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    12th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 3 2015

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    (Host, Rick Crammond) Okay, welcome everyone to the 12th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop brought to you by the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute.
    Today, we will be speaking with to Mr. Keshe of the Spaceship Institute at the new location out at Bari, Italy. We'll probably be having a shorter program today. Things have been a little pushed on for our schedule. So, to get right in, maybe we'll hear from Keyvan Davani now and see what he has to say and what his comments on today's kids workshop are.

    Keyvan, are you there?

    (Keyvan) Hi Rick. Hello to Mr. Keshe and all the knowledge seekers. Let me just summarize what I learnt personally from last time. You made the drawings in a really beautiful way and showed us how to create environmental conditions - the magnetical gravitational field strengths - to attract the CO2 and produce the CO2 GANS. You know, the salt-water solution with the zinc plate and nano-coated copper plate.
    Now, you know we've all been taught in school physics and I hope in the very very near future that more and more young students, teenagers, kids do listen to these workshops or they do get taught at school the things that we've been hearing and understanding up till now.
    So I want to go into detail now about what I want to ask you. Can you explain to us, maybe with an additional drawing?
    I told Rick we are trying to set up some kind of non-copyrighted material. I think it should be taken for granted to use any material if it's for educational purposes.
    But, for the sake of it, @Human, one of the really brilliant animation makers, he sent me a drawing and I sent it to Rick so maybe he can post it or upload it

    To make kids or young adults or even young students understand this nano-layering and where the magnetical gravitational field strengths - the plasma energies - actually, and correct me if I'm
    wrong, preserved within the gaps of the atomic structures of those nano-layers within the GANS. Could you correct me on that, or add to that? Thank you very much.

    (Mr. Keshe) Can you explain more in a very simple way that I can understand how you want me to explain?

    (Keyvan) Okay, I want myself, and these other kids to understand and imagine what these nano-layerings look like and why is this such a compressed energy within the GANS and how are the fields - the magnetical gravitational fields -where are those embedded or where are they within those layers? How can I imagine that or how can kids imagine that?

    (Mr. Keshe) Don't imagine. I think it is better not to imagine and instead you should understand.

    (Host) You can see [inaudible] picture.

    (Mr. Keshe) No, I don't see it.

    (Host) Let me describe it briefly, I'm not sure if it fits in with what you are going to say. It just shows a single GANS and then it shows it as a multiple GANS and then they all conglomerate together to form the nano-layer in sort of a flower of life patterns. That is basically how I can explain it but go ahead with what you are going to explain Mr. Keshe.

    (Mr. Keshe) The simplest explanation for children to understand I think is them going back to what they can experience physically.And I think what children can experience they can then translate into simpler language of understanding.
    In a way it is like when you stand in a school yard in line next to each other and the teacher tells you to open your arm and you have to stand next to your friend at arm's length so the tips of your fingers touch. That's your space. The space from finger to finger is your plasma.
    But you have the same number of friends in front of you as behind you and they are standing in the same way so that if you rotate next to the friend in front of you and the one behind you, now you have the same gap between the tips of your fingers. This circle of your arms is your space -your plasma. And your friends who are standing next to you in line, that line of friends and the gap between your body and their body - the arm length - represents one nano-layer.
    Nano means singularity and why we use the term nano it means 10 to the minus 9. That's where the term nano-layer comes from. Because we say one atomic hydrogen, you need ten with 9 zeroes in front of it to be able to put together to make 1 meter. That's million by million by million people at arm’s length next to each other. When you put that many people and you can make it to 1 meter then that is 1 nano. You are 1 nano out of that ten million next to each other; 10 to the power of 9, with 9 zeroes.

    So you are with your friends who are arm to arm with you in one line. This is one nano, one single line. Then you have your friends in front of you with the same [inaudible]. They are one layer themselves because they are in one line. That's why we call it a layer. Layer means one line, one sheet, in one uniformity in a spread. So you have friends in front of you with their arms open. You have friends behind you with their arms open at arm’s distance from each other but in parallel, line to line. So now each one of you is one layer. But don't forget that you have a friend in front of you which is arm tip to the tip of your fingers which is, again, in an equal distance. So now, the gap between your friend on right or left, or front and back is exactly the same. So, in these gaps between you, anybody can run because it's a huge gap when your arms are not in line with your friends. So anybody can run between you because there is no resistance.
    This is what we call super conductivity; no resistance flow. So the guy who runs amongst you, runs without any resistance. If you turn and put your arms and respective fingers with the guy in front of you and the one who is behind you and you get the same guy running he has to hit every single arm in order to go through. This is a matter of state. When you have your arms open and the guy can run all the way through without resistance, this is what we call super conductivity and that gap between you and your friend in front which is no arms but it is a fixed gap - this is where the energy sits. Then you have to realize that if you start getting closer, bending your arms, bending them in, so the arms come in next to each other and you come next to your friend shoulder to shoulder, then the same energy which you have but now there is no gap. And then if the friends from the back and the front come and join you, that is come in line, you still keep your lines but now you have no say in the movement. The movement is totality, every single one of you who are pushing are spreading the energy all the way along the lines in both directions from the back and the side.
    This is the easiest way to explain nano-layers and the behavior of nano-layers. You close the gap, the energy gets concentrated and you become the matter. You open the gap, you have the freedom to run and the freedom to move in any direction. Then this is what we call nano-layers; the property of nano-materials.
    Where does the energy come from?
    When you had your arms open and then you put on your side, the gap is there. You don't feel the energy of your friend who standing his arm length away from your arm length. But as your friends come together, you feel all the energies from everywhere coming in. Nobody has changed. None of you are pushing, but you are closing the gap and now you feel each other’s warmth and the energy.
    And it's very much like when you go to concerts. When you go to concerts there are rows and rows of people and they are all standing there but they start pushing. At the beginning there's nothing but when the push comes closer and closer you start moving forward.
    This is the property of matter. When your arm was the size of your plasma, when you reduce the size of the plasma, you have to accept the fields of others - the energy of others, because now they dictate as part of you as you dictate their position, their energy.
    Where does the energy come from, that you suddenly start feeling it?
    All these energies are inside you and inside them. They don't tank and come closer, they don't drink energy and come closer. It's the same as a plasma. The energy of the plasma is inside it. It depends on how you position it in respect to the others which is how you feel their forces and how you allow other things to go through you and amongst you.
    So you see yourself as a plasma. If you put the dots on top of each one of you, if you go from the top, you just put a dot where each head is and then the arm gap is the difference between the two
    Those dots are the center of the plasma and the gap between them - between your friend's head and the top of your friend's head. And the top of you and your friend's head at the front and the back…This becomes the positioning - the amount that you have the freedom to move without touching them; without them blocking you.

    (Host) Showing a picture, by any chance?

    (Mr. Keshe) No, no

    (Host) Okay, just wanted to be clear on that. I thought you might be making some stick
    men there,

    (Mr. Keshe) Oh! Maybe, maybe I will use that stick men idea. I am getting forgetful.
    Because we don't have our pens with us, we forgot to bring the pens from where we came. Can you see the picture?
    You see I tried to make a circle here -So it's coming up.

    (Host) It is coming through there now I think

    (Mr. Keshe) Okay, so let's do it with drawings. I think it will be easier. We say this is the -- I want to go on the Skype because I want to see it live because there is a delay on the Livestream.
    So, this is you with your arm open from two friends. This is your friends standing there on the left and right and the same here with another friend with their arm length. You have the same arm length from the friend in front and back of you. The same there is another friend here which is doing the same. If you rotate this way, you have a gap. If you look at the gap here, this is a gap between you and your friends. These are your arm lengths. This is another friend at two arm lengths.
    So what happens? These are the tips of your fingers. So this is your arm length and here this is your arm length from your friends. So you have this position. The friends in front of here are at arm’s length from each other. The friends at the back are at arm’s length from each other. So you are in a row, this is the row. And there is another row of your friends. There and another row there.
    So, now, we call this row one layer in the electronic or material terminology. So it's layers of you.
    Layer 1
    Layer 2
    Layer 3
    But when the distance between your friends and you is 10 to the minus 9 or you put 1 with 9 zeroes after it in the background.
    Two, four, six, eight, nine. Then this is the size of one atomic hydrogen and the gap is one nano. So now, if you could be that small, you'll become a nano-layer. But if you put the same thing at the top of your heads…
    Now, we don't have to put the lines. We put you next to each other.
    (Sound of mobile phone ringing)
    Just one second, I have to respond to this please
    (Sound is muted)
    So now what happens is all your friends are next to each other. So now you make one nano-layer and the gap between you is the same. Now your arms are not sticking out so any friends can run in between you in any direction. There is no resistance; this is the state of plasma.
    So now these are the top of your heads and no matter to stop the flow, this is how your head becomes the center of a plasma. Where the energy is - you carry energy, your friend carries energy and so now you have become a plasma in the environment of your friends because these are your energies and the gaps between them.
    Now, if you bring your friends closer as we explained, this is the same plasma. Your friend hasn't eaten any more food nor is anybody pushing. But as you close a gap, you transfer till the point where you two touch.
    Now, you have [inaudible]
    (Audio breaks up)

    (Host) Oops, we just lost your audio there.
    Mr. Keshe?
    Okay, we're just restarting on the Skype to see if we can get the Keshe Spaceship Institute back online.
    This is where we need to get Keyvan playing his guitar and singing a little song as an interlude

    (Keyvan) I cannot play any instruments, I'm sorry.

    (Host) Well it's a great time to learn then! Put you on the spot and that's an instant learning technique.

    (New speaker) I got my son a ukulele. I can probably go string a couple of chords that way.

    (Host) There you go! That would be perfect for the child's workshop, let him rip! Give him a slide guitar and let him rip.
    (Skype sound)
    Okay, there it goes.

    (Keyvan) The Spaceship Institute was just on the phone. When they got the call, they got knocked off Skype.

    (Host) Right, I will try to re-invite them back in here.

    (Mr. Keshe) Hello, we are back.

    (Host) Hello, welcome back

    (Mr. Keshe) How did you kick us out?

    (Host) I think it was your call maybe that came through and interrupted somehow.

    (Mr. Keshe) Okay, so we are back in now. We are still live and we are here.

    (Host) You're live and so on. Do you want to do the video again or how are we there?

    (Mr. Keshe) Yes, we are back on the video.

    So what has happened? Is that the plasmas becoming closer so instead of being in rows with the gap now there are no gaps. So this is a state of matter and this was the state of a plasma, but when it's in line it becomes a nano and we call these layers the nano-layers. So we have an equal gap distance with the same amount of energy. These energies are dictated by the lengths of your arms to be your space. We call it one plasma, but they carry the same energy as when you are jam-packed with each other. And this is how the plasma in what we call plasmatic nano-condition behaves. Atoms with a gap and when there are equal gaps and the gap is, for example, 10 to the minus 9 meters, we call it a nano-layer which stands in its own layer at that distance from each other. But the energy inside, it is the same. Your energy when you are at an arm's gap between your friends has not changed. Even now when you are next to each other, you have less room to move and any move you do affects their position too because now you are shoulder to shoulder. But when you are at an arm's gap and you put your arms down, you can move, you can swing without touching anybody. And if anybody is running amongst you and you want to just let them go faster, you move a little bit to the left or the right; there is no friction. And this is what we call freedom of the magnetic field in the plasma condition.
    But the other point is now in nano-layering. You stack up instead of being in front or back of each other. So you have people next to you, in front of you, behind you, above you, and below you. And now layers stand floating on top of each other with the same amount of gap as you had with your friends in front of you and at the back. Now if you can go sideways and open your arms vertically, you have a friend who is an arm's distance from the top and from below.
    It's very much if you were to understand the behaviour of nano-materials. If you know the game called Connect. They have pieces and you have balls. We showed this before a few months ago when we were in [inaudible]. I tried to bring those back and make you another layer so you can see exactly what it is physically as a toy.
    I hope it was a good explanation. If not we will try again another way.

    (Keyvan) No, thank you Mr. Keshe for enlightening me. Depending on what I would want from… if I wanted to reduce the gaps.

    (Mr. Keshe) Yeah. You will have to find a push somewhere. You have got to find somebody to push your friends closer or you have to push yourself closer to your friends.

    (Keyvan) So I need the necessary environmental conditions for that too?

    (Mr. Keshe) Yeah, which means you need a guy that can push the other ones. It is very much like if you have ever played tug rope game in school where everybody is distanced about a meter and there are two sides pulling the same rope to see who crosses the line on which side. The gap is the same guy next to you, and whatever the other one does, the layer moves. Each one of you holding the rope at a meter or half a meter's distance is one nano-space from each other and then your motion depends on what the whole lot does. The only difference is the motion of you, is your bending of the knees and your legs. Now, the gap from the Earth from the next guy down is your legs.

    (Host) I think that's a great analogy and we should be able to generate an animation using little animated kids lining up in layers and so on or maybe we could show ants or something like that doing it.
    I'm sure there are ways that our animators can work with that now that we have this visualization that you presented. It's good.

    (Mr. Keshe) It's very much like the way it works and the same as in the space reactors you're building. If you produce or reduce the gap between your GANSes, the plasmas, it creates how much energy you are going to get out and how much you are going to release to the outside so that they concentrate on creating lift or energy.
    The adults haven't understood this yet. When they understand it then we will have a really nice time.

    (Host) Would it also tie in -- I'm thinking of outstretched arms of ice skaters or a ballerina doing a spinning thing? When their arms are outstretched while they are at a certain speed, they pull their arms in and they rotate faster. Is that similar?

    (Mr. Keshe) Yeah, very much so. But at the moment, we can explain this to children. They cannot rotate and have their arms open. Then you have a problem. They are going to do it to show the nano-materials and [inaudible]problem in the school. They say, "Where have you learned it? Keshe Foundation”. And then we have a problem. But (laughing)—

    (Host) Yeah, right.

    (Mr. Keshe) So, this is what they are going to do. But if they understand the gap between them, that is where it is. I think we have to find a way to make physics fun. And the plasma technology is the reality. If you can make it fun, they grasp it because I know children teach their teachers what is wrong and you find out that a lot of teachers fight it because it means they have to learn a new thing.

    (Host) Okay, along those lines I was thinking a couple of days ago that it would be great if we had a line or product line of Keshe toys; toys that illustrate or teach the principles behind the magrav teaching and so on. We should be able to work on that. I'm sure there are people out there that can design things like that and we can have them printed up with 3D printing or many different methods to have them available for people as a product that could be fun to play with.

    (Mr. Keshe) [inaudible] catchee monkey. Today we open the university

    (Host, while laughing) Yes! That's enough of a challenge for today.

    (Mr. Keshe) Next time we try to open a toy factory.

    (Host) Well, actually I'm sure there will be many spin offs once this university becomes a little more solidified. I mean it's a natural thing.

    (Mr. Keshe) We need the students. Today we had too many fresh students for the first time which sat behind the desk after years like this. You know, one of the beautiful things is when you look at the institute, the way the seats are set, all these people who come, scientists who come and a lot of them are leaders in their own fields, in their disciplines of education. Now they come and sit behind a desk like children do; to learn from the beginning. It's very interesting.
    Today was the first lesson. We had only one student and it was Marco. Any other questions or shall we close it for today?

    (Keyvan) No, thank you Mr. Keshe.

    (Host) Yeah, I think we have enough to go on and work with.

    (Mr. Keshe) I know Keyvan wants to be a student and sit behind a desk in the first slot. Send your application form, we'll try find you a seat.

    (Keyvan) Cool, thank you. I will do that for sure.

    (Mr. Keshe, laughing) Thank you very much. Thank you. Bye bye.

    (Host) Thank you Mr. Keshe. All right well that seems to wrap up the 12th Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshop. Thank you everybody for attending!

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