Arată versiune întreagă : SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature - MIHAIL DIACONESCU

Adrian Pop
10.11.2012, 12:11
“A fi pentru a şti, a şti pentru a avea, a avea pentru a putea, a putea pentru a face, a face pentru a fi oameni fericiţi!”


„TEMPUS DACOROMÂNIA COMTERRA”Sediul legal central: Bucureşti, Dr. Taberei nr.26/119, dosar 4375/303/2008 la jud. sect.6; cont CEC Bank, Ag. Dr. Taberei, Buc., sect.6, Cod IBAN R035CECEB60443RON0354455, cod fiscal nr. 4929150. Academia DacoRomână –A.D.R.- este instituţie autonomă în cadrul Fundaţiei Academia DacoRomână ”TDC” din 9.05.2008. Of. postal 66, g.1, CP. 58-14, certificat de înscriere a persoanei juridice fără scop patrimonial nr.35/PJ/2002.www.tempusdacoromania.ro,www.academiadacoroma na,www.partidulromanieieuropene.ro, geostroe@gmail.com (geostroe@gmail.com)

“Întru eternizarea valorilor temporale dacoromâneşti pe Terra noastră comună, într-o lume comterristă, a fiecăruia şi a tuturora!”

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Bucharest, 8 November 2012 TO: The Nobel Committee of the Royal Swedish AcademyStreet: Källargränd 4Stockholm, SWEDENTel.: +46 (0)8 663 09 20
Fax: +46 (0)8 660 38 47
E-mail: info@nobel.se, comments@nobel.se
SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature

Dear Nobel Committee Members,
The “Academia DacoRomȃnă” from Bucharest, Romania, is pleased to nominate the writer MIHAIL DIACONESCU for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.
He has published 36 literary books. .Some of his works (novels and novel fragments) have been translated into German, French, English and Russian.
Mihail Diaconescu (born 8.11.1937 in the village of Priboeni, county Muscel, the son of Aurelian Diaconescu, priest and teacher) graduated in 1960 from Bucharest University, Department of Philology. In 1972 he was granted the Ph.D. title in Philology by the University ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, for the dissertation entitled Gib I. Mihăescu. Prezentare monografică (Gib I. Mihăescu. Monographic presentation) published in 1973, by the Minerva Publishing House, as part of its Universitas collection.He made his literary press debut in 1960. As an author he made his debut with the novel Visele au contururi precise (Dreams have precise contours ).From 1960 until 1964 he taught Romanian, Latin, logic and psychology at “Șt. O. Iosif” high school in Rupea, county Brașov.From 1965 until 1985 he was assistant, lecturer and head of department at Pitești University. In 1966 he founded Argeș, a journal of literature and culture, where he was the editor-in-chief until 1969. He is also the co-founder of the following journals: Astra (1966), New Romanian Journal (1996), The Annals of Spiru Haret University, Philology Series, Romanian Language and Literature (1999). In October 2001 he founded again the journal Argeș.At present he sits on the scientific council of Philosophia militans, Journal of philosophy and social thinking, published under the aegis of The Argevada Cultural Association run by Pitești University and Dinicu Golescu Argeș County Library.From 1972 until 1975 he was Gastdozent (guest lecturer) at the Romanian Institute at Humboldt University of Berlin, where he gave lectures, conducted seminars and tutored dissertations on Romanian topics.In Berlin he authored studies, articles, essays, analyses as well as scientific, literary and cultural reviews on Romanian themes published in various journals, among which Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Der Morgen, Beitraege zur romanischen Philologie, Sonntag, Zeitschrift für Geschichtwissenschaften, Börsenblatt für den Deutsche Buchhandel, Horizont and others.From 1985 until 1995 he occupied the position of head scientific researcher at the ”G. Călinescu” Institute of Literary theory and history of the Romanian Academy. In the following years he was a lecturer at ”Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Foreign Languages Department, and at the ”Hyperion” University of Bucharest, Sociology and Psychology Department. He worked also as a lecturer at Bucharest University, Sociology Department, as well as at Pitești University, History and Philology Department and Orthodox Theology Department. As a professor he sat on numerous Ph. D. commissions which granted doctoral titles to distinguished research doctorates. He authored the following novels as part of “the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit”, a theory which he put forth in various studies, essays, articles and interviews : Dreams have precise contours (1963), The colours of blood (1973), Rhetor Lucaci's truth (1977), Shadows of the night (1980), The great song (1982), Journey to the gods (1982), Hope (1984), Space and time (1986), The Sacrifice (1988), Nights and woes, metaphysical pseudo journal (2008).In 2007, when the Romanian city of Sibiu and the city of Luxemburg were designated capitals of European Culture, Mihail Diaconescu's novel The great song was published in a special de luxe edition (the third edition thus far) at the request of UNESCO's National Commission.Through the years he published both nationally and internationally numerous studies, lectures, articles, reviews and essays on the theory of literature, the history of culture and philosophy, aesthetics and the history of literature. Some of these were published in the volume History and values (1994).He gave lectures at international scientific conferences in Bucharest, Berlin, Leipzig, Halle, Sofia, Bonn, Chișinău, Paris and Rome.He conducted research trips to archives, museums and libraries in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Syria, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Cypress, Switzerland, The City of Vatican, Italy, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Sweden.In 1996 the University of Oradea granted him the title Doctor Honoris Causa for his entire body of literary and scientific works. Laudatio sollemnis was held by Fr. Dumitru Abrudan, Ph. D., University Professor, a distinguished Hebrew scholar, head of the Orthodox Theology Department.In 2011 the University of Pitești awarded him his second Doctor Honoris Causa title "for the entirety of his literary, theoretic and scientific work in the name of the values which are representative for Romanian culture". Laudatio sollemnis was held by Mrs. Prof. Alexandra Mustatea, Ph. D., head of the Philology Department.In 2011 Mihail Diaconescu was also awarded by the Dacoroman Academy the title of Doctor Honoris Causa "for his whole scientific, didactic, pedagogic and literary activity". The diploma granted with the title was signed by Geo Stroe, Ph. D., president of the Dacoroman Academy, and by the Aurel David, Ph. D, secretary of the Academy. In 2005 he was declared honorary citizen of the city of Brad, county Hunedoara "for his prestigious literary, journalistic, philosophical and didactic achievements".In 2007 he was declared honorary citizen of the village of Vulturești, county Argeș (Vulturești is the village where he grew up and wrote some of the books which made him famous).Also in 2007 he received the title of honorary citizen of county Argeș "for his entire work".Mihail Diaconescu is a titulary member of the Writers' Union of Romania.Mihail Diaconescu is a member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society formed under the aegis of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, the presidency of the Italian Republic and the Italian Council of Ministers. The society comprises current and former heads of state, prime-ministers, ministers, members of parliament, senators, bishops, mitropolitans, cardinals, ambassadors, university professors, theologians, historians, writers and distinguished intellectuals, known for their promotion of Christian and European values. The society organizes important international scientific meetings concerning European spiritual unity. Mihail Diaconescu takes actively part in the meetings held by the European Scientific Council of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell' Unita D'Europa Society.Mihail Diaconescu was recommended to become member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society by His Excellency Jean-Claude Perisset, Archbishop of Justiniana Prima, former apostolic nuncio in Romania, presently head of the diplomatic corps in Berlin.Critics and literature historians alike agree that the typical blending together of historically accurate dates, a narrative flux full of dramatic tension, the alternation of picturesque and fantastic descriptions, the focus on moral issues, the ethno-spiritual symbols and stylistic idiosyncrasies in Mihail Diaconescu's novels have had a profound and permanent influence on the evolution of Romanian prose.His treatise Lectures on the Aesthetics of Orthodoxy (Vol. I, Theology and aesthetics; vol. II Aspects of art), which he published in 1996, is a work with a wide interdisciplinary basis. The treatise is unique in Romanian and European science. The interdisciplinary perspective in the treatise is buttressed by the dialectical-speculative method, the author's wide vision and analytical spirit, but mostly by the systematic and inclusive structure of the work. The second edition of the treatise, revised and expanded, was published in 2009 and it comprises five new chapters as well as 112 color pictures printed on coated paper which illustrate the theoretical principles put forth by the author. The treatise was granted the Mircea Florian Philosophy Award by the Romanian Academy.Terra mirabilis, the prefaceto the art album Biserici și mănăstiri ortodoxe. Orthodox churches and monasteries. Romania (1998) is an illustration of the theses and demonstrations put forth in Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy. Romanian Orthodox artistic creations through the ages are interpreted stylistically and aesthetically on a documentary, comparative and theological basis.The theoretical theses put forth in the treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy are illustrated also in the ample monographic album which Mihail Diaconescu entitled Lainici, capodoperă a artei românești și europene (Lainici, a masterpiece of Romanian and European art) (2011). Lainici monastery's history, the original architecture of the church Izvorul Tămăduirii (The Healing Spring), and, above all, its frescos done by the painter Grigore Popescu-Muscel, one of the most important personalities in the development of Romanian and European culture, are discussed with respect to Orthodox liturgical and dogmatic theology, the history of byzantine and post byzantine art as well as Mihail Diaconescu's own theories on aesthetics and art criticism.The treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (1999) (The history of the Dacoroman literature) is a scientific synthesis of a fundamental character, unparalleled in the Romanian and European culture. The treatise is a novelty due to its descriptions of universally acclaimed Dacoroman writers from the I-IV centuries A.D. - Aethicus Histricus, Saint Johannes Cassianus, Saint Niceta of Remesiana, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Leontius Byzantinus, Johannes Maxentius and others. These writers are part of the Romanian literature curriculum for high school and university philology studies.The volume Antologie de literatura dacoromana. Texte comentate (Anthology of Dacoroman literature. Commented texts), published in 2003 by the Corifeu Publishing and Production House, is a much needed complement to the treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (The history of Dacoroman literature).The texts in the anthology, as well as the introductions which precede them, show that Dacoroman literature served as a catalyst through the history of human civilization. Through their moral message and their constant anchoring in Orthodox Christianity, these texts carry out in the world the soul (paideuma) of the Romanian people from its very beginnings.The volume Farmecul dialecticii și fenomenologia narativă (2001) (The charm of dialectics and the narrative phenomenology) comprises Mihail Diaconescu's theories on the novel, the specific nature of the epic genre, and on "the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit".Mihail Diaconescu has also worked as a script writer and producer on a documentary series entitled Dobrogea creștină. Hartă spirituală (Christian Dobrogea. Spiritual Map) which comprised 13 episodes, 30 minute-long . The series was broadcasted by the Bucharest based Romania de Maine TV channel, from October 2006 until February 2007 (reruns of several episodes were broadcasted at the audience's request).The Archbishopy of Tomis awarded Mihail Diaconescu The Cross of Dobrogea (The Cross of the Holy Apostle Andrew) for his novels, his treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy, as well as for his works on the history of literature and the documentaries he produced.Throughout his literary, theoretic and scientific career, Mihail Diaconescu was granted numerous awards, prizes, diplomas, titles and medals.Mihail Diaconescu is a champion of European unity which he upholds in all his works using artistic, theological, philosophical, moral and political arguments. He views this unity from the perspective of that which is representative and converging in the spiritual specificity of the different European peoples, but also in relation to the historical imperatives of present times and the values of Christianity. Mihail Diaconescu is both an authentic representative of national Romanian values and an exemplary European spirit.Mihail Diaconescu's writings and personality have been the subject of numerous criticism and literary history works. He is also included in various Romanian and international dictionaries.The most important of these works are the following monographic volumes: Gh. Bulgăr, Style and literary art in Mihail Diaconescu’s novels (Bucharest, 2001; second edition, with a Preface by Liviu Bulgăr, Bucharest 2004): Valeriu Filimon, Archetypal criticism and the narrative phenomenology (Bucharest 2004); Theodor Codreanu, Mihail Diaconescu. The epic phenomenology of Romanian history (Bucharest 2004); Prof. Fr. Dumitru Radu, Ph. D., The theological fundaments of the narrative phenomenology (Constanța 2005); Ilie Barangă, New bibliographical contributions to the study of Mihail Diaconescu's works, with the preface Bibliography as a work of art, by Ion Stoica, head of Bucharest University Central Library (Onești, 2009); Ilie Bădescu, The historical drama of the Christian believer in Mihail Diaconescu's works, from the sociology of literature to the narrative phenomenology, Anthropological contributions (Onești, 2010)The writer, aesthetician and literary historian Mihail Diaconescu was described by Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae as "the single most representative writer for Romanian spirituality, the beginner of our future writing". The Senate of the Dacoroman Academy nominated Mihail Diaconescu for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2013. Yours sincerely,

Dr. Geo Stroe, President of the “Academia DacoRomȃnă” CURRICULUM VITAE Mihail Diaconescu (born 8.11.1937 in the village of Priboeni, county Muscel, the son of Aurelian Diaconescu, priest and teacher) graduated in 1960 from Bucharest University, Department of Philology. In 1972 he was granted the Ph.D. title in Philology by the University ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, for the dissertation entitled Gib I. Mihăescu. Prezentare monografică (Gib I. Mihăescu. Monographic presentation) published in 1973, by the Minerva Publishing House, as part of its Universitas collection.He made his literary press debut in 1960. As an author he made his debut with the novel Visele au contururi precise (Dreams have precise contours ).From 1960 until 1964 he taught Romanian, Latin, logic and psychology at “Șt. O. Iosif” high school in Rupea, county Brașov.From 1965 until 1985 he was assistant, lecturer and head of department at Pitești University. In 1966 he founded Argeș, a journal of literature and culture, where he was the editor-in-chief until 1969. He is also the co-founder of the following journals: Astra (1966), New Romanian Journal (1996), The Annals of Spiru Haret University, Philology Series, Romanian Language and Literature (1999). In October 2001 he founded again the journal Argeș.At present he sits on the scientific council of Philosophia militans, Journal of philosophy and social thinking, published under the aegis of The Argevada Cultural Association run by Pitești University and Dinicu Golescu Argeș County Library.From 1972 until 1975 he was Gastdozent (guest lecturer) at the Romanian Institute at Humboldt University of Berlin, where he gave lectures, conducted seminars and tutored dissertations on Romanian topics.In Berlin he authored studies, articles, essays, analyses as well as scientific, literary and cultural reviews on Romanian themes published in various journals, among which Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Der Morgen, Beitraege zur romanischen Philologie, Sonntag, Zeitschrift für Geschichtwissenschaften, Börsenblatt für den Deutsche Buchhandel, Horizont and others.From 1985 until 1995 he occupied the position of head scientific researcher at the ”G. Călinescu” Institute of Literary theory and history of the Romanian Academy. In the following years he was a lecturer at ”Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Foreign Languages Department, and at the ”Hyperion” University of Bucharest, Sociology and Psychology Department. He worked also as a lecturer at Bucharest University, Sociology Department, as well as at Pitești University, History and Philology Department and Orthodox Theology Department. As a professor he sat on numerous Ph. D. commissions which granted doctoral titles to distinguished research doctorates. He authored the following novels as part of “the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit”, a theory which he put forth in various studies, essays, articles and interviews : Dreams have precise contours (1963), The colours of blood (1973), Rhetor Lucaci's truth (1977), Shadows of the night (1980), The great song (1982), Journey to the gods (1982), Hope (1984), Space and time (1986), The Sacrifice (1988), Nights and woes, metaphysical pseudo journal (2008).In 2007, when the Romanian city of Sibiu and the city of Luxemburg were designated capitals of European Culture, Mihail Diaconescu's novel The great song was published in a special de luxe edition (the third edition thus far) at the request of UNESCO's National Commission.Through the years he published both nationally and internationally numerous studies, lectures, articles, reviews and essays on the theory of literature, the history of culture and philosophy, aesthetics and the history of literature. Some of these were published in the volume History and values (1994).He gave lectures at international scientific conferences in Bucharest, Berlin, Leipzig, Halle, Sofia, Bonn, Chișinău, Paris and Rome.He conducted research trips to archives, museums and libraries in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Syria, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Cypress, Switzerland, The City of Vatican, Italy, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Sweden.In 1996 the University of Oradea granted him the title Doctor Honoris Causa for his entire body of literary and scientific works. Laudatio sollemnis was held by Fr. Dumitru Abrudan, Ph. D., University Professor, a distinguished Hebrew scholar, head of the Orthodox Theology Department.In 2011 the University of Pitești awarded him his second Doctor Honoris Causa title "for the entirety of his literary, theoretic and scientific work in the name of the values which are representative for Romanian culture". Laudatio sollemnis was held by Mrs. Prof. Alexandra Mustatea, Ph. D., head of the Philology Department.In 2011 Mihail Diaconescu was also awarded by the Dacoroman Academy the title of Doctor Honoris Causa "for his whole scientific, didactic, pedagogic and literary activity". The diploma granted with the title was signed by Geo Stroe, Ph. D., president of the Dacoroman Academy, and by the Aurel David, Ph. D, secretary of the Academy. In 2005 he was declared honorary citizen of the city of Brad, county Hunedoara "for his prestigious literary, journalistic, philosophical and didactic achievements".In 2007 he was declared honorary citizen of the village of Vulturești, county Argeș (Vulturești is the village where he grew up and wrote some of the books which made him famous).Also in 2007 he received the title of honorary citizen of county Argeș "for his entire work".Mihail Diaconescu is a titulary member of the Writers' Union of Romania.Some of his works (novels and novel fragments) have been translated into German, French, English and Russian.Mihail Diaconescu is a member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society formed under the aegis of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, the presidency of the Italian Republic and the Italian Council of Ministers. The society comprises current and former heads of state, prime-ministers, ministers, members of parliament, senators, bishops, mitropolitans, cardinals, ambassadors, university professors, theologians, historians, writers and distinguished intellectuals, known for their promotion of Christian and European values. The society organizes important international scientific meetings concerning European spiritual unity. Mihail Diaconescu takes actively part in the meetings held by the European Scientific Council of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell' Unita D'Europa Society.Mihail Diaconescu was recommended to become member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society by His Excellency Jean-Claude Perisset, Archbishop of Justiniana Prima , former apostolic nuncio in Romania, presently head of the diplomatic corps in Berlin.Critics and literature historians alike agree that the typical blending together of historically accurate dates, a narrative flux full of dramatic tension, the alternation of picturesque and fantastic descriptions, the focus on moral issues, the ethno-spiritual symbols and stylistic idiosyncrasies in Mihail Diaconescu's novels have had a profound and permanent influence on the evolution of Romanian prose.His treatise Lectures on the Aesthetics of Orthodoxy (Vol. I, Theology and aesthetics; vol. II Aspects of art), which he published in 1996, is a work with a wide interdisciplinary basis. The treatise is unique in Romanian and European science. The interdisciplinary perspective in the treatise is buttressed by the dialectical-speculative method, the author's wide vision and analytical spirit, but mostly by the systematic and inclusive structure of the work. The second edition of the treatise, revised and expanded, was published in 2009 and it comprises five new chapters as well as 112 color pictures printed on coated paper which illustrate the theoretical principles put forth by the author. The treatise was granted the Mircea Florian Philosophy Award by the Romanian Academy.Terra mirabilis, the prefaceto the art album Biserici și mănăstiri ortodoxe. Orthodox churches and monasteries. Romania (1998) is an illustration of the theses and demonstrations put forth in Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy. Romanian Orthodox artistic creations through the ages are interpreted stylistically and aesthetically on a documentary, comparative and theological basis.The theoretical theses put forth in the treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy are illustrated also in the ample monographic album which Mihail Diaconescu entitled Lainici, capodoperă a artei românești și europene (Lainici, a masterpiece of Romanian and European art) (2011). Lainici monastery's history, the original architecture of the church Izvorul Tămăduirii (The Healing Spring), and, above all, its frescos done by the painter Grigore Popescu-Muscel, one of the most important personalities in the development of Romanian and European culture, are discussed with respect to Orthodox liturgical and dogmatic theology, the history of byzantine and post byzantine art as well as Mihail Diaconescu's own theories on aesthetics and art criticism.The treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (1999) (The history of the Dacoroman literature) is a scientific synthesis of a fundamental character, unparalleled in the Romanian and European culture. The treatise is a novelty due to its descriptions of universally acclaimed Dacoroman writers from the I-IV centuries A.D. - Aethicus Histricus, Saint Johannes Cassianus, Saint Niceta of Remesiana, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Leontius Byzantinus, Johannes Maxentius and others. These writers are part of the Romanian literature curriculum for high school and university philology studies.The volume Antologie de literatura dacoromana. Texte comentate (Anthology of Dacoroman literature. Commented texts), published in 2003 by the Corifeu Publishing and Production House, is a much needed complement to the treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (The history of Dacoroman literature).The texts in the anthology, as well as the introductions which precede them, show that Dacoroman literature served as a catalyst through the history of human civilization. Through their moral message and their constant anchoring in Orthodox Christianity, these texts carry out in the world the soul (paideuma) of the Romanian people from its very beginnings.The volume Farmecul dialecticii și fenomenologia narativă (2001) (The charm of dialectics and the narrative phenomenology) comprises Mihail Diaconescu's theories on the novel, the specific nature of the epic genre, and on "the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit".Mihail Diaconescu has also worked as a script writer and producer on a documentary series entitled Dobrogea creștină. Hartă spirituală (Christian Dobrogea. Spiritual Map) which comprised 13 episodes, 30 minute-long . The series was broadcasted by the Bucharest based Romania de Maine TV channel, from October 2006 until February 2007 (reruns of several episodes were broadcasted at the audience's request).The Archbishopy of Tomis awarded Mihail Diaconescu The Cross of Dobrogea (The Cross of the Holy Apostle Andrew) for his novels, his treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy, as well as for his works on the history of literature and the documentaries he produced.Throughout his literary, theoretic and scientific career, Mihail Diaconescu was granted numerous awards, prizes, diplomas, titles and medals.Mihail Diaconescu is a champion of European unity which he upholds in all his works using artistic, theological, philosophical, moral and political arguments. He views this unity from the perspective of that which is representative and converging in the spiritual specificity of the different European peoples, but also in relation to the historical imperatives of present times and the values of Christianity. Mihail Diaconescu is both an authentic representative of national Romanian values and an exemplary European spirit.Mihail Diaconescu's writings and personality have been the subject of numerous criticism and literary history works. He is also included in various Romanian and international dictionaries.The most important of these works are the following monographic volumes: Gh. Bulgăr, Style and literary art in Mihail Diaconescu’s novels (Bucharest, 2001; second edition, with a Preface by Liviu Bulgăr, Bucharest 2004): Valeriu Filimon, Archetypal criticism and the narrative phenomenology (Bucharest 2004); Theodor Codreanu, Mihail Diaconescu. The epic phenomenology of Romanian history (Bucharest 2004); Prof. Fr. Dumitru Radu, Ph. D., The theological fundaments of the narrative phenomenology (Constanța 2005); Ilie Barangă, New bibliographical contributions to the study of Mihail Diaconescu's works, with the preface Bibliography as a work of art, by Ion Stoica, head of Bucharest University Central Library (Onești, 2009); Ilie Bădescu, The historical drama of the Christian believer in Mihail Diaconescu's works, from the sociology of literature to the narrative phenomenology, Anthropological contributions (Onești, 2010)The writer, aesthetician and literary historian Mihail Diaconescu was described by Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae as "the single most representative writer for Romanian spirituality, the beginner of our future writing". The Senate of the Dacoroman Academy nominated Mihail Diaconescu for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2013.
CURRICULUM VITAE Mihail Diaconescu (born 8.11.1937 in the village of Priboeni, county Muscel, the son of Aurelian Diaconescu, priest and teacher) graduated in 1960 from Bucharest University, Department of Philology. In 1972 he was granted the Ph.D. title in Philology by the University ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, for the dissertation entitled Gib I. Mihăescu. Prezentare monografică (Gib I. Mihăescu. Monographic presentation) published in 1973, by the Minerva Publishing House, as part of its Universitas collection.He made his literary press debut in 1960. As an author he made his debut with the novel Visele au contururi precise (Dreams have precise contours ).From 1960 until 1964 he taught Romanian, Latin, logic and psychology at “Șt. O. Iosif” high school in Rupea, county Brașov.From 1965 until 1985 he was assistant, lecturer and head of department at Pitești University. In 1966 he founded Argeș, a journal of literature and culture, where he was the editor-in-chief until 1969. He is also the co-founder of the following journals: Astra (1966), New Romanian Journal (1996), The Annals of Spiru Haret University, Philology Series, Romanian Language and Literature (1999). In October 2001 he founded again the journal Argeș.At present he sits on the scientific council of Philosophia militans, Journal of philosophy and social thinking, published under the aegis of The Argevada Cultural Association run by Pitești University and Dinicu Golescu Argeș County Library.From 1972 until 1975 he was Gastdozent (guest lecturer) at the Romanian Institute at Humboldt University of Berlin, where he gave lectures, conducted seminars and tutored dissertations on Romanian topics.In Berlin he authored studies, articles, essays, analyses as well as scientific, literary and cultural reviews on Romanian themes published in various journals, among which Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Der Morgen, Beitraege zur romanischen Philologie, Sonntag, Zeitschrift für Geschichtwissenschaften, Börsenblatt für den Deutsche Buchhandel, Horizont and others.From 1985 until 1995 he occupied the position of head scientific researcher at the ”G. Călinescu” Institute of Literary theory and history of the Romanian Academy. In the following years he was a lecturer at ”Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest, Foreign Languages Department, and at the ”Hyperion” University of Bucharest, Sociology and Psychology Department. He worked also as a lecturer at Bucharest University, Sociology Department, as well as at Pitești University, History and Philology Department and Orthodox Theology Department. As a professor he sat on numerous Ph. D. commissions which granted doctoral titles to distinguished research doctorates. He authored the following novels as part of “the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit”, a theory which he put forth in various studies, essays, articles and interviews : Dreams have precise contours (1963), The colours of blood (1973), Rhetor Lucaci's truth (1977), Shadows of the night (1980), The great song (1982), Journey to the gods (1982), Hope (1984), Space and time (1986), The Sacrifice (1988), Nights and woes, metaphysical pseudo journal (2008).In 2007, when the Romanian city of Sibiu and the city of Luxemburg were designated capitals of European Culture, Mihail Diaconescu's novel The great song was published in a special de luxe edition (the third edition thus far) at the request of UNESCO's National Commission.Through the years he published both nationally and internationally numerous studies, lectures, articles, reviews and essays on the theory of literature, the history of culture and philosophy, aesthetics and the history of literature. Some of these were published in the volume History and values (1994).He gave lectures at international scientific conferences in Bucharest, Berlin, Leipzig, Halle, Sofia, Bonn, Chișinău, Paris and Rome.He conducted research trips to archives, museums and libraries in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Syria, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Cypress, Switzerland, The City of Vatican, Italy, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Sweden.In 1996 the University of Oradea granted him the title Doctor Honoris Causa for his entire body of literary and scientific works. Laudatio sollemnis was held by Fr. Dumitru Abrudan, Ph. D., University Professor, a distinguished Hebrew scholar, head of the Orthodox Theology Department.In 2011 the University of Pitești awarded him his second Doctor Honoris Causa title "for the entirety of his literary, theoretic and scientific work in the name of the values which are representative for Romanian culture". Laudatio sollemnis was held by Mrs. Prof. Alexandra Mustatea, Ph. D., head of the Philology Department.In 2011 Mihail Diaconescu was also awarded by the Dacoroman Academy the title of Doctor Honoris Causa "for his whole scientific, didactic, pedagogic and literary activity". The diploma granted with the title was signed by Geo Stroe, Ph. D., president of the Dacoroman Academy, and by the Aurel David, Ph. D, secretary of the Academy. In 2005 he was declared honorary citizen of the city of Brad, county Hunedoara "for his prestigious literary, journalistic, philosophical and didactic achievements".In 2007 he was declared honorary citizen of the village of Vulturești, county Argeș (Vulturești is the village where he grew up and wrote some of the books which made him famous).Also in 2007 he received the title of honorary citizen of county Argeș "for his entire work".Mihail Diaconescu is a titulary member of the Writers' Union of Romania.Some of his works (novels and novel fragments) have been translated into German, French, English and Russian.Mihail Diaconescu is a member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society formed under the aegis of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, the presidency of the Italian Republic and the Italian Council of Ministers. The society comprises current and former heads of state, prime-ministers, ministers, members of parliament, senators, bishops, mitropolitans, cardinals, ambassadors, university professors, theologians, historians, writers and distinguished intellectuals, known for their promotion of Christian and European values. The society organizes important international scientific meetings concerning European spiritual unity. Mihail Diaconescu takes actively part in the meetings held by the European Scientific Council of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell' Unita D'Europa Society.Mihail Diaconescu was recommended to become member of the European Scientific Committee of the Ad Fontes. Alle Fonti Dell'Unita D'Europa Society by His Excellency Jean-Claude Perisset, Archbishop of Justiniana Prima , former apostolic nuncio in Romania, presently head of the diplomatic corps in Berlin.Critics and literature historians alike agree that the typical blending together of historically accurate dates, a narrative flux full of dramatic tension, the alternation of picturesque and fantastic descriptions, the focus on moral issues, the ethno-spiritual symbols and stylistic idiosyncrasies in Mihail Diaconescu's novels have had a profound and permanent influence on the evolution of Romanian prose.His treatise Lectures on the Aesthetics of Orthodoxy (Vol. I, Theology and aesthetics; vol. II Aspects of art), which he published in 1996, is a work with a wide interdisciplinary basis. The treatise is unique in Romanian and European science. The interdisciplinary perspective in the treatise is buttressed by the dialectical-speculative method, the author's wide vision and analytical spirit, but mostly by the systematic and inclusive structure of the work. The second edition of the treatise, revised and expanded, was published in 2009 and it comprises five new chapters as well as 112 color pictures printed on coated paper which illustrate the theoretical principles put forth by the author. The treatise was granted the Mircea Florian Philosophy Award by the Romanian Academy.Terra mirabilis, the prefaceto the art album Biserici și mănăstiri ortodoxe. Orthodox churches and monasteries. Romania (1998) is an illustration of the theses and demonstrations put forth in Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy. Romanian Orthodox artistic creations through the ages are interpreted stylistically and aesthetically on a documentary, comparative and theological basis.The theoretical theses put forth in the treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy are illustrated also in the ample monographic album which Mihail Diaconescu entitled Lainici, capodoperă a artei românești și europene (Lainici, a masterpiece of Romanian and European art) (2011). Lainici monastery's history, the original architecture of the church Izvorul Tămăduirii (The Healing Spring), and, above all, its frescos done by the painter Grigore Popescu-Muscel, one of the most important personalities in the development of Romanian and European culture, are discussed with respect to Orthodox liturgical and dogmatic theology, the history of byzantine and post byzantine art as well as Mihail Diaconescu's own theories on aesthetics and art criticism.The treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (1999) (The history of the Dacoroman literature) is a scientific synthesis of a fundamental character, unparalleled in the Romanian and European culture. The treatise is a novelty due to its descriptions of universally acclaimed Dacoroman writers from the I-IV centuries A.D. - Aethicus Histricus, Saint Johannes Cassianus, Saint Niceta of Remesiana, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Leontius Byzantinus, Johannes Maxentius and others. These writers are part of the Romanian literature curriculum for high school and university philology studies.The volume Antologie de literatura dacoromana. Texte comentate (Anthology of Dacoroman literature. Commented texts), published in 2003 by the Corifeu Publishing and Production House, is a much needed complement to the treatise Istoria literaturii dacoromane (The history of Dacoroman literature).The texts in the anthology, as well as the introductions which precede them, show that Dacoroman literature served as a catalyst through the history of human civilization. Through their moral message and their constant anchoring in Orthodox Christianity, these texts carry out in the world the soul (paideuma) of the Romanian people from its very beginnings.The volume Farmecul dialecticii și fenomenologia narativă (2001) (The charm of dialectics and the narrative phenomenology) comprises Mihail Diaconescu's theories on the novel, the specific nature of the epic genre, and on "the narrative phenomenology of the Romanian spirit".Mihail Diaconescu has also worked as a script writer and producer on a documentary series entitled Dobrogea creștină. Hartă spirituală (Christian Dobrogea. Spiritual Map) which comprised 13 episodes, 30 minute-long . The series was broadcasted by the Bucharest based Romania de Maine TV channel, from October 2006 until February 2007 (reruns of several episodes were broadcasted at the audience's request).The Archbishopy of Tomis awarded Mihail Diaconescu The Cross of Dobrogea (The Cross of the Holy Apostle Andrew) for his novels, his treatise Lectures on the aesthetics of Orthodoxy, as well as for his works on the history of literature and the documentaries he produced.Throughout his literary, theoretic and scientific career, Mihail Diaconescu was granted numerous awards, prizes, diplomas, titles and medals.Mihail Diaconescu is a champion of European unity which he upholds in all his works using artistic, theological, philosophical, moral and political arguments. He views this unity from the perspective of that which is representative and converging in the spiritual specificity of the different European peoples, but also in relation to the historical imperatives of present times and the values of Christianity. Mihail Diaconescu is both an authentic representative of national Romanian values and an exemplary European spirit.Mihail Diaconescu's writings and personality have been the subject of numerous criticism and literary history works. He is also included in various Romanian and international dictionaries.The most important of these works are the following monographic volumes: Gh. Bulgăr, Style and literary art in Mihail Diaconescu’s novels (Bucharest, 2001; second edition, with a Preface by Liviu Bulgăr, Bucharest 2004): Valeriu Filimon, Archetypal criticism and the narrative phenomenology (Bucharest 2004); Theodor Codreanu, Mihail Diaconescu. The epic phenomenology of Romanian history (Bucharest 2004); Prof. Fr. Dumitru Radu, Ph. D., The theological fundaments of the narrative phenomenology (Constanța 2005); Ilie Barangă, New bibliographical contributions to the study of Mihail Diaconescu's works, with the preface Bibliography as a work of art, by Ion Stoica, head of Bucharest University Central Library (Onești, 2009); Ilie Bădescu, The historical drama of the Christian believer in Mihail Diaconescu's works, from the sociology of literature to the narrative phenomenology, Anthropological contributions (Onești, 2010)The writer, aesthetician and literary historian Mihail Diaconescu was described by Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae as "the single most representative writer for Romanian spirituality, the beginner of our future writing". The Senate of the Dacoroman Academy nominated Mihail Diaconescu for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2013.


Visele au contururi precise,Roman, Editura Pentru Literatură, Bucureşti, 1963; Culorile sângelui,Roman, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 1973; Gib I. Mihăescu,Monografie critică, În colecţia Universitas, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1973; Die Farben des Blutes,Roman, Übersetzung aus dem Rumänischen von Elga Oprescu, Union Verlag, Berlin, 1976; Adevărul retorului Lucaci,Roman, Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1977; Umbrele nopţii,Roman, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 1980; Marele cântec,Roman, Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1980; Călătoria spre zei,Roman, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 1982; Speranţa,Roman, Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1984; Emissarâ, Perevela na russkii iazâk Nataşa Bogdan, Biblioteka Rumâniia, Bucharest, 1985; Magnus Cantus,Roman, En francais par Anca Cosăceanu, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1985. Depărtarea şi timpul,Roman, Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1986; Marele cântec, Roman, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1987; Sacrificiul,Roman, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucureşti, 1988; Adevărul retorului Lucaci,Roman, În colectia Columna, Editura Cartea Moldovenească, Chişinău, 1991; Sacrificiul,Roman, Ediţia a II-a, Vol. I, Iluzia, Prefaţa – Drama opţiunii de Monica Joiţa, Editura Ministerului de Interne, Bucureşti, 1993;

Sacrificiul,Roman, Ediţia a II-a, Vol. II, Tenebrele, Editura Ministerului de Interne, Bucureşti, 1993; Sacrificiul,Roman, Editia a II-a, Vol. III, Lumina, Editura Ministerului de Interne, Bucureşti, 1993; Speranţa,Roman, Prefaţa – Romanul Unirii de Monica Joiţa, În colecţia Columna, Editura Universitas, Chişinău, 1993; Istorie şi valori, Studii, comunicări, eseuri, articole,Editura Ministerului de Interne, Bucureşti, 1994; Speranţa,Roman, Ediţia a III-a,Editura Ministerului de Interne, Bucureşti, 1996; Prelegeri de estetica Ortodoxiei, Vol. I, Teologie şi estetică, Editura Porto Franco, Galaţi, 1996; Prelegeri de estetica Ortodoxiei, Vol. II, Ipostazele artei, Editura Porto Franco, Galaţi, 1996; Istoria literaturii dacoromane,Editura Alcor Edimpex, Bucureşti, 1999; Farmecul dialecticii şi fenomenologia narativă,Editura Viitorul Românesc, Bucureşti, 2001; Antologie de literatură dacoromană. Texte comentate, Casa de Producţie şi Editură Corifeu, Bucureşti, 2003; Depărtarea şi timpul,Roman, Ediţia a II-a, Colecţia Biblioteca şcolarului, Editura Litera Internaţional, Bucureşti – Chişinău, 2003; Culorile sângelui,Roman, Ediţia a II-a, Postfaţă de Cristi Pantelimon, Editura Alcor Edimpex, Bucureşti, 2004; Marele cântec,Roman, Ediţia a III-a, Cu un Argumentum de Romică Moise şi un studiu introductiv Romanul Pan Europei de Ilie Bădescu, Editura Ministerului Internelor şi Reformei Administrative, Bucureşti, 2007; Visele au contururi precise,Roman, Ediţia a II-a, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2007; Nopţi şi nelinişti, Pseudojurnal metafizic, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2007; Nopţi şi nelinişti, Pseudojurnal metafizic, Ediţia a II-a revizuită, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2008. Prelegeri de estetica Ortodoxiei, Ediţia a II-a, Vol. I Teologie şi estetică; Vol. II Ipostazele artei, Cu un studiu prefaţă Filosofie, teologie şi estetică în perspectiva raţiunii speculative, de Acad. Alexandru Surdu, Carte tipărită cu binecuvântarea Înaltpreasfinţitului Teofan Mitropolitul Moldovei şi Bucovinei, Mitropolia Moldovei şi Bucovinei, Editura Doxologia, Iaşi, 2009 Sacrificiul, Roman, Ediţia a III-a, Cu studiul prefaţă Amurgul unui imperiu de Ilie Bădescu, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2010 Lainici, Capodoperă a artei româneşti şi europene, Se tipăreşte cu binecuvântarea Î. P. S. Dr. Irineu Popa Arhiepiscop al Craiovei şi Mitropolit al Olteniei, Editura Evanghelismos, 2011 SENATUL FUNDAŢIEI ACADEMIA DACOROMÂNĂ “ TEMPUS DACOROMÂNIA COMTERRA”

dr. Geo Stroe, președinte fondator


FUNDATIA ACADEMIA DACOROMÂNĂ „TEMPUS DACOROMÂNIA COMTERA” (F.A.D.R.T.D.C.) este rezultatul unificării prin absorbţie a FUNDAŢIEI TEMPUS, fondată de preşedintele fondator Geo Stroe (constituită la 23.11.1991 în Traian; dosar 751/PJ/1991 la Judecătoria sect.1), cu ACADEMIA DACOROMÂNĂ – A.D.R. (continuatoare şi legatară unică a Institutului Naţional pentru Românitate şi Românistică - INPROROM, fondat la 1.12.1991 şi a Cercului de studii DECENEU din anii `70, dosar nr. 34/PJ înregistrat la 24.01.1992 la Judecătoria Sect.1, prin sentinţa civilă nr. 49 din 31.01. 1992, reorganizată, ulterior, reorganizată în Academia Dacoromână la 9.05.1995; apoi, cu alte modificări în dosarul nr. 51/P.J./2003), pentru înfăptuirea Programului PROTEMDACOM-10 050 (2 050). Ca fundaţie, este independentă de stat sau de partide politice, non-profit, are personalitate juridică de drept privat, de cercetare în domeniile ştiinţei, culturii, artei şi tehnicii, independentă în acţiunile ei. Ea se constituie ca o societate a oamenilor liberi, care au conştiinţă de dacoromâni şi deviza: “A fi pentru a şti, a şti pentru a avea, a avea pentru a putea, a putea pentru a face, a face pentru a fi oameni fericiţi!” A.D.R. este autonomă în cadrul F.A.D.R.T.D.C. cu deviza: “Întru eternizarea valorilor temporale dacoromâneşti pe Terra noastră comună, într-o lume comterristă, a fiecăruia şi a tuturora!” Scopul A.D.R. este cunoaşterea, cercetarea, crearea, stimularea, promovarea, apărarea şi eternizarea valorilor dacoromâneşti de pretutindeni, pe Terra noastră comună. Obiectivul strategic al A.D.R. este pregătirea spirituală a renaşterii pentru reîntregirea naţiunii dacoromâne de pretutindeni în contextul valorilor umane universale. Are cont CEC Bank S.A., Ag. Dr. Taberei, Buc., sect.6, Cod IBAN Cod IBAN R035CECEB60443RON0354455, Cod fiscal nr. 4929150. Asociaţia culturală Ialomiţa -„ASCULTIALOMIŢA”- este filiala independentă a F.A.D.R.T.D.C., cont BCR S.A. Ialomiţa - Slobozia, cod fiscal nr.15162556, IBAN RO14RNCB3100000057540001
www.tempusdacoromania.ro; www. academiadacoromana.ro, www.partidulromanieieuropene (http://www.partidulromanieieuropene).ro, geostroe@gmail.com (geostroe@gmail.com)

-------- Original Message --------

Fwd: SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature

Sat, 10 Nov 2012 05:07:36 +0200

Geo Stroe <geostroe@gmail.com>

Aurel V. David <aurelvdavid@yahoo.com>, adi pop <adipop@popservice.ro>, Elena Armenescu <elena.armenescu48@gmail.com>, Av. Dr. J. FRIEDMANN NICOLESCU <jfn_avocat@yahoo.com>, Mihai Stroe <badliver1977@yahoo.com>, DOINA IRINA STROE <irinainas@yahoo.com>, lupu rodica elena <lupurodica@yahoo.com>, Elena Baciu <ebelenacalugarubaciu61@gmail.com>, Dan Buzescu <buzescu.dan@gmail.com>, Nicolae Becciu <nicolaebecciu@gmail.com>, Crizantema Crizantema <crizantema38@gmail.com>, Vasilescu Denisa <vasilescu.denisa@yahoo.com>, Florentin Smarandache <fsmarandache@yahoo.com>, cc Fleancu Ion <ionfleancu@yahoo.com>, Costel Galateanu <costel.galateanu@gmail.com>, geta deliu <gilromideliu@yahoo.fr>, ghbuzatu@yahoo.com, Vasile Ghimpu <ghimpuvasile@yahoo.com>, HRIBAL IOSIF <hribaliosif@gmail.com>, Horia Macra <hmacra@yahoo.com>, carol harsan <carolharsan@yahoo.com>, vasile zarnescu <vasile.zarnescu@gmail.com>, Marian Ilie <marian1950@gmail.com>, Marchis Ioan <ocolis_marchis@yahoo.com>, Gheorghe Iancu <caleadreapta.iancu@gmail.com>, Croitoru Ilie <croil2007@yahoo.com>, Ion Uta <ionmarinuta@yahoo.com>, Ioan Danila <ioandanila1@gmail.com>, Centrul UNESCO Ionel Perlea Mihaela Racoviteanu <mihaela_racoviteanu@yahoo.com>, rotaru jipa <jipa_rotaru@yahoo.com>, Angela Monica Jucan <dragon_iaj@yahoo.com>, JURJ REMUS <jurj_remus@mpublic.ro>, jupan voda <atanatizante@yahoo.com>, Kety <bel_briio@yahoo.com>, Karolina Kenedy <kenedykarolina@gmail.com>, Dinu Laurentiu <dinulaurentiu99@yahoo.com>, Teleoaca George-Liviu <liviuteleoaca@yahoo.com>, ladyfloricica@yahoo.com, Lica Pavel <lica_pavel@yahoo.com>, Carmen-Leocadia Cotovanu <ccarmenleo@hotmail.com>, Laurentiu Domnisoru <laurentiudomnisoru@gmail.com>, mariana.mionpop@libero.it, Simion Suciu <lyonlyon57@yahoo.com>, Gheorghe Mihai <tgdgeomeg@yahoo.com>, Nabila Cuza <nabilacuza@yahoo.com>, Drimbau Nistor <nistor.drimbau@yahoo.com>, Romeo-Nicolae Ștefănescu <ASiIiVro@yahoo.com>, Nacioiu Nicolae <nacioiunicolae@yahoo.com>, Nicolae Iordan-Constantinescu <iordan@paneuropa.ro>, Nita Ioan <nita.ioan@yahoo.com>, Octavian Sarbatoare <sarbatoare@hotmail.com>, ovidiu petrescu <ovpetrescu@yahoo.com>, Oliviu Orhei <oliviu.orhei@gmail.com>, Florian Stoica <office.marcom@yahoo.com>, Alexandru Oblu <aloblu@yahoo.com>, bagiu ovidiu ilie <bagiu@live.com>, Primaria Traian <primariacomuneitraian@yahoo.com>, polizu_danulescu@yahoo.com, Elisabeth Paunescu <ettapaunescu@live.com>, Otelea Paul <paulotelea@yahoo.com>, Petre Vasilescu <ulmulcerasului@yahoo.com>, Riad Awwad <riadawwad2004@yahoo.com>, Bardan Raine <rexim.ro@gmail.com>, George ROCA <georgeroca@rexlibris.net>, Racasan Stefan <fozocos58@yahoo.com>, Cristian Stanculet <cstanculet@yahoo.com>, Stiube Viorel <viorelstiube@yahoo.com>, Traian Scoala <sc_traian@yahoo.com>, Tanase Nicolae <ntanase52@yahoo.com>, Titi Damian <titi.damian@yahoo.com>, Stefan Gh Theodoru <badila9@gmail.com>, Grigore Ungureanu <prof.dr.grigore.ungureanu@gmail.com>, urecheatu_constantin@yahoo.fr, Valere Burlacu <avocat_burlacu@yahoo.com>, Tocan Viorel <tocan_viorel@yahoo.com>, Banceanu Vasile <banceanuvasile@yahoo.com>, constantin zamfir <zamfir53@gmail.com>, Corneliu Zeana <corneliuzeana@yahoo.com>, Georgeta blendea Zamfir <blendeazamfir@yahoo.com>, zorzoliutraian@yahoo.com, zamfir_stefanya <zamfir_stefanya@yahoo.com>, Marian Tudor <tudormarian37@yahoo.com>, radu tudor <radu.tudor@antena3.ro>, C UDREA <cudrea@sympatico.ca>, Wanda Mihuleac <wandamihuleac@hotmail.com>, IONASCU GHEORGHE <gionascu@yahoo.com>, Ion Maldarescu <ion_maldarescu@yahoo.fr>, marian ion <marianion79@gmail.com>, Ion Iancu Vale <ioniancuvale@yahoo.com>, Gheorghe Iovan <george.iovan98@gmail.com>, ic ioana <icioana@yahoo.com>, remusmacovei@yahoo.com, popa vas <popa_vas@yahoo.com>, Constantin Olariu <poduldelumina@gmail.com>, radu rey <radurey@yahoo.com>, Crina Bocsan <iuliahasdeu_assoc@yahobo.com>, Adrian Cranta <adrian_cranta@yahoo.com>, Constantin Giurginca <cgiurginca@yahoo.com>, Gabriela Iov Ielenici <gabiiov@yahoo.com>, Dumitru Becciu <dumitru.becciu@gmail.com>, Adriana Bejgu <adri98bej@yahoo.com>, Serban Codrin Denca <serbancodrin@yahoo.com>, gheorghe neagu <gheorgheneagu@yahoo.com>, Elisabeta Negreanu <elisabeta.negreanu@gmail.com>, veronica maria <vivi_mai2006@yahoo.com>, ioana stuparu <ioana42stuparu@yahoo.com>, lucianhetco@agero-stuttgart.de, ager@bimos.ro, tvr1@tvr.ro, tvri@tvr.ro, Sergiu Găbureac <gsm_as@yahoo.com>, florin grigoriu <floringrigoriu_lehliu@yahoo.com>, florinvoivoda@yahoo.com, Floricica Dumitru <dumitrufloricica@yahoo.com>, florin iordache <fiordache14@gmail.com>, Florin Fagaras <florinfagaras@gmail.com>, ninabeciu@yahoo.com, Ion Fercu <ionfercu@yahoo.com>, cotropai ioan <ioan.cotropai@gmail.com>, maria dianap <mariadianap@yahoo.com>, Ana Maria Boeru <anamariaboeru@yahoo.com>, Ana Maria preda <ampreda2007@yahoo.com>, Ideea Europeană <office@ideeaeuropeana.ro>, magda.carneci@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Geo Stroe <geostroe@gmail.com>
Date: 2012/11/10
Subject: SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature
To: info@nobel.se, comments@nobel.se

SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature
Dear Nobel Committee Members,
The “Academia DacoRomȃnă” from Bucharest, Romania, is pleased to nominate

the writer MIHAIL DIACONESCU for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.


dr. Geo Stroe, președinte fondator


0722972522 (tel:0722972522), tel/fax:0214138434 (tel:0214138434), geostroe@gmail.com
Fundația Academia DacoRomână ”TDC” - FADRTDC
Partidul României Europene - P.R.E.
SC.Tempus DacoRomânia ComTerra SRL - Editura DacoRomână ”TDC”
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www.partidulromanieieuropene.ro (http://www.partidulromanieieuropene.ro)


0722972522, tel/fax:0214138434, geostroe@gmail.com
Fundația Academia DacoRomână ”TDC” - FADRTDC
Partidul României Europene - P.R.E.
SC.Tempus DacoRomânia ComTerra SRL - Editura DacoRomână ”TDC”
www.tempusdacoromania.ro (http://www.tempusdacoromania.ro)
www.academiadacoromana.ro (http://www.academiadacoromana.ro)
www.partidulromanieieuropene.ro (http://www.partidulromanieieuropene.ro)

Adrian Pop
11.11.2012, 19:08
Domnule Ioan,

Si eu sper.


-------- Original Message --------

Re: Fwd: Fwd: SUBJECT: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature

Sun, 11 Nov 2012 06:59:46 -0800 (PST)

Alecu Ioan <alecu_ioan@yahoo.com>

Alecu Ioan <aleccu_loan@yahoo.com>

adi pop <adipop@popservice.ro>

Domnule Adi,
Excelent. Poate ca de aceasta data este realizabila aceasta propunere. Succes.