatican?


    So this is what the change is. We take you to space and in space the point of worship is the connection between your own physicality and your soul and correctness with it. And the biggest problem with it is - constantly be aware of the weaknesses of the man. This is the biggest battle. The battle doesn’t come in whose religion or whose faith, the battle comes in when I look at a beautiful woman who belongs to another man. Is it my right? My intention. If I see a child which is hungry at the table, would I put my food in front of it even though I see some of the food comes from my child? That means the other child is not hungry. If I go up the stairs and water falls on the steps I can just walk away Ok someone will clean it, or O go down and I get a tissue and clean it in case someone who walks on the steps can break their back or break their leg, and then their pain is my responsibility. It’s awareness of being correct, awareness of being correct irrespective of who you are, and this takes a lot of training and a lot of understanding.

    Then the rest will be done I don’t expect a call from Vatican ‘I’ll be there on Monday the 30th’. I don’t expect a call from Ayatollah Khameini – ‘we’ll be there’. But the seed of equality has set in the brain of the physicality, to bring the soul to physicality, and that’s all our work is. What will happen we will see, but it needs a lot of work, it is not going to happen overnight with one invitation, it’s the same as what we did in Belgium inviting the ambassadors the first time, inviting the world leaders the first time, and then inviting the ambassadors a second time, and step by step building the structure which is there.

    The structure takes time because we are humans and unfortunately unless its on CNN or BBC, its not news. But the reality and the fact is everything is news according to what we wanted to be in the news, the news follows, so we deliver it in time. I would like to sincerely thank the entire people who came from different countries to be with us on Monday in the Vatican, and those who did all the work and offered their souls and their prayers to be delivered to the different religious leaders. One day very soon we will see the benefit of it. We will announce things as it happens, we don’t pre-inform as we done before. There will be a number of disclosures this weekend in the Conference in which we will make some tings and put some things in order in respect to the Foundation, and in respect to the World leaders and the religious leaders…

    Any questions?


    KS: Hullo Mr. Keshe. Thank you for all you are doing for the humanity because I don’t think I can express myself how much or how to thank you. My question is basically wouldn’t it be easier if – you mentioned last week about the Organization can release the Knowledge which would make these religious leaders or religion irrelevant – wouldn’t it be easier to do it that way?

    MK: Aaaahhhhh – then you create a new mayhem! It will be done in time and in a very slow pace, I already explained part of it this morning. A shock does not help. A lot of people say – if you do it! Then become a magic show. We are doing it, as part of it we did this week when the KSs as part of it I explained this morning but in the course of the coming weeks and months it will be done as a complete cycle. The process to do it in one go will bring such a shock that the humanity is not ready for it. The humanity is not ready for such a huge change in such a short time. That’s why in a way we gone to the religious leaders to facilitate and build the first structure, the first step for that process. You have to understand simple things. This is what I was walking through Vatican and I was talking to people and looking at some of them, you look at all of these priests, you look at all these religious leaders, all the ones who work in these robes, they are given a home, a job, the clothing, shelter, food, at no cost. How many of these do you think they going to say yes tomorrow morning and put them down? Where are they going to find shelter? Where are they going to find a job?

    1:08:06 They have no skill. Some of them have been cheating the man, as the Cardinal in England recently that he didn’t know raping a child was a crime. They don’t know nothing about crime, these robe of the priest of holy man. These people are the ones who object to the change and that’s why the change will come as we planned. And its not 1 or 2 of them – its thousands of them, hundreds of thousands of them, different name of the path, clothe of worshipping God. You think they’re gonna put the robe down tomorrow and say ‘Messiah has come!’? The first thing they think is Yes, but who’s going to feed me, where is my clothing going to come from, where is my shelter going to come from. The problem is not just coming and talking and saying yes- the opposition comes from these people – where are they going to get their free lunch? Especially in the economical time. This is the problem. The attacks, the fights, the opposition will come from those who are used to these free lunches and free living n the back of other people’s hard work. Whatever name you want to put on it, all these fancy clothes – you buy a suit it will cost you 200 or 300 euro – dollars. Al these suits are given free. All these homes, electricity, everything is given free – you think they’re gonna give it up? You must be joking! You understand?

    KS: Yes sir.

    MK: We have to change at a very slow pace that people understand how they’ve been abused but people have their means to understand and the tools to be able not to be abused.

    The change is huge but it has to be done in a slow way, because otherwise half of the priests will be slaughtered and half of the priest, not only in Christian and Catholic but in all religions, in how they’ve used man to abuse man so change has to come when the man becomes free physically and through this technology which we delivered so they can provide their own essentials need, not to look in the hand of another man that he can control him, then they can feed themselves. The lecture on Saturday and Sunday in two parts it’ll be very eye opening I explained part of it the way we are gong to do it to Marko, in opening the eye of the man to how we’re doing it, because Marko worked doing the power point and putting it together for Saturday. Then you understand how it works in giving the man confidence to achieve freedom.

    A few people have understood I see around the Kf and the people who are around different works, but they haven’t even understood the totality of it and when the man starts understanding the totality of it in the coming days and weeks and months, then we move to the next step. Then even the priest can make his own energy and doesn’t need to be afraid to protect something to have a shelter. Yvan was taking to me a couple of days ago and saying, you know, in the road map you said by September you’ll be able to give people shelter with the Oasis system!

    We are on target, we’ll achieve it. But the problem was again like even in the SSI, in the KSs the expectation of achieving went too high, because I was there to guide, but the expectation went too high and there was no fundamental knowledge at the base of the foundation, the KSs come in with a materialistic point of view not understanding the plasma, but they are trying to force one knowledge which is wrong into another. As a guide I have to tolerate I have to accept, but at the same time I have to push for the further knowledge, for them to understand in the long run. Aaahh… we see the same. After a few weeks they think they know everything and they start criticizing their own way – criticism has to be there but with Knowledge, not with the ignorance of the Knowledge.

    We are not going to be any different from other Organizations, people come to us with their own needs or position they think they’re going to have. Those who come to serve with pure heart to serve humanity and be there they will stay and they will serve, and they will teach. You will see a flow of KSs coming and going, and again you will see them still start juggling for position, juggling for a job with the Kf.


    These things are open to us because we are independent of it, we are aware of it, we sit outside it. We will see all the - whatwecall Monkey Business till all the man become the same. We still find people who look for position, just being close to the Kf – I try to deter this. A lot of ‘you know’ or ‘you don’t know’, I tell you something that a lot of people around us know this.

    A couple of years ago a year before when we used to give a talk in the Kf centre a gentleman came to me and said he’s Professor so and so and he’s got a permission to talk to me. I said “excuse me, have I got a permission to talk to you? Why do you need a permission to talk to me?” He said “That gentleman there said to me if I want to talk to you I have to speak to him to get a permission.” I said “I only said hullo to this man twice in my life! How does he allow himself to be dictating to you now how as a Professor you need to speak to me? I need a permission to speak to you as a scientist!”

    This is how people juggle for position, even within the Kf. Just because they say hullo to somebody once now they control other people, I know him better. He won’t be any different till these men get educated that we are all the same. I’ve seen this several times around the Kf - by becoming close they try to get a position and an advantage point, but we are all the same. That’s why I eat and live and work with the KSs I share my knowledge with people freely because I’m aware there is no difference in the level of humanity, we’re all the same, but I realised when you are too approachable with some people they misread your openness, and we try to deter this. The same problems will come to the Kf if you are not aware and on top of it.


    I said to my wife yesterday, I said, you know it was 16 of us around the table when we came from the Vatican. Four of them was me and my wife and son and somebody with us, and the rest were 12 people, and among them you could see the sincerity, and why they were there – it was like disciples, with 12 disciples around the table! But this is not should be that way – every single one of you around the world who is working and giving the information – you are disciples of humanity, not a faith, not another Foundation!

    This is where you always have to be aware of, and this is where the change will come, when we all live and behave in the same way. In my position I have to accept certain things, certain parameters for protection of my life, but I always emphasise even on that – we should be among people and be with people that they understand how to be. But the time and the situation in nature at the moment, we are kept isolated and we keep ourselves away from harm. But we should be amongst people for people to see there is no difference between the man in the clothe of the man … next question.


    KS: If I may?
    MK: Carry on
    KS: Aaah… a couple of workshops ago you mentioned that when a man goes through the principal our physicality does not have to be destroyed, but sometimes people may have to be put into quarantine because of their own personal reasons. Could you please explain that a little bit?

    1:18:44 MK: Aahh… when you go through specific fields and you have a mixture of fields, you have to realign all the fields. It’s like me putting you through a process and your eyes or your legs get left behind, because they have a different field structure. You have to bring everything into same level that you can cross, otherwise there will be pieces of you left behind as you go through. This is exactly what happens because every single cell of your body is a plasma and in each plasma there is a full principal, transition, and matter strength, and sub-matters, and more. All have to change at the same time together to be able to go through. Half of the plasmas in your arm cannot be in the principal strength and the other half in the matter condition. Needs time to adjust and you have to do it, the adjustment – quarantine means holding on to everything which is the same point. It depends on the interaction and the atomic structure as you call it that they all are on the same level.

    The one’s which are all matter have a harder time to transfer, its like bone structure is more matter than Gans. The Gans will transfer very quickly but the matters will have a problem, so there is a way the body will change accordingly its for the matter to interact externally. This is one of the thngs the KSs have seen in past few weeks but they never realized it – ah understanding the process – I was explaining to Yvan – I went to the lab the other day and I saw moisture in a specific point structure on the floor of the lab. None of the KSs noticed it – none of them! To them they are so busy with physicality they are not aware of the effect of the physicality. They just walk in and gases have to be there, and matter has to be there and they are in such a hurry. I usually go and open the lab early in the morning to look at the structure before it’s what I call tampered with, before they come in and start changing things, and doing things, because that way I understand what is happening, what is the position, what is going on. We start usually at 10 o’clock, I sometimes go in the lab 3am 4am and I stay there a few minutes, observe everything which is happening, before it’s tampered with before its worked with. Then you understand the real process, then when they come I’m aware of what is happening, I’m aware of what is about to happen. But this is part of the process of learning.

    The KSs have missed up till now, minimum of 3 opportunities to have full lift, through the lack of understanding of the work of the plasma, but that’s part of the process. If I say all this is flow and it’s the same, they built all this Gans material, they built all these things and they haven’t understood what's going on, and the machine systems are there for nearly two months just producing, but the process, the reality, what is implicated, what is applicable, is not understood.

    If you understand that even if you just go back in the copper oxide Gans in the salt. That Gans you can take it through the principal because it’s a plasma but the solid copper which is in that water which is producing the Gans is still in the matter state, you cannot transfer it so easily though. Because it has a physical boundage with other electrons and protons inside in different formation so it gets destroyed and opened up in a much more rapid way, you have no centre, so even if you look into your Gans cups, you have a process where at the bottom you collect all these bubbles up, or Gans of CuO or whatever, that Gans is a plasma. For it to go though transition or pricipal state strength is nothing because its part of itself, but doing it with the matter which just physically came off in the same compartment is a different story – so you need to understand, you need a transition time that all the copper is transferred to Gans, then you can take it through, and then thereis a process att the end you can convert the Gans to matter if you need to.

    You don’t need to carry the body of the man across the space, if you carry one atomic structure of the man you can replicate the man physically anywhere in the Universe. It’s the soul that carries the body not the body that carries the soul. This is a misconception in the world of creation. I have explained more to the people who are trying to understand the medical aspects of the technology, how and why we change in the womb of the mother as a foetus to bones and brain.

    I explain I start teaching the medical side more and more to the doctors, now we have a permission to open a health centre in one of the European countries by the government they open it and the Health section of the technology becomes official centre for all health applications. Wherever you are in Europe you can go to the at country and receive all the health care that you need through the Kf, we’ll announce it very soon, I have to finalise the last bits and then it’ll be done! Its not from the government side, it’s from the Kf side we have to organize bits.


    Then you understand how you can change things, how you can go from one position to another how you can change part of like a foetus. A foetus is in DNA that it suddenly out of nowhere this bunch of blood finds bones, finds brain. But in the teaching room we have started showing the structure – how the vibration of the heart of the mother, how the motion of the foetus itself gives itself rise to one position and one core which is called the brain, and one core which holds the structure of internal intestine. That beat of the heart of the mother, if it was not there the foetus does not move in the right motion the right movement that the brain of the structure is set.

    A lot of people think it’s the DNA fault with the child that is born with defects. You got to look at the physical structure and the heartbeat of the mother, because that heart beat, that motion of the beat of the heart , is the way the brain gets its structure, the way that first cells of the one comes to be sitting where they are they become a bone. If you just leave the foetus and give it food you will find you have the brain, you have the foetus, but you don’t have the correct assembly.

    That rhythm, that motion is needed, and then when you have that first brain, then you start having a soul. And then when the connection comes that the behaviour in the soul of the foetus effects the foetus itself. It’s a lot to teach but it’s a lot to understand before you teach.

    Vince: So that’s why the foetus can’t be grown outside of the womb, right now?

    MK: In so many ways yes you are correct. If they can replicate the heartbeat of the mother, the motion of the heartbeat, because that heart beat creates a vibration, and that vibration is needed for the structure of the brain to settle and come.

    V: Well it’s also a magnetic beat too isn’t it?

    MK: Everything. It’s the heart beat of the mother in the physical, we are partially physical huh? That vibration is needed. This is on the table in the lab, in the lecture room upstairs, that a structure has risen inside the Gans powder. We injected the Gans liquid, now a solid structure has risen inside it, and its come because of one reason, because I said in time people will come and do things in the structure of the organization and that structure happened a couple of weeks ago.

    The soul of the KSs changed in the SSI, and in that change came the physical change, and now you see a mountain rise. It’s a little hill rising n the liquid like a mountain in the liquid of the Gans of the material. I hope the KSs can take a picture and show it to you!

    The foetus needs the - whatyoucall – magnetic field of the mother’s heart, but it needs the physical motions, which that heartbeat creates. The heartbeat when you hold your wrist you feel it, that little little motion is needed for the structure of the brain to be created. Without it you don’t have a perfect brain. The conversion comes.

    In so many ways the doctors have to look for totality, not just what happens to the foetus, and this has never been done, this has never been done. If you try to create a foetus and create life you have to create the total environment of life, not just the material of the life. You have to put in the vibration, you have to put in the cycle of rotation, why even the chid moves in the womb of the mother and the way he moves. And then when the heart of the child, the baby is developed his heart beat completes the full cycle of the brain’s structure, because every shake is just like the people who work with homeopahthy.

    Why is homeopathy so close to the cycle of the man’s life, and dose changes? Because it carries the same vibration cycle as the heart beat of the mother to start with. That little vibration you do, you reset the structure, and the structure sits where it should be, that’s why homeopathy works, because he’s shaking it in the beats, you create the same kind of cycle of beats as you do in the mother. This is where the setting comes, not from the magnetic field and the beating. The heat beat of the mother and the heart beat of the man, even when you are independent you grow up and become adults and older, and then you find out you’re going into Alzheimers.

    You’ll get the connection between Alzheimers and the heart beat of the man, you’ll find out you find half of the answer in curing the man. When you get older the heart beat slows down. The vibration does not create the same kind of pumping for the brain movement and the motion, so the cells move in different way and all sorts of diseases come with it. If you can keep a heart beat in the right configuration and conformation you can live for millions of years with a correct brain, because the body will recycle itself. These are the things we will teach in time, and this is what I do in the health side, people say you are a magician – no! we give the totality. People who have been through my process understand what we do, and I explain things…

    KS: So at what stage does the soul come into the foetus?

    MK: When the main brain has been created, when the foetus is in control of itself, not the physical part, the physical part has nothing to do with the control of the soul . When the emotional part, which is the central part of the main brain, is developed, then the soul is complete. It doesn’t mean that you are born with 2 legs not there, or having one leg too short you gonna be a different soul – you still have the same soul. That’s exactly where physicality doesn’t come into it. The minute the emotional part of the brain, which is the connection between the soul and the man is created, then as a soul you are complete – then you are responsible – then you are responsible for the soul you have created.

    This is what I explained to the KSs – they keep on rotating the reactors in the core, but they don’t understand they have given life to structure inside which is a plasma which has got its own brain, it controls things, and they’ve seen it. The soul is inside that physical streucture which is rotating, and when they understand they can communicate, they can interact with that soul in a different way, then they succeed. Till they don’t unify nothing will happen in that lab because this is not a physicality matter. Why that steel reactor shows all sorts and it works so many ways? You have to look at the soul of the man that controls it. Why other reactors are not performimg? Or are draining? Or are giving things in? I don’t look at which reactor works, I look at the plasma, and the behaviour of the plasma inside it. That’s why I know when its time to fly, when it’s a time to move.


    Unconditional connection creates unconditional reaction, and when the people even KSs learn this then we go into the flight position, and I explained to them before, when they learned to be united and unified and wished as their own whole lot, as a part of the humanity, then these systems will fly. As long as you shackle one down to the ground, nothing will happen.

    And ask for yourself one question – why one reactor is performing and showing everything which it needs to be done? Look at its operator. Because the connection between the soul and physicality is complete, and they don’t see it, and the KSs don’t understand it. They all look for physical flight, but in reality these systems are flying, have a soul, and all work together because when we pinch a bit of gas in one the others show reaction. So they’re all interconnected like the humanity. They all need to work together to be able to lift. As long as one is out and one operator thinks its mine and I’m going to do it first, its not doing, going nowhere! When it’s all we want, it’s all we want it to go – it takes time, they will realize it, the humanity is the same way.

    It’s the same. Change the operators of the reactors to the religious leaders. To fly, to achieve equality, we all need to work together, in reality and in purity, not just by name. Aaahh, I have to tell you something, I have to leave today at 10 o’clock, I have an important meeting with officials in Rome at 11 o’clock, so if you want to ask anything in the next 10 minutes or so, I have to apologise, you can go back to the KSs, they can talk whatever you want to expand on … is their any other questions?

    Rick: OK, yes, thank you very much Mr. Keshe for letting us know about that and so, yeah, we’ll carry on with any questions for MK for the last few minutes.


    I do have some question that came up in the forum that someone was asking. He says, in the 5th KS workshop a lot of information was released. He says ‘however Keshe was about to release a bombshell’ … just a second let me read it – ‘release a bombshell, he said, would you like to tell me how to get rid of cancer? – at which point he was interrupted by the KSs questions. He never got to finish his statement, and that is as far as it went…

    MK: Listen to the 21st 22nd lecture, you will get your answer!
    R: Ok – that’s a good answer for now…

    MK: No it’s not an answer, this s what I told you we gonna open a lot of things, but this is one of the things we will open up, because the organization called me and says a lot of people who are coming to the Conference want to know about the health aspects, and in this part we explain a lot of things. A lot of things will be opened up in how we have a full 100% solution for all cancers!

    But you have to realize - I was going to say ‘you don’t understand!’ but this is insulting – I have to try and change that - but what people in general have to realize is that if we release such a knowledge of how we handle all cancer, I will not be here and the Kf will be wiped out, because a lot of financial interests are in danger.

    This is not that we are supporting them, we are trying to be able, the same as we opened the structure of the energy and the Gans to people in a very slow way, we try to open this to world of medicine and science in the same way. Why we have it we don’t disclose because in space we’ll get cancer.

    We had to find a solution for it, and even this morinng when I left the room I told my wife we have a full soluton for cancer, every cancer on this planet, but we cannot disclose it. She said “the time is soon, don’t worry, you’ll do it!”

    Rick: Hahaha – wise woman!
    MK: Oh, she’s very wise!

    R: Can you tell me this weekend when you’re – you said the 20th and 21st – was that the dates?
    MK: Yeah – we are in a conference in the west of Italy, its been announced ..
    R: Will that be broadcast at all?

    MK: No we are part of a conference, there are other speakers, but the Kf has been given a 2hour session n Saturday, and a 2hr sesson on Sunday, but it looks like there could be additional session in the evening in one of the two days, that we might add that for a session for the medical application. There is a huge interest in Italy and Western Europe for what we have developed, an there are a number of doctors who are around who want to know.

    Very soon, As I explained to Yvan and Eliya, in our meetings when we were having lunch here in Rome on Monday, is that we will start teaching doctors, medical people, directly in large groups in the comoing days and weeks, I asked Eliya to take charge of this and organize it, because normal scientists cannot understand the application of the technology in the medical side, but at the same time we have to teach the medical side the process of the technology that they can the relationship to medical, so as part of this Eliya will sort out, we start teaching a large number of doctors, and we use our new centre in Europe for teaching purposes of the medical. Even if it means I have to fly to this centre once or twice a month to teach doctors and show how to make systems, we start doing it, but everything needs time and its only one body, I cannot be in 200 places!

    R: Chuckle – right on! Now on the weekend , how will the public be able to hear the program there, will it be broadcast ?

    MK: I don’t know maybe as KSs we will record it independently or organize skype time, then we organize with you or the KSs if we can do it or they allow it in the conference We are not the organizers we are guests.

    R: OK we’ll let people know through the facebook channels and the usual links.

    MK: I wish you all the best, and these meetings in Rome are crucial for the Kf in where we sit and how we are. These are political diplomatic moves we have to make and we understand it fully, so I thank you for all your support and hopefully next Thursday we meet – you got to remember next Thu we will finish again by 10 or 1030 because we have a distinguished guest from India, one of the gurus of India is coming to meet us at 12 o’clock as a guest in the centre so he’s arriving with his entourage, there’s about 10 of them, at about 12 o’clock so we have to finish early for their arrival.

    R: That sounds wonderful we’ll welcome any news on that entourage. Thank you Mr. Keshe.
    MK: We sending the invitation to all the religious leaders, we will post a copy of it in the next few days when we get back and get our systems up, we ask you to send to all the religious leaders, if they are there by the soul then it is good enough!
    R: Right – June 30th Peace Invitation
    MK: To all the religions. Thank very much indeed. Thank you very much – bye


    1:44:44 Rick: OK – well round two coming up – I guess we can open up the conversation to any of the KSs who are with is here, we have John, and Yvan and might be Marko with John there as well. So I guess we should see if there are any questions pending on the livestream – does anyone have any questions relevant to what’s been going on, or something different?

    KS: OK I have a question for a KS – off line a little bit maybe…
    R: OK that’s an interesting intro, I say go for it! Is their any particular KS or anyone in general?

    KS: I mean anyone anyway, I just kinda wanted to find out – do they wash the copper wire after it’s been nano coated – do they actually wash them with water before they use them for the material production?

    John: OK I can answer that question and in fact we don’t have to wash them particularly, the nano coated copper wire is just put in the salt water on one side in the water, and the other electrode can be whatever we’ve been using pure copper as the second material , then we collect the blue material which is a copper oxide compound, and we have a white stuff we’ve collected which is some kind of CO2 zinc or – I don’t have the exact composition, it is in any case a Gans material which has reached a gravitational and magnetic equilibrium in the plasma eeerrrr… of that material itself that appears as more balls or bubbles, and with an equilibrium inside each – that is why we have some circular shapes. If we take some iron the stuff is more the colour of rust which is orange kind of stuff, so there are different materials occurring , but the main aspect of the copper wire being nanao coated is the same at the moment.

    We are nano coating other materials which is not always easy for example stainless steel does not work at all, Ive been using some by boiling lye in the stainless steel half sphere has allowed me to have some black surface on the SS but not sure if this is really nano coated, because I still have some conduction. So there are questions with SS, in any case in all the case we don’t actually clean and wash the materials, we just put it in the salt solution for making the Gans. OK welL I hope I have answered the question.

    KS: Yes you did, and do you wash the nano material yourself? I mean the Gans … I mean to wash them, to remove some of the hydroxide …

    J: Well we don’t wash the material itself especially, once we go though the proves of nano coating the copper wire, we have a process where we dry it and then we can use it in the cells where it will start the process of creating the Gans. At the second stage when we have the Gans material dropping to the bottom of the cells that material can be collected. We start by collecting and by pouring out all the salt solution with the Gans produced onto a box, then refill it with new salt water – that process we changed it to the use of a syringe instead of pouring all the salt water out of the boxes, we just took from the bottom of the cells the material and then collect all together n plastic box, allowing it to deposit, and that process has been done the same way whenever we had the blue gans, white gans, orange gans, each time we use it and we only collect one gans at a time even though from different cells. Armen at one moment has been mixing some of the materials.

    Anyway each of those Gans material has a different magnetic and grav field, but in any case when we have collected the material and allowed it to deposit, we just take away the old water and after that we’ll be washing the water taking away the salt by adding pure water and repeating the process 2 or 3 times. After that processed by washing with demineralised water. But each time we make a kind of mixture we never have the solution of the gans. Gans stays like it’s a stable material due to the balance GMfield which allows it to be spherical, so when we make the washing each time we have to allow the Gans to deposit on the bottom, take the water, out, add some new water mix it and allow to settle again.

    The first process i s washing the Gans and then it can be used afterwards whether for Fukushima use with the salt or water, or if it be used further in small reactors that would be a way to have reactors that will not be filled with Gas. So whatever the pocess of using the gans it will be for its property of GM fields inside itself, and used in a collectove way to have GMfields.

    KS: Thankyou. In the last session MK mentioned you are able to create a plasma condition with a nano material – were the issue of atmospheric condition and vacuum involved as well? I mean in this reactor did you also vacuum it make sure there is no …
    J: In the coca cola bottle? Is that what you ask?
    KS: I’m not sure if he was referring to the coca cola bottle or the dynamic reactor.
    J: In the dynamic reactor we do create vacuum if we are using hydrogen to produce a plasma, then we do mae a vacuum inside a dynamic reactor.

    KS So the idea of making a reactor, which will be using only nano materials, will not require a vacuum then?
    J: Exactly. So the process with the Gas because we use Gas we couldn’t need a lot of material so we start by making vacuum. Most of the reactors, or some of them are nano coated inside. Each visible part has to be nano coated. Some of the reactors are not nano coated everywhere. The stainless steel has only a pin in the centre, which is nano coated – same as the ceramic reactor. But the power reactor is nano coated everywhere inside. The inside of the outer sphere in and out of the inner sphere and the pin with a small sphere in the middle is also nano coated everywhere. The plastic spherical reactor is nano coated everywhere inside. Those are reactors that have nano coating that reaches stabilization, and to keep plasma even if the reactor is being stopped.


    Rick: OK I have a question about that John, regarding how is it that the plasma can be kept in there. Is it kept on the coating of the nano coating or is it because of the conditons created by the nano coating? – I understand that if you had a plasma that it could reflect the plasma or it could keep the plasma centred away from the walls of the reactor, but what I cannot understand is the part about not vacuuming because you’d think the larger particles left inside the reactor would interfere with any UV rays that might be used in the centre of the reactor because of the ionization of the Hydrogen, so I’m wondering where’s the leak between the walls of the reactor and the centre of the reactor, we know that for example if there’s any oxygen in there or water vapour it would interfere with the UV and block it out and not allow it to travel as well as it could in vacuum condiotn. Getting rid of the oxygen and water vapour from the vacuum would allow more of the plasma condition to occur, fed by the UV which might be occurring frorn the walls of the reactor with the nano particles – can you help me understand that more?

    John: I think there are two aspects. One aspect is when the plasma is already there how does it stay there? And the other aspect is the plasma might be there or not, but more plasma has to be built up. I start with the 2nd part, and that’s where you add in the case of Gas reactors, we are adding Hydrogen then we do need the EUV aspect for ionization of atoms, but not the case where you only put Hydrogen into the system in the reactor, and that you have some nano coated material inside, the NC material itself will allow the production of the plasma, without especially having that EUV needed –

    Aaaahhh let me explain this way, the hydrogen because it hits the sides of the reactor which are coated with NM, will loose its electron that will open in the nano material because the condition in the nano material is vacuum and GM field that allows the plasma of the electron to open. And that plasma of the electron opening returns and goes back to the proton that has lost its electron, because Hydrogen is an electron and a proton, and the electron being capture by the nano material opens then goes back to the proton and mixes with the proton, opening the proton itself into a plasma, and that plasma will then go to the centre of the reactor, So that process where you have a build up of plasma from hydrogen that is inserted into the reactor, and because you have some nano material that is in contact with the hydrogen, you have build up of plasma.

    The case where you have Helium or Nitrogen as a gas is to allow the release of EUV to help ionization of the hydrogen that will be in the reactor, so it will be a situation which isn’t the same, but the build up of the plasma is always made from the conversion of hydrogen into that ionization and open the plasma of the electron and the proton. So that’s the build up of the plasma.

    Now the other part of what you’ve been asking – how the plasma can be kept even though we take away all the gas, that’s because the plasma has – how could I say that – the nano material itself which is used is a plasma, and that’s why the behaviour of the plasma in the proximity of the nano layers is being kept because it’s the same – it’s a plasma also. So in the nano material you have some gaps and some fields, and all that together is the combination of spaces in which you do have the condition of the plasma, and before the plasma I would say is happy with that and will not interfere with matter directly being suppressed with the plasma which is part of the nano materials. So that why if we re-vacuum the system taking out all the gas that could be left, the plasma will stay and get thick with the nano material – doe s this answer your interrogation?

    Rick: Well somewhat, I’m still not totally satisfied. For example I can see in my mind’s eye you’ve got this rotating reactor and you’ve got a nano coating on the inside and you’ve got hydrogen that was just produced just say. Now what if you had another gas, oxygen or nitrogen or water vapor or something like that if it was a heavier gas than hydrogen in the reactor, lets say if you’re not vacuumed and you’ve already introduced nitrogen atmosphere, or argon as an insulating layer, wouldn’t that insulating layer then prevent the hydrogen from interacting with the nano layer, or with the plasmas, still interacting through the insulating layer of the argon or nitrogen, or would they act as a catalyst in fact as well –

    I’m not seeing how the hydrogen… I’ve always previously been thinking of the hydrogen as being in the very centre of the reactor and it shouldn’t contact the walls of the reactor – and now it’s like it’s interacting with the nano coating on the walls because it needs to interact with the gaps and the holes because it is an actual vacuum type environment in between the layers of the nano layers then it kind of works that way, but it seems like almost 2 conflicting ideas there – you see what I mean?

    John: Yes OK the conflicting is not a real conflict in the way that if you have nano material everywhere you can put one gas and the rotation will not interfere in the fact that hydrogen will be everywhere. You have because of the centrifuge, and you add a gas, then you’ll have the hydrogen and that will not go to the sides of the system, but as in some of those reactors we have a central pin which is nano coated, therein is a place, well – lets say for example you put argon and you put hydrogen because of the centrifugation of the gas you’ll have spherical bubbles of hydrogen in the centre you’ll have argon in the outer, but you have also the pin that goes into the hydrogen let’s say it’s from the bottom up into the centre, completely nano coated, the contact of the hydrogen with that pin is a contact with nano coating on the pin itself, and when the plasma starts building u hydrogen in the centre will not attach to the pin itself, because the plasma is around it, but there will be a part of the pin in contact with hydrogen and of the plasma builds up it can be seen as a spherical shape around the top of the pin, and that will allow the hydrogen to come a certain distance from the top of the pin, but the surface will be smaller but you still have a contact .

    R: Yeah I can see that the way you explain that and also the heavier gases will be away from that centre pin and its a more or less sure atmosphere in the centre with hydrogen and nano material and the bigger chunkier molecules will be thrown to the outer walls and dealt with perhaps?

    J: you wont have interference if hydrogen in the side of the sphere which are in fact hidden by the heavier gas.

    R: Yes I can see that, I mean it’s a little in conflict with previous ideas about not putting tubes and so forth in the centre of the reactor, but then it was never considered they would be nano coated and more or less disguising themselves or offering an interaction with the plasma which will be useful. Mr. Keshe mentioned for example when I was setting up a reactor with a needle to go into it for feeding gases, he mentioned it would be like putting a needle into a balloon and bursting it, to do that to a plasma, so I’ve been thinking since then that anything sticking in and touching the plasma would be a no-no but now with this concept of the coated pin in the centre that really makers sense in some ways. Now how many reactors have that central pin? Its only two at this point right?

    J: Aaahh .. we have only … eeerrrr… a nano coated pin in the ceramic and in the SS reactor. In the central reactor which is a triple system let’s say you have the outer core which is nano coated inside, you have the inner core which is nano coated both sides and then you have a pin with a small sphere in he middle, and they all three are with their own motor. The difference from the inner core and the inner very small sphere is that the very small sphere is receiving the same gas as the inner core. There is only one feeding in the inner core which goes thorugh the very centre snall sphere.

    R: So it wold be the same pressure in the centre sphere and the middle sphere at rhe same time like?

    J: Exactly – well the difference is the centrifuge tha allows the direction of pressure because of the centrifugation.

    R: Now can you tell me, that centre sphere for example, is that a brass sphere or copper or what would that be? And would you actually nano coat that with an additional nano coating of foil, or would you do the nano coating directly onto the substance such as brass or copper – have you had success nano coating brass. We practiced a bit with that.

    J: Well with the centre reactor its copper everywhere and its directly coated copper.
    R: And that’s a little copper ball at the end of the rod?

    J: Yes exactly – the copper ball and the pin itself is copper they both directly coated. For the SS it’s brass which has been nano coated, the brass pin which has been used on the SS Ive been working on getting it a certain shape, I have in fact had to reduce the diameter of it because that SS sphere has threaded hole in the bottom, and I have to reduce the diameter so the pin could go in that hole, and the pin had a thread at the end that could go in the thread of the hole in the stainless steel, you undersatand? And at the top of the pin I have reduced the shape to make it like a small ball.
    R: Is that pin hollow?
    J: It’s solid and it’s been nano coated.
    R: And what colour is the nano coating?

    J: I want to add that this nano coating of the pin was a job for Marko and then I haven’t seen the results afterwards because I was busy with another reactor, so if you want more details about that nano coating you might have to ask him.
    R: OK I’m definitely interested in more details about nano coating the brass pin because we have a number of brass objects to nano coat.
    J: Before passing the microphone to him Ill just finish with my reactor, or the ceramic reactor and there I made a pin which is in fact copper foil nano coated that has been glued on the pin introduced inside the ceramic reactor. So you see the nano coating is different in the different reactors, and Ok I can pass it to Marko if he wants to give more details…


    Marko: Hullo Rick, there is nothing special regarding the nano coating of the brass, you just have to put it into the caustic. The only difference is that you have to use quite a lot of caustic. The best option is to make like a small hill of the caustic and you put this brass inside the caustic, over it, and this way you get a higher temperature. This way you add boiling water
    V: You also add potassium to it?
    M: No I didn’t use K, just caustic. In a few workshops before MK explained it was important what kind of caustic you are using – there are different types of caustic.
    R: Also did it have some aluminium foil built into it like our Draino, which is caustic plus aluminium foil.
    M: No – I used just caustic, a lot of caustic so that the procedure very high temp will appear and give the possibility that atomic structure will be nano coated - so that’s the most important advice – use a lot of caustic.
    R: And to keep the heat up for as long as possible, is that the idea? – to keep a cover on and keep it warm?
    M: Yeah yeah I just keep a cover on it and I used two containers because so much of caustic I put n one container for a safety reason if one container is damaged you don’t want leakage of caustic on the floor, You always have to be very careful with caustic and I would suggest you are using safety glasses and when you are using the high temp water can get out of the container and hurt you on your face .
    R: Yeah and it would not be a good idea to have a container that’s sealed because it builds up pressure and could explode under certain circumstances. OK thanks for the additional info on nano coating – do you do two or three coatings, or processes with the caustic over a day period each time, similar to other experiments, - specifically on the brass – and my question on the brass was what colour did it end up with the nano coating? – did you get that greenish bluish thing or more blackish colour?

    M: No it was greenish bluish grey mixture of colours – it was not black
    R: And that was over a week or so working with it?
    M: no-no-no, I used only one batch of caustic and it was done in one day also drying, I don’t remember but I think it was few days drying. It was quite quick procedure because we were in a hurry to finish the reactor - if you have time better to do it more slowly.
    R: OK thankyou – Ill turn it over to anyone else with more questions.


    Y: Hi this is Yvan – I was just thinking to say a few things regarding what Mr. Keshe said earlier, first of all about the heart and creating the organs of the body, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept of cymatics where they use sound and usually they put sand on a drum and you see all kinds of amazing shapes forming depending on the frequency of the sound.

    R: Our group has seen several movies on that, and was certainly aware of that – yeah it’s interesting.

    Y: Yeah that’s just something that is an application of the same principle I would say this came to my mind.


    Then the other thing MK was mentioning was the Oasis unit, because before I applied as a KS I was looking for synchronicity to see if it would be a good idea to apply as a KS, and one of the things I did or I sometimes do when I ask for synchronicity, is to take a book, open it on a random page, and then read what my eyes fall on. And in this case I used a book which is called The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, by Franz Spalding, I don’t know if anyone heard about it? It’s been written in the 1800s but it’s still around and still in print. So this book… it has the story of an American researcher, Spalding, who went to India and parts of China, the Gobi Desert, and he met some initiates or Masters there and he was traveling with them, and the page I opened was when they were in the Gobi desert and they were in a horrible snow storm which might have killed them and this Master that was with them with mind power created a bubble around them which would stop wind, snow, cold, anything from entering where they were.

    When I read it I thought – this is the Oasis unit! Because this is what Mr . Keshe describes as part of the possibilities of the Oasis unit on his letter that says 2014 as the year of change for mankind, which he shared on the 1st of January. He says no more tents will be needed in disaster areas and so on.

    So when I arrived on the 1st weekend and we got parts to make reactors I got this blue half sphere and Keshe said well this was the original part from the original Oasis unit, and I thought – oh this sounds familiar! So that was what I was thinking in that road map – It also said that September woud be the release of the technology if he thought it would be possible to release it that soon, but that is the stage we are at right now.


    Yvan: Apart from that our visit to the Vatican I wanted to say something about – if you’re interested in?

    Rick: Definitely! we’re interested in that – we’d like to hear more about – we saw the video that was posted to facebook, the KSs including yourself and we saw a brief pic of the guards in the Vatican accepting something and the document that MK has – but fill us in on some more details if you would…

    Yvan: Yeah well first of all in the weeks prior to it I had been folowong the hunger strike of Kevin Galalai – he’s a Canadian also , as far as I heard hes the leader of the Canadian human rights party and he was having a hunger strike on the Piazza de St Peter, St Peter’s square, on that same day . I thought we might see him but he ended his 46 day hunger strike 2 days before we arrived.

    R: Oh Ok, because I saw a news item on it the day before I wondered if there would be some sort of interaction there? Well he was asking the Pope to take a position regarding the world wide genocide by the elite using the world population by reducing fertility and increasing mortality in a hundred different ways. Now he said in his last communiqué when he ended his hunger strike (lost trasnmsission on livestream).

    On top of that you had the situation of Kevin Annett has been doing all kinds of things and starting this International tribunal for crimes of Church and State, now there was something which I found interesting was that about a year ago Kevin Annett did some action in front of the Vatican, it could be 2 years ago, it was around the time the previous Pope resigned, and that same day the Vatican was struck – the Dome of the Vatican was struck by lightning – twice in a few seconds!

    Now what happened which you probably not aware of is that we were stuck in line so we were right at this place whre you saw the Swiss Guards and they allowed Mr. Keshe to deliver the documents. As soon as he got in a thunderstorm started with heavy heavy rain and lightning – don’t ask me what it means but its something special anyway!

    Ahm… yeah that’s about it. There were some other things I was thinking of telling you and I didn’t write it down and I just cannot think of it right now – that’s it for now I guess, unless you have some questions.

    Rick: OK thank you for that Yvan – is there anything else about that event that you would like to tell us about there? Or shall we go onto another topic?

    Y: Yes I had a few more things but I just cannot think of anything to tell you right now
    R: OK thanks – is there anyone on the Go To meeting who has a question for the KSs that we have on here. Good time to speak up – shall we see if any questions on the ivestream?


    Marko: Regarding nano coating if you have any questions about that contact Armen, he is the Master of nano coating he’s done a lot of nano coating – unfortunately today he’s not here, but he done a lot of nano coating
    Rick: OK particularly nano questions, go through me, he has a facebook site.
    M: He can explain about steaming process and also quick process where you put nano material just for very quickly into the caustic then you put it under the water then you just leave it to dry, sometimes its not so good, but he has experience with it and can give more info

    J: I would already ask if you need to have a steam process, you put on the floor of your box a lot of caustic, you put the lid on top of it, and the grid – mesh or something – should not be on the bottom but higher. And when you put the water it has to be as hot as possible boiling, you just pour, but be very careful because that boiling process allows a lot of droplets to jump everywhere, so you have to be ready for a cover on the box and a little opening at the side, and you put the boiling water in the hole you left. And you should not be too high, you put the mesh and on the mesh the material and then you pour keeping the level as close as possible, and you immediately close it and put some weight on the top so it keeps completely closed. So that’s the process which you have to go for that rapid coating.

    Rick: Good description John – appreciate that

    J: And for instant coating it’s just about the same – it’s a variation of either you make a second process to cover that process and it can be done in such a way that you rapidly see the black color on the copper – if its copper you’re nano coating. … am I alone???

    R: No you’re Ok we all have our mikes off, Ghee had a question about that procedure – he was saying – is faster better?– some people might say slower is better , and other times it’s the shock at first with high temp and lots of vapour is a better way to get it going – right?

    J: You put in conditions and the heat process which is a part of the condition, allows the first layer of the copper to start, and then the process of allowing the oxide to build up. is because the heat allows the surface to stop moving and go up. So – Is the 1st process better than the 2nd process? – well they go in the same way in any case, it’s just the way you want the nano coatng to be made. In fact the more heat you give, the more bigger size of the fields and the gaps you create. But it depends also on the material you want to coat. Marko has explained that with brass you need a very hot process, and with SS its even worse, I don’t know if I have even reached nano material, I’ve had it going black but we haven’t gone further to see if we could have sustained results. Not understood yet. But depending on the material you want to coat, how you want to go and the size of the nano coating, you have to go in one processor another, but mainly your experience will help you understand. So I think the one or the other process is good, as soon as you have a complete nano coating of the surface what is important is the results There is not one method that is better you have to have good nano coating, and I cannot day much more at this moment. Armen loves doing things, he cannot keep still at any moment, he never likes to wait. He has been shown how to go far, that’s the way he is doing things, he works and the way he does things.

    R: OK I’ve got an interesting question in the livestream – it goes – if we use 200 millivolts for the process and there’s high resistance, my question is, nano coated copper should be a super conductor, why is it showing us high resistance? Is the nano copper a super conductor in these initial conditions, and if so why does it show high resistance?

    J: You have two aspects which are important – longitudinal copper is a super conductor, but in the transverse section each layer is insulated from the next one so you have high conductivity in the longitudinal but resistance in the transverse. So when you put the copper in solution there is a transfer of the electricity, that’s in fact what allows the copper form underneath to pop out from the coating into the Gans state which is completely G and M equilibrium that you have in the Gans state. So if you measure how resistance – that doesn’t surprise me – that will alow the pop-up of the Gans material out of the nano coated copper.

    Marek adds that the nano coating is not perfect, an electron microscope photograph shows they are fill of small crystals – and it depends on what procedure has been used, and depending on the procedure you have different aspects on the surface of your material, better sometimes – well we have no complete answer at any level but we see the process happening and it’s a process in the production of Gans …

    Rick: Dave asks has anyone confirmed the makeup of the Gans materials? – I guess he means through lab tests and so on. Is there any new info in terns of the actual chemistry or more likely the nano structure of the material – what actually is it? Is it copper oxide for example? There’s several kinds of copper oxides and carbonates and hydroxides and so on, so wonderng if there is any more data on that.

    J: It’s mostly copper oxide by ma understanding. Aaahhh… more data should be interesting to have but we have a connection Marko has had in Slovenia has given some data because the person has the opportunity to make electron microscopy o some of the materials, but I don’t have any precise resuts except those ones Marko had – the pictures – not full analysis but pictures made and there was some data, but I remember they were also some CO3 mentioned, I should maybe pass to Marko.

    M: Yeah there were two measurements, one with electron microscopy and another with infrared spectroscopy, one was Gans material and one was nano material on the copper. And these pics were published on facebook and with reports of how it was done with electron microscope, also x-ray spectroscopy or something. But this was more than 1 month ago, I can try to find it, right now difficult but maybe later in the facebook page or somethung. So all these details at the moment I don’t remember.

    More conversation about the temperature and the effects on the gaps, in the way of making nano coating materials. If lower temp used the nano would have smaller gaps, but high temp bigger gaps. In some ways yes but if you use hot water it gets boiing, and water with caustic makes a very big heat – higher heat the bigger size of the nano material. If you leave it in for a day it will be slower, and gaps smaller, but it will collect a whole spectrum of light, it has to collect all the spectra.

    John talking about another interesting fact about the nano materials – nano coating wires without even taking the plastic off the multi strand wire – you just tae the plastic off at each end, and those ends in the cola bottle, and in the cola bottle the caustic, and the whole wire in the plastic itself is completely coated!! Jut put the two ends of the wire in the condition with caustic then every single wire in the multi strand is coated – and this can be verified by having a multimeter – in fact because the nano is insulator n the transverse plane, all the wires are insulated from each other!

    Rick talking about how this relates to copper wires burning out in utilities – often very black converted into the oxide, thus bringing more insulation and speeding up the process of burn out

    John – boiling water is about 100 degrees but with caustic 130 maybe. The propagation of the nano layers happens under the plastic, and on all the threads of the wire. Each wire is kind of like a tube whch allows liquid to go through. They saw salt water going through and dripping out of the wire very slowly – the caustic goes through the wire almost ike capillary type action, and because of the plastic all those wires are in the same condition. The process goes on for a coupel of weeks or so to make sure the wires are nano coated inside. The nano coating conducts fields, not electricity, and it is the fields that push the electrons to move and those we are trying to understand better with all the reactors.


    Rick talking about room temp superconductors, and research showing that in the nano layers there are certain conditions that starts a n avalanche process with the voltage going though the layers. Superconductor action just for a moment – this has something to do with the fact that you have to spend tome with these things and eventually a lightning bolt goes through, and bingo the plasma lights up, and it doesn’t take big voltage to go through these layers, but they’re so close together and on a vacuum condition, which allows voltage to move very easily, vacuum layer, and a condition where you create an avalanche – of electrons I think, not sure. John saying it creates a Bose-Einstein pair in superconductors, that behaviour occurs in those layers.

    R: So if these layers became superconductor for brief moments of time and you could patch the moments in a way they would be more coherent, that super conductor coating would be more or less the perfect plasma maintainer, or it would hold the plasma away from the walls, reflected back to the centre of the reactor – does that make sense? Talking about the property of the field being instant connection and communication. Mainstream scientists will measure a nano material and find a copper oxide, but in a very small amount of time that particle can change to something else, and its in that fento-second reactions, that’s when the superconductor property applies, now they’re able to look at these fento-seconds, and they are finding these transitional material down at the nano level.

    Rick: These nano matrial are bing used in sensors to pick up microscopic amounts of elements, essentially our bodies as a sensing apparatus are adapted to use these particles at the information level – they’re all ready, we just have to tune into them so that exchange can take place.


    Yvan: If I can add basically what we are doing is pulling out the atomic structure of copper or zinc into the top layer of the material, and in a way you bring the soul of the material to the top layer, and in that way making interaction between it and the environment that much easier, living in a plasma, we have plasma as well. Is it easy interaction by allowing the fields to communicate. That’s how we should be.

    R: yeah that’s a good way to explain it that’s nice. Well we should wrap things up so it doesn’t get too long for those editing it – me – ha-ha!

    Marko remembering those who are working in the background like Ludmil and Mr. Chow – much appreciation and big thank you to all of you!

    Rick putting in a word for his team, and the people who come out and hang with him like Ghee, and Paul the biochemist who is driving taxi – the biophysicists are driving taxis in Canada! They have a lot of fun.

    And a new reactor of the week brought by Ghee, an interesting concept , a reactor that rotates without a motor, for example if they want to record the sounds of the plasma, not compressed air, it’s a wind up reactor. Sounds crazy but the first phonograph from Mr Edison was wind-up, so Ghee has an Edison wind-up phongraph guts - it can revolve at 78 rpm for about 10 minutes, at ten to one we shoold get 780 rpm for one of our reactors for 10 minutes. Here’s the plan; the idea is that you run your reactors with the electric motors for 2-3 months, then for the actual testing of the fields you let the motor take a rest, and you have to wind it 3 times in a half hour and you can do your testing during that time when everything else is quiet.

    John suggesting another way – a pendulum – you know like the big clocks and a ratchet mechanism, heavy weights, a grandfather clock system –

    Rick: Yes with a properly tuned reactor you should be able to get it running in 10 minutes if it’s balanced, once you’ve got the plasma Gans in there and the starter material ready to go, then it should be an easy – a few dozen times to crank then the reactor is self turning and it does not need any motor at that point- more ideas about how to get motor out of the way – even a long belt about a metre or 2 metre away – still some interference with the motor for many meters, eg the am radio station getting effected in the lab, a lot of humming and static noises from the DC motors.

    John points out that in space we have to contain the plasma without having any container, Rick imaging the plasma shooting around the inside of the ship. Yvan saying the pin can be used as holding point. John saying the feelings and emotions will produce a container for the plasma. Rick saying Keshe was saying how we can build a field around ourselves with the emotional body and the connection to the soul. The sun also moves without a container. This is what MK mentioned a week or so ago, plasma itself can create it’s own container, the plasma creates the outer layer of the sun which we perceieve, anyway we have to stop because we have to go, Rick saying we should save some for next time.

    Rick: OK guys, thank you very much for your inspiring words, and so ends the 15th KS workshop. Thank you once again everybody on Livestream, Go-to, skype, all over the world for participating, and bye bye

    James: Hey Vince, are you going to put it on Google right away?

  7. #17
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    Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
    Video link:

    Rick: OK. So here we are at the beginning of the 16th KS workshop with some members of the SSI and MK, at the Kf, and we’re about to begin here and go right through to the SSI and see what the latest news from there, and I expect we’ll hear something about the last event at Tuscany that happened last weekend and some information on the upcoming meeting of the world leaders, if they show up, that’s on the 30th Monday. So also lots of other things, so we’ll hand it over to the folks at the SSI and we’ll see what happens.


    Eliya: Aahh… good morning guys, it’s me Eliya, I want to say hi to everyone and a lot of regards from us, and thank you for your support at the Vatican. Also I want to thank the Bulgarian nation for all their support in Sofia, we are so proud of you guys, the work was very hard, we went there to ask for peace and happiness for all the planet and our civilization to follow our evolution in the normal human way.

    And – how to say – for me it was such an emotional day, and Mr. Keshe went in the queue to give the letter to the Pope, we were waiting outside and were so emotional and giving a lot of gifts to people around in the square of St Peter. And immediately it started a very interesting thing, when we went in the Piazza St Peter, the weather was so nice and sunny, and when Mr. Keshe went in the queue, a storm started, such a huge amount of rain just falling down to the earth, and all people from the Piazza St Peter just went and joined us. So we start to be a huge number of people waiting for the letter to be delivered by Mr. Keshe. It’s like the Universe give us a huge gift, and we made it – how to say – the mind set in our group and our intention to unite all the people around the world, and – what to say – it was really an emotional state for me.

    And then when Mr. Keshe came out he was so happy because everything was OK so we congratulated and we hoped that the beginning of this day and afterwards for our civilization to be safe! And everything goes in really nice and really sunny way of living. So that’s from me, if someone wants to ask me something?
    KS: Thank you Eliya.
    E: Yeah – thank you.

    KS: Did the other people ask what was happening there? Those who joined you because they had to run out from the rain? Were they surprised at what was going on?
    E: Yeah, they asked us because we prepared some kind of gifts – you kind of call it a sample of change so you start to rock in each hand a sample of change and they asked what are you doing? And why are you here? And so all of us KSs we start to explain to the people what we do and why we are here, and we drafted them a small letter about what is the meaning of peace and what is the course for humanity and what is the meaning to be a human being. And interesting was some of them there refused to take it because they were scared what exactly is this, but others just they take it and say than you and start to ask us what is the Keshe foundation? What is going on? Why we do that? And it was really interesting. And we went into the event several of us, but in the end it was all the people in the Piazza, can you imagine what happened there? It was so so emotional, and so so powerful!

    KS: how many people would you say were there in general? Roughly …
    E: A huge number of people, if you see the Livestream Rick shows the pictures, this was when the storm started when Mr. Keshe went in the queue, but then the storm started and everyone took shelter, a huge number 2 -3 thousand people, because the place is really big – you know?

    KS: Yes. Any news from the Vatican ?
    E: Yeah people mainly tourists from all different parts of the Earth and all speaking different languages, everybody asking in some kind of language, and we are so lucky because most of us we know several languages, so we start explaining to them in their mother language, English, French, Spanish, even Italian. And they were really impressed to hear why we were there and just standing waiting for the peace. The idea of asking the Pope for peace was really strange and we said you are also able to ask for peace, you are human, so the Pope is working for you – he’s not just working for someone else. Really people were interested to see some human beings like them just asking for peace and for the life for the planet – you know? It was really interesting.

    People don’t get the idea that leaders of the world work for them, they work for the people, they are not a leader for someone else. They act as if they’re separate from us but it’s not true, they work for us and they have to serve us, it’s not that we have to serve them, do you understand that? So we start to explain to them that thing – they are servants to us and we are able to ask for our peace and what we want as a human being on the planet – you understand? And that idea was very revolutionary for them, they just stopped and started to hear us and asking a lot of questions.

    KS I think you are right about that – many leaders have been conditioned to think that we are the servants and they are the kings, but actually it’s the other way round.

    E: My thought is like that when we are several people and we have one thought in our mind – so we make a new – how to say – entity, common entity which is the summarity of all of our brains and all of our thoughts and finally this new entity starts to attract other people – do you understand? And gradually slowly slowly they just come to us, we don’t go to them to ask them, no, they just come to us and asking us – you understand? We just attract them – you understand what I mean?

    KS: Yes, yes.
    E: Our intention and our feelings just attract others to come to us and ask us what is going on – you understand – it was really interesting to find out what was going on and to find this singularity interaction between the souls of people.

    KS: That’s amazing!
    E: Yeah, it was really amazing, and everyone of us around the table is able to explain the feelings, and every one of us explain the same thing, we start to speak and finally we get it we have one idea and everyone gets these feelings, so we are, how is it in English? – Nucleoli – and we attract other electrons like Mr. Keshe told us – you know? And they just join us, and finally we became a huge number of people there, it was really amazing.

    KS: I think the idea that our leaders should be the ones leading us is in most humans – in reality they are the one who have to serve, and actually each one of us has to do that, and when each one of us is doing that we end up with an environment where everything is at equilibrium, to balance – yeah? So people go to these places of worshipping and they think they are coming there to pray to see the people , but they also don’t realise that they can ask for changes as well, and that’s what starts with the people themselves, because that comes from everywhere, it starts at the top and from the bottom as well, so it’s the collective change as well.

    V: Well I think a lot of people play the ‘I’m only one person’ kind of game, and they don’t understand that everybody is one person, and one person, plus one person, plus everybody else, adds up to everybody.

    E: Yeah we just clusters of one thing you know, we are just one, and everybody has to understand that, and that’s why we start to explain to the people just to make up their mind, you know? They are just stuck in the mud thinking that they are important – you understand? They think only leaders are important – no, we are important and leaders have to serve to us.

    It is just understanding a different point of view that the people never think about that was interesting to see on this occasion because there are people from all around the world and all of them are thinking they are not important and they just visit the Vatican in a queue like something interesting and to give their regards to the God, and this and that – No, God is inside of us so we are a God, all of us are a Messiah and message of the Knowledge, so we are important, each of us, because we are one. You understand how we have to spread the knowledge and finally 7 billion people on the earth start to work like One.

    That was my purpose to visit, I speak for myself to visit Vatican and support Mr. Keshe because humanity all of us are just one, doesn’t matter where we are living, and what we are doing. So I passed all the roads from my country to the Vatican, I drive 28 hours without a stop, just because I want humanity to understand we are One, and our planet is our planet, it does not belong to the leaders. It is our mother and our home, you know! It’s important!

    Vince: Thank you Eliya
    KS: Thank you Eliya
    E: Yeah, thank you guys, I love you so much, I give all my heart to you and the microphone to some others of the KSs, thank you guys, and thank you for your support I was able to feeling you in my heart when I went in the Vatican, I just knew all of you are with us, and thank you a lot from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

    16:00: Rick: Thanks a lot Eliya for that transmission you might say
    Vince: Inspirational message
    Rick: Yeah, that’s a good way to put it Vince.

    From here Marko took over and steered the conversation back to plasma reactors and nano-materials etc.

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