Papornița Moșului

Subiect: Carolina De Roose - Doamna Keshe

  1. #161
    Data înscrierii
    I am asking for the email from that Person so I can put it trough to the team

    Solicit e-mailul de la acea Persoană, ca să o pot pune în echipă
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  2. #162
    Data înscrierii
    Sarut Mana,
    Am scris Sotiei Domnului Keshe, Carolina der Rosse, si m-a rugat sa-i dau emailul domnului Emilian Dobrea pentru a-l introduce dansa intr-o echipa de medici care studiaza si pun in practica Stiinta Plasmatica si tehnologia Keshe.

    O seara Minunata,
    Adrian Pop
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  3. #163
    Data înscrierii

    Carolina De Roose

    7 iunie 2017 ·

    Why are humans fighting for how and who can be nearer to him?
    Why humans use different names for what is the One and the Only in the world of the?
    Why humans would like to be called by different names in the path of reaching him?
    Why do humans think one has to be better than the other by choice of a name of a faith, a person, or statue to be closer to him?
    Why all humans do not use the same name and the same path for and to reach the same creator?
    If they do so, then all humans will be as equal in all levels of their belief and as one race and as one entity, once they understand that names count for nothing, if the truth is hidden behind only names but all have the same goal.
    Is it not that the Man has lost his path for accepting him, and in trying to be like him and be what he is, which is to be kind, forgiving, generous, correct, compassionate, and so many other things that the man calls his God to be, that the man has forgotten that these are all attributes in himself too.
    Man is all, what the God is, but he is selective to whom he wants to be with one of his attributes.
    Then, why not all men be all that the God is to all men and his creations, then at this point, the man reach’s the level of the creator, non selective and the same to all with all attributes of the God.
    It is the man who has chosen different names for the same creator, to show his superiority over the others, only by his choice of name for him and the path of worshiping the same creator, but if he chooses the same name as others, but in its path serve the creations of the earth and the universe, then the man in himself will find all attributes of the creator.
    The division of the man by religion, color, and race has been the downfall and the cause of the wrong doings of the man to himself and his fellow men and other creatures of God.
    As the man is getting ready to take a permanent residence in space, once in space, then all colors of creation are all colors of the same man and the same God, if one understands this! Then, what is the man doing with all these fighting’s and killings of another man for, and in the name of which creator?
    Then, the man will realizes that all humans will be equal and be one race and
    be one entity, and once they understand that names of the God they have chosen counts for nothing, if the real true intentions and the truth is hidden only behind the facade of just names.
    Call yourselves, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and what so ever; when your heart is not unifying to the path of the creator, your lives have lost their path to reach the position, which it was born for.
    When, humanity realizes that equality and servitude comes from the true richness of thoughts and behavior and from the soul of the man, rather than the choice of a name to be part of the path to the creator, then the man is matured.
    It is time for all paths of worships of the creator on this planet to unite and under the banner of peace and servitude to call themselves one body and one human race.
    We call upon all religious leaders of all sects of the man to denounce war and violence and to participate in these acts to be a punishable offence.
    The punishment will be the distanced from the creator through the soul of the man and not the physicality of the man.
    Then, we shall see who will fight the false wars of today and falsely pretending to serve the humanity, and we shall see who will put all arms down and with servitude to serve the God, rather than the use of guns and swords in different names of the GOD, which the men of greed supposedly are fighting for to defend his name.
    God is capable to protect himself and his name, if need be, and he does not need all these pre-mature killing tools that the man has developed for killing and the physical bondage of other men for the show of their feeble human greed and power, as they claim needed to be near him under different disguises of names of god.
    Then, guns and swords should be exchanged willingly with and to tools of peace of help and facilities to be provided by religious men for servitude, to see who can serve well and better than another being.
    Then, no one shall kill, and no world leader will call the ordinary men that thy are incompetent to control their affairs, that they can rule their way in the false name of god.
    Then, there is a big question mark in the whole structure of the creation of the man, and that is, Man was not worth to be created, if one individual was not capable of choosing his path of belief in his good god by himself, that he needs the control of the name for the man to be slaved by the feeble men of greed.
    May be it is time to call upon the world religious leaders of all names to call all men equal, not according to their physical and financial capabilities and name beliefs, but through the state and level of the souls of all individuals that they can achieve through serving other men truly.
    Then, if one religious leader can say that one soul will be higher than the other soul because of its earthly position and possessions and color and choice of the name of the GOD, then all the present religions and paths of worships are nothing but mirage of wealth making processes and for control of the man by these falsely so called the man of religions.
    Then, if one religious leader can say that his followers are and have better statues and status than other followers of God, then this means that this leader has seen God and seen how God has given different status to different souls of the man, by simply differentiating man by the name that they have chosen to call him.
    I am sure there are no religious leaders, whom can make such a statement, as they all know all man’s souls are equal to the status of the creator.
    If the false claims of these religious leaders are to stand the judgment day of today, then, the lives of all prophets of the past have been sacrificed and wasted for the greed of those, whom are serving not the soul of the man in its path to the real creator, but for the position and profits that the name of the God brings these so called religious leaders and for them in to be who, what robe they dress themselves in and where they are in the false path they have built to show their personal station in the name of God.
    World leaders are resigning one after another, be it religious or national leaderships, not for living the path of the servitude, but they think that they can wash away their wrongs doings of the their past, by closing their books of this time.
    May be it is time from now on to see who calls himself the servant to God and thoroughly serve the humanity.
    Then, one should choose no name in the path of serving, but call one self the servant to humanity.
    May be it is the time for all the religious leaders of the world to meet as equal followers of the creator, and through this, world religious leaders meeting, the men of the earth will follow their example in understanding that all are serving the same God and for the development of their individual souls’ and as one collective soul as one race and become as one.
    Let the religious names keep what earthly materials they have collected over past times. As the false wealth collected for achieving the peace, they have brought collectively all men in accepting servitude and equality by all men and this has been worth the suffering that the man has been through in the false names of God.
    That all men are nowadays collectively running away from the names of God as they have realized that the God is the essence of perfection and not the names of the path to him.
    Then, this frustration with the use of names to benefit a few has set the path of the peace and a full payment for these religious leaders times’ and their predecessors times, where in their wrong doings, they have brought all men to where they are today, that through so much unnecessary suffering in the name of God, now all men can accept peace with open arms and unconditionally for the whole of the humanity.
    More wars have been fought in false names of God and protection of the property of the land of messengers of God, than one can mention on this planet, and all these false use of the names have to come to an end, that this is to show the real maturity of the man and the position of the leadership of the religious leaders of this planet.
    The message of all messengers have been to love, to share, and live for and in peace, and not what their followers do today, which is nothing but to fight, to see who collects more earthly possessions, positions and buildings, and they are encouraged to hate each other by using different name for the same God to benefit these leaders.
    Then, for where the man is now, in this stage of killing and justifying it as peace process, then the world religious leaders have failed in their jobs to teach the world leaders and all men by not telling the man the truth about the God and how to be close to and be part of him.
    Religions and their followers have become nothing but collectors of wealth in the false name of God.
    In truth if the religious leaders follow all rules of the God in all religions in their true sense, then there should be no buildings and no wealth in the name of God and in banks and bank accounts of names of God, as all these finances should have been spent to serve the servants of God.
    God needs no bank and no bank accounts as the universe he has created are from the reserves of the creations he has created.
    Then God’s world and work makes the creation of the man, not the buildings of the man and his false use of the name of God to build them.
    God owns and possesses all, which all are in the universe, then! he does not need a house or temple for the man to follow him and worship him.
    The house of God is not in the heart and the body of the man, but the house of God is in the soul of the man and this is what the mankind has never realized.
    The purpose of religions or coming of the messengers of God in any shape or form is that the man of the time could understand that their jobs have been to develop the soul of the man and not his physical statues on this planet.
    Then, I wonder which religious leaders of the time can call themselves the real leaders, where they have failed to understand the true meaning of creation and the created.
    Now, it is time to call upon world religous leaders to come to the house of peace and equality and to the house of knowledge of the coming of time to use the new knowledge as the springboard for a fresh start and the establishment of the world peace in true sense of changing the mistakes of the past.
    Then, it is the job of every man who reads this message to send a copy of this message to the world religious leaders, be it imams, pop, rabbi, priest and all Holly men of this planet to call them for the meeting of all in the clothes of the man as equal and not in their clothes and ropes of the names of god so elaborately they have sculptured to impress the weak and needy over the past times.
    As in the presence of God, they have nothing to be proud of, but that they have failed to achieve and to follow the path of God and in teaching the followers of god the true teaching of the creator, which is equality and servitude.
    Then in front of the God, all men are equal, irrespective of their clothes of shames of their failures to serve the humanity in equal measure to achieve peace.
    Shame on those who find excuses not to be attending this world religion leaders unification and peace meeting!
    Therefore, we call as the human race up on all world religious leaders to meet as matter of urgency to denounce all wars, and put all their resources, which the humanity has offered them over centuries for establishment of peace and development of technologies, which brings all men on to one equal goal and that is the closeness to the creator.
    From now one man will stand higher than the other man only by the level of his serving other men in its true form and not by word.
    Blessed are those souls whom understand the language of the time. M T Keshe
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  4. #164
    Data înscrierii

    June 11, 2019We the knowledge seekers are present in the wish:In gratitude we give from our soul to all these beautiful lights, they shine no matter where they are positioned in their line of work. They serve unconditionally as lights for all.- Street workers and social workers- People who support animal shelter and rescue- People who set up orphanages and protection for children- Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans Frontičres)- Scientists, Medical and Environmental protectors of bees, insects, birds and animals- Groups and groundskeepers and growers, who are saving seeds and plants, trees and other vegetation.- Supporters of the families of missing and murdered women and children of the world.- Early warning scientists and disaster relief personnel- Palliative workers- Immigrant rescue boat operators- Silent guardian workers of the world- The teachers and educational workers- Volunteers- Farmers- Historians and preservers- Nursing and care-giving- Artists, musicians and creators(Please add your contribution of people who should be on this list)We are Present.

    11 iunie 2019Ce căutătorii de cunoștințe sunt prezenți în dorință: În recunoștință, dăm de la sufletul nostru la toate aceste lumini frumoase, strălucesc indiferent de locul în care sunt poziționați în linia lor de lucru. Ele servesc necondiționat ca lumini pentru toți. - Lucrătorii stradali și lucrătorii sociali - Persoanele care sprijină adăpostul și salvarea animalelor - Persoanele care instituie orfelinate și protejează copiii - Medici fără frontiere (Medici fără frontiere) - Oamenii de știință, medici și protectori de mediu ai albinelor , insecte, păsări și animale - Grupuri și producători de plante și cultivatori care salvează semințe și plante, copaci și alte vegetații. Suporterii familiilor femeilor și copiilor dispăruți și uciși din lume. Lucrătorii paliativi - Operatori ai ambarcațiunilor de salvare a imigranților - Lucrătorii tâlhari de protecție ai lumii - Profesori și lucrători educaționali - Voluntari - Fermieri - Istori și conservatori - Asistență medicală și îngrijire - Artisti, muzicieni și creatori (Vă rugăm să adăugați contribuția dumneavoastră pe această listă) Suntem prezenți.

    11 iunie 2019Ce căutătorii de cunoștințe sunt prezenți în dorință: În recunoștință, dăm de la sufletul nostru la toate aceste lumini frumoase, strălucesc indiferent de locul în care sunt poziționați în linia lor de lucru. Ele servesc necondiționat ca lumini pentru toți. - Lucrătorii stradali și lucrătorii sociali - Persoanele care sprijină adăpostul și salvarea animalelor - Persoanele care instituie orfelinate și protejează copiii - Medici fără frontiere (Medici fără frontiere) - Oamenii de știință, medici și protectori de mediu ai albinelor , insecte, păsări și animale - Grupuri și producători de plante și cultivatori care salvează semințe și plante, copaci și alte vegetații. Suporterii familiilor femeilor și copiilor dispăruți și uciși din lume. Lucrătorii paliativi - Operatori ai ambarcațiunilor de salvare a imigranților - Lucrătorii tâlhari de protecție ai lumii - Profesori și lucrători educaționali - Voluntari - Fermieri - Istori și conservatori - Asistență medicală și îngrijire - Artisti, muzicieni și creatori (Vă rugăm să adăugați contribuția dumneavoastră pe această listă) Suntem prezenți.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Adrian Pop; 11.06.2019 la 22:59.
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  5. #165
    Data înscrierii
    Children's march- The march of peace.

    Reportage TVR Craiova - Children's march- The march of peace. LHJGRHxzS&index=7

    That's what the young people who are trained by me did, in this last 28 years, at the Zalmoxian, online bussines school. This school specializes in humanity and common sense, in Craiova. I am totally convinced that, togheter we can extrapolate this little step all over the world.

    God help !
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  6. #166
    Data înscrierii
    A Call for All Muslims and Islamic Countries Worldwide
    to Unite in Peace

    Brothers and Sisters,

    World peace is the goal of the Keshe Foundation and associated Councils. To this end, we wish for unification and peace for all Muslims, and for the world in general.

    We recognize that when one Muslim suffers war and destruction, then all Muslims suffer and all Humanity is affected. All life is sacred and needs to be cared for and allowed to exist in peace and harmony.

    The Keshe Foundation offers new opportunities for peace. The World Peace Treaty is one of the important instruments for achieving this purpose. It has been signed and accepted by many people and nations around the world (a copy of the Treaty is attached).

    Let us work together to achieve global peace for all Humanity.


    Keshe Foundation,
    Universal Council,
    Earth Council,
    Core Team.


    Dear Muslim World,

    My heart is heavy and sad.
    Misery, conflict, injustice and suffering are the images that offend our souls, each day.
    Our silence, our divisions, our gaze diverted has enabled the shame to take place.
    Our youth is sacrificed, abandoned to "claws" of indomitable monsters.
    Our eyes have been diverted and have left Islam to become diverted.
    I hear this cry of revolt which rises in you, O my dear Muslim World, and I understand you...
    As each of the other large sacred inspirations of the world, Islam, throughout its history, has been love, peace, justice and beauty.
    Islam has powerfully informed the human being on the path of the mystery of existence.
    Our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has transmitted to us the path of peace through the love of others. Islam, by definition is peace, and guides each of our steps.
    Beloved brothers and sisters, we remember...
    Remember when we followed, without deviance, the word of Muhammad (PBUH). Our civilization has shone by our knowledge, by our knowledge of the Sciences, by our tolerance. The respect of the people, the love and peace spread across of the whole Islam and has conquered our hearts on every continent.
    1438 years ago a light of peace and respect has been given to Mohammed (PBUH) to guide humanity.
    This light grows and lives through our hearts and our acts.
    Then I beg you.... Muslim World... UNIFY for peace
    Do not be misled,
    Do not let materialism dazzle you,
    Do not let revenge take thee,
    Do not let destruction invade you,
    Let peace flood you,
    Let love conquer you,
    Let your soul rise,
    Let us give back Islam to our children.
    Then I beg you…Muslim World…UNIFY for love!
    Let us open our hearts, Let us open our arms, Let us open our mind to each of the messages transmitted by the sacred books, which are within Islam.
    This UNITY is the gift we will be proud to offer to our children as a legacy for a peaceful and virtuous world.
    My beloved brothers and sisters, we are the light of Islam.
    Let us join together in the same quest, enriching each other with our multiple cultures, so we are no longer incomplete.

    With Love and Respect,
    J. M.
    Universal Council Member for Arabic Language


    Statement from KF Core Team

    The main work of members of the Keshe Foundation Core Team is to give unconditionally from the soul to those who need and as much as needed.
    At this time, the Core Team gives from the soul to the souls of all Muslims in the world.
    We especially give to those souls who are suffering, and to those who cause such suffering.
    We wish to elevate their souls and to enlighten.
    We give from our unlimited essence, and surround them with unconditional love.

    The goal is Peace.
    And there will be Peace.

    Keshe Foundation Core Team

    Scrie un mesaj...

    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  7. #167
    Data înscrierii
    Când se întâmplă întâia iubire, indivizii își dau una în cealaltă în mod inconștient, iar ambii oameni se simt în flăcări și înflăcărători. Acesta este incredibilul înalt pe care îl numim "îndrăgostit". Din păcate, odată ce se așteaptă ca acest sentiment să vină de la o altă persoană, ei se desprind de energia din univers și încep să se bazeze și mai mult pe energie unul de celălalt - acum nu pare să fie suficient și astfel se opresc din a-și da reciproc energia și se reîntoarce în dramele lor, încercând să se controleze reciproc și să-și forțeze energia celuilalt.
    James Redfield, Profeția Celestină (Profeția Celestinei, # 1)

    When love first happens, the individuals are giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyant and elated. That's the incredible high we call being ‘in love.’ Unfortunately, once they expect this feeling to come from another person, they cut themselves off from the energy in the universe and begin to rely even more on the energy from each other--only now there doesn’t seem to be enough and so they stop giving each other energy and fall back into their dramas in an attempt to control each other and force the other’s energy their way.
    James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy (Celestine Prophecy, #1)
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  8. #168
    Data înscrierii
    Carolina De Roose

    11 iulie la 08:40 ·

    The KESHE Foundation calls up on all members of all groups and individuals to take their position in the cycle of peace movement, which has been taken shape in the past years by the actionS and science which has been given as a gift by the all member of the Foundation to humanity for the advancement of science and through it for the creation of the right environment for peace on this planet.
    Please call on all those whom you know and have access to a internet or other social media and governments and all groups of society to listen to the 178 Knowledge Seekers session of the 'Blueprint for peace”
    The time and the place for the world peace is up on humanity and is the duty of every man on earth to take the responsibility of making sure that this cycle of peace movement through application of technology can guaranty the peace on earth that brings all nations as one nation to become part of ever lasting peace on this blue planet Earth .
    My Fellow men, I have done what has been possible to share knowledge and peace amongst the race of the man as and on equal measure in the past years, now I call on all your souls to join the soul of the creator to initiate and encourage the leaders of the man to become men of peace and SIGEN the humanity to peace on this planet Earth and start the beginning of and the final acts needed to bring about peace on Earth.
    Fundaţia Keshe solicită tuturor membrilor tuturor grupurilor şi indivizilor să-şi ia poziţia în ciclul mişcării de pace, care a fost luată în formă în ultimii ani de acţiunile şi ştiinţa care a fost dată ca un cadou de către toţi membrii membre. Fundaţia pentru umanitate pentru progresul ştiinţei şi prin ea pentru crearea mediului potrivit pentru pace pe această planetă.

    Vă rugăm să-i chemaţi pe toţi cei pe care îi cunoaşteţi şi să aveţi acces la un internet sau la alte medii sociale şi guverne şi la toate grupurile de societate pentru a asculta cei 178 de căutători de cunoştinţe de la "Blueprint pentru pace"

    Timpul și locul pentru pacea mondială se ridică pe umanitate și este datoria fiecărui om de pe pământ să-și asume responsabilitatea de a se asigura că acest ciclu de mișcare de pace prin aplicarea tehnologiei poate garanta pacea de pe pământ care aduce toate națiunile ca și cum ar fi O naţiune să devină o parte a păcii de durată pe această planetă albastră.

    Colegii mei, am făcut ceea ce a fost posibil pentru a împărtăşi cunoştinţe şi pace printre rasa omului ca şi pe măsură egală în ultimii ani, acum vă chem pe toate sufletele voastre să vă alăturaţi sufletului Creatorului pentru a iniţia şi a încuraja. Liderii omului să devină oameni de pace şi să sigen umanitatea pentru a se pace pe această planetă pământ şi să înceapă începutul şi actele finale necesare pentru a aduce pacea pe pământ.

    M t repost

    · Evaluează traducerea

    52Tu, David Cizotto, Codarcea Vasile şi alţi 49
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    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  9. #169
    Data înscrierii
    Vizualizare listăVizualizare grilă

    Adrian Pop

    2 minute ·

    Dupa Marsurile Piciumanilor de pe 21 septembrie ac, in care speram ca vom avea peste 3-4.000 de copii la Craiova si altii in alte localitati romanesti simultan, in grdinite si scoli generale vrem sa implementam stiinta plasmatica si tehnologia Keshe, darunindu-le mici reactoare plasmatice, iar Gans-urile obtinute puse in eprubete sa fie folosite pentru plantele sadite de copii, observand astfel diferenta intre cele care au Gans-uri si celelalte fara eprubete. Parintii si bunicii copiilor vor intelege diferenta si astfel, se va implementa mult mai usor tehnologia KESHE la nivel de mase.
    After March 21st, when we hope that we will have over 3-4,000 children in Craiova and others in other Romanian localities simultaneously, in kindergartens and general schools we want to implement plasma science and Keshe technology by giving them small reactors plasma, and Gans obtained in the test tubes to be used for planting children, thus noticing the difference between those who have Gans and others without tubes. Parents and grandparents of children will understand the difference, and so KESHE technology will be implemented much more easily at the masses level.

    1Dan Cosmin Urziceanu

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    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

  10. #170
    Data înscrierii
    Beautiful thanks I passed it to MT Keshe

    Mulțumiri frumoase l-am trecut la MT Keshe
    e-mail -
    ID Messenger: zalmoxa_adipop
    skype - adrianpop58 - REGIA DE RECONSTRUCTIE A ROMANIEI
    https:/ - Piciumanii doresc PACE - Avangarda de Sacrificiu

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