Arată versiune întreagă : Despre Gog si Magog, Mosu a decriptat mult

17.10.2012, 03:15
Adrian Pop

Joined: 03 Sep 2009
Posts: 10559
Location: Craiova

Despre Gog si Magog, Mosu a decriptat mult
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firustefan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FenYoRkt1UsWatch With MeLast message received on 9/26 at 12:09 PM
Pop Adrian: daca este interesant postezi ep forum
Pop Adrian: Chiar acum m-am uitat la sute de poze facute acum cateva zile in zona Izvernei.
Pop Adrian: Despre Gog si Magog, Mosu a decriptat mult