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  2. #2
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    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    Subject: Fwd: Solar Restart on the Horizon
    Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 16:08:25 +0300
    From: Ioan Alecu <>
    To: Iustinian Pascal <>, Ioan Aignatoaiei <>, FLORIN POPESCU <>, adi pop <>, vfnentreprises <>, Aurel Vlad <>, Dina Weitzel <>, Eugen Grecu <>, Emilia Mirela Moisa <>

    ......un mesaj care confirma indirect....profetia de la fatima.....privind un mare cutremur.....Ioan.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Energy and Capital <>
    Date: 2016-10-23 20:00 GMT+03:00
    Subject: Solar Restart on the Horizon

    Elon Musk’s Shocking REVENGE on Buffett
    The two billionaires are engaged in a secret war for the world’s lithium supply.
    But Musk has the ultimate “trump card” in his pocket:
    A $2 lithium firm that owns an asset in the world’s “Saudi Arabia” of lithium.
    My sources say a deal may be brewing that could ensure Tesla’s billions... and lose Buffett a fortune.
    Best of all, early investors can make out like bandits on this under-the-radar lithium story.
    Click here for fulldetails.
    Solar Restart on the Horizon
    By Megan Dailey
    Written Sunday, October 23, 2016
    “We want to be a place to restart community after a natural disaster.”
    It sounds like a doomsday prepper's dream or a bid to save the world. Wal-Mart's plan is to be totally removed from thegrid, powered only by renewable energy sources and lithium batteries, by 2020. Ambitious as it may sound, it's been a boon to an industry falling intoa lull.
    Ever since the extension of theinvestment tax credit (ITC) late last year, investments in solar companies have slipped.
    The market expected to see a sudden increase in new solar installations in the rush for installers to get thebiggest credit. Instead, the country’s solar installers... took a break.
    Without the sudden pressure to get new projects underway, companies and individual buyers alike have relaxed,causing solar capacity growth to do the same.
    But don’t think that means you should ignore solar stocks. In fact, this may just be the best time to buyin...
    Elon Musk's $16 Billion Mistake
    He’s one of the most famous business tycoons of our time.
    His car company, which launched a highly controversial sports car just before the recession of 2008, is now the biggestelectrical vehicle maker on the planet.
    His $5 billion "Gigafactory" will soon account for more than half of all global lithium-ion battery production.
    But this one mistake may end it all.
    Find out what Elon Musk did while managing his biggest and most important company... and how it may cost himeverything.
    Click here.
    Market Restart
    Wal-Mart, for all its boasting, isn’t the only company building a renewable base. In fact, it’s not eventhe biggest!
    The Solar Energy Industries Association’s biggest corporate solar installer lineup currently reads like this:

    • Target (147 megawatts)
    • Wal-Mart (140 megawatts)
    • Prologis (107.8 megawatts)
    • Apple (93.9 megawatts)
    • Costco (50.7 megawatts)

    Other big solar installers include Kohl’s, Ikea, and Macy’s. Each has a goal of being mostly, if notcompletely, powered by clean energy within the next few years.
    These large-scale installations are becoming a larger part of solar's growth this year, even as that growthslows.
    Without the hype to keep them up, solar stocks are slowing as well. But given the long-term outlook on the technology,that may just be giving savvy investors a chance to grab up the best stocks at a bargain.
    GTM Research expects that solar capacity will increase steadily through 2020, though recent research suggests therewill be a lull through 2017.
    Investors shouldn’t worry about a single year’s worth of slow growth, however — not in anindustry that’s had such steady increases since its inception and is expected to continue expanding for the foreseeable future.
    The Energy Information Administration estimates that solar will account for about 1% of all U.S. energy by next year,up from 0.6% in 2015.
    That may not seem like a lot, but it’s just the beginning. The whole world is working to move away from fossilfuels now, which means the market for renewables has been busted wide open.
    And just because we haven’t yet seen the surge in installations that many expected doesn’t mean itwon’t happen at all.
    The ITC offers a 30% tax credit on all solar installations under construction by the end of this year. That numberdrops to just 26% after 2019, 10% after 2021, and cuts out completely in 2023.
    New projects still have a little bit of leeway in getting those credits, and the rush may come at the last minute.
    Why Do the Financial and Banking Elites
    Want to Keep Gold Suppressed?
    Find out why a renegade investor, who has made his readers multiple three-digit returns in the last few months, saysthe banking elite is opening up the most exciting opportunity for you to get really rich in the next 24 months.
    With his strategies, you could easily and quickly leverage the upcoming bull market in gold and profit $3–$4 forevery $1 move in gold.
    "I don't like or suggest options or futures, and anyone trading currencies deserves what they get! Still, I can show myreaders how to leverage gold and silver without any of those risky instruments."
    Click here to get all of thedetails.
    Additional Storage
    Anyone looking to be 100% solar anytime soon is also going to need some battery power to back it all up.
    Energy storage and renewable technologies go hand in hand, if only because there still needs to be electricity runningwhen the sun goes down.
    Large-scale energy storage especially will see some growth in coming years as energy grids all over the world integratemore solar and other renewables.
    The biggest growth in these large-scale systems is yet to come!
    Now, by the time that happens, I expect we’ll have much better solar panels as well. We’ll haveto, in fact! Right now, the best designs only function at about 28% efficiency, not nearly enough to make up for all the fossil fuel power the worldwants to retire.
    Renewable energies are struggling to find the balance between efficiency and price. For obvious reasons,higher-efficiency solar panels cost more, which makes widespread adoption a challenge.
    But the price is dropping as capacity is growing, helped along by projects like Wal-Mart’s. Themore low-cost installations are adopted, the easier it will be to integrate the technology everywhere else.
    Investment Interest
    I wouldn’t blame you for hesitating to buy into solar right now. The recent history of the biggest installerin the country, SolarCity, reads more like a cautionary tale than a success story.
    But even the skeptics are only seeing a slowdown through 2017. Beyond that, business will pick up again, and probablyeven reach new highs as the final deadline for the ITC comes into play!
    Without a doubt, this is far from the death of the solar industry.
    Until next time,
    Megan Dailey
    Energy and Capital
    Death of the iPhone
    You might not believe that what you're about to see is real, but I assure you the video has been left unedited.
    There are no special effects and no trickery — this technology exists today, and it's about to turn the entire technology industry onits head.
    Wired magazine says it will "change the way we interact with the world."
    Mark Zuckerberg says it will be used daily by "billions of people" across the globe.
    And we've uncovered the $7 tech firm making it all possible. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you don'twant to miss.
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    Nici eu nu sunt deacord.
    Ce facem pentru noi moare cu noi, ceea ce facem pentru altii, pentru lume, ramane nemuritor! Albert Pine
    Am inteles ca un om poate avea totul neavand nimic si nimic avand totul. Mihai Eminescu
    „Cele mai importante două zile din viața ta sunt ziua în care te-ai născut și cea în care afli de ce.” Mark Twain!

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